Dreaming of ironing clothes indicates that family and social relationships are good and because of this business will continue to thrive. When a woman dreams of ironing clothes and burning her hands, it means that she is jealous and that she could get sick. If in the dream she burns the clothes, then it indicates that she suspects or knows of the existence of a rival. If the iron is cold, then the problem will occur without big consequences.

…I have always tried to remember the dreams I have had in the delirium of fever and illness, and in many of these dreams there has figured the same woman — clad in black, with long, flowing, black hair, and wild animal eyes — eyes that might have be-longed to a woman of the stone age. Thrice, before the deaths of those I have loved, I have dreamed that this same woman has glided up to my bedside and bitten and pinched me. And on each occasion I have awakened with the sting of her sharp, cruel teeth, and her hard, bony fingers burning into my flesh. Can she, I ask myself, be the banshee? But to revert to my deliriums, the deliriums of my youth, in chicken-pox, and measles, and of my later days, in rheumatic fever, dysentery, and severe colds. Apart from this woman in black, who…