The dream about carnival symbolizes fraud and deceit. If you saw the unpleasant views, then it means the disturbance and troubles. Perhaps the happiness that you thought will come easily will be swiped away by the devastation. If you are in the carnival and wearing the mask, then it means you are trying to pretend different person than you actually are. The carnival on the positive note is interpreted when the dreamer wears no mask, but goes along with the carnival.

If you are looking through the keyhole, perhaps you are minding the business that is not your own. You tend to care about other people’s lives more then you should. On the positive note, you are learning new things in life while looking through key hole.

If you are painting or making a note with the pen of quill, then it shows that you wish to be more open with your thoughts and emotions.

The rat very often indicates some people in your life that you do not feel secure being around them. The dream suggests to be aware of this fact. The rat is also something that is scary and appears in disgusting and unpleasant surroundings, so maybe you do not like this phase of your life and you should do something about it. On the positive note, the rat is good omen, because it shows your ability to adapt yourself in various situations.

To dream that you are in a hurry, because of the last minute, indicates the tendency of yours being late or leaving the things until the last minute. The last minute could also represent something you are afraid you won’t finish up. On the positive note, the last minute indicates something you have already finished.

On the spiritual note, it is said that acorns represent the nurturing virtue of truth that comes from nature. Other authors extend this as good omen to all aspects of daily life, interpreting coming times of success after hard work.

If you saw a threshold, which you tried to pass, then such dream denotes to the new period of your life. Probably the risks you took will attain over and above. On the negative note, the dream could represent your tendency to take risks, but as the bad omen could be interpreted only if you fell of the threshold.

To dream of the copier denotes to your tendency of doing things like everyone else does. Perhaps you are suffering from shortage of ideas and individualism. The dream suggests you to become more creative. On the positive note, the copier could represent the important news you wish to share with others.