Asnail in a dream means that one will move away from his place or town.

…Dreaming of having a bad tooth indicates you will have a financial loss. Dreaming of extraction indicates that some love ones will move away. Dreaming a loose back tooth means sadness, crying, and depression. A healthy tooth means you’ll enjoy of great friends and very affectionate situations. To dream that a tooth is protruding means radical changes in your life….

Dream of seeing or eating mango symbolizes fertility, sexual desires and lust. Alternatively, mango means that a man enters to a relationship which you should leave to move on.

…(Hitching | Jerking | Lameness) Limping in a dream means becoming incapacitated, or being unable to conclude a project one is pursuing. Limping in a dream also means acquiring knowledge, understanding one’s religion, or growing in wisdom. Limping in a dream also means travels. If the limping is caused by one’s right leg in the dream, it could mean that an illness will inflict one’s son, If the limping has affected the left legin the dream, it could mean that one’s daughter will be engaged. If one has no children, or if he has no plans to travel, then limping in a dream means a warning to set back, slow down and to be careful about his next move. If one’s leg is dislocated in a dream, it means that his wife may get sick. Limping in a dream also means longevity, knowledge and religious understanding. Seeing a woman…

The highway in dreams indicates your ability to go from one chapter of your life to another. The highway also indicates the things that happened for you in the past, the situation you are at the moment and the future that you are creating for yourself. If you are unable to move while being on the highway or do not know which direction to choose, then such dream shows that you tend to be in doubt about some issues in your waking life. If you went off the highway while driving, then such dream suggests to pay more attention to minor details instead of focusing only on the main ones. If you had an accident while being on highway, you should be careful with your surroundings.

…To see embalming in process, foretells altered positions in social life and threatened poverty. Dreaming that you are looking at yourself embalmed, omens unfortunate friendships for you, which will force you into lower classes than you are accustomed to move in….

…Dreaming about DNA has ambiguous meaning. To dream about DNA, represents your scientific nature. Alternatively, it suggests for you to calculate everything very pedantic. To be such person is a huge advantage. If you don’t have scientific abilities and you aren’t pedant, then you need to have such qualities. The dream suggests that you need to focus your attention and think a lot about things. You need to carefully plot out everything in order to move forward in life. Maybe you need to learn from the negative situations that you have experienced in your life. The dream may also represent the initials of some persons or something else. The initials are D, N and A. You should consider who or what in your life has these initials….

…To see a dog in your dream, symbolize a skill that you have not used, ignored or even forgotten. This skill needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may indicate intuition, loyalty, protection, generosity and fidelity. Dreaming of dog shows, that your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and / or to dream that dog is growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying in dream, then it symbolizes a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. To dream that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward…

…in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vein talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling of camels in a dream means travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuation. The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, or to move from one field into another. The howling of a wolf in a dream means a robbery. The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace. The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, or a forthcoming evil. (Also see Eavesdropping | Sound of animals | Speaking)…

The way you are riding the horse and the connection you have with an animal indicates your life as it is at the moment. If you are riding the horse smoothly and the animal listens to you that is the way you are going through life. If the horse is not listening to you or do not move at all, you are managing your life in a bad way. The changes must be done immediately.

When you dream of Armageddon, it means that you feel confused and do not know which direction you should move on. The main meaning of the dream is telling you that you are hiding your emotions deep down inside your mind and this is a sign that you must take a break. Make sure you are taking a holidays and having a rest.

If you are surfing in a dream, then it means that you like taking risks. You are the person who is not afraid to fall down, because you tend to get up and move on very quickly.

…then finds his body spattered with her ova and semen in a dream, it means that he has committed something which he regrets. Conse- quently he will suffer losses because of it. To have a wedding with a deceased person and to move to his or her house in the dream means one’s own death. Walking behind a deceased person and entering an unknown house from which one does not come out again in the dream means death. If one follows the deceased person and does not enter such a house in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recuperate from his illness. If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God…

Dream of a mansion symbolizes your potential and greatest growth. You may feel that the current situation or relationship is in a circle. Dream of a mansion symbolizes your ability to grow and develop your potential. On the other hand, it also indicates that your current relationship or situation is stagnant and you need to move forward.

…If we are unable to move in a crowd among people, then that reveals our inability to dominate in some events. It also shows weakness of character, great timidity. If it’s someone else who is in this situation and we cannot approach that person, the dream indicates our desire to win their affection and friendship and the fear of not achieving it. Seeing a crowd without mixing with it announces some misfortune or bad news, especially if they wear black. Sometimes it is a social, political or economic change in general….

