…means benefits and blessings. Seeing a bellows blowing fire in a dream means completing a project, satisfying a need, reaching one’s goal or earning money. If the bellows are not in use, or if they are not blowing air into the fire, then they signify distress, adversities and trouble. Seeing bellows that are used by a goldsmith or a silversmith in a dream means sincerity in one’s faith, certitude and devoting one’s life to worshipping God Almighty. Seeing bellows that are used in blowing glass in a dream signify deceit and cunningness. Bellows in a dream also represent a woman who conceive children easily, then quickly has miscarriages. Bellows in a dream also repre- sent a hot tempered man, a prison, a police station, or a torture dungeon. Seeing bellows in use by a blacksmith in a dream means easing of one’s trouble. (Also see Blowing into the fire)…

The globe symbolizes the whole. The dreams in which a globe appears can reveal the thirst for power and domination or announce a long journey. The hot air balloon and toy reveals the inconstancy and versatility of our thoughts and desires that are the main cause of our failures and frustrations. We can include the globes as the crystal ball of fortune tellers. In this dream, the desire to receive news or visit the person we miss is revealed.

…If a sick person sees an undertaker washing and shrouding him in a dream, it means his death or relief from his agony. An undertaker in a dream also means payment of one’s debts, or repentance. If one sees himself washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream, it means that the latter is suffering in hell- fire. (Also see Grave digger | Hot water | Mortician | Ritual bath | Shrouding)…

(Weather) Experiencing hot weather in the winter in a dream means benefits, profits, or new and expensive clothing, but experiencing it during the summer season in a dream means the opposite.

Dreaming about being hot without any physical reason that justifies it, indicates incapacity or inability to resolve personal issues. It is usually an unpleasant dream.

To dream that you bathe in clear water, is a sign that you will enjoy good health; if muddy, the death of relatives or friends. To see a bath, anger; to take a warm bath denotes happiness; if you take one either too hot or too cold, domestic troubles. If you undress, without going into the water, you may expect trouble, but it will soon pass away; a sea bath is a sign of honour, and increase of fortune.

…When you dream of the milk, then such dream indicates the motherhood and parental instincts. The dream also represents unity, goodness, purity, innocence and life. If you drank the milk in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner peace and happiness. The dream in which you are drinking milk, also suggests you to look at the relationships you have with your friends, because there might be necessity to make the relations stronger. When you drink the milk that is sour, then it indicates the minor problems, which will cause lots of distraction. If you spilled the milk in a dream, then it indicates the sorrow and sadness. Perhaps you will lose someone or something important in your life. If you took the bath filled with milk, then such dream shows the tranquility and peace within your mind and life in general. The hot milk in dreams suggests you…

For a man to dream that he washes or bathes himself in baths or hot houses, implies riches, prosperity, and health to the sick; that you see a woman washing shows weakness.

…(Swine) Experiencing it in a dream during the summer season means benefits, profits or new and expensive clothing, but experiencing hot weather in one’s dream during the winter season means the opposite….

…Thick dirty water shows with trouble you’ll be smote. Clear cold water foretells that you’ll be fortunate. Deep water is dangerous, hot water, shows snares, frozen water indicates, a good fate….

For a man to dream that he washes or bathes himself in baths or hot houses, implies riches, prosperity, and health to the sick; that you see a woman washing, shows weakness.

…(Barkeeper | Barman | Beverages | Sherbet salesman | Syrup vendor) A bartender in a dream represents a syrup vendor or a sherbet salesman. All of them organize their bar with colorful bottles and different sizes of drinking glasses. Their drinks vary between the sweet and sour, cold and hot or dry. A bartender in a dream also could represent a craftsman in his shop, a business- man in his office, a confidant, or someone who exposes others’ secrets and troubles for a price, or one who keeps a secret for a price….

Dreaming that you have ague, shows an inclination to strong drink, spices, and other hot things.

