Seeing or using panties in a dream represents female attitudes and feelings. It reflects a female point of view. Dream in which you are taking off your panties symbolizes your ideas about sexuality. It may also indicate the need to get to the bottom of things. Perhaps you want to find way out of some situation.

To dream that you see the battle symbolizes tiredness. This dream is a warning that maybe you worked too hard and now you feel overstrained. Make sure you will find the time to relax and relieve all the fatigue. Your thoughts are very confused and it is hard for you to find the reasonable solution. The other meaning seeing the battle represents sexuality. Maybe you are trying to hide and cover up your sexual desires or maybe you are expressing them beyond the limits.

To have interaction with or to see a mustang, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests aggression, wildness, lust and untamed sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.

The dream in which you see something being very long, denotes to the sexuality and the intercourse. Perhaps you have doubts about your abilities or feel too confident of what you can achieve. The dream may suggest you to be more critical about yourself. The dream could also indicate the situation or relationships that are staying too long period of time.

The snake is the symbol of knowledge. If the snakes you see are coming out from the bushes, holes or the ground, then it means that all of the hidden feelings and emotions are finally coming to the daylight. The snake is also a symbol of dreamer’s sexuality, therefore the one who dreams of it is lacking for sexual activities or has hidden desires.

…The fire in dreams may have many different meanings, depending on circumstances and different context of the dream. The fire could represent anger, frustration, love, losses, passion and sexuality. The dream could show that the past is no longer important, because the present is promising something exciting and new. Perhaps you’re thinking and overall the understanding about life and it values changing. If the fire has got out of control, then such dream shows that you have lost the control of your own life or some aspect of it. If you see your house that is on fire, then such dream indicates the changes in your life that you are not ready to face. On the other hand, the house that is on fire could symbolize the love and affection you are spreading towards the others. The other good meaning of the dream foretells that you will overcome the…

…If you dream of seeing an antlers, it represents men’s sexuality and strength. This dream could also represent the prize. It means that you are the strong man, who is not afraid to protect what belongs to you, even if it requires lots of hard work and power….

The figs in dreams usually stand for a good symbolism. The dream shows that some situation in your waking life will bring positive results. Perhaps you will be surprised by unexpected turnover for your own goodness. If you ate the figs in a dream, then it shows the improvement within your health. You will be feelings great and full of energy and if you were sick, then such dream shows that the sickness will go away. If you see figs that are growing, then such dream indicates the abundance and gain of something very important. Consider that in some cultures figs are interpreted as the symbol of fertility and sexuality.

If you dreamed of the strawberries, then such dream symbolizes the sexuality and suppressed desires you have. On the romantic note, the strawberries are associated with love and affection towards certain person. On the other hand, strawberries are the indication of progressing ideas that are fulfilling your needs.

…If you dreamed about sex, then such dream may have many different explanations depending on the various contexts of the dream. To dream that you were having sex, could show the actual lack of sex in your life. Maybe partner you have do not pay enough attention to you, especially the sexual one. The sex is also the symbol of fertility, new life and new opportunities. Maybe you are willing to start a family life therefore the regular sex is inseparable part of it. The sex in a dream could also show the massive impact the media does to you such as magazines, internet, television and others where the sexuality plays a huge role. If you had a sex with your partner in a dream, then it shows the strong bond between you two. To have sex with your ex denotes to the lack of sex in your waking…

…Finding money in a dream means that soon you’ll receive very pleasant news related to your economic situation. Finding money also indicates the pursuit of love or power. Counting money indicates profit and luck. See others have money means you have big material losses. Lose money in a dream means serious disease or death. It may also mean temporary unhappiness at home and some setbacks in your affairs. You may feel weak, vulnerable and out of control in your daily life. Making money in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity. It can also mean your attitudes about love and the heart. It is often a symbol of sexuality and energy. To dream that you give money to someone else means you’re looking for love, or feel that your partner does not pay enough attention to you. Dream that you have no money denotes that you have a fear of…

Chimera is a mythological monster that has a lion’s head, goat’s body and the tail of a dragon. Chimera’s head symbolizes the tendencies of domination that breaks relationships. Monster’s body symbolizes capricious and perverse sexuality. And the dragon tail means spiritual perversion of vanity. This dream denotes that you have excessive and uncontrolled imagination that can be dangerous

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a scallop shell when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol and sign for female sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.

