…it also announces that you will soon make changes in affairs that you’re handling, and in this case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences. Dreaming of driving a car accompanied by someone and you have an accident, suggests that even though your affairs are going well, there’s a risk of them ending abruptly and finishing with negative results. Dreaming of being saved from being run over by a car indicates that the dreamer must run away from situations or dubious business, light affairs and rivalries of all kinds. In short, it’s a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates huge ambitions that can’t be satisfied with simple work efforts. Dreaming of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any…

The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.

…(Automobile | Carriage | Carrier | Coach | Lift | Litter | Transport | Vehicle | Wheels) In a dream, a car represents someone who properly manages his life, for a car is made from many well coordinated parts, and carries many things and transports them from one location to another. If one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank. If a traveller sees a car in his dream, it means that his trip will take a slow turn and he will be delayed. A car in a dream also signifies dignity, honor, advancement and attainment. If one sees himself holding to a car or running after it in a dream, it means that he will lobby someone in authority and profit from him as…

Any kind of the vehicle indicates your ability to move through the life. If you go with the car that is technically perfect, it shows that you are going through your life perfectly as well. If your car has been stolen, it shows that you give others opportunity to control your life. The car which is broken or damaged in any other way, shows that you are incapable to control your life. There are some obstacles that you don’t know how to deal with. The dream in which you are driving the car also shows how you manage to control various situations. The car is your life, therefore if it is not working perfectly or you are unable to drive it well and safely, you should do something about it.

It indicates a change in our lives, but we do not do it alone, but surrounded by all that we know. Getting on a crowded bus (subway, railway and train) reflects the need for relationships with others. If the bus is empty it indicates our shyness. If we see when the bus arrives, some passengers get off before we get on it, it means that this life change is not definitive. If we only see the bus, that indicates that we will receive a proposition that can change our lives although we have not yet decided whether to accept it or not.

…It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. Gasoline represents our energy capacity. Bodywork indicates our external appearance. Steering wheel signifies the capability to be in control. Brakes refer to our will. Electrical car shows the intelligence. Not working properly car represents our ability to view facts. If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are driving the car alone, it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If another person drives, it means that we are not masters of our destiny….

If you were driving the car and got yourself into the car accident, it shows that you should be aware of the dangers in your life. Sometimes the car accident indicates the fact that you are feeling unable to deal with your life anymore and wish to receive some help. Make sure you do not hesitate to ask for help when it’s needed.

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. Gasoline represents our energy’s capacity. Frame of the car indicates our external appearance. Steering wheel shows control’s capability. Brakes represents our will. Electrical circuit how intelligence we are. Headlights shows our ability to view the facts. If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are driving the car alone indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If another person drives, it means we are not masters of our destiny.

If you dream of the school bus, then such dream shows the new destinations of your life, that you are willing to make yourself a better person and gain more experience in life. To be a driver of the bus, means that you wish to take control over someone else and make the better life for them.

To see a car in a dream symbolizes difficulties. It can also mean economic resources and not willing to take any risks. If seeing an empty car and abandoned, means loss and discontent.

Dreaming that you are driving a large vehicle without this being your usual occupation, a bus driver for example, but not carrying passengers, indicates that in real life you will go from bad to worse in all matters, including the sentimental matters.

Dreams involving a bus, subway, or any other public transport, implicate an upcoming change in our lives, change that will take place in the world surrounding us, in the midst of customs and hobbies, and family and social conditions, etc. That’s why it will be important to see who form part of the dream and our reactions to those dreamed events.

…Dreams that involve a bus, subway, or any other means of public transportation, implicate an upcoming change in our life, a change we will make surrounded by the world around us, in the midst of customs and things such as family or social conditions… So, it will be important to see what kind of reaction those dreams causes us….

To dream that you’re driving a car in a dream indicates insecurity and a lack of confidence.

Our own life is represented and everything depends on us. If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are driving alone, it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If it is another person driving, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

If you dream you’re driving the car, it means insecurity and lack of self-confidence. Save money for hard times.

Dreams about cars usually reflect the desires and lust for power. To interpret this dream you will have to attend to the shape, rating, price and size of the car.

(See train).

Unexpected support which will help you finish a very profitable operation.

(See Racing)

…you. To dream that someone else is driving you, symbolizes the dependency on something. If you know the person, which is driving, then maybe the dream shows your dependence on this person. Think about control of your life. Are you in control of your life or is someone else? Are you following the goals of others instead of your own? If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it represents that you are trying to be in control. Maybe you have lost it for some time, but now it is time to get back it. Are you trying to achieve full control of the route that your life is taking? Perhaps you have started to make your own choices. To dream that you are driving a cab or bus represents boring labor with little chances for advancement. To dream that you are driving a car in…

…due to a crash or by being run over, indicates that soon the dreamer will face multiple failures and problems if the dreamer doesn’t correct his or her behavior. Dreaming of being saved from the crash or from being run over by one’s own merits indicates that through the dreamer’s skills and behavior any affairs that the dreamer might have will have a good outcome. Dreaming of witnessing a car crash and even worse being part of the car crash, is a warning that precautions need to be taken since the dreamer is at risk of suffering from an accident or from a very unpleasant surprise at work, business, or family and love relationships. A young woman that sees a crash of any type in her dream needs to take immediate and firm decisions concerning feelings because if not it could provoke issues between two men or between families….

