…In a dream, cheese represents a marriage contract if one is unmarried, a child to a pregnant woman or prosperity and longevity. If an opponent sees cheese in his dream, it means cowardice and disdain to face his adversary. It is also said that cheese suggests a period of humiliation or misery. If a pregnant woman sees any by-product of milk in her dream, it suggests the nearing delivery of her child. Yogurt in a dream represents blessings in one’s earnings, though it also indicates that a portion of one’s earnings may include forbidden interest made from usury. Cheese in a dream also represents easy profits. However, soft cheese in a dream seems to have a more beneficial interpretation than hardened cheese. Such profits entail current financial success. Hardened cheese in a dream however may mean a journey. Eating bread with cheese in a dream represents miserliness. Mixing bread,…

…(Bosom | Heart) If one has a broad and a nice looking chest in a dream, it means repentance of a sinner or being eager and willing to follow the truth and to comply with it, or it could mean making it easy to accept things that were difficult to absorb. If a woman sees her beloved inside her chest in a dream, it means that she is suffering because of him or complaining about him, or if she is ill, it means that she will recover from her illness. To have a broad chest in a dream also means giving preference to others’ needs. One’s chest in a dream also represents what one may conceal in it of knowledge, guidance, heedlessness or it could represent a coffer where one hides his money. One’s chest in a dream also represents a guest, one’s wife, a rank, a position, magnanimity…

…(Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people. Playing chess in a dream also means deception, fights or a ploy. Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job. If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen. The winner in a chess game in a dream is the winner of a political or a military maneuver. Whatever steps one takes in playing chess in a dream will be reflected in the political arena. Playing chess in a dream also could mean intending a fight, but not knowing whether he will win or lose. It also could mean facing dangerous people, so one is warned in the dream to be on guard against their tricks or ploys. Playing chess in a…

…Shaving, clipping or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lessening one’s burdens. A moustache in a dream also means money. A bad cut in one’s moustache in a dream means a mishap or losing money. Having an unusually long moustache in a dream means going against the currents, or it could mean an illness that will deprive one from eating solid food, or it could mean religious innovation. A long and an ugly looking moustache in a dream means difficulties, sorrows, distress, becoming an alcoholic, refusing to surrender to others what belongs to them, or refusing to pay charity, or pretending to ignore the necessity to pay the obligatory alms tax. Shaving one’s moustache in a dream for someone who follows that trend means comfort and dispelling sorrows. If one dislikes to shave his moustache and sees himself shaving it in a dream, it means that he will…

…G-d disguised Himself into Snake and tricked the first Humans to eat the apple. This is direct cheat from G-d on to Himself since Human is created like G-d. The story itself is a joke since if G-d can cheat on Himself thus believing in it is also a cheat onto believer. So, if it simple cheat, why should anyone believe that the story itself is not cheat. So, when we see that the story itself is a trick to cheat our minds, then we don’t have the ground on which our world is being built. What is hidden behind that? So, if this Myth is just a cheat, then we don’t have any reliable source about G-d, Human and how everything was created….

Dreaming that you’re playing chess or checkers means that you’ll have to do your biggest effort and move very cleverly to solve that problem or problems that haunt you. If you know your opponent, be cautious with your comments because it is a sign of you having a fight with him. If you don’t know your opponent and consider you don’t have any enemies, it indicates possible disease.

Dreaming that you are playing chess or checkers is a sign that you’ll have to put all your effort and take all your cunning and finesse to solve the problems that torment you too much right now. If in the dream you know your opponents, you should be very cautious and careful with your comments, because they can cause a very serious problem. If the person you dreamed of is unknown, it means you could get sick.

…In a dream, headache represents sins. If one suffers from a headache in a dream, he should repent for his sins, refrain from what he is doing, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or strive to do good deeds. Headache in a dream means suffering from unhappiness or misery in one’s life. Headache also represents one’s employer or supervisor. If one who is suffering from a migraine headache in wakefulness sees his temples transformed into iron in a dream, it means that his illness will be cured….

…If we dream we chew something we do not like, it’s an omen that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning is the same if we have difficulty swallowing. To chew while accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. To chew while alone means sadness and depression. If we chew natural foods, it means that we are taking advantage of our life experiences. If we chew sweets that means we enjoy positive and pleasant emotional experiences….

