…(A piece of fabric worn by some women as part of their headdress | To conceal one’s face | Attire | Cap | Garb | Mantle | Mantilla | Veil) In a dream, a khimar represents a husband, protection or an ornament. The extent of its size shows the man’s prosperity. Its finesse connotes clarity and the color white represents honor and dignity. If a woman sees herself wearing a mantilla in a dream, it means maliciousness, a bad omen, or rancor and falsehood of female companions that might cause difficulties, or separate between a husband and a wife. If the khimar is made of black torn fabric in the dream, it means poverty of one’s husband, or his being natural, or unsophisticated. Damage to one’s veil in a dream means difficulties affecting one’s marriage, loss of business or a calamity caused by a guardian, a father or a…

On a bay horse, trouble, which will soon pass away; on a black horse, misfortune; a white horse, signifies a life of pleasure.

…To dream of s man dressed in black is lucky; in white, a bad omen: to dream of a murdered man, is a sign of long life. To dream you meet a strange man, is a sign you have & vindictive enemy. For a girl to dream she sees her lover by her bedside, is a sign he will attempt some very improper things. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 60, 7….

If you dreamed of the tie, then such dream indicates the connection and duty the dreamer is carrying. Consider to see what kind of the tie the dreamer was carrying, as for example the black color could symbolize funeral or business.

…In the dreams a dove’s color has its own meaning: White dove: symbolizes peace, tranquility and harmony, etc. Black dove: symbolizes sadness, misfortune, etc. Red dove: symbolizes tragedies, wars, disasters, etc. Messenger dove: symbolizes a classified message according to the color of the dove. Dreaming of hearing the low murmur of a dove is an announcement that problems are coming and even the death of a loved one. If a spouse dreams of a dead dove, it signifies that there will be at least a separation between the couple that could lead to divorce between them, due to infidelity from one of the two. Dreaming of a large group of doves flying, suggests that all matters either your own or from others, are going well and in peace, which means that the future can be fully planned with no worries. Dreaming of a messenger dove delivering a message, needs…

…If a sick person dreams of galloping on a horse through forests, his condition may get worse. If the patient gallops through a city, she/he will heal son. Horseback riding indicates success and prosperity. Falling from a horse points out about losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, it signifies a women’s meeting. Selling a horse warns about property loss. Punishing a horse, false accusations. Seeing it shoeing, we must prepare for a trip. Giving them their proper food, wealth. If the horse has a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white it portends good news. Black horse symbolizes problems. Bay horse indicates dignities. Sorrel horse foretells about difficulties. Gray horse indicates about the obstacles….

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

…reproductive organ in a dream means lustfulness. If the husband sees a thick yellowish fluid flowing from his wife’s sexual organ in a dream, it means that she will give birth to an unhealthy child. If a reddish fluid flows instead in the dream, it represents a short lived child. If it comes out as a black fluid in the dream, it means that such a child will grow to dominate the family and to be an unjust master of the household. The ovum of a beautiful woman in a dream means happiness, wealth and children. Semen in a dream also means attaining one’s goal, comfort, or wasting one’s capital, divulging one’s secrets, or the death of a child. If a farmer sees semen in his dream, it means that he will work on a barren land and make it fertile. (Also see Impurity | Sexual intercourse | Vagina)…

If a man dreams he has a new suit of clothes, it is a sign of honour. But to dream that you see your clothes burned, denotes loss and damage. Dreaming you see yourself dressed in black clothes, denotes joy.

…When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies…

…Dreaming of flying high through a space, denotes marital calamities. To fly low, almost to the ground, indicates sickness and uneasy states from which the dreamer will recover. To fly over muddy water, warns you to keep close with your private affairs, as enemies are watching to enthrall you. To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings. If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you. Dreaming of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil. Dreaming of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets | foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds. Dreaming that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. If you wake while falling, you…

…Dreaming of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, denotes pleasant association with friends | but anything occurring to mar the pleasure of the guests, denotes distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and congenial intercourse was expected. It also denotes dissatisfaction in government and family dissensions. To see a crowd in a church, denotes that a death will be likely to affect you, or some slight unpleasantness may develop. To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you. To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others. To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. Dreaming of seeing a hypnotist trying to hypnotize others, and then turn his attention…

…To dream of wolves signifies some great impending trouble, often financial, sometimes domestic, as, for instance, divorce or separation.A man once told me that, prior to the discovery of his wife’s faithlessness, he dreamed he saw her riding on the back of a huge grey wolf, whilst a white wolf, which she was patting affectionately, trotted by her side. And again, shortly before losing his entire fortune, a man told me he had dreamed a pack of black wolves rushed across his garden, howling in the most hideous manner conceivable, and snapping and tearing at everything that came in their way.Another man informed me that, just before his daughter ran away from home, he dreamed a big grey wolf leaped into his room and tried to eat him….