The chimera is a mythological monster with lion´s head, goat´s body and dragon´s tail. Its head symbolizes domineering tendencies that damages all of human relationships. Its body symbolizes capricious and perverse sexuality. Its dragon tail symbolizes the spiritual perversion of vanity. This dream denotes that we have an unmeasured and uncontrolled imagination that can be dangerous.

If you dreamed of stillborn, then such dream indicates the mistrust you have towards someone particular. The dream could also indicate the growth of sexuality, because the dreamer has lost the frugality he had before.

If you eat a hot dog in a dream, then it could indicate your desire for sexuality or/and intercourse. The hotdog could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping.

The see the screw in the dream, symbolizes the associations with the sexuality. The dream could also indicate the tendency of your personality to fix everything within small details. Alternatively, the dream may be an indication of your personality to mess small things up, which means that you need to be more organized.

Unleashed galloping indicates strong desires of sexuality. Mastering or not the horse is equivalent to whether or not we are able to dominate our senses and passions. If we have these dreams in childhood, they speak of our desire for adventure and action.

Symbolizes the unquenchable desire to live, use all of your features without any consequences. If we see a vampire, then we must be aware that there are people who consciously or unconsciously are able to absorb our energy to their advantage. If we are attacked by a vampire, then such dream warns us that there is someone who wants to use the advantage of our energy and also our money or our sexuality. If we dream of us turned into vampires, then it reveals the danger that we let ourselves be carried away by our appetites increasingly vital and impossible to appease hunger and becoming a threat for us and for others.

If you see elbows in a dream, then such dream foretells about the necessity to get more freedom and independency. Perhaps you are afraid to show others that you need more individual time only for yourself in order to perform greatly. If the elbow is broken or injured, then such dream shows your incapability to cope with some situation in your waking life. The elbow could also be related to your sexuality. Consider that different elbows have different meanings, as for example the right elbow represents your honesty and the left elbow represents stagnancy.

Seeing an orgy in a dream means that you have repressed desires on your own sexuality and passion. It can also mean that there is some sort of confusion in where you distribute your energies.

If you dream of syringe, then such dream indicates the need of joy, happiness, passion and ignition. The liquid in the syringe would tell much more about the meaning of the dream. According to other explanations that are related to sexuality, it foretells that the syringe associates with the needle which reminds of sexual intercourse between two individuals.

To dream that you are on the swing relates to nostalgia, freedom, childhood and longevity. The swings are also related to sexuality, where the dreamer is willing to experience some differences. On the other note, the childhood is being remembered, especially those times when you had lots of fun. The swings could also indicate the inability to make up your mind.

If in the dream you see yourself showing your genitals you may have some fear of your sexuality, and if you are hiding them, perhaps you still have doubts about your sexual identity. If in the dream you see a castration, means feelings of guilt and remorse for your behavior in sexual relations.

In the dreams of young people the stains often reveal fear of sexuality and its consequences. If stains in the dream appear by the action of time, such dream reveals that there is an event or a fact that is not current and not for the future but remains stuck in the past, or that its consequences come from the past.

It symbolizes sexuality. Evidence of sexual desires. Beware of the lust.

To dream about your throat means that you have a will to express your thoughts and emotions to other people. The throat or neck could also indicate the sexuality, grace and charm of the dreamer.

The dreamer that has caught the venereal disease has too many negative emotions in his mind. Perhaps the cure could be done by the spiritual cleaning you should make to yourself. The dream could also indicate the disturbances and fears the dreamer has when it comes to his sexuality.

