…(Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth. If a pregnant woman sees herself giving birth to a girl in a dream, it means a boy, and if she gives birth to a boy in the dream, it means a girl. Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries. If a sick person sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, it means the approach of his death, for a deceased person is wrapped in a shroud, while a newborn is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, it means that his financial conditions will change for the better, but if he is rich, it means restriction of his earnings, for a child is…

…If you were dreaming about the birthday, this dream could have many meanings and different explanations. The most important thing when analyzing your dream is to try to identify whom birthday it was. If the birthday was yours and you were having a good time, it signifies that you feel accepted among your community and/or you feel happy of who you are and the life you have. The dream also shows that mostly of your dreams have been fulfilled and now you feel like every day is a big celebration. If you dreamed of having a birthday party and no one attended it, there is a possibility that you feel neglected and abandoned. Even if you had no party in your dream, but no one congratulated you, this also foretells about your state of being forgotten. Maybe in reality you do not have too many friends or the ones…

Dreaming of eating birthday cakes or snacks at your own birthday party, or of another person, suggests that soon there will be trouble in the family. Dreaming about being alone on your birthday announces sadness due to various problems and perhaps even betrayals of friends. Dreaming about birthday gifts indicates that soon there will be many unpleasant surprises and commitments. Dreaming of giving birthday gifts indicates that you must comply with undesirable social commitments.

Dreaming that you give birth when in waking life you are expecting the baby shows your anxiety, wishes and worries you have. It is very common and normal dream, because you are getting ready for the actual birth. If someone else is giving the birth, then it means that great fortune will come in your way and you will stay positive. If you see the birth that is given by some animal then it is not very good omen, because it signifies some misunderstandings and even the evil that you are surrounded by.

Dreaming of the birth of a baby suggests that the dreamer is about to undertake new tasks that will eventually lead to success. If a married woman dreams about giving birth, it means that there will be upcoming joys and hopes of prosperity in the immediate future. When a single woman dreams about giving birth, it suggests that she should be careful in regards of her friends, especially if she has an admirer dating her. If it’s a lover, then it’s likely that he’s betraying her.

…To dream of a birth signifies a death. One afternoon, at a garden-party, I met an old friend, who told me he had just dreamed his sister had had a child, and as he was curious to know whether that event had actually occurred, he was going to write at once. The dream was verified, but in a manner he did not anticipate; for, on arriving at his house he found a telegram awaiting him there to say his sister was dead! And again, at a cricket match one baking hot day in July I was speaking of dreams, when one of the players exclaimed with a shudder: ‘’I fear your interpretation of the birth dream is only too correct. A lady once told my wife that she dreamed she had given birth to a remarkably fine boy, whose eyes, however, were not both of the same colour. Two…

Dreams about a birth do not refer to the birth of a person, they just suggest that something has been born or will be born soon.

…Before interpreting birth dream, waking life situation must be taken into account, if a delivery is expected in the family, in this case it’s meaningless to interpret. Birth in a dream speaks of something that is brewing within us, maybe a project. It is curious that women and men both have this dream, but in the case of men by the most unlikely places like the head, chest. We’ll consider if the labor is happy and smooth, which a wonderful omen is. If the labor is problematic and requires external aid that indicates that the thing will be done with major complications. If delivery is ruined it means that our hopes will aborted without being able to reach them….

Mostly when the dreamer sees a birthday cake of his own or the others, it symbolizes it’s ability to adapt and be polite with the others. The dreamer stands as a positive thinking person, who is not afraid to share with what he’s got. There is a chance that all of your dream will come true, as the birthday cake in reality usually represents the wishes and desires. The subconscious mind of yours gives the signal that you should prepare yourself for all the goods that you will have. Now is the pay-back time.

Being in one, means you will receive unexpectedly favorable news. A difficult delivery means sensible sorrows and contrarieties. If a pregnant woman dreams that she gives birth to a boy, it is a sign that her son will have good health and he will give her a lot of satisfactions; if she dreams that she gives birth to a girl, it indicates a moral sickness.

To dream of the birthday that is your own and you are celebrating it, shows that you feel appreciated by others and accept yourself for who you are. The dream could also indicate the fact that you enjoy the attention you receive from those you are surrounded by. If the birthday is of the other person, you love your friends and support them no matter what.

The birth is always a good sign, because it promises the new and better future for the dreamer. If you are expecting the child and dream that you give a birth, it simply shows the fact that you are looking forward for this event.

If one sees his mother giving birth to him in a dream, and should he be ill, it means the approach of his death. (Also see Childbirth | Giving birth)

The birthday party in your dream could mean that you need more attention from other people, but only if it is your birthday that is being celebrated. Other people’s party could mean that you wish to give more attention to them.

Dream of giving birth to a fish, signifies that the dreamer is afraid about the baby’s health. This is a very common dream for pregnant women. Dream of seeing a fish born to someone else, joy and good health. Giving birth to a cat, rat, snake, lizard or other monster, is an omen of your fears as it was said before to have the sick baby or unhealthy one.