(Carrier | Carrying weight | Burdens | Forbearance | Serving others) In a dream, a porter or a carrier represents a school bus driver who is entrusted with bringing the children to school, then taking them back home. Whatever appear- ance he shows in the dream, it will indicate the mental state of the school bus driver. A porter in a dream also represents someone who is carrying his own sins and burdens. To see oneself as a porter in a dream means doing penance. If a porter enters before a sick person in a dream, it means recovering from an illness. (Also see Tithe collector)

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

The dream in which you see the automobile indicates the movement of your life. The automobile that is technically good shaped, indicates the peace of your mind. You are going through life perfectly without any distractions. If your car is damaged or broken in any other way, it foretells about the difficulties you will have to deal with. The car that has been stolen means that you are feeling betrayed by those you trusted. Somebody wants to use you for their goodness.

…The dream about the car crash denotes to your attitude, life and targets that clashed with another’s. The dream might also indicate the staggering proficiency you will have. On the other hand, the car crash could also indicate your tendency to drive without any care. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is telling you to slow it down. If you saw the plane crash, then such dream shows the unreal expectations you have from yourself. Perhaps you made very high goals for yourself which is impossible to achieve. On the other hand, the dream shows the lack of confidence you are suffering from. Perhaps you do not believe in yourself and think you are unable to get what you want. Try to believe more in yourself and do whatever you want to do, otherwise you will get nothing from life. To get more information about the crash dream meaning,…

To dream that you are working in your garage may have several meanings depending on circumstances of the dream and your waking life. The garage could shows that you like to work on your own and organize your life on your own. The car that is seen in the garage indicates your achievements, so the better the car, the better goals you have achieved.

…Dreaming of seeing cars, denotes journeying and changing in quick succession. To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices than had been calculated upon. To miss one, foretells that you will be foiled in an attempt to forward your prospects. To get off of one, denotes that you will succeed with some interesting schemes which will fill you with self congratulations. Dreaming of sleeping-cars, indicates that your struggles to amass wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd principles which should be mastered and controlled. To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet. To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to…

…memory of so valuable a friend.) The other extraordinary story to which I have alluded, I heard from what I consider unimpeachable authority. Mrs. Brooke, whom I have already mentioned, told me that she was drinking tea one evening in Fleet Street, when a medical gentleman was expected but did not arrive till late. Apologising for his delay, he said he had attended a lady who suffered from a contracted throat, which occasioned her great difficulty in swallowing. He said she traced the cause to the following circumstance. When she was a young woman, and in bed with her mother, she dreamed that she was on the roof of a church struggling with a man, who attempted to throw her over. He appeared in a car man’s frock and had red hair.Her mother ridiculed her terror, and bade her compose herself to sleep again; but the impression of her dream…

…(Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose. If a sick person sees himself racing in a dream, it means his death. If a poor person sees himself racing in a dream, it means financial gains. If a traveller sees himself racing in a dream, it means returning to his home. Horse racing in a dream means indulging in what is forbidden, arrogance, self-deceit, or guaranteeing the success of what has no prospect of succeeding. Horse racing in a dream also could mean engaging in a dangerous adventure that could lead to one’s death, corruption and divisiveness. Pigeon racing in a dream means sodomy. Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger….

…To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to…

If it is a freight car, it means that the financial situation will evolve favorably and in accordance with the aspirations and needs. If, on the other hand, it is the car of the passenger, then it is an indicator of upcoming, unfavorable changes.

…Dreaming of traveling, signifies profit and pleasure combined. Dreaming of traveling through rough unknown places, portends dangerous enemies, and perhaps sickness. Over bare or rocky steeps, signifies apparent gain, but loss and disappointment will swiftly follow. If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminently prosperous and happy. Dreaming you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions. See Journey….

It can be a warning against possible car accidents in the future. Perhaps your mind is telling you to be careful. It might be a good time to slow down a bit, and face your fears and doubts. Do you have control over your life? Do you feel guilty about something? It also indicates that your opinions, lifestyle or ambitions collide with those of another person. When one of your acquaintances dies in a car accident, it means that you need to check or retrieve your relationship with that acquaintance in real life. If you dream of a plane crash, it may mean that the objectives you set for yourself are too high. Or it may be, that you yourself, do not really believe that you are capable of achieving them.

…motor-‘bus to Park Lane. I had no difficulty in finding the lady’s house, and, entering the front door with the key she gave me, I crept upstairs to her bedroom.”No one was about, I couldn’t even detect” the sound of distant voices, and the house bore every appearance of being deserted.”The room I entered was large, and furnished most luxuriously. On the duchess-table, facing the brightly polished French bed, was a gorgeous array of silver-backed brushes, trinket boxes, hand- glasses, manicuring instruments, powder jars, and heaps of other costly articles, including several very valuable rings and bracelets, which were thrown about with the utmost carelessness; and a strong smell of some subtle scent pervaded the whole apartment. Connected with the room, by means of a door to the right of the dressing-table, was a dressing-room, where the master of the house usually slept. I did not enter it, as the…

To dream of the ticket, denotes to the new adventures in your life. Depending on the tickets, the different meanings are coming out of it. The train, plane or bus ticket would show the new journey or other fresh beginning in your life. The cinema or theatre ticket would indicate the creative lack within you. If you have lost the ticket, then such dream indicates the uncertainty and unknowingness.

(see CAR)

If we are driving a car alone then it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us. If another person drives, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

…he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see gasoline, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests energy and spirituality. Thus to dream that you run out of gas, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are wearing yourself out. Take a time out. Dreaming that you are filling your car with gasoline, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your need to take better care of your Self. You need to be filled with new energy and vitality.