…stronger in meaning than the upper lip. It is also said that lips in a dream represent one’s relatives. The upper lip represents the male relatives and the lower lip represents the female relatives. Sealed lips in a dream mean difficulties or adversities. The mouth in a dream represents a key, one’s livelihood, the conclusion of one’s life, death, illness, strength, a coffer, a marketplace, a door attendant, a chief minister, or a door. If one’s mouth is sealed in a dream, it means a scandal. One’s tongue in a dream represents his or her translator. A long tongued person in a dream may mean winning an argument, or it could mean innocence from allegation. An elongated tongue of a judge in a dream means clarity and justice. A tied-up tongue in a dream means poverty, sickness, depression, a calamity, or it could represent an unworthy person. Having two tongues…

…When you dream of avoiding someone it shows that there are some qualities in your personality that you did not notice before. Makes sure that you pay attention to those details in the person you have dreamed of, as these are the aspects you did not notice before in yourself. The other meaning could also explain a word avoid to different meaning of other word “a void”, which explains that you do not feel completely fulfilled at some point of your life….

…(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was…

…When you dreaming of being abandoned, it means that you have to forget your past and focus on your future. You’ve got to let go your past. The interpretation of your dream about an abandonment is showing, that you have a fear of being wasted, left alone of the ones you love. You shouldn’t be afraid of people neglecting your feelings. The meaning of dreaming that you are abandoned, might mean that you’re suffering from recent lost or are afraid of losing someone you love. The fear of abandonment might mean that you are getting better already, from what you’ve suffered before and are moving forward. This dream also can be the meaning of something you’ve suffered as being a child. When you abandon other people in your dream it can mean that you are shocked by the decisions you made earlier in your life. The main thing you…

…The dream about dying very often indicates changes, rebirth, new views and values. The dying could also stand for the apprehensions you have towards the future and your own life. Usually these kind of dreams make positive changes in dreamers life, because the one understand the true meaning of life and make changes that bring positive results. If you dream of seeing yourself dying, then it means you should reconsider the true values of the life. Perhaps you should understand what you want out of life and start getting it. The dying shows that there is not much time left for the things to do and tasks to reach, because every minute of the life is very important and we are not going to life forever and ever. The dying could also be interpreted as the end of something in your life. Maybe you are trying to get rid…

The meaning of abominable snowman is interpreted in the dream as the symbol of unknowingness and fear. To get the better interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of the dream Yeti.

Bracelets are symbol of continuity while protecting and isolating. If you have precious stones in it, then the meaning of the stone gives the meaning to the bracelet. If a bracelet is broken, then it announces the breakdown of the marriage. Losing a bracelet portends disputes with person who gave it to you. When you are putting it on another person, then it indicates your desire to dominate that person.

In the dreams the color of bread has its own meaning: White bread symbolizes a good amount of food and health. Black bread symbolizes poverty. Sweet colored bread symbolizes parties and happiness. Old and moldy bread symbolizes disease. Dreaming of eating white bread means that there’s good health. Dreaming of eating black bread could signify that soon there will be suffering and hardship. For a woman with children who dreams of eating old and stale bread, it could mean that hunger and misery are approaching. This dream shows the fears of the dreamer, especially if the dreamer is female. Dreaming of eating bread with other people symbolizes friendship and the ability to solve the dreamer’s own problems, supported by sincere people. If the bread is damaged and moldy the meaning is the complete opposite.

To see a Christmas Tree, when you are dreaming, has meaning of happiness and fulfilment of wishes. It also shows gifted situation. Christmas Tree also stands as an omen for family celebrations, gatherings of friends, and joyful relationships. Alternatively, it shows some chances of worries. Are you experiencing anxieties and stress in your domestic life? Other meaning of Christmas Tree, indicates rebirth. It means progress of self-development, and spiritual enlightenment. Consider also the feelings and emotions you experience during period of Christmas holiday season. It may help you to decode this dream symbol properly. If your dream of a Christmas Tree occurs in December, the dream can symbolize the future with the expected pleasures. Alternatively it can show your worry about bigger responsibilities, associated with the holiday season.

If they are knitting or crocheting, it indicates that we will hear what people say about us behind our backs. If sewing needles have some thread, it is a good meaning. It is a bad meaning if it is without thread, broken or we punctured ourselves with them. If they are small pins, it portends disappointments caused by friends.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of truck.

