…coming back to life in a dream means a flourishing spiritual life in that place. The death of a ruler in a dream means the weakness of his army or government. The death of a religious scholar in a dream means the birth of innovation or invalidation of one’s proof. The death of a pious worshiper in a dream means failure to attend one’s religious obligations. The death of a craftsman mean the end of his craft. The death of one’s parents in a dream means tightening of his financial means. The death of one’s wife in a dream means the end of a prosperous life. The death of one’s son in a dream means the obscurity of one’s name after his death. If one sees a deceased person performing the funeral prayer over another deceased person in a dream, it means that one’s actions are false, for performing a…

The parakeet as the bird is very favorable omen, which brings happiness and joy in your waking life. The dream shows that you are quite relaxed person, who enjoys the friendships with those around him. The parakeet is also a symbol of relaxation, therefore the dreamer who sees the parakeet is the person who doesn’t work too hard, or when he does work very hard, he doesn’t worry too much about it and simply goes with the flow.

(Any bright-colored tropical bird.) In a dream, a parrot represents a prodding man, a white slave trader, a liar and an unjust person. A parrot in a dream also can be interpreted as a philosopher whose son may also grow to be a philosopher. A parrot in a dream also represents a lively and an eloquent beautiful woman, or a brilliant, well articulated and a handsome looking boy. A parrot in a dream also represents an attractive foreign woman, or it could represent a swaggering man who constantly brags and boasts about himself, though he is filled with conceit, covetousness, and has an oppressive nature.

Fish with different colors enlargement in sickness, or, if the dreamer is in good health, quarrels, injuries and sufferings. Fish that is dead in its element, deceitful expectations. To take them in a seine, joy and profit, in small quantities, sorrow and ruin, in proportion to the quantity that has been taken. For a woman to dream that she has given birth to a fish, signifies that she is afraid of the baby’s health. Dream of seeing such a phenomenon occur that was given by other woman means, joy and health.

To dream of being mad, or performing extravagant actions in public, indicates a long life, popular reverence, official respect, prosperity. If an unmarried girl or widow has this dream, prompt and happy marriage. If she is a married woman, birth of a son destined to become a distinguished character.

…(Francolin | Genus | Mountain quail | Woman) In a dream, a partridge represents a beautiful but a non-amicable woman. Catching a partridge in a dream means marrying such a woman. Catching many partridges in a dream means prosperity. A flock of partridges in a dream represents women. A partridge in a dream also represents smiling people. Eating the flesh of a partridge in a dream means buying new clothing, or storing food for one’s family. If a married person sees himself catching a male partridge in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son. If a pregnant woman catches a partridge in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a daughter. Slaughtering a partridge in a dream means committing adultery. Driving or pushing a partridge in a dream means rebuking a woman. Owning a partridge in a dream means marrying an Asiatic…

It announces or remembers pregnancy or birth.

Dream of white feathers indicates riches and satisfaction. Black ones represents tears and delay in business. To eat them, bitterness. Be covered with feathers means fortune, honor, prosperity or satisfaction, according to color and the nature of the bird they come from.

…(Precious stone) Turquoise in a dream signifies victory and success in one’s life, or it could mean longevity. If a pregnant woman sees herself holding to a dagger or a knife with a turquoise haft in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a son who will live to advanced age….

Moving house, it means changes in your life. News of a wedding close by, or the birth of a baby.

To dream about breakfast, shows the start of a new task, project, plan, or scheme. Breakfast also symbolizes the birth of a new period in your life. On the other hand, breakfast in the dream can induced by external stimuli. Your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to eat for breakfast in this morning. It is not uncommon for your conscious ideas, thoughts and conceptions to be incorporated into your subconscious. And that shows up in your dream.

Dreaming about having heart discomfort could be a real symptom, in which case it is convenient to consult a doctor. If it’s not real pain, but only a dream, then it symbolizes problems in matters being handled. Dreaming of staring at your own heart hints that you are missing vital energy and that something needs to be done in order to recuperate it. Dreaming about an animal’s heart hints that you will rule your enemies, achieving their respect. Dreaming of eating the heart of a chicken or any bird suggests the desire to achieve rare, unrealistic and difficult objectives that will cause problems, disrupting the normal development of the dreamer’s activities.

(Catch | Hunt | Lure) In a dream, a snare means deception, duplicity and fraud. If one is captured or held with a snare in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. If one places a snare to catch an animal or a bird with it in a dream, it means that he earns his money through deception and fraud. (Also see Trap)

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

To receive it indicates news of a baby’s birth, large family, economic prosperity and good omen.