Usually it reflects a real need. If not then it symbolizes a burning aspiration of something mystical or religious unless we are being forced to drink muddy or hot water, in which case it reveals deceptions, disillusion or resignation to the inevitable.

…Dreaming of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy. To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game….

…Dreaming you see a comedy, farce, or some other recreation, indicates good success in business. To dream you see a tragedy acted, implies labour, loss of estate, with grief and affliction. To dream one plays, or sees another play upon a flute, violin, or other musical instrument, betokens good news, concord, and a good correspondence between man and wife, master and servant, prince and subject. To dream one plays tunes on small bells denotes discord and disunion be- tween subjects and servants. To dream you play, or hear playing on wind instruments, as flutes, flageolets or small bag- pipes, or other such instruments, shows trouble, contention, and being overthrown at law. If anyone dreams he plays at any of those plays which company use to divert themselves as, at questions and commands, cross-purposes, blind-man’s buff, hot cockles, barley-break, and such like — it implies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and…

…(Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet. If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness. If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness…

…This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer. Dreaming of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression. To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations. To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future….

…To dream you drink cold water, is good to all; hot, sickness and hindrance; wine, is good; sweet wine, success in love; oil, sickness; from vessels of gold, or silver, or earthenware, intends tranquillity; of horn, implies good; glass, evil. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67….

(Kettle | Roasting) In a dream, a boiler represents the seat of honor. (Also see Hot water)

Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that the latter is already suffering from hell in his own grave. (Also see Hot water)

To dream that you are drinking indicates joy is fleeting and there are moments of happiness. If you drink cold water, then it means you´ll have an opportunity to make a short trip. If you drink hot water, then it means you will receive some news of the wedding of someone you love very much.

If you drink alcohol, it means fleeting joy, moments of unpleasantness accompanied by shallow happiness. If you drink cold water, it means that you will make a short trip; if you drink hot water, you will hear from a wedding.

…(Flesh | Knowledge | Money | Substance | Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money. Eating raw meat in a dream means illness and pain. Eating raw meat in a dream also may mean benefits. Seeing raw meat and not eating from it in a dream could have adverse meaning. Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one’s wealth. Eating a meat dish with an old man in a dream means becoming renowned, or entering the inner circle of a governor. Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities. Tender meat in a dream mean death or backbiting. Eating the flesh of a human being in a dream means backbiting him. Eating one’s own flesh in a dream means earning money from one’s own sweat. If a woman eats the flesh of another woman in a dream, it means that they are lesbians. If…

…(Undertaker) If one sees a deceased person washing himself before burial in a dream, it means relief for one’s dependents and increase of their wealth after him. Washing a deceased person in a dream means that someone will repent at the hand of the undertaker. If a deceased person asks someone to wash his clothing in a dream, it means that he needs someone to pray for him, or to intercede on his behalf before his Lord, or pay charity for the benefit of his soul, or to satisfy his debts, or to fulfill his will, or to seek justice for his death. If one does wash the garment of the deceased person in the dream, it means the redemption of that person. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that the latter is suffering in hell-fire. (Also see Grave digger | Hot water |…

…To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work | to the farmer, an abundant crop | favorable indeed to women. Cold, or small, favors may be expected from those in power. The means of success is in your power, but in order to obtain it you will have to labor under difficulty. If the anvil is broken, it foretells that you have, through your own neglect, thrown away promising opportunities that cannot be recalled….

…When you dream of being in a cold air it represents the proportion of your household and work. Make sure you keep the balance between your personal life and work. This dream could be a sign of the risk being out of proportion. Maybe there is something you are not sure about and lost connection with truthfulness. This dream wants to show you that you should take a break, go away even if it’s just for a few days. If you dream of breathing a hot air it means that there are too much of negative energy around you, be aware of that and make sure you are attentive to people around you….