This dream is a reflection of our attitude towards life.

…In a dream, one’s cheeks represent his beauty and a display of his character. In a dream, cheeks are a symbol of love and affection. They denote both good or bad, harm or benefits, health or sickness and increase or decrease. Whatever affects them in a dream will show in one’s life. One’s cheeks also represent his type of work. If they look rosy in a dream, they denote a good health and a good luck in one’s life. Yellow or opaque cheeks in a dream mean fear, sorrow and loss of status. One’s cheek in a dream also means humiliation or meekness if seen soiled with dust, soot or dirt in the dream. However, if a religious person sees his cheeks covered with dust in a dream, it means the rise of his spiritual rank, and that he will become exalted in God’s sight. (Also see Face)…

Dreaming of chemicals or that the dreamer is mixing chemicals, represents creativity, manipulation, and intellectual power. Dreaming of chemicals or using chemical products, means that the dreamer is in the process of transformation and is becoming more of an individual and independent as well.

…Headache in a dream represents one’s sins. Suffering from a migraine headache in a dream means that one should repent of his sins, curtail his plans, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or have a change of heart toward doing good deeds. Headache in a dream also means suffering from unhappiness and misery in one’s life. Headache in a dream also could represent one’s employer or supervisor….

If you dreamed of someone or yourself being cheap, then such dream indicates your feelings. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable in your own skin, therefore you feel worthless. If the other person looks cheap to you, then it shows your attitude towards that particular person. If you got something as a present very cheap, then it shows how underestimated you feel. The dream, in which you gave someone something cheap, also shows your attitude towards that particular person.

…(Losing the sense of taste | Masticate) Chewing gum in a dream means committing loathsome sins or indulging in sodomy, for the people of the Prophet Lot (uwbp) used to chew gum. If one sees himself chewing gum in a dream it also could signify talking too much, or constantly complaining about something, or engaging in a major dispute, or sustaining an argument, or it could mean losing one’s sense of taste. (Also see Chewing food | Chewing)…

…(Greed) To chew food other than for grinding or eating one’s meal in a dream means an illness or loss of appetite. Chewing gum in a dream means earning money coupled with ugly words that will grow to become a big fight and that will lead to a court appearance. The source of it all begins with greed. Anything that is chewed in a dream means an exchange of words. The only exception to it is chewing a stick of sugar cane in a dream. In that case, it means lauding someone or hearing pleasing words one desires to hear over and over. (Also see Chewing food | Chewing gum | Greed)…

To see a cheetah, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as alert for you. Cheetah indicates passive way of living. It means that you need to activate yourself become more moving toward pursuit of your goals. Have you been a little lazy in recent time? So you need to get off from your seat and be like that cheetah from your dream. Keep running!

…Dreaming that you have a mustache, denotes that your egotism and effrontery will cause you a poor inheritance in worldy{sic} goods, and you will betray women to their sorrow. If a woman dreams of admiring a mustache, her virtue is in danger, and she should be mindful of her conduct. If a man dreams that he has his mustache shaved, he will try to turn from evil companions and pleasures, and seek to reinstate himself in former positions of honor….

Dreaming of having a mustache, when in real life you don’t have one, is a warning which indicates that your own vanity and selfishness will cause different problems, especially in the emotional and social areas of your life. When a man dreams of shaving his mustache off, it suggests that he want important changes in all aspects of his life. When a woman dreams of admiring a man’s mustache is warning that there is a risk of starting behaving in an illicit way.

Symbolizes concealment and deception. If we are the ones who wear the postiche, then it is a sign that we desire to hide any features or facets of our character from others, which we are not satisfied. If we see ourselves wearing the postiche, then it indicates that if we could, we would hide from ourselves. If others wear the postiche it is about people we know in real life of whom we don´t want to recognize their behavior to us. That dream warns us that something is being planned behind our backs.

If you are cheated by someone, then such dream indicates the fear of being cheated in reality. If you are cheating, someone will outwit you in life.

To dream that you are the one who is cheating on your partner means that you are feeling angry for something he did or didn’t do, therefore the subconscious mind of yours is sending you a message that you wish for the revenge. Sometimes it simply is the fantasy which you have and means absolutely nothing. Sometimes the dream shows that you feel unhappy in small domestic things with your partner therefore you dream about cheating. If your partner is the one who is cheating on you, it could mean that you are afraid of losing him and the fact that he might find someone better than you. You do not trust yourself and think there are better partners out there. Sometimes it indicates your fear of being cheated because you are very jealous person and do not want to share your loved one with others.

