…dreamer. Dreaming of black goats indicates that you will soon be suffering because of sorrows, misfortunes, losses, etc.; this dream is a bad omen. Dreaming of a dead goat, the darker the worse, suggests that the dreamer feels unable to perform many activities and that might show some issues with sexual strength; this current outlook will naturally lead everything he works on to failure, if immediate changes on the mind are not performed. This phenomenon is usually hidden of the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings, that’s why it appears in dreams. If a woman dreams drinking goat milk, it means that she probably wants to marry a wealthy man, not caring either for her love or her future. If a woman, especially if she’s young, dreams of riding a goat, it suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. This dream…

Symbolizes the transmutation of the opaque into transparent, from the imperfect into perfect and from the darkness into light. It is the best symbol that can be imagined of the human soul. Each gem has its particular meaning. If we found them strung in our dreams we will look at the meaning of “jewel”.

…Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesn’t indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should be careful with the enemies you already know. Dreaming that a watch is broken is a threat that means that you’ll have several losses in business or any other affairs you’re handling. Dreaming that the crystal of a watch falls off your hands suggests enmities, false friends, and that your own carelessness will make you have losses. Dreaming that your watch is stolen suggests that dangerous enemies will attempt to do things against you from the dark, to damage your integrity and disturb the peacefulness of your house. Dreaming that you flatter a clock suggests that you’re trying to…

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

…An invitation to lunch or dinner in a dream means taking a long journey. If in the mid-afternoon, it signifies a rest or taking a break from a troubling job. If it is an invitation to dinner in the dream, it means betraying someone under the cover of darkness. If one sees himself planning to invite people to a lunch or to dinner in a dream, it means that he wants to do business with them, or perhaps enter their circles. Consequently, he will be blamed for interfering or entering such a venture. If one sees himself hosting a dinner at his house, and the guests have finished eating in the dream, it means that he will preside over them. If a sick person sees such an invitation at his house in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Serving food to guests in a…

(See Darn)

It represents the subconscious dark and aggressive qualities. It represents that someone is seeking to strip away what belongs to us by deception or force. If we escape it, we can prevent theft or betrayal.

It portends welfare and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep, then it portends that our work will be in vain. We will interpreter this to the meaning of candle. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with a flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke, indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, that means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, then it indicates that we will undertake preparation to the spiritual journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not ready for this trip yet.

…If you dream of seeing a very large hawk, it shows that you will soon begin a new enterprise; if the hawk darts down and takes a chicken, a bird, or a fish, you will probably be successful; if little birds attack the hawk and drive it away, you will have difficulties in your undertaking and may possibly fail in it. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 55….

If the candle in our dream is firm, some authors interpret this as a sign of strength and longevity, and the opposite when the flame is flickering. It can also be interpreted in relation to our ideas, so it can be a form of warning about our mental instability or lack of serenity. If we see ourselves lighting up a candle to illuminate somewhere that’s dark, it will express our tendency to delve into the spiritual life.

(Daring | Courage) In a dream, forwardness means a battle between good and evil and it could be interpreted according to one’s standing in that case. Forwardness in a dream also means lack of determination and disdaining to serve one’s true needs….

Portends well-being and wealth that will come with an effort. If the candles go out during the dream, then such dream portends that our work will be in vain. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, then it shows that we know very well what we want in life. A flickering candle flame that is burning with difficulty, then it indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it goes off, then it shows that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, it indicates that we will undertake decisively and effectively a spiritual journey. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

When the flame of a candle is firm, bright and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, it means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it burns well, it indicates that we will undertake some preparation for an inner journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

…worried and ill dressed in a dream, it means that he is engaged in a struggle that can only subside by the will of God Almighty. If he is sick in the dream, it means that he is answerable to God Almighty for his religious negligence. If the deceased person’s face looks dark or opaque in the dream, it means that he died as an unbeliever. If one sees a deceased person sprightly, pleasant and casual in a dream, it means that one’s dream is mere hallucination, or that he is experiencing disturbed dreams, for dead people do not joke and have their own duties to respond to. If one’s deceased father or mother come back to life in a dream, it means relief from distress and abolishing of his fears. This is particularly stronger when one’s deceased mother is seen in the dream. Resurrecting a deceased person in a…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see the dusk of day, when you are dreaming, stands as a sign for defeated hopes and a dark, gloom outlook in your ambitions and aspirations.

