…The bullet in dreams is a bad omen. You should be aware of those around you. Perhaps there is this one person who you trust the most and he will deceive you when you won’t expect him to do so. If you found a bullet in a dream, then you will find out who is working against you. If you were hit by a bullet, then it suggests to look after your health as it could be a sign of some illness. If you see a bullet, you should avoid making a big fuss about something and keep calm, otherwise it will bring you even more troubles….

Dreaming of bullets indicates you will face sorrows and pains. Close friends will stay at your home.

Dreaming about bullets is a premonition of great sadness and sorrow. It also means distancing from your relatives.

A bullet proof jacket maker in a dream represents someone who makes difficult work easier, one who helps people to attain their goal, a marriage broker, one who teaches people about good conduct, or one who disseminates knowledge or teaches about behavior modification, though he masks hypocrisy.

Scruples of conscience about present actions. 157.

Needing the assistance of a physician.

Good prospects.

Getting into danger.

Bad success.

Seeing some hard times. 384.

…pay gold betokens increase of friends. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that he shall receive some damage. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets, good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. Quicksilver. To dream of “this metal is a sign your friends will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you, or some near relative, will shortly marry, but not happily; if you dream of buying these articles, it is a sign of poverty; to dream of silver dollars, or bars of silver used in commence, is a sign that you will lose money by speculation….

…of friends. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that lie shall receive some damage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 5. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 50. Quicksilver. To dream of this metal is a sign your friend will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19,41. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you or some neat relative, will shortly marry: if you dream of buying these antiques, it is a sign of poverty: to dream of…

…To dream that you’re healing a wound or an animal bite suggests that some people to whom you have done favors are scheming to harm you. To dream that you’ve been injured or bitten is always a symbol of envy, resentment and sometimes warns you about possible attacks by disaffected people. To dream that you’re wounding or biting someone suggests that your behavior isn’t correct, and that it could cause you problems in your relationships or even cause you material losses. This dream is a warning that you have to correct yourself. To dream about blood that is coming from someone else’s open wound or bite, or even from a wound or bite of your own, indicates that your health is not doing well, so you have to be careful. To dream that a bullet has wounded you or that you’ve been hurt with any other weapon and are…

Leaden bullets, or learning, some good news doth show.

…there were legions — to swarthy Dagos and bullet -headed negroes, vied with one another in their mad efforts to escape the falling bricks and burning timber. In trying to elude one death men only courted another, and the dreamer saw scores of human beings who leaped from burning buildings, only to be dashed to pieces on the cruel stone pavements. Nor was the heroic element wanting, for many men and women perished in their efforts to rescue the infirm and sick, and to help those to escape, who were either too old or too young to help themselves. For some time, the dreamer was merely a spectator, but very suddenly, and by some inconceivable impulse, she became imbued with personal interest in what was going on, and, labouring under the impression that her home and family were in danger, fought her way to get to them. The city was…