…(Altar | Retreat | Sanctuary) Temples, sanctuaries or retreats in a dream represent security, peace, finding a shelter away from fear, and victory over one’s enemy. A temple in a dream also represents children, weddings, benefits, profits, prudence, or having reservations about one’s dealings with others. A Christian temple in a dream represents the clergyman who officiates the masses, or it could represent the recital of Psalms or Gospels therein, and it may denote offerings. (Also see Church | Hermitage | Retreat)…

…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…

…For a Christian person, seeing a church in a dream signifies a house of worship, religion, knowledge, devotion, work, ascetic detachment, fear of wrongdoing, penance, lamentation and it could mean crying. A church in a dream also could mean distress, trouble, slander, innovation, injustice, a business club, a meeting house, bingo, wine, alcoholic consumption, commun- ion, weddings or a wife. In a dream, a church also can represent its parish, diocese, ministry, clergyman or a chaplain. If one sees a church turned into a synagogue, or a synagogue turned into a church in a dream, it means mistrust, an argument, or a scheme for tax evasion. Seeing oneself in a synagogue in a dream means that one may become a Jew. If one’s house turns into a church in a dream, it means that he will bring its business to his house, or it may mean a fight with…

…The element of a good building in a dream represents love, affection, unity, progeny, prosperity, a garment of honor, and girls in one’s family. A strong edifice means strength and firmness. It also means support, help and a long life. Raising a new edifice in a dream represents either personal or collective material benefits in this world. If one sees himself building an edifice in a dream, it means having intercourse with his spouse. If one builds a church, it defines him as Christian. If he builds a mosque, it defines him as Muslim. If a man of knowledge sees himself building a mosque as an offering to please God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will compile a study from which others will benefit or that people will seek his advice in religious matters or inter- pretations. If a king, or a ruler sees himself building…

To dream that you owe money someone for something means that you are feeling guilty because that certain person did something good to you. If other people owes something to you, then such dream signifies the feeling you can’t get over with, because you think they don’t appreciate your help and don’t feel thankful to you. To get more detailed dream interpretation about owing money, please see the meaning of indebted.

Dreaming that you are watching a horse race (horserace), has the symbolic significance of the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You need to believe that you are capable of succeeding in all your ambitions and aspirations. The dream also has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your sexual energy or competitive nature.

If you dream of Australia it means that you feel being pushed from the target you were aiming for. This dream indicates that you are shocked by the present situacion. The other meaning of this dream could symbolize your research of yourself and the freedom you are finally receiving. Keeping in mind that Australia is very far away, it symbolizes your hidden thoughts and unfulfilled dreams.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see an enchantress when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for feminine energy. Enchantress shows the ability to influence, affect and persuade.

The dream, in which we see the horizon, indicates the future plans we have set up. Perhaps the dreamer is thinking very deeply what he wants out of life and what is the meaning of life overall. Make sure you are making huge plans for yourself, because anything is possible to achieve if you really want to. The horizon could also indicate the memories or sadness you are carrying within yourself.

Depending on the dreamer’s religion and beliefs, this dream is usually a good sign and announces that you’re getting some benefits, but they won’t necessarily improve your economy. This dream is usually an indicator that you have the necessary conditions to smoothly run your life in good way and also warns you that you shouldn’t deviate from the current path you’re following, since it’s the correct one; if you follow this path your life will be filled with peace and you’ll be free of concerns. This dream’s meaning can vary widely depending on the saint you dream of and the conditions and circumstances in which the saint appears.

…means there are certain features in this person you recognize in yourself. It means that you must recognize these issues and get rid of them as soon as it is possible. If you see your relatives such as your parents or children being dead in a dream, then it means you are afraid of losing these people too soon. Every one of us has many things to say to our relatives before they are passing away, therefore the dream suggests to tell it now and do not wait for the last moment. If you dream of seeing people that are dead in the waking life, but you see them being alive in a dream, then it means you are longing for these people, therefore you are fantasying and seeing them alive. To get the better dream interpretation about dead meaning, please also see the symbolism of Dying or Die….

Genitals in dreams are the symbol of sexual wishes and desires the dreamer has. The genitals show your desire to satisfy not only sexually, but spiritually either. To get more information and explanation about your dream, please see the meaning of Penis and Vagina.