Lucerne or stag wolf in the dream symbolizes daring craftiness and theft.

To dream of the clouds means that you understand the fact that everything is very temporary. The clouds that are white foretells about your spiritual growth. The clouds that are dark show how depressed, melancholic and even frustrated you are feeling. There is a possibility that you will face some challenge in your waking life that will take a lot of courage to deal with. However, you will be ok with it. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of sky.

…in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vein talk and meddling in people’s business. The sound of a lynx in a dream means pampering oneself, or wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream means a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vein talk, or indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing of a cow in a dream means temptation. The gurgling of camels in a dream means travels and difficulties. The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats. The yowling of…

If you dream of having a suntan, then it shows the other side of yourself. The unnatural and very dark suntan brings negative parts of your personality, because it is unreal and unnatural. Alternatively, the suntan could indicate the confidence you have, because of the tendency in beauty world to be suntanned.

Seeing a tarantula in a dream represents your dark and sinister side. It can also indicate negative perspectives related to health or pleasure.

To see the floodlights in a dream symbolizes your wish for knowledge. Perhaps you are trying to be more open with the surrounding and wish to get more information about the world. If you see the floodlight that has been burnt out, then such dream shows the dark surroundings. You are unable to get the information you need.

To dream of a dark vault is a sign of some loss.

The veins in a dream show the basic structure you have made. Perhaps you have a very important project that a lot of things depend on how it will go on. The veins also show the dare that will check your performance.

…directed toward Him in the dream, then they represent falsehood. If the supplications are silent in the dream, they could mean that one will beget a blessed son. If one sees a group of people gathering in a circle of prayers, or doing Zikr and invoking the divine attributes in a dream, then they represent a gathering of children, growth, blessings, or waiving away sufferings. If one sees himself praying to God Almighty, or that prayers are invoked on his behalf in a dream, it means happiness and money. Supplications in God’s house or in a mosque in a dream are more beneficial than prayers which are offered anywhere else. If one prays in the dark in a dream, it means that he will be saved from trials. If one sees himself imploring another person in a dream, it means that he fears him. (Also see Prayers | Zikr)…

…To dream about a train may have several meanings; the interpretation will depend on your current situation. To dream about a moving passenger’s train announces an upcoming trip. To dream that you’re traveling on a train that moves slowly suggests that you feel restless because your business affairs are not progressing as fast as you expected. To dream that you’re traveling on a train and it passes through a tunnel suggests that you are considering getting involved in dark and dangerous issues that will alter your life. To dream with a parked train indicates that your issues will not progress, so you should put special attention to them to avoid the intervention of selfish people and enemies. If the train is parked because the path is broken or obstructed, then it suggests that someone is betraying you. To dream about a parked freight train announces that your business affairs…

(Corrosion | Oxidize | Smut) In a dream, rust or corrosion represents an ostentatious and an affectatious person who displays piety and devotion during the day and contempt during the darkness of the night. It also could represent a thief, a highway robber, or a weak, tardy and negligent person, or a person who hoards money and likes to live alone.

To dream you see air clear and serene, shows you will be beloved and esteemed by all people, and that you shall be reconciled to all. But to dream that the sir is dark, cloudy, and troubled, denotes sadness and sickness.

Whether we are being abandoned or we are the ones that abandoned someone else, the fact is that this phenomenon is quite common in dreams, and lends itself to many nuances in interpretation. Being abandoned is often the subject of some nightmares but on closer analysis it can mean feeling liberated, especially if the one that leaves us means authority or power over us. These dreams usually indicate, in any case, fear and this should be taken into account in terms of our health, perhaps because we are receiving a notice of our unconscious. When we are the ones who abandon it could mean that we are prisoners of some idea, circumstance, person or group and we desire to get out of this situation, if only in dreams we dare to take that step.

