Hair is a sign of virility as long as it is in some parts of the body such as the chest, arms and legs and in due proportion. An excess of hair in women manifests an instinctive and sensual life. To be beardless is an indication that we are showing excessive weakness of character.

If you dream that your hair is thick and bushy, it shows that you’ll grow rich or powerful; if you dream it is curly and kinky, when in fact it is not, it is a sign you’ll do something that you will afterward be ashamed of; if, in your dream, you imagine that your hair has fallen off, or that it has become extremely thin, it is a bad omen, as it shadows forth sickness, and perhaps death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42….

To dream you cut your fingers, or see them cut by another, betokens damage.

…To dream that you cut your fingers, if they bleed, is a very good omen; you will be successful in love, and your sweetheart will prove kind and true. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 2….

…Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives, being sarcastic, or making fun of others. (Also see Body 1 )…

Have them longer than ordinarily symbolizes great profits. See them cut, or the fingers that are cut means dishonor, loss, family quarrels. Have the nails torn out a deluge of miseries, of afflictions, danger of death, positive domestic ruin.

Economic gain or raise in your salary. If a finger is hurt, avoid discussions of any kind. More than five fingers, means new emotional concerns.

Fingers are symbolically associated with relatives. If a finger hurts or is wounded, it means someone of the family will be ill. A finger with cuts indicates arguments and family fights. Dreaming of a burnt finger indicates jealousy issues. If we lack a finger then it announces a tragic event in the family.

If we cut ourselves, then such dream indicates our desire to end some untenable situation. Cutting another person means that we want to break the friendship or bonds that unite us with that person.

If you were cutting something in a dream, then such dream denotes to the end of the certain project or relationships.

…(Oversight) A slip of one’s tongue or to slip in a cutting remark in a dream may mean walking on a slippery surface in wakefulness or vice-versa. (Also see Slippery surface)…

If you dye your hair, it means that you are trying to change the identity of yourself. The dream could also show that you are trying to know yourself better or find the different aspects of your personality.

In a dream, seeing one’s hair ruffled means stinginess and love to hoard money, or doing little for others….

To dream you comb your hair, and it seem very long and fine, shows you will have many joys of short duration.

To dream you comb your hair, and it seems very long and fine, you will have many joys of short duration.

If a rich person sees himself plucking out his facial hair in a dream, it means losing money, while if a poor person sees that, it means that he will repay his debts. (Also see Shaving | Temples)

(Look at Hair)

…his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appear- ance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. Ibn Abi Jumrah once said – “Seeing Him (uwbp) in a beautiful appearance denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can recognize his own state. This interpretation is also given by Ibn Hajar Al-Hutaymi, God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of ‘gharh al-S_hama-il’ of Imam Al-…

…(Bend | Curve | Perverseness) In a dream, twisting something means hypocrisy, absurdity, or twisting and changing God’s words, or attributing a personal saying to God Almighty, and making it sound like an authentic revelation. Twisting one’s turban a cap or a rope in a dream also means travels. (Also see Twisting a rope)…

(arb. See Chair | Divine Throne)

To dream that you receive the intravenous drip means that you have a feeling of someone interrupting into your life while you don’t know it.

…(arb. Retreat | Seclusion) In a dream, it represents a spiritual retreat, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. (Also see Retreat)…

The I.D. indicates your own identity and how you think about yourself. If you lost you I.D., it means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. If someone has stolen your I.D., it symbolizes your fear of being influenced by others in the negative way. If the driver’s license or I.D. was taken from you because of the your behavior, you will have to face the consequences for what you have done.

…(arb. Encompassing the two hills of Safa and Marwa | Mecca | Rituals of the pilgrimage) Encompassing the two hills of g_afa and Marwa in a dream denotes one’s righteousness and correctness. It also means reconciliation between two people, quelling a conflict, mediating between two people and bringing about a just and a peaceful agreement. If the one who is walking between the two hills in the dream is a judge, it means that he will be just and equitable. If he is a husband, it means that he will be just with his wife, or true to his parents. If one is ill, it means that he will recover from his illness and return to earning his livelihood. (Also see Rituals of the pilgrimage)…

It was once considered the symbol of a serpent that would descend in dreams to communicate a message, but the most common interpretation is that there is a connection between various levels of consciousness.

(See Arabic months)

Symbolically associated with relatives, so some authors indicate that if there is any injured or wounded in the dream it can be interpreted as a harbinger of disease in a close relative. If the finger has scratches or bumps this will mean harbinger of family discussions. A burnt finger announces jealousy problems or emotional disappointments with our partner.

Getting into temptations. 39.

Luck in love. 17.

Being esteemed and honoured.

Suffering pain. 129.

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

Quarrel and dispute.

Getting sore feet.

Unexpected journey.

Denotes causing loss to others.

Profit and gain. 148.

Carrying out a long intended plan.

Clearing away every obstacle in love.

Inheritance, or being rescued from danger. 136.