(See Birth control)

…Dreaming of horses drinking from waterhole means that you’ll experience joy in the future. If the animal that is drinking happens to be a donkey, it means that you will have a fight from which you will come out triumphant. If the waterhole is dry, it foretells a mystery or it may be a harbinger of adversities; if it’s dirty, it predicts the birth of a child. Dreaming of a waterhole usually means tranquility. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. If animals are drinking from it, it’s a harbinger of great news. If the water is clear, is a symbol of joy; on the contrary, if the water is dirty, it indicates the arrival of a new baby in the family. If you see a wild animal drinking water from a waterhole or someplace…

The cats are known for bad luck in dreams, because they are very mysterious. The little cats that are known as kittens are good omen especially for woman, because it gives the birth of healthy children. For a man the cat is not a very good omen, because he will have a bad luck.

Falling into water well means sentimental deceptions. Take out water out of water well foretells joy and joviality of spirit. Dream of clear water in a well, presages the birth of a baby with a good star. But turbid water indicates contrarieties and afflictions.

…To have interaction with a terrarium in the dream, indicates secrets. To see a terrarium when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are hiding from others. It means that you are keeping some qualities of yourself as a secret. Are you hiding and protecting something about yourself from others? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. The terrarium in the dream, has meaning of something very fresh and new. It can symbolize birth of new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods. Dreaming of the terrarium also stands as an omen for fertility, activity, creativity….

…Symbolizes the material and biological evolution. It also symbolizes the perpetual birth and the incessant flow of vital energy. If we see them being withered in the dream, then it means that our feelings are withering because of lack of true love. If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy….

…To see young lambs frisking around their mother, is an excellent omen, as it denotes thrift, and also happiness in your family ties; if you see them sucking, it is a sign of an increase in your family by the birth of a child. For lovers to dream of young lambs, foretells a speedy and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 60….

Jasper is an omen of and equals pregnancy and birth.

In general, everything of glass represents particular relation to females. To accept a glass of water, upcoming marriage or birth of children. Break a glass without losing the water or its other contents, illness of the partner, safety of the child. Lose the water without breaking the glass, illness of the child, safety of the mother. Look through a glass of a window, a precarious situation.

Dreaming about walking inside a dark tunnel means you’re acting blindly, which will bring bad results in everything you are doing. To be inside a tunnel while a train is speeding inside it, announces disease or an important change in life. To build a tunnel means enemies, competitors or rivals are conspiring to harm you. Looking inside a tunnel without entering it, means that you will receive proposals for doubtful legality issues. Symbolically, the tunnel is a channel of communication, dark and gloomy, between two areas of clear light. That is the reason why the tunnel is usually associated with initiation rites and birth. The tunnel exit represents the maternal vagina.

Symbolizes a communication between two areas the darkness and clearness. The tunnel is associated with birth and is represented as the symbol of maternal vagina. The dark and endless tunnels make many nightmares that are expressed in dreams because of anxiety, insecurity or restless waiting for something that you wish for, but too afraid to obtain it.

(See Birth control)

…great success; whereas to dream of vultures portends failure and illness.Magpies, whether single or in numbers; mean death — if in flight, the death of some acquaintance or relative; if motionless, the death of the dreamer.To dream of hawks signifies the making of an enemy; to dream of owls implies the breaking of a friendship, the breaking off of an engagement, serious illness, accident, or death.Parrots in dreams are significant of impending scandal and gossip; pigeons are significant of presents of all kinds.Ravens portend grave misfortunes, and not infrequently the near presence of some phantasm; sparrows signify petty losses and quarrels; swallows portend grief — grief at someone’s illness, misfortunes or death— but grief, invariably grief.Storks in dreams mean an approaching birth; wrens an approaching engagement or marriage.The following are a few of the many accounts of bird-dreams upon which I have based my assumptions: “A lady writing to me…

…(Eggs in a basket or a place.) Eggs represent the element of prosperity, or the fear of depleting one’s riches. Eggs in a dream also represent marriage for an unmarried person and children for a married one. If one’s chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family. Eating a boiled egg in a dream means comfort and income while eating a raw egg means unlawful earnings, adultery or distress. If one sees his wife laying an egg in a dream, it means that she will bear a child who will lack faith in God. If the egg breaks in the dream, it means that his newborn will die shortly after birth. If one sees himself raising chicken for eggs, then if the eggs hatch in his dream, it means that some of his affairs that where unsolvable will rejuvenate with success,…