There are few internal stimulus that can invoke the dreams about the red snakes. Those stimulus can be separated in psychological and physiological types. The latter type includes anything what relates to bodily physical functions, thus a high blood pressure and a high level of heart beats rate are internal stimulus. Those can trigger our subconscious mind to recreate visions of the red snakes. Psychological internal stimulus can be anything related with innate sexual brain work. Thus instinctive physiological processes, like a desire for intimate physical contact or a fear of it, are triggering base of red snake dream.

If you feel heat in a dream, then such dream shows the guilt and humiliation. On the other hand it shows the creative aspects of the dreamer and vitality. The heat in a dream could also be caused by the internal stimulus such as too high body temperature or external stimulus such as very warm duvet.

…Red snake attack in a dream can be triggered by external stimulus. For anyone, recently in waking life encountered an intensive movement of a thing in a red color can be a source of dreaming about attack by red snake. A movement of a red car, or a bike, a burning cigarette, or a seeing of a red colored sunset can be an inspiration for your dream. For a woman, a sudden start of a monthly period can be an external stimulus of dreaming about an attack of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp feeling of spontaneous erection induced by blood flow into a body part is a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless reptiles attacks. And these feelings can be felt up to few times per sleep. Also, if closed eyes suddenly being touched by red colored light rays of rising sun early…

…Red snake bite in a dream can be a cause of an external stimulus. For anyone, recently in real life experienced a feeling of bleeding gums, or an eating of a rare done bloody stake, or a bite of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source of dreaming about bite by red snake. Any biting feeling from life can be an inspirational cause for your dream. For a woman, a sudden menstrual pain in a belly can be an external stimulus for a dream about a bite of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp painful feeling in a body part full of blood can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless biting reptiles. And the pain can be felt up to few times during a night. Also, if closed eyes being touched unexpectedly by red first light of rising sun…

…A killing of a red snake in a dream can be because of an external stimulus reason. For anyone, recently in actual life seen bloody scene of a killing of anything by anybody or a neutralization of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source for dreams. In order to kill a red snake in a dream is enough to see in waking life something that resembles such act. For a woman, a finalization of a menstrual cycle can be an external stimulus for a dream about a killing of a red colored snake. For a man, a release of blood from erected body part can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the killed red long limbless reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away…

…and the times you were in the womb. Perhaps you are looking for some security, therefore you are hiding under the shelter. The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you. If you were holding your breath, then it means you are unable to make some certain decision. Probably you keep to our own opinion and do not let others to give the advice. If you dreamed of having difficulties while breathing, then it means you are emotionally wrecked and tired. Perhaps you need to take some time off to relax. The dream of having difficulty to breath could also be caused by the internal stimulus where you are having problems with breathing because of asthma or runny nose. The external stimulus such as the pillow could also cause these kinds of dreams….

…Red snake in a dream can be induced by external stimulus. For anyone, recently encountered intensive red color in waking life can be a reason of dreaming about red snake. It can be a blood, a sunset, a red apple, a red painting and anything else with red color. For a woman, a start of a period can be a cause of dreaming about snake in red. For a man, a spontaneous blood flow into reproductive organ is a trigger for the dreams about the red snakes. It can occur up to few times per night. Also, if closed eyes being touched by rising sun rays in a morning, it can invoke a red color snake dream….

The dream, in which you see your own belly, shows the thoughts and ideas that are being crystallized and comes to the reality. Perhaps you are ready to get realized the ideas that were staying in your mind for a while. The belly could also indicate the suppressed emotions one is holding in. Perhaps you should trust more in what you can achieve. If you see the belly that contains the baby in it, then such dream denotes to the feelings that are about to come out. If you were rubbing your own belly in a dream, then such dream could indicate the internal stimulus which causes the feelings of hunger.

…In the dream to see a couch or dream that you are on a couch, has the symbolic importance of the need to have holidays. Couch in the dream means resistance to work. Couch also is symbol of rest and relaxation, laziness or boredom. It may also mean that you need to clear you head. Maybe you have too much ideas, thoughts and conceptions. Try to do everything step by step. You should have better direction toward goals. Sometimes couch is related with sexual stimulus. If in the dream you wasn’t alone on the couch, then such context represents sexual desires. But that depends on the person, which was with you. Is it possible that this person can have sexual connotations in your mind?…

In the dream you see that someone else is yawning, this indicates that you need a stimulus in your life. In your real life you feel exhausted and passive, this shows that you need a challenge to move yourself emotionally and physically.

If you drank the juice in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the energy and long life. The dream could also be caused by the internal stimulus of your body, where you actually feel thirsty, therefore you are dreaming of drinking juice.

If you saw the citrine gemstone in a dream, then it shows the power and force you have within yourself. Make sure you do not lose the power and stimulus to move on.

The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.

…If you were choking in a dream, then it symbolizes some situation or aspect you will find hard to approve. The dream could also show your inability to show what you are actually thinking, especially if you were chocking on food. If somebody else tried choking you, then it means you are struggling to show the various emotions such as frustration, affection and apprehension. Perhaps someone in your life is trying to give you the pressure therefore you feel like you can’t breathe normally. If you were the one who was choking someone else, then it shows your rage towards some particular person. There is a possibility that the subliminal mind of yours helps you to keep your mouth shut and do not tell certain things to particular people. The internal stimulus such as the actual choke could wake you up, in this case the dream has no meanings…

If you dream about the dome, then such dream indicates the lack of stimulus. You are the person who never finishes things until the end. If you see yourself being in a dome of some building, then it shows the respect you will receive from other people.

If you ate the cereal in a dream, then such dream could indicate the internal stimulus from your body, because you actually feeling hungry. The other symbol of the cereal foretells that you are about to start a new phase in your life. The dream might also suggest you to make a refreshment within your life and start everything from the scratch.

When you dream of the dentist, then such dream could indicate the actual fear you have for dentists. The dream could also show that you do not trust some person in your waking life. The dentist in dreams could be coming from the internal stimulus such as tooth pain you are suffering from while sleeping, therefore you see a dentist. If you see the dentist that is fixing someone else’s teeth, then it means you will be surprised by other people’s negative experiences.

The feeling of the breeze in a dream denotes to variety and changes in your life. The dream could also indicate the external stimulus such as the cold you feel while sleeping.

When you dream of having the headache, then it could represent the internal stimulus your body is expressing, such as the actual pain of the head. The headache in a dream could also indicate the wrong path the dreamer chooses. Maybe you let the emotions take the advantage of the mind, therefore you are unable to think clearly and make the proper decisions.

If you dream of being cold, then such dream represents the loneliness you are suffering from. Perhaps you feel isolated by others, therefore you are suffering from coldness. The dream about coldness could also signify the external stimulus you are suffering from such as true coldness. Maybe the duvet you were covered has slipped away therefore you got cold. The dream, in which you see the word being written cold, then such dream represents the necessity to become less indifferent.