…To have interaction or to encounter or to see a hamster, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests underdeveloped emotions. You are distancing yourself from others so that you won’t end up getting hurt. It may also indicate that issues of sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity are trivial to you. You are able to separate sex and love….

To see or to ride a motorcycle in a dream symbolizes a peaceful feeling, your need of freedom and your desire to make an adventure. A motorcycle is also a symbol of raw sexuality.

The dream, in which you are brunette, denotes to the grace, sexuality and posh attitude in general. The dream about brunette could also show the necessity to be more realistic and rational.

It is symbol of finality, total achievement or a perfection which itself holds something sacrosanct. Its corolla symbolizes the wealth of your soul. The constitution and distribution of its petals symbolizes the highest perfection. The delicacy and colors variety represent the infinity of feelings. White roses symbolizes pureness and innocence. Red roses indicate passionate love. Blue roses denotes to impossible or unattainable love. A golden rose promises absolute realization. For a young girl, dreaming that she is contemplating the roses but not daring to catch them because of fear for thorns, reveals the fear of sex.

To see a hurricane in a dream is very important sign. This dream warns you about unknown and unexpected changes you will face in your waking life. It will come out of the blue and you will not know how to deal with it. If you are dreaming that the hurricane has swept you, then such dream signifies the emotional disturbance you are suffering from. You do not know how to act in certain situations. Overall, you feel out of control.

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

…and religious assiduousness. Receiving a shirt as a gift in a dream means blessings and profits. Wearing a dirty and a torn shirt in a dream means poverty, distress and afflictions. If a woman sees herself wearing a new, large and comfortable blouse in a dream, it denotes her piety, religiousness, happiness and the enjoyment of a rich life in this world. The same could reflect the state of her husband. Wearing a green or a white shirt in a dream denotes piety. Wearing a blue shirt in a dream may not be praiseworthy. Wearing a red shirt in a dream means fame, while a yellow shirt in a dream means an illness. A wet shirt in a dream means obstacles in one’s travels. If one’s wet shirt dries in the dream, it means that his hurdles have been removed. Wearing a shirt without a collar, a pocket, buttons, or…

Blue eyes portend joy, evil-looking, success in trade. Large handsome eyes show your fortune will be soon made.

The sky that is blue in your dream indicates freedom, happiness and overall happiness. The grey sky or the one that has many clouds in it represents your melancholic sometimes even depressing moods. It is more common to dream such dream for people who live in North, because of the lack of the sun, therefore such dream wouldn’t mean anything bad. The sky that is dark and looks scary indicates the things you are afraid of such as your future, health of your family and so on. The night sky represents the qualities that has no ending, the dream shows that you have limitless opportunities to do whatever you like. To get more information about your dream please see the meaning of clouds.

…a dream means having a stagnant merchandise. If a judge or a ruler finds that his flesh has grown in a dream, it means that he will become famous for his verdicts, rulings or that he will become rich, or perhaps he might grow in fury or develop anger. Growth in one’s fitness in a dream also denotes happiness, joy and celebrations, while emaciation in a dream represents distress and adversities. If one sees his flesh black or blue, or if his skin is cracking in a dream, it denotes suffering from adversities, an illness or a punishment for his sins. Eating the growth of one’s own flesh in a dream means usury, or living on income from usury and saving one’s capital. Eating from one’s own flesh in a dream also means using one’s own capital, or doing something that will be followed by regret and sorrow. (Also see…

The blue color signifies calmness and devotion. The green color represents vitality, fertility and money happiness. Orange one denotes loyalty, goodness and childhood. The red one foretells about sexual aspects, power and scary things. Yellow one represents happiness, childhood, great health and vitality.

To dream of the air, has many different interpretations, and depends mostly on the different appearances the dream has. If you dream that the sky is clear, blue, calm and serene, then it has a good symbol and promises good future.