To travel in a taxi cab implicates a change in our life in which we are being taken by somebody else. Alternatively, the journey we are taking was made by our choice. If we see a taxi, then it indicates that we will get a proposition that can mean a change in our lives, but still we are not decided if we will accept it.
Dream dictionary: cho cho charles dream meanings
To take a walk in a dream indicates that you will alter the course of your life. It may also mean that you have taken a decision or a wrong choice. To dream that you cant take a walk suggests that you cant change what you did.
…the dream, the greater your chances of success will be. To dream that you fall down while youre trying to climb suggests setbacks and failures, the higher you fall, the more severe will those setbacks and failures be. To dream that you’re going down a slope suggests that if you don’t pay much attention to your business, it will worsen each day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps theyll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like youre choking because of the effort that youve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that…
When a man dreams of fire, or that he sees fire, it means the issue of his choler; and commonly they that dream of fire are active and furious; if a man dreams he is burnt by fire, a violent fever is prognosticated thereby. When a man dreams that his bed is on fire, and that he perished, it betokens damage, sickness, or death to his wife; and if the wife dream it, the same will happen to her husband. If one dream that the kitchen is on fire that denotes death to his cook. Also see Blazing Fire.
If you dream you saw or chop wood, it indicates to the poor, prosperity and content; but to the rich it shows poverty and loss.
To see a fork in a dream could either good sign, either bad one depending on the circumstances of the dream. One of the theories foretells that the dreamer is trying to reach the target very hardly, using everything he has got. If someone has been stabbed with the work, then it shows your personality where you do not know what to choose. You are being too picky. If the other person eating his dish with the fork, then such dream is a good sign, because it shows that the person who ate with the fork will help you in any situation.
If you see someone or yourself walking in the forest, then such dream symbolizes the spiritual aspects of your personality. You started to listen to your inner self. If you have been lost in the forest, then it means you are trying to find the answer or solutions to some problem or question. Perhaps you feel confused and do not know which answer to choose.
…waking life which youve lost. Perhaps you are unable to manage it anymore. The dream, in which youve lost the keys could also symbolize some unwanted changes in your waking life. If you gave your keys away to someone else, then such dream shows the lack of responsibilities. You do not want to be in charge of some things. If you found the keys in a dream, then it shows some pleasant unexpected news. The dream could also indicate the solution youve found for some problem to be solved. If the keys which you see in the dream are broken, then it denotes to broken relationships and friendships. Perhaps something has torn apart even if you do not want it. If you hear keys rattling, then such dream indicates your right path youve chosen in your waking life. The dream shows that you are going on the right direction….
…The kettle in dreams is interpreted as the symbol of your everyday life. There is a possibility that you pay too much attention to minor things instead of seeing the real problems. If the kettle is boiling, then such dream denotes to good choices youve made in your career. If the kettle which you see in the dream is whistling, then such dream indicates the patience you have lost. You are no longer able to control your anger and disappointment….
When you dream of being in a harem, then such dream indicates the sexual desire and wishes you have that were unfulfilled. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be more tolerant to different sexual proficiencies. If you are in a harem, but not by choice, then it means you are looking for approval of your sexual desires. If you are the owner of the harem, then it means you have much power, but using it on the useless things, instead of creating something more important.
Is a sample of alternatives to choose from. We shall look at the details of the dream that may reveal us some characteristics of the objects we see in the dream, and that our unconscious is able to discover.
Long life, honour, luck in choosing a lover.
If you see the kaleidoscope in a dream, then it signifies some important varieties and changes that are coming in your way. The dream may also indicate the problem you have while choosing your journey.
The foot in dreams is known as the symbol of stability, but only if it is in a healthy condition. The foot that is broken, injured or hurt, signifies your desire to be more independent and free. On the other hand, the injured foot could represent the wrong path that you have chosen. To get more detailed dream interpretation about the foot please see the meaning of Feet.
