Dreaming of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream, signifying great honor and recognition from high places. For a young woman Dreaming of her lover presenting her with diamonds, foreshows that she will make a great and honorable marriage, which will fill her people with honest pride | but to lose diamonds, and not find them again, is the most unlucky of dreams, foretelling disgrace, want and death. For a sporting woman Dreaming of diamonds, foretells for her many prosperous days and magnificent presents. For a speculator, it denotes prosperous transactions. Dreaming of owning diamonds, portends the same for sporting men or women. Diamonds are omens of good luck, unless stolen from the bodies of dead persons, when they foretell that your own unfaithfulness will be discovered by your friends….

The diaper is the symbol of childishness and innocence. If you have been wearing the diapers in a dream, then it shows how much dependent you are on others. If you have changed the diapers for somebody else, then it means that this particular person relies on you. The dirty diapers are interpreted as the necessity to clear up your mind and environment you are surrounded by. Perhaps you need to change your views and look at things from different angle. The diapers could also show how you are longing for the times you were irresponsible and didn’t have some many responsibilities. If you have babies and dream of the diapers, then such dream simply reflects your daily life.

Dreaming of being a diamond owner indicates that the dreamer aspires to possess great wealth and excel in society. A young and single woman that dreams of wearing diamonds hints that she yearns to marry a man very rich and with prestige in society. But if during the dream she loses one or more diamonds, then it is a warning that her dreams of being rich will fail. Usually dreaming about diamonds is a good thing since it hints success, but if the dreamer loses one of the diamonds that appear in the dream, then it will become a bad omen, since it insinuates sadness, poverty, suffering, etc.

The diamonds in the dream indicates the luxurious lifestyle. It is also the symbol of clarity and clearness where everything is seen exactly the way it is. The diamond ring in a dream represents your desire to get engaged. The dream about diamonds could show the aspects of your personality such as arrogance and grace.

If you dream of having diarrhea, then it shows the lost control of your own life. Perhaps you are no longer capable of dealing with the issues and troubles, therefore you have a diarrhea. On the other hand, the dream could be interpreted as the necessity to let go some things as soon as it is possible. There are many negative thoughts, emotions or people that must be removed. To get the better dream interpretation please also check the meaning of Bowel Movement.

Diadem is interpreted like crown in the dream. See the meanings of crown for diadem symbolic meanings.

To dream you wear a diamond, denotes that you will be crossed in love, and that your lover is unfaithful. For a man of business to dream that he is dealing in diamonds, is good, it is a sure thing with, him, that he will become wealthy, and retire to private life much respected. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 3….

Diamonds are the most precious stones and dream about these stones is considered auspicious in reference to health, because the diamond is imperishable, and also in relation to business projects, because this rock stands with its value to adversity of circumstances. For its hardness, it can also reflect that we have enough energy to meet new challenges in the transformation of our character.

Dreaming of India rubber, denotes unfavorable changes in your affairs. If you stretch it, you will try to establish a greater business than you can support.

Diamond symbolizes the sovereignty, incorruptibility, the absolute reality, the courage in adversity and integrity of character. Omen of good luck and prosperity.

Dreaming of a diadem, denotes that some honor will be tendered you for acceptance.

The diamond in dreams are good omens, because it stands for things that are important to you. The dream about them could also indicate the love and affection you have towards someone. It could also suggest to think deeper and realize what really matters to you in life.

Dreaming about diamonds means greed. Be more generous.

The diary in a dream, represents the memories, the past and secrets we are hiding. Perhaps you are trying to look back at your history in order to find some answers or you are trying to get some privacy while making important decisions. Please see also the meaning of journal.

Diadem means change in status, progress and promotion.

In a dream, diarrhea represents negligence and squandering of property and money, while constipation represents miserliness, stinginess and avarice.

If you are writing a diary in a dream, it shows that you wish to talk with someone about your life, problems and dreams, but there is no one who you could trust, therefore you trust only yourself.

Sickness, vexation, disagreeableness. 41.

A warning which will prevent you against hurried decisions.

Represents nostalgia or memories of our childhood. If we open it and see it is blank, then it indicates that we would like to erase the past. The feelings we have in the dream is how our past has been.

To hear it spoken indicates that you will remain puzzled to attitudes which disorient because of thinking. To speak it is an omen that your activities will be carried out in secret and closed to associations.

Dreaming of thin watery feces means disappointment with family and profession.

It warns us that we need to expand our knowledge.

Vexation and misfortune.

Bad success. 8.

(See Reference book)

Luck, gain, reward.

(See Citrus medica)

Illness, losses and troubles at home.

To see them, a delusion as to wealth, deceptive fortune. To pick them up, losses vexations. Swallow them, great profit, good fortune, reward.

(See Birth control)

(See Swaddle)

Dreaming about seeing or searching through encyclopaedias signifies your chase for information. It also refers to knowledge and the fine arts. Although these pursuits may not be financially valuable, you are enriching your thoughts.

Dreaming of seeing or searching through encyclopedias, portends that you will secure literary ability to the losing of prosperity and comfort.

Getting into comfortable circumstances.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of press.

I have often dreamed complete tales, and, oddly enough, the scene of my tale-dream is, more often than not, in Hyde Park. I append the following by way of illustration. I dreamed it was a wet night, and that I saw, sitting alone on a seat in Hyde Park, with the rain falling mercilessly on her head and shoulders, and forming a large puddle in her lap, a woman — a silent, white-faced woman, that might well have passed for a corpse, or for a typical phantasm of the dead. I was so struck with the sight that I involuntarily stopped, and, advancing towards her, enquired if she were ill.The sound of my voice made her start, and, shaking the water from her dress with a dull, mechanical movement, she said reproachfully, ”Why can’t folks let me alone? You are the third who has spoken to me within…

Dreaming of a deceased is usually a warning that something unpleasant is about to happen. If in the dream you speak with the deceased, even though you do not remember the dialogue, it may be warning you to take care of enmities, or more likely, to monitor your own actions, behavior and errors. In spiritualism it states that this type of dream is actually a direct communication with the dead. If the person who appears in the dream is a known enemy, the risk is greater, but if you don’t know the deceased, then you should meditate on the case. For example, if the deceased is a beloved family member (parent, sibling, etc.) then the approach can be interpreted as a warning to protect the dreamer of possible unpleasant situations, but it can also be a visit or loving encounter between parents and children, in which case the…

When you receive a love-letter avowing a passion for you, lay it full open, then fold it into nine, fix it near or next your heart, wear it thus till you are going to bed, put it in the glove belonging to your left hand, and then them both under your head. If your dreams are of costly gems, such as diamonds, gold, etc., rest assured that your lover is true to you, and you may rely upon his promises and professions of love for you.

The cards that are being played in a dream represents the fact that you should be aware about your financial situation. If you have are playing with the cards, it could also mean that bad things might happen to you if you won’t be careful. If you see the club of cards while playing with the cards, then great fortune is on your way. When you see the diamonds, great financial growth. If see hearts, luck in love. If see spades, failure and troubles.