…Dreaming of shooting arrows with a bow promises that you’ll soon feel relieved from the sorrows you suffer. Dreaming of one or more triumphal arches means vanity, inconsequential and temporary affairs. Dreaming of arches made of heavy material, such as bridges or portals, suggests that there is a deep satisfaction because you’re in the process of become successful, in your work or business, which announces a nearby prosperity, despite of some people not understanding what you are doing or they being jealous and therefore seeking to humiliate you and cause you any type of harm. When a woman dreams of going under any arch, it means that she will soon suffer disappointments because the things she wanted will be destroyed. Dreaming of bows and arrows, even if you’re not using them, points at your ability to succeed in your affairs, even in love. But it also means that you…

If you dream of irrigating some kind of crops or any plants, then such dream indicates the ideas you have hidden deep down in yourself. Make sure you materialize those ideas into some projects, because it is going to be successful.

The Spiritual light in your dream could be interpreted as the fact how deep thinker and how much connection with your spiritual aspects you have. The dream could also mean that you are looking the ways how to guide yourself through life.

The dream symbol of a willow denotes unhappiness, deep sorrow of a lost person.

…Dreaming of empty jars, denotes impoverishment and distress. To see them full, you will be successful. If you buy jars, your success will be precarious and your burden will be heavy. To see broken jars, distressing sickness or deep disappointment awaits you….

…The dream about window denotes to new hopes, expectations and possibilities. If you look through the window in a dream, then it shows how you are trying to absorb the outside world and what possibilities it brings to you. Probably at this time of your life you are trying to make some important solution to particular problem, and the look through the window helps you while thinking about it. The dream in which you look through the window could also indicate the necessity to explore the world and life as it is. If you looked at the window as the mirror, then it foretells how you are seeking the answers of which you are deep down in your soul. Such dream also brings out the spiritual aspects of your personality. The dream, in which you shut down the windows, denotes to the closure you have made towards particular problem…

An unexpected event will make you feel a deep sorrow.

Mutual understanding, sincere and deep thoughts.

…To dream one is drowning presages trouble, either domestic or financial, for the dreamer. To see someone else drowning portends misfortune, either from accidents (sometimes drowning, as actually seen in the vision), illness, or loss of money, but not always for the drowning person. This dream, I find, is a very common one. I have often seen in dreams friends of mine struggling desperately in some deep pool or river. Frantically I have plunged in to their rescue, but always too late, and, on sinking down, down, down, have at length come in contact with their cold, clammy corpses. Quite recently I dreamed I saw a near and dear friend fall shrieking into a seething, hissing pool of muddy water. In an agony of mind I tried to go to his rescue, but was held back by one of those cruel, invisible forces that ever haunt dreams. Desperately I…

…If you dream that you commit adultery or cheating on someone, this is a sign of you not being honest with yourself. Maybe there are some things in your life you can not admit to yourself and hiding the feelings deep down inside of you. Also, this could be a sign of you being invoked into something against the law. If you see your partner or your friend cheating on you, this is a sign that you are afraid of being neglected by the ones you love. You should consider, as there might be something missing in the relationships you are having, that why you are having those fears. What you should do is not humble yourself down. If you dream of cheating on your partner with his friend, this is a sign that there are changes that has to be done in your relationship with your partner, as…

The one who sees the tombs in his dreams is trying to hide the things deep down, that nobody could see it. If the dreamer was stuck in a tomb, then it indicates the state where he cannot find the way out from his negative thoughts or situation. Perhaps the dreamer has built the barriers, but does not know how to demolish them, therefore there is no way out.

…Dreaming of a plow, signifies unusual success, and affairs will reach a pleasing culmination. To see persons plowing, denotes activity and advancement in knowledge and fortune. For a young woman to see her lover plowing, indicates that she will have a noble and wealthy husband. Her joys will be deep and lasting. To plow yourself, denotes rapid increase in property and joys….

…The dream of a well indicates your qualities. You have lots of hidden talents, skills which are buried deep inside. This is a sign that it is a time for you to show and to use them all. The dream symbol of a well marks that you are very sensitive and emotional person. All your feelings come from the deepest place of your inner world….

