If you dream of mathematics, then such dream indicates the decision which will have to be done, while thinking logically. The dream also suggests you to forget the emotions while making that particular decision. If you are unable to solve the mathematical issue in your dream, then it means you are having the chaos in your life and do not know what to do to figure out the lurking problem. The dream could also indicate the necessity to start acting now.

To dream that you participate in a fight represents damage to your freedom. Maybe you are feeling locked up and unable to use total expression of your emotions, thoughts, actions. Also, fight represents inner chaos. One aspect of your personality is in conflict with another aspect of your character. Perhaps an unsettled or unrecognized part is fighting for its right to show up. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your life. To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are reluctant to acknowledge your own complications and disorders. You are not taking any obligation or initiative in trying to resolve questions in your waking life. To dream that you are fighting to the death symbolizes that you are unwilling to acknowledge real conflict. Also, it suggests that you are hiding your own inner turmoil. Maybe you are very…

If you dream that you see the ocean then such dream might have several different meanings. The first explanation foretells that the state of your mind is the reflection of the state of the ocean. The ocean that is calm with crystal clear water shows that your mind is in peace. If there is some kind of the storm in the ocean, your mental health is confused and not in the best shape. You should look after yourself. The ocean could also indicate the secrets and mystical issues, because of its size. Consider that the size of the waves in the ocean also foretells about your life: the bigger the waves, the bigger the chaos in your waking life.

If you see feathers that are up in the sky or simply in the air, then such dream promises honor you will receive. The feathers indicate the life without stress, domestic happiness and financial growth. The dream also shows how easy you are going through life. The feathers could also represent chaos in your life and inability to control things you are surrounded by. If you see the feathers of the chickens, then it promises small troubles you will solve easily. The feather of any other bird indicates any progress on your life. The feathers are also symbols of dominance.

If you have a desert then such dream signifies the unconscious mind of yours. You feel the lack of the positive and sweet experience in your waking life. The dream about dessert could also show that you feel too much of stability in your life and wish some of the chaos. However, if you really like deserts in your waking life, then it simply shows that you wish to have some kind of dessert, therefore you dream about it.

If you are in locker room in a dream, then such dream offers you to take some time and relax. Perhaps there is a lot of tension that is happening in your waking life. The dream could also show your desire to move on the things that are done properly instead of being in this chaos. Maybe there is someone in your life that gives you much of the stress? The dream could also denote to the desire for freedom and independency.

Seeing a dust cloud means emotional turmoil. To dream that you are in the dust cloud means changes that can lead to a loss, chaos and scandal.

When you dream of being an Amish it represents your chaotic life. What you have to do, is pay more attention to valuable and important things other then focusing on less important things. This dream also could be a sign that you want more ordinary than complicated life. There is not much that you need. Simple things like family, good health, average payments you receive is enough for you to accomplish your good life.

When you are standing on the ledge in your dream, then such dream symbolizes the tension, chaos and agitation. If you saw someone else standing on the ledge, then it means you should give a hand for that particular person, because he is lost and needs help. The dream about the ledge could have both negative and positive meanings, depending on where you are looking at while standing on it. If you looked up, then it means you have high expectations, but if you looked down, then it means you are feeling lost and depressed.

I have always tried to remember the dreams I have had in the delirium of fever and illness, and in many of these dreams there has figured the same woman — clad in black, with long, flowing, black hair, and wild animal eyes — eyes that might have be-longed to a woman of the stone age. Thrice, before the deaths of those I have loved, I have dreamed that this same woman has glided up to my bedside and bitten and pinched me. And on each occasion I have awakened with the sting of her sharp, cruel teeth, and her hard, bony fingers burning into my flesh. Can she, I ask myself, be the banshee? But to revert to my deliriums, the deliriums of my youth, in chicken-pox, and measles, and of my later days, in rheumatic fever, dysentery, and severe colds. Apart from this woman in black,…

The butterfly is a symbolism of chaos in your waking life. Perhaps the dream suggests to be more stable, otherwise the consequences won’t be very favorable. The butterfly that is big could also foreshadow the fact that you will be seen by others a lot, because of your behavior and it’s not bad if you like the attention. See the explanation of flying to get more detailed dream interpretation.

Thunderbolts in a dream are signs of punishment, illness or death. If a thunderbolt hits and burns something in the dream, it means false rumors, damages, financial losses, recession, or dumping of merchandise. A thunderbolt in a dream also means a warning for a sinner, the punishment for his crime, devastation, calamities, diseases, tornados, plagues, a blast, a major political shift, tyranny, decapitation, a bad death, inceneration, burining people alive, or a robbery. If one is under surveillance, then seeing a thunderbolt in a dream means a crackdown on his house or business. If thunderbolts strike people’s homes in a dream, they mean the arrival of covetous and despicable criminals in the company of decent and innocent people who are not aware of the true identity of their companions. If thunderbolts strike the fields and damage the crop in a dream, they represent taxes or an investigation. If…

The dream, in which you see the collision, denotes to the emotional state of your mind. Perhaps you are trying to get sorted the chaos of your mind. The better explanation of the dream is interpreted in the meaning of Crash.