To dream of eating the birthday cake, means that you are feeling loved and appreciated by someone who gave you this cake in the dream. The dream could also signify the fact that you are feeling hungry during the sleep.

To dream of births, or being born, are fortunate signs.

Celebrate a birthday symbolizes beneficial circumstances.

When the dreamer dreams about having a birthmark it shows that there is a possibility of the need to take specific risks. There might be a chance that you will have to choose between two or more things and decide which direction you should go. The dreamer of this dream could also have very individual looks or personality, which makes him stand out of the crowd. Alternatively, he could have done some sins in the past, keeps carrying them and therefore having these kinds of dreams.

The birth control indicates the protection you are creating around yourself. The more detailed interpretation of the dream is explained in the meaning of contraceptive.

The birthday party could indicate the fact that you love the attention or that the important occasion is coming into your life.

For unmarried women to dream of giving of birth to children, is indicative of inevitable unchastity. For married women it represents happy confinement.

To dream that you are using the birth control means that you are feeling very insecure and are afraid of making silly decisions. Alternatively, the dream could represent your ability to control your life perfectly. You are able to manage any situation.

…For a married woman Dreaming of giving birth to a child, great joy and a handsome legacy is foretold. For a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover….

When you are having a birthday of your own, then it means you are a happy person. If the celebration is of someone else, then you will attend great event that will bring much joy.

To dream that you are in labor means that you are having new ideas in your mind. The birth could also indicate your parental instincts and the fact that you are ready to become a parent.

…(Mole | Strawberry mark) If one sees himself having a birthmark in a dream, it means that he will be caught and be accused of a sin, or a crime someone else has committed, or it could mean paying for someone else’s fault, or it could mean having a good character or nature….

…Receiving happy surprises, means a multitude of high accomplishments. Working people will advance in their trades. Giving birthday presents, denotes small deferences, if given at a fe^te or reception….

…(See Still-born.) To dream of a birth is good for a poor man; to the sick it denotes death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 42….

Dreaming of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood to the young, to the old, long trouble and desolation.

Of a baby means new happenings which will fill you with joy. Good news. You will have a meeting with a pleasant person.

(See Childbirth)

(Condom | Contraceptive device | Diaphragm) To use a contraceptive in a dream means throwing one’s money into the drain, wasting one’s wealth, depriving one’s children from their legitimate inheritance. Using a contracep- tive in a dream also signifies impeachment from office or losing the election or divorcing one’s wife or changing one’s trade….

If one child was born joy and prosperity. If more than one child were born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in some projects. An unnatural childbirth indicates dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success will follow her in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit will be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in poor health. To dream of childbirth or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the unsuccessful deals and poor health to the one who dreamed of it.

The tunnel in a dream is known as the symbol of birth. The process of giving the birth is very much associated with the way the tunnel looks. The dream in which you see yourself going through tunnel, symbolizes the new investigations you have done about yourself. Perhaps you are getting into something completely new and unknown at this time of your life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate narrow future. Many people dream of the light at the end of the tunnel, which is interpreted as the hope and expectance.

Seeing a pair of animals mating indicates a birth in the family of the dreamer or news of some birthday.

…If you dream of a corpse, a death, or a funeral, you will hear of a birth, engagement, or marriage; but not necessarily in connection with the person you dream about. Occasionally, however, the dream is literally verified and the person dreamed about dies. I recollect dreaming I went into the dining-room of a house in which I was staying, and saw on the table a coffin. Horrified out of my senses at so ghastly a spectacle, I would have fled at once, had I not been compelled by an irresistible curiosity to go up to the coffin and peer in. My terror then was inconceivable, for the body I saw was that of my host, his face marred with all the horrible disfigurements of advanced decomposition. But the climax of horror was not yet reached, for, as I gazed, the corpse slowly opened its eyes, and, with a…

…(Grilled meat | Restaurant) To buy roasted or grilled meat from a restaurant in a dream means enrolling one’s children in a school and entrusting them to a good teacher to educate them and properly train them. The owner of such a restaurant represents an educator, a trainer or a shaikh. Buying from him in a dream also means hiring a worker who is trained at the hands of an experienced master. If one sees himself roasting or grilling meat in a dream, it means that he may become a tax collector, a physician, a jailer, a torturer, a thief, or a murderer. Seeing someone roasting meat on fire in a dream may denote a wedding, a picnic, or celebrating the birth of a new child. If the meat is well-cooked in a dream, it means good news. Otherwise, if the meat is still uncooked in the dream, it…

…a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream. If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she…

…(Drinking cup | Goblet | Mug) In a dream, a drinking cup represents a woman or a son or a servant. Golden or silver cups in a dream are better than glass cups. A cup in a dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. A filled cup in a dream represents a pregnant woman, if the water disappears in the dream, it means that she will give birth to a new child. A broken glass in a dream means death. A broken glass in a dream also signifies the death of one’s wife. If one sees himself carrying a glass of water, then if the glass falls and breaks, while the water remains in his hand in the dream, it means that his wife may die soon after giving birth to a new son. If the glass does not break and the water is spilled in the dream, it means…