Dreaming of milk symbolizes maternal instincts and love, also denotes kindness, purity and human compassion for new acquaintances. Dream of drinking milk means domestic welfare and domestic food. It may also involve the need to strengthen your ties and relationships with others. Drinking milk also denotes generosity, honor and good feelings. Pouring milk indicates an open secret. Dream of poured milk symbolizes a loss of faith, opportunity and confidence. It may also indicate that your friends will cause you much disappointment and temporary unhappiness. Dream of bitter or impure milk denotes small problems that haunt you and give you distress. Dream of hot milk means you will experience struggle before achieving your rise to fortune. Dream of bathing in milk denotes a stable circle of trusted and pleasant friends.

Dream of being injured by an iron, represents big confusion, trouble, disarray. If it is red-hot iron, effusion of blood. If the one of a horseshoe you will have some journey. To deal in iron or iron wares, means misfortune and injury.

…Buying a container of ice during a hot weather in a dream means profits that will bring financial stability to one’s family, or hearing good news that will comfort and cool one’s heart. Winter’s ice in a dream means washing away one’s difficulties and trouble. It also means forcing one’s conditions upon his oppo- nents. A snowstorm that culminates in icy roads, freezing and impeding the traffic in a dream means economic depression and slowing of the travel industry. Ice in a dream also represents men’s endurance. Filling a pot of water to make ice in a dream means saving money, or locking a coffer….

Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. If one sees himself drinking cold refreshing water from the regular water tab in a dream, it means comfort and joy. (Also see Cup | Drink | Mug)

Dreaming of hot chocolate will bring you delight.

It’s not a bad idea to be cautious with everything related to fire and hot surfaces. But the dream may also be talking about a wound caused by your love life that should be healed and cured.

…(Ablution | Ghusul | Ritual ablution | Wash) A ritual bath (arb. Ghusul. Islamic Law) is customarily performed on a festival day, or before the Friday congregational prayers, before starting a pilgrimage, after recovering from an illness, or is necessitated by the emission of sperms either during one’s sleep or following a marital intercourse. A ritual ablution is also given to a deceased person before his funeral and burial, or otherwise is taken by the undertaker himself after washing the dead. To take a ritual ablution in a dream before the Friday congregational prayers means purifying oneself, washing oneself from sin, repenting from sin, serving one’s parents, or being true to one’s friends. Taking a ritual ablution for any of the above reason during the wintertime and using cold water in the dream means distress, trouble or a sickness. If hot water is used, then it means profits, benefits…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

…in the street or the marketplace in public or in a bathhouse in a dream means a scandal, loss and a curse. Taking ablution at the seashore or in a proper ablution area in a dream means dispelling one’s fear, sorrow or distress. Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him. Seeing a friend taking his ablution over one’s head in a dream means suffering harm or a scandal that will be caused by such a friend. Taking ablution in a dream also means dispelling fears, recovering from an illness, paying one’s debts or repenting from sin. Taking ablution with hot water in a dream means falling sick. Wanting to take ablution and failing to find the proper means to perform it in a dream means failure of a project or facing adversities. (Also see Tayammum | Enacting | Prayers | Ritual bath)…

The iron in dreams is very important omen. The iron could indicate something very strict and harsh. Alternatively, the iron can be interpreted as the symbol of power and enthusiasm. If the iron which you see in the dream is red and hot, then such dream represents some kind of failure at some situation. If the iron is old and rusty, then it shows unsolved problems you haven’t deal with yet.

…For a woman Dreaming that her baking oven is red hot, denotes that she will be loved by her own family and friends, for her sweet and unselfish nature. If she is baking, temporary disappointments await her. If the oven is broken, she will undergo many vexations from children and servants….

Dreaming of digestive organs (gut, etc.) means that the dreamer is threatened by various problems, including health issues. Dreaming of your own digestive system itself warns impending health problems, so it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Dreaming that when approaching something hot, the dreamer’s intestines become inflamed and make the dreamer feel very bad, it insinuates that a disease has already emerged in the body of the dreamer. Dreaming of being intoxicated indicates that the dreamer is not acting properly in everyday life, which will entail various disorders, including health problems.

To dream you see an oven burning hot, signifies joy.