…Dreaming that a man’s feet are cut off, is a sign of damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies alteration of your condition, from good to bad. Dreaming you walk when your feet are sore is a token of fasting….

…Dreaming about being poisoned warns about negative influences that are trying to harm you. Dreaming of oneself poisoning others warns that you’re misjudging and unjustly judging others and causing them harm. If a young person is dreaming of himself poisoning a rival, it warns that he or she needs to clarify the situation with the partner in order to avoid greater damages. Dreaming of oneself throwing the poison to the ground means that current plans will be abandoned. Dreaming about other people handling poisons suggests that one is surrounded by dishonest people who’re trying to hurt him. Dreaming that one’s relatives are poisoned warns that they’ll suffer damage caused by others. Dreaming that an enemy, rival or competitor is being poisoned announces serious trouble for the dreamer. Dreaming of oneself poisoned, but managing to cure himself or herself, can mean that the dreamer will triumph over current problems, however…

If a man dreams he has a new suit of clothes, it is a sign of honour. But to dream that you see your clothes burned, denotes loss and damage. Dreaming you see yourself dressed in black clothes, denotes joy.

To dream your hat is torn and dirty, signifies damage and dishonour; but to dream that you have a hat on that pleases you, denotes joy, profit, and success in business.

…Have one without body, freedom. Wash your own head, the finish of all the danger. Have another person head, a distant voyage or commercial expedition. Have the head that is small, means light or pointed weakness of spirits, servitude and dishonor. To feel that someone is bathing your head, damage. To have the head larger or more elevated than people usually have, professional dignity according to the estate of the dreamer, gain of a lawsuit, triumph over adversaries. If the dreamer, or whoever he sees in the dream, is engaged in commerce or any other trade marketing, and his head is off, then it shows disappointments with his business. Have the head swollen, riches and profit for the dreamer’s employers or children. Have the head of a wolf or other savage beast means complete success in all undertakings, competitors vanquished, the respect of fellow citizens. To have the headache,…

…Dreaming of a weather vane indicates inconstancy, indecision and doubt. Dream shows that a time is coming in which we won’t be able to make decisions about our own existence. Problems will arise with ongoing projects, because adverse circumstances will damage them. The best thing to do in this case is to adapt to the situation and wait for better times….

…To dream that you participate in a fight represents damage to your freedom. Maybe you are feeling locked up and unable to use total expression of your emotions, thoughts, actions. Also, fight represents inner chaos. One aspect of your personality is in conflict with another aspect of your character. Perhaps an unsettled or unrecognized part is fighting for its right to show up. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your life. To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are reluctant to acknowledge your own complications and disorders. You are not taking any obligation or initiative in trying to resolve questions in your waking life. To dream that you are fighting to the death symbolizes that you are unwilling to acknowledge real conflict. Also, it suggests that you are hiding your own inner turmoil. Maybe you are very stubborn….

…When you dream about the monkey, then such dream shows the impervious and stubborn aspects of your personality. Perhaps you are unable to collaborate with those around you. The dream, in which you see the donkey that is dead, denotes to disappointments because of the stubbornness you are carrying within yourself. If the donkey has pushed you or made any other kind of damage to you, then it shows the dishonest behavior from the significant other. Prepare yourself for deception or unfaithfulness. The dream shows that you will break up with this person. The dream in which you were kicked by the donkey could show the consequences you will have, because of dealing with dishonest people. This situation will bring much stress for you. If the donkey was lead by the halter, then such dream shows the victory you will reach while dealing with your components. The results will…

…Dreaming about one’s neighbors announces upcoming difficulties due to vanity and selfishness. If in the dream neighbors appear angry, it may mean that there will be fights that can lead to very bad results. This is an ominous dream in terms of family relationships, because it signifies hardships when we try to solve arguments and fights in this area. Diplomacy should be deeply used to get these discussions to lead to the least possible damage….

If you dream that something bad is happening to you or someone wants to damage you, then such dream is interpreted as the nightmare. The dream could also indicate the negative experiences you had in your waking life and the dream is simply the reflection of your waking life. Do not take this dream as negative sign.

A hen and chickens signifies loss and damage.

Be in the woods or fields, or guarding cattle, shows shame and damage to the rich and profit or honor to the poor.

To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.

The dreams about cattle, oxen, sheep, etc. if you see them in large numbers, abundance and riches. Dream of pasturing them, shame and damage to the rich people and profit and gain to the poor ones.

