To have interaction or to encounter or to see the Star Of David, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests the merging power of love, desire and passion and creativity. It also stands as a symbol and sign for the union of heaven and earth.

If you saw a dawn in a dream, then such dream symbolizes rebirth, life, new energy and wisdom. At this time of your life you will have a new phase that will make you wiser and better person.

…(Core | Pit) Having a date pit in a dream means winning one’s case in a court of justice….

(Patching) Darning an old garment in a dream represents hypocrisy, fawning, adulation, impertinence, or it could mean to manage by, or to suffer from a lasting poverty.

(Hoofer | Show | Soft-shoe dancer) A hoofer in a dream represents a man in trouble if he dances for himself. If so, his parable is like that of seeds pupping on top of a fire. If a hoofer dances for someone, then the host will be struck by a calamity that will affect both of them. (Also see Dancing)

To dream of being in the dark, and that he cannot find his way out of the room, or so that he loses his way in riding, or in going up a high pair of stairs, denotes that the party so dreaming shall be blinded with some passion, and much troubled.

To dream of a dagger, foretells that your dearest hope will be fulfilled.

In a dream, a dairyman represents knowledge, lawful earnings, guidance and instinct. (Also see Milk | Milking)

If you are in a dairy, while dreaming then it means you will get a positive omen. Lots of luck will visit you and you will always have the tough ground under your feet.

If you dreamed of the Star of the David, then such dream indicates the understanding of eternal life your unconscious mind has made.

The dancing is always a good omen in dreams because it promises happy times, rich life and great health, therefore you should enjoy it, because it will be for a very long time.

The star of David signifies your religious views and connections. The dream could indicate your desire to find the spiritual connection within yourself and unknowingness. Sometimes the religious dream could simply represent the person in your life who believes a lot in God or have a very deep connection with religious aspects. Sometimes the dream could be interpreted as the suggestion to look better into yourself and understand what you like to have out of the life.

When you dream of seeing an anaconda it shows how original and dormant you are. It means you are very original and unique person. This dream also represents your sexual life and the needs you have. Do not be afraid to think of what you would like to do with your intimate life, maybe there is something you are not happy with. Make sure you know what you like and tell someone who is involved in this sexual life with you.

To dream of danger is fortunate for you. In business it means success and profit.

To see dancing is a good omen.

(Also see Day of Resurrection | Reckoning | Trumpet of Resurrection)

We must take note of this date because it usually has to do with some important event in our lives.

…If we avoid some danger in dreams it’s an omen of improvement, renewed luck and future success….

…Seeing a pagoda in a dream indicates that you’re going to have a short trip….

If you see yourself throwing darts in a dream, then it means you should reconsider what you are saying to others, because you will be responsible for your own words. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the tasks you have made for yourself and started getting it.

To dream of being in the dark, and that he loses his way in riding, or in going up a high steeple or high stairs, signifies that they so dreaming shall be blinded by some passion, and have much trouble.

To dream that you are dancing, and enjoying all the pleasures of the in quick succession, denotes grief, poverty, and despair, after great enjoyment.

To dream you are in a dairy, skimming the cream off the milk, and that your sweetheart partakes of the cream, denotes him inclined to luxury. But if he drinks the milk, it is a sign of frugality.

To dream of daggers, denotes the person dreaming to have some hot contest with others.

The dream about the show that is called David Letterman show, means that you are the person who like to socialize with others a lot. Some people who watch a lot of television dream about the previous shows they saw before they went to bed. In this case the dream means nothing, it simply shows the reflection of your waking life.

To dream that you see some dates on the calendar means that some important event is coming into your life that makes you feel nervous or happy.

If you see the dandelion in a dream, then it means you will have wonderful experiences with your significant other. The great times are ahead of you. If you are eating dandelions, then it means you should reconsider your own health and make big changes in order to avoid the bad consequences.

To dream of a dagger, you may expect news of absent persons.

…Escaping from danger or surviving a would be fatal accident in a dream denotes one’s devotion, religious awareness, fasting, charities and good deeds. (Also see Escape | Running away | Take a flight | Turning)…

The damson tree in dreams is interpreted as the symbol of wholeness and prosperity, but only if it had fruits growing on it. If you see yourself taking the plums from the tree and eating, them then it signifies the grief and frustration you are going to have. The dream indicates the dark period in your life.

To see daffodil in a dream, denotes to rebirth, new ideas, great mood and all of the positive features in your life.

…In a dream, the Psalms of God’s prophet David (uwbp) represent wailing, lamentation, crying, repentance, fear of wrongdoing, devotion, har- mony between people, unity, good luck, flute music and percussions, learning about strange news, or earning one’s livelihood from reciting poems, or from delivering sermons….

(Day) The dawning of the daylight in a dream means relief from pain, distress and sorrow, or it could mean buying a new garment, marriage, having beautiful children, the emergence of truth, unveiling what is hidden, release from prison or the coming home of a traveller.

Walking in darkness: sadness, moral sufferings, decay.

(See Dancer | Tap)

Usually dreams about Dalmatian represent the generous features of the dreamer. Perhaps you are the person who tends to give others as much as you can without thinking about yourself.

To dream of being in danger, shows success in life; to shun it, misfortune.

…To dream you are in a dairy, busy at work, is a very favourable omen; to the maid it indicates that her lover will be of an industrious turn and will rise to honour. To the farmer, it denotes that his crops will be abundant; to the tradesman, good news….

If one dreams of being in the dark, and that he cannot find his way, denotes that the party so dreaming, shall be blinded with some passion, and much troubled.

Dates denote many enemies, and you will receive much injury by a person you little expect. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 44….