Dreaming about a long and bushy beard means a cheerful and carefree life. If the beard is white means entering the old age peacefully. If the beard is black it is a sign of distress and torment. If you dream of shaving your beard it means that you should take extreme caution with your actions and words. If you dream of a woman with beard, it’s a sing of distrust and jealousy.

Dreaming of a long and bushy beard means that in general your life is cheerful and carefree. If the beard is white means your old age will be completely happy. If the color of the beard is black means you´ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave your beard, then it means you must be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If bearded woman appears in the dream then it is a sign of distrust and jealousy.

…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….

…her unborn child is a boy. Dreaming of a familiar person with a black or a red beard announces setbacks, if it’s white, it indicates disappointments, particularly in your romantic life, if the beard has gray hairs it means future fights. Dreaming of someone you know with messy beard indicates that you shouldn’t make deals with that person and that you should avoid making business with him because you won’t be able to get alone, since that person will always try to impose his will and his personal interests. Dreaming that you have a beard and that someone pulls a hair from it suggests that you are taking serious risks with likely material losses. If a young single woman dreams of admiring a man’s beard, it suggests that she wants to get married soon, but since she’s trying to hurry and get married soon, her marriage can be unfortunate….

…If the donkey is strong and healthy, it is a symbol of success and wealth. A weak or sickly donkey brings losses. If it is dead, it tells us that we are ruined. If we buy a donkey, our means will increase. Seeing some donkeys portends altercations with colleagues or subordinates. Violence against a donkey are affronts we receive or do to ourselves. If the donkey is loaded is a symbol of success and fortune. Being chased by one, rebellion or treason. Seeing us being as a donkey means we are already victims of our lower personality. If we mount a donkey, we are on the right path. We will accomplish the things we intend to achieve. If the donkey is white, it indicates joy and optimism. If it’s red, passion and anger. Gray, sadness and betrayal. Black, funeral and pessimistic….

…she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure. It is always good Dreaming that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be the result of depraved elementary influences. If a man chooses high ideals, he will be illuminated by the deific principle within him, and will be exempt from lascivious dreams. The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no arcana or occult knowledge. Did not the black magicians of Pharaoh’s time, and Simon Magnus, the Sorcerer, rival the men of God? The dreamer of amorous sweets is warned to beware of scandal….

…The mule is a symbol of slavery in any kind of dream. Therefore, the dreamer subconsciously is considering himself or herself to be a slave due to undergoing situations, tasks or humiliating treatment. If a young woman dreams or riding a white mule, it indicates that marriage is near, but just for benefits and not for actual love. If the woman is already married, it indicates that the husband is achieving a comfortable economic position. When a young woman dreams of a herd of white mules running past her, and worse if they are frightened, it indicates that she will continue to have admirers and propositions of love affairs, but none of serious marriage. When a woman who is engaged to be married dreams of a dead mule, and worse if the mule is black, indicates that the engagement will end and there will be failure in other relationships…

…forests, then this dream could make worse his current condition. If the person gallops through a city, then it means he will heal soon. To ride a horse also indicates success and prosperity. To fall off the horse means losses. If the horse is saddled but nobody rides him then such dream symbolizes some kind of women meetings. To sell a horse means that you might have a threat for property loss. If you punish him, then you will deal with false accusations. If we see the horse that is shoeing, then we must prepare for a trip. If we give them fodder, then we will have wealthy life. If it he a very long tail, we can count on our friends. If the horse is white then it portends about good news. Black one represents problems. Reddish horse signifies dignities. Orange one warns about difficulties. Gray indicates obstacles….

Is a symbol of sensitivity and intuition, but traditionally a dream with a black cat is interpreted as a sign of bad luck or infidelity, if the cat is white, then it means weakness of character or lack of decision. Good luck if the cat is honey color.

The panther in dreams is interpreted as something powerful and that is able to provide protection. The panther is the animal that has fierce and is not afraid to fight for her rights. If the panther is attacking you, it means that you are being slandered by others, but if you are able to escape it or you killed the panther, you will overcome all of the obstacles. The Black Panther is a very rare animal, therefore the one who sees is may get a very good luck in short period of time. Overall, you should go through life without fear and act like no one can hurt you no matter what are the circumstances.

…a dream, it means his death. If one sees the sun setting and himself walking behind it, it also means death. If one sees himself walking behind the sun in a dream, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If one sees the sun turned into an old man in a dream, it means that the governor will become a pious and God-fearing person. Otherwise, if the sun turns into a young man in the dream, it represents his weakness. If one sees blazes of fire straying away from the sun in a dream, it means the impeachment of some members of the governor’s cabinet or someone from his counsel. If one sees the sun turned red in a dream, it means corruption. If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness. If it turns black in the dream, it means losses. If one seeks the…

…(See Worm.) To dream of clean-looking, white fat grubs, is a sign of good crops to farmers, but to dream of black or dirty looking grubs is the reverse. For a girl to dream of grubs is a bad sign, as it puts her in peril of losing her virtue; but to a married woman it is a good sign, for the reason that she will soon be in the family way. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 70, 65….

