…To dream of beautiful flower bouquets usually symbolizes global joy and satisfaction. This meaning may vary depending on the flower’s condition. To dream that you receive one or more bouquets suggests that soon you’ll receive a gift, an important proposition, or have a stroke of luck associated with the lottery or an inheritance. When young people dream this way it usually suggests celebrations and joys. To dream that you receive a bouquet of wilted flowers announces that a friend or family member will suffer a disease. If those flowers have become black, it announces the death of someone very dear. To dream about one or more red rose bouquets usually announces an upcoming marriage; the dreamer, a friend or relative will get married. To dream that you’re putting a rose in the hair of your beloved one may suggest that soon you’ll experience troubles and disappointments….

When you see the deer in a dream, then such dream foretells about harmony, innocence, beauty and elegance. The dream about deer indicates many feminine aspects of the dreamer, where the one uses the beauty and grace as the tool to success. The deer that is black indicates your wish to get rid of all the feminine factors. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable being the woman. If you were hunting for a deer and killed it, then it means you are no longer in connection with being a woman.

…(Attire) In a dream, a woman’s veil represents her religion. For a woman, wearing a veil in a dream means marriage, prosperity, beauty. Wearing a black veil in a dream means marrying a poor man. If a man sees himself wearing a veil in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery with his female servant. (Also see Apparel | Climbing a mountain | Closet | Khimar | Protection | Uncertainty | Wife | Yashmak)…

…dreamer. Dreaming of black goats indicates that you will soon be suffering because of sorrows, misfortunes, losses, etc.; this dream is a bad omen. Dreaming of a dead goat, the darker the worse, suggests that the dreamer feels unable to perform many activities and that might show some issues with sexual strength; this current outlook will naturally lead everything he works on to failure, if immediate changes on the mind are not performed. This phenomenon is usually hidden of the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings, that’s why it appears in dreams. If a woman dreams drinking goat milk, it means that she probably wants to marry a wealthy man, not caring either for her love or her future. If a woman, especially if she’s young, dreams of riding a goat, it suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. This dream…

Bishops, show law suits, if they talk your cause succeeds. To dream of black, the heart, with sorrow always bleeds.

…tyrant and a blood thirsty person. If one sees himself inside hell-fire, where his eyes turn dark-blue and his face charcoal black in the dream, it means that he befriends God’s enemy and consents to their deception and chicanery. Consequently, he will surely be humiliated and despised by people, and in the hereafter, he will suffer the consequences of his sins. Seeing hell in a dream means that one should avoid incurring the wrath of a ruler. Entering hell in a dream also means notoriety, or becoming known as an evil person. It also means heedlessness and pursuing one’s indulgence in abominable actions. Whatever knowledge such a person acquires will bear evil consequences. Hell in a dream also represents loss of one’s prestige, status and it means poverty after wealth, despair after comfort, unlawful earnings, inso- lence, and if it leads to an illness, it will end in a shocking…

If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

(Black pepper | Hot pepper) Pepper in a dream represents security money that insures the capital investment. Eating pepper in a dream means drinking a lethal drink or a bitter tasting medicine, or falling victim to a bad spirit, or earning money with commendation though through hard work. Pepper in a dream also means money if it is not used as food. Otherwise, if one eats pepper in his dream, it means distress or dismay.

…Jealousy means losses for the one experiencing it in the dream. A jealous person has an evil quality, and jealousy is evil. If one who suffers from people’s jealousy sees his condition improving in a dream, it means poverty, rancor, spite, black magic, or malice for the jealous person and benefits for the victim of jealousy. In a dream, jealousy also represents covetousness, grudges, avarice and love for the world. To devastate someone by looking at him with despise in a dream means that the assailant will suffer from the jealous eye of his victim. (Also see Jaundice)…

…forests, then this dream could make worse his current condition. If the person gallops through a city, then it means he will heal soon. To ride a horse also indicates success and prosperity. To fall off the horse means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides him then such dream symbolizes some kind of women meetings. To sell a horse means that you might have a threat for property loss. If you punish him, then you will deal with false accusations. If we see the horse that is shoeing, then we must prepare for a trip. If we give them fodder, then we will have wealthy life. If it he a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white then it portends about good news. Black one represents problems. Reddish horse signifies dignities. Orange one warns about difficulties. Gray indicates obstacles….

