If you are taking the hot tub, then such dream shows the necessity for relaxation. Perhaps you are trying to get away from your troubles and various issues in your waking life. The hot tub in a dream could also indicate the issues of your subliminal mind that has been opened.

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.

…Dreaming of seeing a tub full of water, denotes domestic contentment. An empty tub proclaims unhappiness and waning of fortune. A broken tub, foretells family disagreements and quarrels….

Dreaming of a tub filled with water announces satisfaction, joy and good luck. But if the tub is empty, then it means the opposite. Dreaming of a red, dirty old tub announces penalties and family difficulties.

…(Bathhouse | Boiling water | Hot pepper | Pungent) Eating hot food, or drinking a hot drink in a dream may represent arduous earnings, or abundance that becomes a burden. It may also represent unlawful earnings, illegal profits, losses, or losing any blessing which maybe contained in one’s deeds. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that he is destined for hell-fire….

…Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream means benefits. Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression, or a scare by evil spirits. (Also see Bathhouse | Drink | Hot)…

…To dream of a tub is a bad omen: if it be filled with water, you have evil to fear; an empty tub signifies trouble; and to run against one, sorrow. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 9….

If tub is filled with water, you have evil to fear; an empty tub signifies trouble; and to run against one, sorrow.

When you dream about something being hot, then such dream points the dangers and menace that is lurking for you. The hotness could also indicate the fact that you feel attractive and sexy. If you see someone being very hot in a dream, then it show your sexual attraction towards that particular person.

Feeling hot in a dream means joy and satisfaction of your achievements. Also, something hot or warm is symbolizing hope and unconditional love.

…with golden hair and great, deep blue eyes, who was evidently waiting for me and who beckoned me with arms that, white as ivory, gleamed against the blackness of everything around her. Only a few feet separated us. I gathered up my limbs to take a final spring and — with a sigh of satisfaction, I felt her soft arms encircle me. It was a moment of infinite paradise.Then a hot, pitiless hand was laid upon my neck and I was hurled backward from her clasp — my head struck the ground, and blankness swallowed me again. When consciousness returned, all was changed. A wonderful sensation of liberty, as it were of transition from the material to the ethereal, possessed me. At my feet lay the thing of flesh and blood which had served me as a body, and, to my horror, I saw bending over it a creature of…

Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean. A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy and money.

If you are in hot air balloon, then such dream suggests you to get over with all of the negative past. It’s time to move on. The dream could also show that you are not feeling the ground at certain aspects of your life. Perhaps you should stop being frivolous and start acting like an adult. On the other hand, the dream may symbolize the state of your mind where you feel lifted by some relationships, love or any other success.

If you eat a hot dog in a dream, then it could indicate your desire for sexuality or/and intercourse. The hotdog could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping.

…sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. If one falls into a river and if he is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick. If he drowns in a river in a dream, it means his death. Falling into water in a dream also could mean happiness, joy, or blessings. Observing the reflection of one’s face in the waters looking beautiful in a dream shows kindness toward one’s household and neighbors. Reaching a pond of clear water in a dream means speaking good words. Pouring water inside a bag in a dream means spending money to please a woman. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. Floods in a dream means…

…(Fryer) In a dream, deep frying signifies evil, adversities, arguments, problems, failing to do one’s prayers, following one’s mind, passion and desires, or backbiting and slandering people. (Also see Frying)…

(See Deep waters)

It warns you to be careful with fire.

Glowing with love, excitement.

Becoming prodigal.

Getting arrested and held for trial.

To follow a treatment signifies hope of upcoming improvement in your conditions after distressing circumstances.

…the earnestness with which he pleaded, flung him on the floor, and would have stabbed him, had not the room suddenly become pitch dark, and a loud and hollow voice uttered these words: “Fool! Thou hast murdered thine own soul! Know thy hell!” Something then struck me heavily on the forehead, I lost consciousness, and on recovering, found myself in a huge kitchen garden.A spade was in my hand, and I was digging for potatoes. The sun was so tremendously hot; my back and arms ached cruelly; and I was desperately thirsty. “Curse it!” I said to myself. “I have had enough of it! The old lady may go without her dinner for all I care! I am not going to wear myself to pieces and get sunstroke for her!’ Then I dashed my spade to the ground, and, looking round, espied a pool of clear water. Revelling in the…

…(Sauna | Steam room | Sweat room | Rest room) Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream brings benefits. If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or searching for a woman to partake in it, then suffering its consequence. If the bathhouse is heated and the water is lukewarm in the dream, it represents his family’s compassion toward him, trying to help him out of his breach. If the bathhouse is cold and if its water is cold in the dream, it means that his family has ostracized or banished him. If one witness the hot water pipes breaking, whereby he could not control the flow of water in the dream, it means that someone will betray him with his wife, though he will keep trying to control the situation, but to no avail. A water leak from the boiler that…

…then it would indicate that the dreamer is overly worried about something. Dreaming of bathing with cold, clear and clean water is an announcement of improved health, and if this water comes from the sea, it will be much better. Dreaming of having white flowers in a bathroom indicates a risk of developing a benign disease such as a cold, if they are yellow flowers and they are not in a vase, you should take precautions. If the flowers are dark (purple or black), the thing is serious, and maybe the disease is already in the body. For a young man, who dreams of a bathroom, it insinuates that he has natural tendency to frivolous and not recommendable ways of having fun. Dreaming of taking a bath indicates a deep satisfaction with yourself, so if you can take any chances on important issues or businesses, you should do it….

