If you dream that something has befallen or you demolished something, then it portends that you will have courage to overcome a big obstacle.

These dreams arise in the crucial moments of life, when a change, whether physical, mental or spiritual should be performed. The dream also shows the big goals you’ve made to yourself. You are trying to achieve some targets that were made long time ago.

In a dream to see a cloth, denotes to the things in life that are made of pieces. Perhaps the minor things in your life make the very big importance to you.

If you see a Barbie doll in your dream it denotes the perfection of the world. The dream explains that you have a sense of no one understanding you and accepting the way you are. It might be that you have too big expectations for yourself just to prove those around you that you can do everything and are capable to reach any goal. The other explanation of this dream foretells that the Barbie doll wants to avoid the duties and charges it has

If we see a big mouth, then it shows that we talk too much. A deformation in the mouth warns us of a possible disease. Swollen face refers to a selfishness. Face with a head turned upside down indicates preconceived ideas, prejudices.

Dreaming of being a powerful person with a high social rank suggests that this is precisely what is being searched for by the dreamer in daily life, and that he or she is considered to have sufficient capacity and intelligence to be self-directed, but cannot find the right path. This dream is common during youth, when the dreamer has his or her own life ahead and wants to conquer great heights. However, these desires are often turned into big failures when there is over-confidence in the dreamer.

Seeing a thumb in a dream indicates that you should learn about some situations. Dreaming of a thumb is a symbol of energy and capacity. To dream that you are missing a thumb denotes poverty and loneliness. To dream that you have a very big thumb means a rapid rise to success.

If you dream of overcrowded airport it represents your intentions of being free. This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life. This dream is a sign of the new beginning, new purposes and new tasks. Make sure of the new thoughts you are having and start realising them. This dream could also be the meaning of new relationships, new job or new happenings in your life. Do not worry, as these changes will be pleasurable. If you see the airport in a dessert it represents that your schedule will be changed not in a positive way. Anyhow, this is only for a temporarily period of time.

To suffer a nose injury means the possibility of gossip and whisperings. A big nose means anger, fury, and envy. A small nose is a sign of small problems and annoyances.

Dream that you are packing means big changes in your life. Alternatively, it represents the burdens and obligations you carry. See a person who is packing means damages and losses.

If you dream about big amount of groceries, then such dream brings you joy, wealth and richness. The groceries could also be a symbol of unhappiness, especially if the dreamer finds support from depression while eating.

Dreaming of a deep state of distress means big surprises are coming.

Big belly, opulence. Loose belly, bad business, material losses, leisure. When coming out from your mother’s belly means estrangement between family members.

Dreaming of being in a very dangerous situation at risk of dying but escaping it, suggests that the dreamer is acting and thinking big, which will provoke jealousy and attacks to the dreamer’s aspirations of conquering honors and power, even if it’s only economic. Dreaming of being injured or killed in dangerous situations announces that most likely every attempt of acquiring wealth and power will fail. This dream concerning romantic relationships announces disappointments and failures.

When you dream of drinking an alcohol, but in a small amounts, it represents you going on the right direction, reaching the proper destinations while feeling fulfilled that you managed to reach them. It means you are managing the problems the way they supposed to be managed and t means that whatever you do you it will be successful and pleasurable. If you dream of drinking alcohol in a big amounts, it indicates frustration and pithiness you will suffer. This indicates your fear of people finding out for who you truly are and while you drink alcohol it makes you to forget your problems, but it does not mean it they are solved. What you have to do is to make sure that you are not overindulging with alcohol.

…To dream of big-nosed people is generally a good omen, as such persons are usually smart and energetic. To dream of snub noses is a sign of a quarrel, or that you will be abused by somebody. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 48….

Dreaming about a big and colorful fan means that you would like to see life with more optimism and joy, and to leave behind what makes you feel down. If the fan is black, it means that you’ll be betrayed.

…This is an English word for a lump of gold: to dream of digging a big nugget of pure gold, is a sign of wealth and honours. Dreams relative to gold or silver promise good fortune always. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 44….

The license plate that is given to the big vehicles indicates your personality and the way you show yourself to others. Sometimes the license plate shows the way other people look at you and what kind of personality you seem to them. If you do not use the license plate, because you do not want to, your image is not good in front of the others.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of big.

If you dreamed of seeing a staff that is dependent on you, then such dream indicates the power and big influence you carry on other people. On the other hand, the dream of seeing a staff, indicates the trip you are taking and acknowledging or accepting other people around you.

To dream an acorn, represents you as a confident, strong and dexterous person. This dream represents the start of actions you will do, will make big and advantageous results. If you dream of seeings acorn on the ground and picking it up, represents the joy you will have after severe work you have done. This is the sign, that you willl be pleased. If you see yourself eating an acorn it is the sign of happy, easy future and wealtthy life you are going to have. If you see yourself trying to pluck the acorns from the tree and shaking the tree, it signifies your good impact on other people. You should be happy, as people around you, respect and admire you.