If you receive the check of the money, it shows that you are looking forward for appreciation for the things you have done. The check also is the symbol of your desire to become richer and better person. The money check that is taken away from you shows your frustration for the life that is being unfair to you.

…Dreaming of palming off false checks on your friends, denotes that you will resort to subterfuge in order to carry forward your plans. To receive checks you will be able to meet your payments and will inherit money. Dreaming that you pay out checks, denotes depression and loss in business….

If you are the woman and dream of having the moustache, then such dream indicates the masculine aspects of your personality. The dream shows how much of the strength you have while being a woman, but acting if it is necessary like a man. Sometimes the moustache for a woman could symbolize the insecurities she has about herself. The man who has the moustache in his dream is very self-trusting person who has enough of the masculinity and confident in himself.

…If one sees himself exaggeratedly chewing his food in a dream, it means disdain and indifference about seeking an honest livelihood. Swallowing food one should chew in a dream means debts, or collectors standing at one’s door demanding their money. (Also see Chewing gum | Chewing)…

…Seeing a closed chest portends success and wealth. It also indicates the discovery of a secret. If we are the one who find the chest opened or we’re opening it, we will discover a secret. If it’s someone else who opens it, they will discover our secret and it will be disclosed….

To dream that you have some kind of the chest pain may indicate the actual heart problems you are suffering from. On the other hand, the chest pain shows that there is some situation in your waking life that you are afraid of. You do not know how to deal with it.

If you are cheating in some kind of affair where you are going against the law, there is a possibility that in your waking life you are not being honest and even break the law. Sometimes cheating is something that we wish to avoid, but the inner evil doesn’t let to do us so, because we are too lazy to be faithful.

To dream you eat ripe cherries denotes good luck, but sour cherries, signifies a lawsuit.

…Dreaming of playing chess, denotes stagnation of business, dull companions, and poor health. Dreaming that you lose at chess, worries from mean sources will ensue | but if you win, disagreeable influences may be surmounted….

…Dreaming of eating cheese, denotes great disappointments and sorrow. No good of any nature can be hoped for. Cheese is generally a bad dream….

…Dreaming of being cheated in business, you will meet designing people who will seek to close your avenues to fortune. For young persons Dreaming that they are being cheated in games, portend they will lose their sweethearts through quarrels and misunderstandings….

When the avalanche falls on us but we come out unharmed, then it is not a bad omen. If it is made of dirt or other solid element, you will be benefited the certain amount of money. If it is made of water or snow, you will be involved in problems, but you will come out from it victorious. If it is made of fire, it is the premonition of going to a higher state of consciousness. If it is made of dirt or solid materials, it prevents you from an accident. If it is made of water, snow or fire, it warns you that some feelings can destroy you. When the avalanche falls on others, it warns that you are in danger.

(Castle) Seeing any of the pieces used in the game of chess in a dream denotes rightfulness, balance, privacy, confidentiality, truthfulness, or it could mean a sudden death. If a pregnant woman sees any of these pieces in a dream, it means giving birth to a daughter. (Also see Chess | Chessboard)

An empty chest means diseases and sadness. The full chest means that you need to take care of your correspondence.

…Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is beingpunished for, or it could mean being spendthrift, or it could represent one’s generosity in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain represents the punishment for it. (Also see Body 1 | Chest 2 | Pain)…

Dream of the chest being hale and sound, denotes health and joy. Hairy and shaggy one signifies gain and profit. To a woman loss of her husband. Enlarged and fattened chest foretells about long life, a fortune in your older days that you are going to have. Have it stabbed by a sword means deception from those you have trusted for a long period of time.

When you dream of having the headache, then it could represent the internal stimulus your body is expressing, such as the actual pain of the head. The headache in a dream could also indicate the wrong path the dreamer chooses. Maybe you let the emotions take the advantage of the mind, therefore you are unable to think clearly and make the proper decisions.

If a woman dreams that her husband has a mustache and he actually does not, there is a hunch that he is cheating. If we see ourselves with a mustache, it means there is something wrong in our lives. If we dream of shaving it, then it indicates time has come to be sincere.