If you dream of the drawers, then such dream indicates the features of your personality which you are hiding away. If the drawer is disorganized, then it shows the chaos in your life, but if the drawer is tidy, then it shows the great organizing skills….

If you dream of feeling dizzy, then such dream indicates the chaos of your mind. Perhaps you do not know how to make some final decision about the issue that was on your mind. You should pull yourself together and make the right choice without being nervous or confused.

Dreaming about a harbor is explained as symbolism of obestacles. This dream represents a need for a shelter from a stormy relationship or chaotic situation. Maybe you’re seeking refuge satus until you can recollect your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead….

Dreaming of buckles, foretells that you will be beset with invitations to places of pleasure, and your affairs will be in danger of chaotic confusion.

The dream about the lake could have several meanings depending on the circumstances and the state of the lake. The lake that is crystal clear and you see swimming yourself in it, indicates your ability to move through life with grace and beauty. If the lake is muddy and dirty, it shows that the circumstances are very unfavorable to you. The lake could also be interpreted as the symbol of freedom, especially if you are floating in one. If you are drowning in the lake, you feel helpless in some situation which scares you a lot. The waves of the lake indicates the chaos and turbulence in your waking life.

To have interaction with an imp or to encounter or to see an imp, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of disbalance and disharmony. Imp is a symbol of chaos and disorder. Dreaming about an imp shows that you have some troubles in your waking life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, the imp has meaning of misunderstanding of yourself. Imp in the dream stands as an omen for the negative thoughts about your own personal qualities and repressed emotions.

Dreaming that you’re in a zoo symbolizes the loss of freedom or your capacities. You feel locked in. The zoo can also represent chaos and confusion. You must put in order a certain situation in your life….

To dream of a flying bat means an impending catastrophe (not infrequently from water), but not necessarily to the dreamer. To dream of a motionless bat means some impending illness of a more or less serious nature, but not necessarily of the dreamer. If, however, the sleeper dreams the bat settles on him, then he himself will be the sufferer either from some physical injury or from some grievous sickness. To exemplify my theory that bats portend disaster in a greater or a less degree, I will quote a few cases I have collected for that purpose. A lady, whom I will designate Miss Spenser, once dreamed she was crossing a hayfield when she heard a loud buzzing overhead, and, on looking up, perceived a number of bats some feet above her, engaged in whirling round and round in a state of hopeless chaos and confusion. Presently they…

To be in the middle of a tumult, chaos, disturbance etc. is a sign of bad mood or extreme willingness to anger. It is necessary for this transitional state to be repressed and you should find the way to move away from people whose presence, action or behavior can be irritating or annoying.

(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply…

When you dream of the war, then such dream identifies the chaos in your personal life. Maybe you are in conflict with someone in your waking life. Try to sort out those issues with the certain people. The dream of the war could indicate the personal conflict you are having with yourself. Maybe you have the disagreement with yourself and cannot find the right solution. Some people that were soldiers at war in their waking life, very often have dreams about war, because of the past and influence of the war that has been made.

If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.

When you see the mud in dream, then such dream indicates the position that is very much in chaos. If you were walking in a mud, then such dream shows your tiredness of some situation or relationships. Perhaps you are no longer capable to confront those troubles. If you got yourself dirty with the mud, then it means you will lose the respect from certain people in your waking life.

It may be fear or chaos that makes you dream about strict order.

Ants always symbolize hard, intelligent and organized work, so they do warn the dreamer that he/she should act the same way, perhaps because he/she is being negligent with his/her responsibilities, what may lead him/her to many setbacks. To dream that your job if full of ants, and that you can also see them in your regular activities announces abundance, both for you and your family, thanks to your efforts and success in your work, projects, etc. To dream that a group of ants is moving chaotically, and worse if they are black, announces that soon you’ll experience inconvenience and concerns. To dream that ants walk over your body announces discomforts, setbacks and failures, but without serious consequences….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a mob when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests chaos and disorganization. Your are experiencing a conflict in plans, ideas, schemes, or methods and interest. It is time to be more assertive and take control of your life.

Dream of being in Las Vegas means excess. You need to show some restraint in one area of your life. On the other hand, it suggests that your good judgment is being clouded by all the turmoil and emotional chaos.