…Dreaming of an empty bird nest indicates that the dreamer’s businesses are not going well and that currently there’s no way of having them improve. Dreaming of a nest with eggs suggests that affairs and businesses promise good dividends shortly, but the dreamer shouldn’t celebrate beforehand, and he or she should wait patiently. Dreaming of newborn birds in their nests indicates that the dreamer will soon make a trip as a consequence of successes that are leading to prosperity. It may also mean that soon the family will increase. Dreaming of sickly looking adult birds in their nest announces that there will be upcoming setbacks and material losses, or at least deterioration in the dreamer’s own health or in a family member. If the birds are black it could signify mourning. Clearly dreaming that it’s a swallow’s nest warns that the dreamer should not be overcome by certain memoires….

she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure. It is always good Dreaming that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be the result of depraved elementary influences. If a man chooses high ideals, he will be illuminated by the deific principle within him, and will be exempt from lascivious dreams. The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no arcana or occult knowledge. Did not the black magicians of Pharaoh’s time, and Simon Magnus, the Sorcerer, rival the men of God? The dreamer of amorous sweets is warned to beware of scandal….

If you see a dress in a dream, then such dream shows the feminine aspects of your personality. The dream, in which you are wearing the dress, represents your cooperation with your the feminine side. If you feel comfortable and pretty while wearing the dress, then such dream signifies the way you are using femininity. The color of the dress also has different explanations, as for example the white dress symbolizes the purity and innocence and black dress symbolizes the sadness and sorrow. Alternatively, the white dress could indicate the elegance.

…In the dreams a dove’s color has its own meaning: White dove: symbolizes peace, tranquility and harmony, etc. Black dove: symbolizes sadness, misfortune, etc. Red dove: symbolizes tragedies, wars, disasters, etc. Messenger dove: symbolizes a classified message according to the color of the dove. Dreaming of hearing the low murmur of a dove is an announcement that problems are coming and even the death of a loved one. If a spouse dreams of a dead dove, it signifies that there will be at least a separation between the couple that could lead to divorce between them, due to infidelity from one of the two. Dreaming of a large group of doves flying, suggests that all matters either your own or from others, are going well and in peace, which means that the future can be fully planned with no worries. Dreaming of a messenger dove delivering a message, needs

…When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies

Dream of white feathers indicates riches and satisfaction. Black ones represents tears and delay in business. To eat them, bitterness. Be covered with feathers means fortune, honor, prosperity or satisfaction, according to color and the nature of the bird they come from.

…If the donkey is strong and healthy, it is a symbol of success and wealth. A weak or sickly donkey brings losses. If it is dead, it tells us that we are ruined. If we buy a donkey, our means will increase. Seeing some donkeys portends altercations with colleagues or subordinates. Violence against a donkey are affronts we receive or do to ourselves. If the donkey is loaded is a symbol of success and fortune. Being chased by one, rebellion or treason. Seeing us being as a donkey means we are already victims of our lower personality. If we mount a donkey, we are on the right path. We will accomplish the things we intend to achieve. If the donkey is white, it indicates joy and optimism. If it’s red, passion and anger. Gray, sadness and betrayal. Black, funeral and pessimistic….

…Dreaming of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, denotes pleasant association with friends | but anything occurring to mar the pleasure of the guests, denotes distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and congenial intercourse was expected. It also denotes dissatisfaction in government and family dissensions. To see a crowd in a church, denotes that a death will be likely to affect you, or some slight unpleasantness may develop. To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you. To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. Dreaming of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention…

Is a symbol of sensitivity and intuition, but traditionally a dream with a black cat is interpreted as a sign of bad luck or infidelity, if the cat is white, then it means weakness of character or lack of decision. Good luck if the cat is honey color.

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

(Black mud | Scum | Slum | Profits | Capital for business | Glad tidings | Dominance) In a dream, a sludge means good news and particularly if one cannot find clean water near it. If a poor person trips into sludge in a dream, it means that his will satisfy his needs. If an unmarried person sees sludge in his dream, it means that he will get married, and he will have a family, a father- in-law and a mother-in-law. Though this gain of his will be accompanied with trials and difficulties. Nevertheless, it will also remain under control.

…If we are unable to move in a crowd among people, then that reveals our inability to dominate in some events. It also shows weakness of character, great timidity. If it’s someone else who is in this situation and we cannot approach that person, the dream indicates our desire to win their affection and friendship and the fear of not achieving it. Seeing a crowd without mixing with it announces some misfortune or bad news, especially if they wear black. Sometimes it is a social, political or economic change in general….

…marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it means a spiritual appointment, and if it is made of silk in the dream, then it means living a corrupt state of mind, or earning unlawful money. Wearing a second turban on top of the first one in a dream means increase in one’s power. Fixing a turban for oneself in a dream means taking a journey. A yellow turban means sickness. A black turban means happiness and unity. Wearing a turban in a dream also could mean that one may lose his sight. If a bewildered person sees himself wearing a turban in a dream, it means that his fears will dissipate. (Also see Crown | Headgear)…

…Dreaming of mustaches indicates that your life, in general, is cheerful and carefree. If the mustaches are white, it means that you in your old age will be completely happy. If the color is black, it means that you’ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave the mustache, it suggests you should be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If you dream about a woman with a mustache, it is a sign of distrust and jealousy. If a woman dreams she has a mustache that indicates she expresses her energy in words. Dreaming you have a mustache when you don’t have it, means hiding some aspect of your personality. You are wearing a costume or you are showing only one aspect of your personality. Dream that you shave your mustache symbolizes that you’re showing your true personality. You don’t longer have to hide under a disguise or…