If you dream of coworkers, then such dream indicates the communications you have with those people around you. The dream shows the wishes and targets you have made for yourself and desire to take part of leaderships in some aspects of your waking life. If you see the coworkers you dont have relationships with, then it means you are going to struggle while dealing with your professional life. Perhaps you do not know what path to choose. If you were teaching someone to become the coworker, then it shows your tendency in giving others the features you have learned through life. If you are the coworker, then it means you are adapting the new surrounding in your live and accepting the rules you have been given. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please also see the meaning of Office.
…In a dream, butcher’s chopping block represents a hypocrite who interferes in people’s business and takes sides in their arguments….
The highway in dreams indicates your ability to go from one chapter of your life to another. The highway also indicates the things that happened for you in the past, the situation you are at the moment and the future that you are creating for yourself. If you are unable to move while being on the highway or do not know which direction to choose, then such dream shows that you tend to be in doubt about some issues in your waking life. If you went off the highway while driving, then such dream suggests to pay more attention to minor details instead of focusing only on the main ones. If you had an accident while being on highway, you should be careful with your surroundings.
…Dreaming of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you. Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. Lovers will be happy in their chosen ones….
The sun is very good omen in dreams, because it signifies the choices the dreamer has made. If the dreamer sees the sunrise, then such dream foretells about something new, the fresh start or beginning of the new phase. The sunset is usually interpreted as the end. It could be the end of your sickness or the end of one phase. You are ready to start your new life, because what happened in the past is no longer important.
Dreaming about onions reveals ambitions and personal jealousies. So, depending on the volume or quantity of the onions in the dream, it will represent the magnitude of ambitions that the dreamer has. Eating onions in a dream indicates chances of success in whatever the dreamer desires. Dreaming about seeing onion plants grow hints that it will take time to achieve whatever is desired by the dreamer. Dreaming of chopping onions and crying because of the smell indicates that a lot of work and effort will be required to defeat enemies and competitors before having successful results.
The dream, in which you are being frustrated represents the inabilities you have while dealing with difficult situations in your waking life. The dream could also show the inappropriate and wrong way of living you have chosen while sorting out your own problems.
If you dream of the theater, then such dream foretells about your wish to be surrounded by people. Perhaps you are the person who likes to be companioned. Beware of the artists as they reflect of who you are and what kind of features you are carrying. The dream of the theatre could indicate the new part you are going to take. Probably this is the time of your life, where you get to know more about yourself and how adaptive you are. If you were having fun at the theatre, then it means that you are happy with the results you are achieving in your waking life. Probably you chose the right conception to reach the things you want.
…Dreaming of setting a trap, denotes that you will use intrigue to carry out your designs If you are caught in a trap, you will be outwitted by your opponents. If you catch game in a trap, you will flourish in whatever vocation you may choose. To see an empty trap, there will be misfortune in the immediate future. An old or broken trap, denotes failure in business, and sickness in your family may follow….
If you dream of playing or watching a badminton game it signifies that there are possibilities and you will have to make up your mind about those choices otherwise you will not get the same chance again in your life. Make sure you are not in doubt, have an opinion for everything and go on with your gut.
If you have some dinner by yourself, then it means you are trying to figure out which direction of life too choose. Perhaps you reached the point of your life where you need to make these kinds of decisions. The fact that you have the dinner on your own could also represent the lack of communications with those around you. Maybe you are the person who feels best on his own. If you are having dinner with other people and having a great time, then it means you are able to communicate with those around you. The dinner could also represent the important meeting that is waiting for you in the waking life.
The dream may be an indication that you are trying to find out the way you like to live or work which you would enjoy. It shows your future that will become the way you will choose it to be. If the pictures are not nice to you and you have no satisfaction from it, then it means that you will be stressed out.
In the dream you have lost your way, this is not very positive sign. This announces the failure or the misfortune in reaching your goals. You have to be very attentive when making important decisions or choosing your partners.
…(Champing | Chomp | Love | Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream. If one bites himself then spits a piece of his own flesh on the ground in a dream, it means backbiting and belittling others. Biting one’s own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger. If one’s fingers bleed from such bite in a dream, it means tribulations caused by one’s own shortcomings. A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger. If one is bitten by another person in a dream, it means that he will enjoy happiness and success at the beginning of his professional life, then he will suffer from an illness, eye inflammation, ophthalmia, or from heart problems. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s desires. (Also see Pinch | Tongue)…
To be in a tent while dreaming, shows the tiredness and frustration one is having. Maybe the dreamer is too tired to get along with the circumstances, therefore he sees no choice, but to hide from the outside world. The dream could also show your desire to travel and explore the world.