…Dreaming that you have a beautiful complexion is lucky. You will pass through pleasing incidents. Dreaming that you have bad and dark complexion, denotes disappointment and sickness….

…If you see strange and weird illuminations in your dreams, you will meet with disappointments and failures on every hand. Illuminated faces, indicate unsettled business, both private and official. To see the heavens illuminated, with the moon in all her weirdness, unnatural stars and a red sun, or a golden one, you may look for distress in its worst form. Death, family troubles, and national upheavals will occur. To see children in the lighted heavens, warns you to control your feelings, as irrevocable wrong may be done in a frenzy of feeling arising over seeming neglect by your dear ones. To see illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens, denotes failure and trouble | dark clouds overshadow fortune. To see them fall to the earth and men shoot them with guns, many troubles and obstacles will go to nought before your energy and determination to rise. To see…

An alligator in a dream represents a knowledgeable person who guides people from darkness unto light. (Also see Crocodile)

…Dreaming of matches, denotes prosperity and change when least expected. To strike a match in the dark, unexpected news and fortune is foreboded….

…(A canopy with drapes covering one’s bed | Mosquito net | Transparent hood) In a dream, the canopy that drapes over one’s bed represents a good woman or a well-mannered man. In a dream, a canopy also may represent one’s wife, or it could mean affliction, grief, distress or darkness. (Also see Bed | Couch | Mattress)…

(See Darkness)

Dreaming of the fates, unnecessary disagreements and unhappiness is foretold. For a young woman Dreaming of juggling with fate, denotes she will daringly interpose herself between devoted friends or lovers.

…In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor. The barking of a dog in a dream means vain talk and meddlingin others’ business. The sound of a lynx in adream means pampering oneself and wantonness. The cooing of pigeons in a dream means crying, sorrows or marriage. The chirp of swallows in a dream means beneficial words. The croaking of frogs in a dream means beatings or death. The sound of bells and the hissing of snakes in a dream represents a fight, an argument, a warning, or a war. The braying of donkeys in a dream means cursing in the darkness. The braying of mules in a dream means vain talk, or it could mean indulging in suspicious acts. The mooing…

If the environment in the dream is clear, sunny and peaceful it means tradition, study, reservation, patient and thorough work. If the atmosphere is nocturnal, cloudy or dark it presages heavy and meticulous work and study, even boredom.

…tyrant and a blood thirsty person. If one sees himself inside hell-fire, where his eyes turn dark-blue and his face charcoal black in the dream, it means that he befriends God’s enemy and consents to their deception and chicanery. Consequently, he will surely be humiliated and despised by people, and in the hereafter, he will suffer the consequences of his sins. Seeing hell in a dream means that one should avoid incurring the wrath of a ruler. Entering hell in a dream also means notoriety, or becoming known as an evil person. It also means heedlessness and pursuing one’s indulgence in abominable actions. Whatever knowledge such a person acquires will bear evil consequences. Hell in a dream also represents loss of one’s prestige, status and it means poverty after wealth, despair after comfort, unlawful earnings, inso- lence, and if it leads to an illness, it will end in a shocking…

Dreaming of a site represents a particular aspect of yourself in a particular relationship. The dreams in which we are at several sites are often associated with hidden areas of the conscious mind and the various aspects of our personalities. Dreaming that you find or discover new places suggests that you develop new strength. You can also grow emotionally. Seeing a nice place in a dream means you feel satisfied with your life. Seeing a dark mysterious place denotes that you feel stuck or repressed in a situation.

The sky in a dream represents eternity of potential and freedom of human beings. The dream in which the sky is clear and blue, promises pure living, while the cloudy and dark sky indicates sad mood and troubles.