The diaper is the symbol of childishness and innocence. If you have been wearing the diapers in a dream, then it shows how much dependent you are on others. If you have changed the diapers for somebody else, then it means that this particular person relies on you. The dirty diapers are interpreted as the necessity to clear up your mind and environment you are surrounded by. Perhaps you need to change your views and look at things from different angle. The diapers could also show how you are longing for the times you were irresponsible and didn’t have some many responsibilities. If you have babies and dream of the diapers, then such dream simply reflects your daily life.

If you dream of seeing yourself sitting next to the window, then such dream foretells about your wish to have a pleasurable and calm life. If you look through the window and see something you already seen, then such dream suggests to look at the situation from the different angle. The window that is wide opened shows your desire to make the changes in your life, but if it is closed you are not ready for it yet, therefore you should wait when you will prepare yourself.

A chronic disease which is characterized by the enlargement of certain parts of the body, especially the legs and gentiles. In a dream, an elephant man represents love for the world from the wrong angle.

If your dream that you sweep your house home is a sign of good health and prosperity. If the street is swept it indicates that others will look at you with respect. If you sweep a lot, it means that you’ll experience a big material loss.

…Dreaming of leaving one’s job, business or property, suggests that the dreamer feels upset about the difficulties that are around, many of which were caused by the dreamer and they’re now affecting him or her. Dreaming of working intensely in complicated business announces that soon there will be good news and that the dreamer’s affairs will improve. If during the dream the dreamer discovers that he or she will triumph in business, then this might refer to success when entering a partnership or marriage. If some doubts occur during the dream, it means that there is some risk involved in what’s being done, which is reflected by the subconscious. Dreaming of being a big and important businessman suggests that the dreamer is a dynamic person that is seeking self-improvement to achieve an outstanding social and economic position with chances of achieving whatever is desired. If a young man dreams

The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.

To dream of the squirrel means that you are very active person. Sometimes the squirrel could indicate some person in our waking life that reminds us of the squirrel. Some people who live in big cities see squirrels in their dreams, because they see them in reality, therefore it is simply a reflection of the day life.

shows your wish to change yourself. If you see new clothes with tags on it, then it shows how you are trying to adjust new things in your life. Perhaps you find it being too difficult and not what you wish for. If you wear clothes that are torn, then it shows the minor issues while accepting different opinions. The dream also shows the negative features of your personality. If the clothing you wear is too tight or too small, then such dream represents the situation in your life you find hard to fit. If the clothes you wear are too big or very loose, then it could show the mellow features in your personality. Such dream could also indicate the stage in your waking life you feel uncomfortable to be. If you dream of the clothes that are all white, then such dream could show the bland aspects of…

…In a dream, a well inside one’s house means prosperity, riches, a wife, business, a teacher, poverty, deception, fulfillment of one’s needs, travels, goals, stinginess, generosity, or it could mean a servant. The structural condition of each well in a dream has its own interpretation. A well in a dream also represent a woman who has a loud laughter, or it could represent a pleasant and an in- spiring woman. If a woman sees a well in a dream, it means meeting a man of good character. If one sees himself looking into a well in a dream, it means that he is thinking about a particular woman for marriage. A well in a dream is also interpreted to represent knowledge, marriage, a big man, prison, ties, or deception. If one digs a well and finds water in it in his dream, it means that he will marry a…

…If a girl dreams that her beau hurts her by pinching I her thumb, it is a sign that if she marries him she will have to get her own living, and help to support him besides: for a man to dream of losing his thumb, or of an injury to it, foretells poverty — on the contrary, to dream of a big thumb denotes much wealth. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 5….

…To dream of heavy thunder denotes large crops to farmers: to tradesmen, mechanics, or speculators, it foretells a big business, or a successful speculation: if you are terrified by thunder, so much the better. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 51….

The desire for big changes in near future.

Dreaming of a large and bright avenue means you´ll have a happy encounter with a person who will be extremely pleasant. Big and difficult future projects.

The symbol of the truck in dreams is known as the indication of the tiredness. Perhaps you took to many responsibilities in your waking life. Consider that the pregnancy also causes dreams about the trucks and other big vehicles, because of the baby the pregnant woman is carrying.

To dream that your house is on fire indicates danger, disease, or death. Dreaming that a commercial building is burning means decrease of wealth. Dreaming that a part of your body is burning is a sign of inability to engage in work. Dreaming of a burning piece of furniture in your home indicates personal conflicts. A dream of a burning building signifies that big problems are coming. Dreaming that something is burning slowly shows instability in romantic relationships.