Dreaming of being in a theater means that you will have new relationships. It may indicate that you will acquire a new role. To dream of laughs and applause indicates you should choose a good way to achieve gratification for future goals. To dream that the theatre is on fire means you will be defeated in a new project.
Scabies in dreams usually have the connotation of a plague and therefore it kind of have similar meaning to measles, smallpox, cholera or the plague itself. It usually isnt a good omen and it generally refers to family, emotional difficulties, clashes, disputes, concerns and anxieties. Dreaming that youre sick always indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they will get worse, and this usually also refers to your health. If you feel itching caused by scabies and not an eternal factor during the dream, means that difficulties and sorrows are approaching because of debts. If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way youre living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.
…To smell something in a dream symbolizes the sensitive aspects of the dreamer. Depending of the smell different explanations comes out of it. Consider what kind of smell it was, pleasant or not the pleasant one. The smell is also something we communicate with, especially when choosing the partner. Please check the different explanations of different smells….
…To dream of falling on the knees, denotes misfortune in business. To see a woman’s knees, good luck and marriage to the girl of your choice. For a woman to see a man’s knee, shows that she will have many male children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22, 37, 35….
The kayak shows the way you are going through life. It is also a symbol of freedom and your ability to take different choices. If the kayak is moving smoothly, you have no problems while living the life. If you meet the storms, or the water is not favorable to you, you are in emotional turbulence of your life as well. You feel like being unable to control your life, because of the circumstances.
…In a dream, a billy goat represents a person who has an awesome look, but makes stupid choices. A billy goat also means a great person of an extraordinary destiny. It also could represents one’s son. (Also see Goat)…
…A sparrow or a hawk in a dream represents an ignorant and unjust ruler. Both command lesser controlling domains than the eagle. Holding a sparrow or a hawk in a dream means that one will capture a thief. If one sees himself producing a sparrow or a hawk out of his urethral canal, it means that he will bore a son who will possess courageous and frivolous character. Holding a sparrow in a dream also means choosing a community of elders and volunteering one’s services. (Also see Hawk)…
…while bathing in the sea.”The other dream, which occurred only last year, was to this effect: I was riding outside an omnibus in London when a bat suddenly flew past me. All my fellow-passengers cried out in a chorus, ‘How remarkable! A bat!’ and I awoke actually repeating those words. I was so impressed that I jotted down the dream in my memorandum book. Exactly a week later, I received tidings of my fathers death: he had been thrown from a trap, whilst descending a steep hill near Dublin, and killed on the spot. “In reference to motionless bats, a lady informed me, that one night she dreamed her counterpane was covered with bats, and bats being her pet aversion, she was so terrified that she immediately awoke, to find her whole body bathed in perspiration. The following day, she learned that an aunt to whom she was greatly attached…
…Dreaming about yourself being a person, seized or held as security for some kind of the fulfilment of a condition, is a symbol of the misfortune in the ability to act freely. In the dream to be a hostage, indicates that you are feeling cruel and unjust treatment. This makes you victimized and powerlessness. Hostage also means the limitations of your will. Are you feeling limited in your choices? Maybe you are somehow immobilized in physical way. Perhaps this dream is the reference to some difficulties in the situation or the relationship of your waking life. Alternatively, being a hostage suggests to be more expressive. Try to escape the thoughts of yours, which are limiting your character. Take off shackles of your mind and let your charisma and/or personality to open. If someone else is a hostage, then by your opinion this person from your waking life is in…
If you are pedaling some vehicle such as bike, it means that you are moving towards your goals. You are taking the right way, except if the pedal is hard to pedal, then you should slow down and maybe even choose the different way to do it.
When we orientate ourselves in dreams we do it so to choose between: North, which means go up to heaven. South, which means down to hell. East means to go back to our origins. West means to become resigned to our fate.