To see a white one small success. A black one means affliction. To see more than one means ruin at some stage of your life.

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

Dreaming of mourning crepes (black silk or imitation silk, used for mourning clothes), no matter the site, suggests that early news about the death of a loved person will be received. Dreaming of people dressed in mourning cloths, implies suffering of others but that somehow this will affect the dreamer as well. Such suffering doesn’t have to be precisely because of the death of someone, but by a disaster, such as the loss of a harvest, business or property. If young lovers have this dream it usually announces troubles, fights, rifts and even break-ups.

If you see the ox that is white, it means that happiness is coming on your way. If the ox you see is the black one, you should pay attention to its behavior, because if it attacked you, you should be aware of the enemies. If the ox didn’t do anything to you, you will be fine.

…in the dream, it denotes positive effects and particularly for a policeman. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing one’s forehead made of any solid element causes them to be despised by others. A normal broad forehead in a dream represents a good character, while a tight forehead in a dream means the opposite. If one sees his forehead broader in a dream, it means that he will develop stupidity after being intelligent, or become ignorant after being knowledgeable, or become stingy after being generous. If one sees his forehead turning black in the dream, it means disdaining from paying one’s due alms tax. However, its brightness represents one’s concern and caring for others. The forehead in a dream also represents one of the seven points in one’s prostration and in that sense, its growth or transformation may affect one’s devotion and assiduity in his prayers. (Also see Body)…

(Black mud | Scum | Slum | Profits | Capital for business | Glad tidings | Dominance) In a dream, a sludge means good news and particularly if one cannot find clean water near it. If a poor person trips into sludge in a dream, it means that his will satisfy his needs. If an unmarried person sees sludge in his dream, it means that he will get married, and he will have a family, a father- in-law and a mother-in-law. Though this gain of his will be accompanied with trials and difficulties. Nevertheless, it will also remain under control.

To dream you see a fresh, taking, smiling face and countenance, is a sign of friendship and joy. Dreaming you see a meagre, pale face, is a sign of trouble, poverty, and death. Dreaming one washes his face, implies repentance for sin; a black face is a sign of long life.

…To dream of a hail-storm, is a sign that you will make a good bargain,, or will be lucky in some undertaking, provided the hail is white or in crystals; black hail, denotes sorrow and death, therefore you should never dream of that kind of hail if you can help it or dream of seeing white hail lying on the ground intimates that you’ll soon get plenty of cash in some transaction. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

Dreaming your apparel is proper, denotes prosperity and happiness. To dream of white apparel is good only for priests. For the sick lo dream of white apparel denotes death. To dream of black apparel signifies the recovery of the sick. For rich men and servants to dream of being arrayed in scarlet robes is a signification of honour and liberty.

The feathers in dreams could have various interpretations depending on the circumstances of the dream. The dream in which you see floating feathers that are white, pure and beautiful, always brings luck and joy to your life, especially on the financial aspects. The feather that are black or dirty shows that the joy will be false and you shouldn’t trust those around you, because they might promise you the great things, but you will get bad ones. The dream in which you brush feathers means joy and happiness.

…(Nag) A workhorse in a dream represents man’s endeavor and serious striving. The more fit a workhorse in a dream, the better is one’s determination and drive. If a workhorse speaks to a man in a dream, it means income and fame. Riding on the back of a workhorse in a dream means taking a long journey, or it could mean taking money from one’s wife. If a dog attacks a workhorse in a dream, it represents an enemy who will follow his wife. A blond workhorse in a dream means sad news. A workhorse in a dream also means a conflict, a foreigner, a wife, a husband or a servant. A gray workhorse in a dream represents a high rank, and a black workhorse means prosperity. (Also see Horse)…

In this dream is a very important matter the color of the gown or robe the ghost has, and if this ghost has the appearance of a family member or ancestor. If so it can be a dream in which we are warned of a danger. If the spectrum is unknown but the ghost is wearing white robes, many authors agree that this is an omen of welfare, but if the robe is black, then the dream is warning us of treachery.

Mourning announces family concerns and serious problems which are hard to solve. To see another person wearing black in mourning indicates emotional separation, separation from the beloved.

…If we are unable to move in a crowd among people, then that reveals our inability to dominate in some events. It also shows weakness of character, great timidity. If it’s someone else who is in this situation and we cannot approach that person, the dream indicates our desire to win their affection and friendship and the fear of not achieving it. Seeing a crowd without mixing with it announces some misfortune or bad news, especially if they wear black. Sometimes it is a social, political or economic change in general….

…marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it means a spiritual appointment, and if it is made of silk in the dream, then it means living a corrupt state of mind, or earning unlawful money. Wearing a second turban on top of the first one in a dream means increase in one’s power. Fixing a turban for oneself in a dream means taking a journey. A yellow turban means sickness. A black turban means happiness and unity. Wearing a turban in a dream also could mean that one may lose his sight. If a bewildered person sees himself wearing a turban in a dream, it means that his fears will dissipate. (Also see Crown | Headgear)…