The wings are interpreted very similar to the dream meaning of flying, depending on the circumstances of the dream. It usually foretells about the need for freedom, your own space and independence. Perhaps you wish to fly away from everything and escape the current situation. You’ve got problems in your life. The flapping of the wings that is very quit, shows easy and stable flight, but the loud sound of the flapping signifies unhappiness.

The dream, in which you see the German Shepard, represents your ability to pay attention to details and the intuition you have while leading your life. Perhaps the dream also suggests you to keep calm and do not let control out of your hands. The dream in which you are the teacher of German Shepard, shows your desire to face new chances, opportunities and ideas. To get more information about your dream, please see the meaning of the Dog.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a horseshoe, when you are dreaming stands as a symbol and sign for luck and success in your ambitions and aspirations. It may also indicate a wedding or some special relationship in the near future. If the horseshoe is turned downward, then it has the opposite meaning and is considered unlucky. All the energy that you are putting into a task, project, plan, or scheme may not be worthwhile.

To dream about lemons suggests resentfully envy against others. This meaning may be ratified if those lemons are unripe and are also hanging in a tree that is property of the dreamer. To dream that you taste (suck) a lemon symbolizes that you feel humiliated for a situation that may well be unjustified. If married couples dream about unripe lemons, it suggests their problems will likely worsen. This dream means the same for unmarried couples, and it usually indicates a relationship breakup.

The meaning of this dream depends on the situation we find ourselves in during the dream. If in the dream we find that the curfew is imposed on us, then it usually means that there will be sudden events that will impose prudence, and quite possibly serious problems that will upset everyday activities.

To encounter or to see a narcissus, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of excessive pride in or admiration of own appearance or achievements. This dream symbol may be a metaphor for someone in your life who is narcissistic. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it has deep meaning and stands as an omen for divine love.

If dreaming about good weather, then it means deceptive safety. But if weather is bad, please see meaning of rain.

(River | Sweet water) Drinking from the Euphrates river in a dream means blessings and grace, for the Euphrates is one of the rivers of paradise. Drinking from the Euphrates river in a dream also means being a pious, content and a religious person. If one sees the Euphrates river dry in a dream, it means the death of the governor, or the loss of a country, or perhaps the meaning could apply to the chief minister, or the personal secretary of the ruler. (Also see River)

Camcorder in dreams symbolizes memories. To get a better interpretation of your dream, please see the meaning of Camera.

To dream that you are underwater means that you feel out of some situation or relationships. Sometimes the dreamer who is underwater is trying to hide himself/herself from the world because he or she doesn’t know how to act in certain situation. If you see the other person being underwater, it could have the same meaning if you were underwater and this person might need your help and support.

To dream of Jay Leno talk show and attending in means that you like hanging out with your friends. The Jay Leno could also indicate some person in your waking life who reminds you of this celebrity. The dream could also mean that you watch too many TV, therefore you keep dreaming of it. If you watched the show before you went to bed, this dream doesn’t have any meaning.

The meaning of this dream depends on the feeling that we receive by the island in the dream. If we feel happy in it, this dream is interpreted as a need for introspection and solitude, but if we are distressed from being in that island, it reflects our sense of isolation and our inability to communicate with our feelings.

If you dream of Atomic Bomb, please look for the meaning of Nuclear Bomb.

Emotionality, fertility, and purification. In dreams, the rain has a beneficial meaning of wealth and abundance, although dreaming of pouring rain indicates that there will be some type of interference before these benefits arrive.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see an elf, when you are dreaming, can have symbolic meaning of physical sensation of nervous unease. Elf is reference to some imbalance and disharmony in your life. The elf often serves as a guide of the soul. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to be more carefree, worry-free, and light-hearted.

If you dream of the waist that is larger than normally, then it indicates the cozy life. If the waist is abnormally small, then it denotes to the losses of some projects or affairs. The waist that is small could also have a positive meaning such as the fortune and luck in all of the business affairs and personal ones either.

The waiting as the symbol in dreams could be interpreted as the negative and positive omens, depending on the circumstances of your waking life. Try to figure out how you were feeling in a dream as it would give much more information about the meaning of the dream. If you felt positively in a dream, then it means that you are dedicated to some work you are doing or to the partner you are in relationships with. If you felt negatively in a dream while waiting, then it symbolizes your fear of unknowingness.