Dreaming of razors of any kind suggests ups and downs in sentimental, social and business relationships. Dreaming of being cut by a razor warns that the dreamer should be careful with matters that are being handled in order to avoid serious damage and substantial losses.

If you see the junkyard in the dream, it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life. If you are picking up good stuff from the junk yard, it shows that you are not enjoying your life and trying very hard to find the positivity in all of this mess. Sometimes the junk yard indicates the life you are not happy with, because of the others damage that was made to you. The junk yard could have a positive meaning either, because it shows your ability to find the goodness in the bad things and take what is the best for you.

A new one brings honor. A broken one, damage. One that was used trouble. A golden one, gain to the one who will wear it. A silver one will bring triumph, although not such as if you wore the golden one.

The dream symbol of a wasp indicates negative emotions and attitude toward others. To be stung by a wasp shows that there are persons around you who feels full of bad emotions such as detestation, intense dislike, anger and envy. They want to make damage and destroy you. When you kill a wasp in a dream such an action indicates that you are fighting against your enemies and you stand for your beliefs.

If you enter the castle, then it is a good sign which promises good and bright future. Seeing one burned and consumed means damage, sickness or other problems to the owner of the castle.

Dreaming of a godson is almost always harbinger of property damage or commitments that are unlikely to be met.

…Hot tar in a dream represents a guard who prevents saboteurs or subversive people from causing damage to one’s property. Wearing a garment drenched with tar in a dream means indulging in sin and mixing with its people….

To dream of eating grapes at any time, signifies profit; to tread grapes, signifies the overthrow of enemies; to gather white grapes, signifies gain; but to gather black grapes, signifies damage.

…pay gold betokens increase of friends. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that he shall receive some damage. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets, good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. Quicksilver. To dream of “this metal is a sign your friends will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you, or some near relative, will shortly marry, but not happily; if you dream of buying these articles, it is a sign of poverty; to dream of silver dollars, or bars of silver used in commence, is a sign that you will lose money by speculation….

Damage by fire. 89.

To dream you see a farce, denotes good success in business; to see one often denotes damage, because recreation is too often a hindrance to business.

In a general meaning it brings honor, fortune, in heritance. Have one larger, thicker than ordinary people have, means dignity, wealth, influence, proportionately to the rank occupied in society. Have it smaller than usual, denotes the contrary. Have the neck bound or strangled by someone, subjection to the person seen in the dream. A swollen neck means riches for the dreamer. Neck swollen by tumor or abscess, signifies speedy sickness. Neck twisted or leaning aside, denotes shame, damage, and misfortune.

…A rat in one’s house in a dream means that he will emigrate from one land to another. If the person seeing the dream owns a house, it means that he will sell it. Rats in one’s house in a dream also represent thieves one must guard his house against, or that he must guard himself against the betrayal of a close acquaintance. Eating a rat in a dream means backbiting others, or earning unlawful money. In general, rats in a dream represent insolence, causing damage, fornication, adverse marital conditions, or problems in the upbringing of one’s children. Catching a rat in a dream means suffering from humiliation and despise….

When you are dreaming about turtles, then it signifies that our affairs are moving very slowly, but something unexpected will speed them up and will be producing benefits. When you are dreaming of eating a turtle stew, then it represents the fact that you will engage in intrigues between competitors. However, you will not suffer any of the damage. Although in the East dream interpretation the turtle is given a cosmological symbolism of extraordinary wealth and is elevated to sacred animal. Among Western people the turtles symbolize longevity and protection for their long life and their ability to fall back within itself, hiding from all the dangers.

…(Heavy loss | Serious damage | Sudden great misfortune | Upheaval) In a dream, a disaster means the death of a sick person, poverty, imprisonment or blindness. However, witnessing a disaster in a dream also could mean the opposite, such as hearing good news, or that one’s reluctant enemy may secede. (Also see Cloud of destruction)…

A soft rain without storm means profit and gain to the dreamer, especially if he is if an agriculturist. Damage, loss and suspension of business if the dreamer is a mechanic, trader or capitalist in a city. A strong and long rain, accompanied by thunder, wind, tempest, hail or lightning indicates affliction, vexation, worriment of mind and loss to the dreamer if he is rich. If the dreamer is poor repose and perfect tranquility to him. A shower of gold represents great joy. A shower of silver symbolizes bitter sorrows. Rain that is made of fire, means disappointments.