The victory in a dream, shows the requirement of the reason. Perhaps the dream is telling you to move on no matter the circumstances. If you really want something badly, then you need to think of your winning, victory and what you are able to achieve.

…Dreaming that you are in a rowboat with others, denotes that you will derive much pleasure from the companionship of gay and worldly persons. If the boat is capsized, you will suffer financial losses by engaging in seductive enterprises. If you find yourself defeated in a rowing race, you will lose favors to your rivals with your sweetheart. If you are the victor, you will easily obtain supremacy with women. Your affairs will move agreeably….

…The ladder symbolizes the means to move from one level to another. If it’s a hand ladder the prediction is of success or improvement of temporal position. Furthermore, each step is independent and each represents unrelated problems. If it is a fixed ladder that same success will be lengthy and of significance that will mark our lives. In this ladder the steps have continuity; it represents continuous difficulties and obstacles. The spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. Often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that does not deserve our effort. The ladder can almost have a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the number of steps (should be a sacred number, almost always seven) and, for the atmosphere of the dream. In these cases it represents the rise of the soul to God or the…

…in a dream also means gaining authority or accumulating extensive wealth. Frogs in a dream also represent people who practice magic arts and sorcery. If one earns his livelihood from dealing with sea life, or if he sells spring water for living, then seeing frogs in his dream means profits. If one sees frogs leaving a town in a dream, it means that a calamity is lifted through prayers and atonement. Hunting frogs in a dream means winning over one’s rivals or competitors. Frogs in a dream also represent lobbyists, readers, dervishes, ascetics or they could represent noisy people or someone who is on a constant move from one place to another. Frogs entering a town in a dream represent a calamity that will befall the dwellers of that town. In a dream, frogs also represent a chaste, pure and a religious woman who never cause harm to anyone….

Dreaming that you are the object of a conspiracy, foretells you will make a wrong move in the directing of your affairs.

To dream that you are the driver of your vehicle means that you are coping with your life perfectly. You are able to move through life with comfort. If the other person is the driver, you tend to put the responsibilities of your life to other people.

Dreaming of a hole or simply stumbling with a crack means, despite the problems and difficulties at the time, you should be filled with hope and faith because it will help you move forward.

…took effect, for it was immediately followed by a dull thud on the floor. On the arrival of the rest of the household, with lights, the intruder was seen to be a coolie who had formerly been in the doctor’s employ but had been discharged for theft. He at once confessed that he had hidden there early in the evening, when the doctor was at dinner, with the intention of robbing and murdering his former employer, but, being overcome with exhaustion, he had fallen into a stupor, from which he was just rousing himself when the doctor felt the bed move. Having dreamed of a Pomeranian dog prior to the other occasion upon which the coolies had stolen articles from his bungalow, the doctor came to the conclusion that, as far as he was concerned at all events, dreams about dogs of that species signified robbery, if nothing worse….

If you dream that you are playing bowling, then it is a sign that you may have a bitter struggle to obtain what you most wish for. If the balls fall, it is sign that you have sorrows and misfortunes and should face them now and move forward.

The knee in dreams indicates the power to move through your life. If the knee is healthy, you are dealing with your life perfectly. If the knee was injured because of some reason, you have difficulties in your life and feel helpless.

To use the knife as the tool, means that you are able to move the circumstances to be favorable to you. You know how to deal with problems and troubles. The knife helps you to reach your goals in life. If you are cutting something with the knife, it shows that you are already in the process while dealing with it. The knife that is broken, shows the problems you do not have ability to solve.

Dreaming that you fall into a hole or stumble with one indicates that, despite all the setbacks and difficulties you may be having, you will soon find something that will help you to move forward.

…family members or you will face some misfortune while dealing with your daily life. To dream that you’re in a house that is being shaken or even destroyed by a storm indicates serious disturbances to your daily life, which may force you to move from your address, employment and perhaps city. To dream that other people are suffering in a storm and that some of them die suggests that you should immediately make an examination of conscience to figure out how close you are to those people in waking life, because you are going to suffer the same fate as those people in the dream. To dream that a destructive storm moves away and that sunlight and general tranquility comes back, may mean, that all of the sorrows that you suffered at the time of the dream, will be finished and you will have a happy and calm life….

