(See Ball | Snow)

(See Snow.)

It symbolizes life, hope and immortality. It also symbolizes the poison and death. When in a dream everything is surrounded in snow and cold, or everything is surrounded in barren desert and in these circumstances you see something being green, then it promises life and hope. If it is a green dream, the excess means an overflow of vegetative, instinctive life, which can drown out the rest of the personality. Generally green in dreams symbolizes sensitivity and immaturity and indicates that what we want or project is still immature, therefore it cannot be realized.

…To dream of the wind signifies quarrels, the making of an enemy, and trouble in courtship and matrimony. To dream of rain portends tears; of snow and ice, illness or death; of sunshine, success in love, legacies and presents….

…(See Rain, Rail and Snow.) To dream of a devastating storm, foretells losses and trouble: a violent rain-storm denotes that you will have good luck, but that misfortunes will nevertheless injure your prospects: gentle showers promise the luck without the adverse omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

…you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: {Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.} The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol….

…To dream that some voices call out your name is an alert to improve your business monitoring, otherwise you will experience setbacks. If you listen to the voice of a family member or friend in your dreams that is calling out your name, it suggests that someone is in need of your help. There are cases where such call is made by someone that is dying or that is already dead. This type of dream occurs frequently in people who live very isolated, like those who live in up north far away villages that during the winter are completely isolated and cut off due to the heavy snow. It also may occur among young lovers who want to be together, especially if they have been disappointed. To dream about somebody else’s voice, both if you hear it directly or by phone, and that person has already passed away, is…