Dreaming of having any part of your body broken or wounded is a warning that means you are at serious risk of experimenting big setbacks and losses in the affairs being handled. This dream, especially if you have it repeatedly, warns that there are problems at home or mental instability (hesitations, changes of opinion, etc.). Dreaming of breaking your own furniture, or someone else’s may mean that there are constant fights at home, which are caused by jealousy. Dreaming of objects that are made of glass, especially cups or glasses, are the symbolism of happiness and prosperity. Dreaming of tearing clothing items can mean complaints and fights at home that can end very badly.

This dream is almost always an indicator that important events will change our lives, due to a big change to which we must adapt. If in the dream you’re about to cross the threshold of a house, you have to consider the kind of people you’re going to find in there, the characteristics of the house and the entire atmosphere in it, to give proper meaning to the dream.

Dream of being injured by an iron, represents big confusion, trouble, disarray. If it is red-hot iron, effusion of blood. If the one of a horseshoe you will have some journey. To deal in iron or iron wares, means misfortune and injury.

Black, trouble; white friendship; a warren, expensive pleasures.

If you dreamed of the tie, then such dream indicates the connection and duty the dreamer is carrying. Consider to see what kind of the tie the dreamer was carrying, as for example the black color could symbolize funeral or business.

A faithful servant and a great assistance or internal peace. See one being very fat, means good times, felicity near at hand. Very lean ox, means scarcity of grain/famine in the land. To see white oxen at pasture, indicates honor, profit, dignity. To see a red one running wild means imminent danger. A black one signifies madness, peril of life. See oxen at labor, inestimable advantages. See them without horns means disarmed enemies. Oxen that are fighting, commencement of intestine quarrels. See oxen going to water is interpreted as a very bad omen.

If a man dream of a sweetheart that is absent, and she seems to be more fair than usual, it is a sign that she is chaste and constant; but if she looks pale, black, or sickly, be assured she hath broke her faith, and is become altogether inconstant.

On a bay horse, trouble, which will soon pass away; on a black horse, misfortune; a white horse, signifies a life of pleasure.

…To dream of s man dressed in black is lucky; in white, a bad omen: to dream of a murdered man, is a sign of long life. To dream you meet a strange man, is a sign you have & vindictive enemy. For a girl to dream she sees her lover by her bedside, is a sign he will attempt some very improper things. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 60, 7….

…(Pillar) A cornerstone in a dream represents one’s wife or it could mean money. (Also see Black stone | Ka’aba)…

…If a sick person dreams of galloping on a horse through forests, his condition may get worse. If the patient gallops through a city, she/he will heal son. Horseback riding indicates success and prosperity. Falling from a horse points out about losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, it signifies a women’s meeting. Selling a horse warns about property loss. Punishing a horse, false accusations. Seeing it shoeing, we must prepare for a trip. Giving them their proper food, wealth. If the horse has a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white it portends good news. Black horse symbolizes problems. Bay horse indicates dignities. Sorrel horse foretells about difficulties. Gray horse indicates about the obstacles….

If a man dreams he has a new suit of clothes, it is a sign of honour. But to dream that you see your clothes burned, denotes loss and damage. Dreaming you see yourself dressed in black clothes, denotes joy.

…To dream of telling a lie about a woman, is a sign you will kiss a black one: to dream that you lie about your business denotes that a coloured man will rob you: lies generally, imagined in dreams, denote either injuries or caresses by coloured people. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 64….

Dreaming you see a meagre, pale face, is a sign of trouble. Dream one washes his face, implies repentance for sin; a black face denotes long life.

Dreaming of a long and bushy beard means that in general your life is cheerful and carefree. If the beard is white means your old age will be completely happy. If the color of the beard is black means you´ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave your beard, then it means you must be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If bearded woman appears in the dream then it is a sign of distrust and jealousy.

…To dream of a hail-storm, is a sign that you will make a good bargain,, or will be lucky in some undertaking, provided the hail is white or in crystals; black hail, denotes sorrow and death, therefore you should never dream of that kind of hail if you can help it or dream of seeing white hail lying on the ground intimates that you’ll soon get plenty of cash in some transaction. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

…(See Worm.) To dream of clean-looking, white fat grubs, is a sign of good crops to farmers, but to dream of black or dirty looking grubs is the reverse. For a girl to dream of grubs is a bad sign, as it puts her in peril of losing her virtue; but to a married woman it is a good sign, for the reason that she will soon be in the family way. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 70, 65….

(Conjuring | Jugglery | Tricks) In a dream, magic arts mean deceit, pride, artificiality and temptations. To learn about sorcery, or black magic, or about similar arts in a dream means innovation and heedlessness. (Also Ma- gician | Sorcery | Spit out)