When you dream of moving backward it means that any actions you are taking it does not brink the effect you have been expected. It seems that you are not reaching the target you were aiming for. Maybe you feel that everything you do is slipping away. You are not able to manage your life anymore and this dream is a sign, that you have to make some differences if you want to move forward instead of going backward.

Flies and mosquitoes, these insects symbolize annoying people or equally annoying external impulses. Killing of a fly in dreams expresses a desire to move away from conceited people, to make them disappear from our lives and thus avoid discomfort and problems. The mosquitoes warn us to protect ourselves from strangers who want to meddle in our lives, as well as the aggressive impulses that awaken in us.

To dream that you use the doorknob or door handle means that you are entering the new phase of your life. You are ready to go forward and get what you wish for. If you weren’t able to open the door, because the door knob was broken or it was hard to bend it, then such dream shows that you are afraid to take risks or the circumstances of your life doesn’t let you move on, therefore you are unable to control it by using the handle. The dream suggests to pull yourself together and make sure you use your head to solve the problems.

…If the liana hangs from above that symbolizes a means of ascension. If we are restricted by a woody climbing plant that hangs from trees, especially in tropical rain forests, that portends that we will soon reach a higher position. If we’re climbing up the lianas, that indicates our desire to move up. If we’re going down the lianas or we fall from them, that foretells a decline in our position, the frustration of our hopes. If the liana is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands it is a warning about the state of our business. The same meanings apply if we’re dreaming about a vine tree….

The dream about the lake could have several meanings depending on the circumstances and the state of the lake. The lake that is crystal clear and you see swimming yourself in it, indicates your ability to move through life with grace and beauty. If the lake is muddy and dirty, it shows that the circumstances are very unfavorable to you. The lake could also be interpreted as the symbol of freedom, especially if you are floating in one. If you are drowning in the lake, you feel helpless in some situation which scares you a lot. The waves of the lake indicates the chaos and turbulence in your waking life.

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.

If you dream of seeing a bag, it symbolizes the duties you are facing in your life. If you see that the bag is broken, it is the sign that you are carrying too much stuff. If you see a bag full of rubbish, this is a sign that it is the time for you to get rid of all the negativity and move forward. In this dream you faced all the problems and questions you had which needs to be solved.

To see a plunger, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to restrict your anger and to confront certain emotions. These qualities have created difficulties for your progress. Elimination of these aspects will let you to move forward in your life.

If you dream of an abyss, it represents the barriers you are facing in your life. You should consider the things you want to do in your life and try to find out what barriers do not let you move forward. Do not be afraid of challenges you are going to have, as you will sort everything out, you will be capable to find the solution to achieve the task. This dreams also shows that you are worrying about your future, about who you are, what you feel and what you are afraid of. If you are dreaming that you are falling into abyss, it signifies your hidden plans for the future. The dreams also could be the meaning of your fear to start something new in your life or your fear taking the risks.

…got to let go your past. The interpretation of your dream about an abandonment is showing, that you have a fear of being wasted, left alone of the ones you love. You shouldn’t be afraid of people neglecting your feelings. The meaning of dreaming that you are abandoned, might mean that you’re suffering from recent lost or are afraid of losing someone you love. The fear of abandonment might mean that you are getting better already, from what you’ve suffered before and are moving forward. This dream also can be the meaning of something you’ve suffered as being a child. When you abandon other people in your dream it can mean that you are shocked by the decisions you made earlier in your life. The main thing you have to do is to move forward in your life and do not regret for something you did or didn’t do….

If you were washing yourself, then such dream could have negative and positive meanings depending on the situation in your waking life and the way you felt during the washing. If you were washing yourself to get rid of all the dirt, then it signifies the negative emotions you are trying to wash away. If you washed yourself and felt well about it, then it shows how happy you are because of all the aspects in your life. If you were washing your car, then it means you are ready to move forward in your life full of energy and potential.

…To hear the roar and see a hurricane heading towards you with its frightful force, you will undergo torture and suspense, striving to avert failure and ruin in your affairs. If you are in a house which is being blown to pieces by a hurricane, and you struggle in the awful gloom to extricate some one from the falling timbers, your life will suffer a change. You will move and remove to distant places, and still find no improvement in domestic or business affairs. If you dream of looking on de’bris and havoc wrought by a hurricane, you will come close to trouble, which will be averted by the turn in the affairs of others. To see dead and wounded caused by a hurricane, you will be much distressed over the troubles of others….