…Soon after getting into bed one night (in January, 1908), I fell into a deep, blank sleep, from which I was abruptly torn to find myself at the entrance to a forest, a forest I knew, by sight, only too well. It was the forest of Trouble, and, willy-nilly, I had to enter it. On all sides, leviathan trees of the blackest ebony shot up hundreds of feet heavenwards, permitting only the feeblest rays of light to penetrate through their forked branches. What species of trees they were I do not know, for nothing I had seen outside my dreams resembled them. Their trunks were smooth, and in their mirror-like surfaces I could see reflected the workings of their innermost organs, whilst the rising and falling of their hollow voices was wafted down to me from on high, like the murmuring of wind from some mountain top. Nimble hands…

…its gleaming surface at a time, and a very few sweeps of the oars sufficed to shoot my skiff from one angle to another.The character of my surroundings changed as I advanced; the banks and trees grew in height until little of the sky could be seen; the rapidity of the stream ceased, and the waters became deep and tranquil; whilst over and above all hung a silence that brought with it an exquisite sense of rest, intermingled with which was a faint suggestiveness of something bizarre and ghoulish. An unusually abrupt bend, round which the boat subtly glided, laid before me a spectacle so extraordinary that for some seconds I was almost dazed. I had emerged into a gigantic circular basin of several miles in diameter, and entirely composed of glittering white marble. All around it were steps that led down, down, down, until they were lost to sight…

If we are taking a bath we must take into account the feelings that bath produces in us. If the bath is nice and we see the clear, clean water, it bodes health and prosperity both material and spiritual. But if we do not take the bath because the tub is empty, or the water is dirty or hot or cold, almost all authors consider it as a notice of lost opportunity due to lack of foresight or the difficulty of adequately address the events.

…If the bathroom is nice, it indicates both physical and spiritual health, especially if the water is clear and transparent. If it’s cloudy, too hot or too cold, it indicates that something is wrong, but if it ends up being nice, we will get a profit. If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities….

To dream one sees a bath, is a sign of affliction or grief. If a person dreams he goes into or sees himself in a bath, and that he finds it too hot, he will be troubled and afflicted by those that belong to his family. If one dreams he has only pulled off his clothes, without going into the bath, he will have some disturbance, but of no long continuance. If one dreams he goes into an extremely cold bath, the same signification is to be given of it as when it is too hot. But if it be temperate, and as it ought to be, it is a good dream, presaging prosperity, joy and health.

If you dream of being in a place that is extremely hot, or if the weather is so hot that the heat affects you, it shows that some person is preparing either to attack you or give you a good scolding; if you perspire freely, it is a sign you will meet them at advantage, but if you are feverish, it shows that you will be either injured, or else will have your feelings badly hurt.

…The anvil and the hammer are the two main and indispensable tools of any blacksmith, a job that constantly uses fire, hot iron, and spark. That combination in itself is a very ancient symbol of intense and creative work, which tends to appear in dreams symbolizing firm and productive work. When you are dreaming only about an anvil, then it can mean that you are enjoying a good health and solid business. When you are dreaming about an anvil in which hot iron is being forged and is giving off the sparks, then it is a symbol which shows that in real life, the dreamer is comfortable with what he has, because it will produce permanent gains, satisfaction, and happiness. This dream could also mean that one can count with the sympathy and help from affluent people, who can facilitate the path to success. When, in this dream, the…

…If you dream of being in a place that is extremely hot, or if the weather is so hot that the heat affects you, it shows that some person is preparing either to attack you or give you a good scolding. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7 1, 6….

…To dream of being scalded with hot water, is usually a sign of injuries by the elements; it may foretells losses by floods, by fire, or by winds, or by thunder-storms: if you dream of scalding your tongue with hot tea, it is a sign that you will scandalize a neighbour with some ill-natured remark. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 12, 36,…

…Thick dirty water shows with trouble you’ll be smote. Clear cold water foretells that you’ll be fortunate. Deep water is dangerous, hot water, shows snares, frozen water indicates, a good fate….

…To dream of looking into a deep well, is a sign you will find a treasure: if you dream of falling into a deep well, it foretells your death: if you imagine you draw clear water from a well, and drink it, you will surely have good fortune of some kind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7, 14, 77….

These dreams indicate the need for profound changes in our lives or in our moral values, even though we must resort to more or less violence. If we dream that we are victims of an approach it means that within ourselves there is a deep longing for a deep change and we are not able to carry it out due to our present life not reflecting our real ambitions. This dream predicts that someone or something will soon disturb our lives or someone that will act as a trigger to transform us completely. If we are the protagonists of the boarding, in order to make a prediction it’s necessary to see how the operation ends, because if we succeed relatively easily it means that it’s time to undertake the change on our own, eliminating any obstacle.

Dreaming of anything somehow related to making an announcement indicates that you’re being careless with your personal affairs, because you’re paying more attention to unimportant things, which will obviously cause damages and losses. Dreaming of announcing something in the dream means that there is a deep concern that something is wrong, and you don’t know how to correct it to avoid probable losses and diseases for you or your relatives. Dreaming of placing ads of any kind implies that, deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied with what you have, and you want to make a change, taking the risk of making everything worse. Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news. Dreaming of taking ads from some places anticipates that you suspect of someone cheating on you, or backstabbing you in business.

…If you are looking into a deep pit in your dream, you will run silly risks in business ventures and will draw uneasiness about your wooing. To fall into a pit denotes calamity and deep sorrow. To wake as you begin to feel yourself falling into the pit, brings you out of distress in fairly good shape. Dreaming that you are descending into one, signifies that you will knowingly risk health and fortune for greater success….

The dream in which you see some kind of religious symbol, indicates your desire to get more in touch with yourself and spiritual world. To dream about the religious symbol could also be interpreted as the suggestion to be aware with your inner thoughts and emotions, try to find deep connection with another world, because you are too grounded. Sometimes the religious symbol could simply be a reflection how deep religious you are in your waking life.