The woman in a dream symbolizes the feminine aspects, love, deep connections, fertility and care of nature. The dream in which you see the woman could indicate the factors of your feminine side and it could show the connection you have with your mother. The dream, in which you see the particular woman you know in your life, denotes to the issues you have with her. If you saw many women, then such dream warns you to be aware of the gossips that may affect your personal life. If you see a woman that is pregnant, then it means you will have a pleasant and healthy life. The woman that is old could indicate the actual fear of getting old or the wisdom that lies within you.

…Dreaming of medicine, if pleasant to the taste, a trouble will come to you, but in a short time it will work for your good | but if you take disgusting medicine, you will suffer a protracted illness or some deep sorrow or loss will overcome you. To give medicine to others, denotes that you will work to injure some one who trusted you….

(Canyons) In a dream, deep valleys, or mountain trails represent deception, betrayal, perfidy and trickery. (Also see Aqiq canyons)

Of a relative, of a friend, or a great man. Joys, riches, legacies, advantageous marriage. Funeral of the stranger, or of a person that you know very little, scandal, deep underhand practices.

The dream in which you see your own dad, may indicate the deep connection you have with this person or simply missing him a lot. The Dad could also be the figure of the God you believe in and the connection you have with him.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see an enchantress when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for feminine energy. Enchantress shows the ability to influence, affect and persuade.

Dreaming that you are watching a horse race (horserace), has the symbolic significance of the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You need to believe that you are capable of succeeding in all your ambitions and aspirations. The dream also has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your sexual energy or competitive nature.

To dream about your own death means that some part of your personality is not taking an important part anymore. The death of your own could also mean that you are in deep depression and wish to day. In this case, look out for help. The death of your own could also mean that you are afraid of dying.

To encounter or to see a narcissus, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of excessive pride in or admiration of own appearance or achievements. This dream symbol may be a metaphor for someone in your life who is narcissistic. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it has deep meaning and stands as an omen for divine love.

(Mountain pass | Mountain trails) In a dream, deep valleys or canyons represent deception, betrayal, perfidy and trickery. Seeing a mountain pass in a dream also could signify overcoming adversities or relief from difficulties. (Also see Aqiq canyon)

If it is a hair curl means deep love.

Seeing a large deep brook is vexation and sorrow. Clear water running through the house, good news to-morrow.

…Dreaming about a deep dark abyss indicates that you’re really insecure about you, which makes you feel afraid of facing all life circumstances, and that makes you feel doubtful and seem lost. Dreaming about an abyss can also mean the death of a close person….

Dreaming that you are in a cellar, has the symbolic significance of secret worries and fears. Cellar in the dream suggests that side of your subconscious mind, where you have kept your fears and problems, is trying to release this hidden burden. Dreaming that you are going down into the cellar, stands as a symbol of courage and freedom from the past. It means that you are digging deep into your own old experiences and facing bravely your fears. You are becoming less anxious than you was before.

…Dreaming that you’re having a ritual bath with clear water, it’s a sign of joy, openness and deep vitality, and it predicts a wonderful time to start any kind of business or any type of company, whether it’s economic, intellectual or emotional, in which you’ll put all your enthusiasm to succeed. If, however, the water is turbid, it is a sign that it is best to paralyze all these projects because, despite all the enthusiasm you may put on it, it will be very difficult to make things go as you expect….

To dream you are making a casserole, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods or a new phase in your life.

…exhibition — and, on coming down to breakfast, learned of the death of a very dear friend.On another occasion, a day or two before I heard of the death of an old schoolfellow of mine,I dreamed I was fishing in a deep pool overgrown with rushes, when the first thing I caught — or at least which caught me, for I was eventually eaten by it — was a leviathan shark. I can see it now — a huge, slimy, blue-backed thing with a glistening white belly, eyes twinkling with devilish glee at the prospect of so sure a meal, and an enormous, gaping mouth furnished with what seemed to me interminable rows of saw-edged teeth. Snap, in I went, and the next instant the most frightful, the most excruciating agonies shot through me as a thousand spike-like points crushed into my flesh. For some seconds after I awoke I…

To dream that you wake up and do the usual things you do in the morning, means that you are worrying of oversleeping. You can’t get yourself into the deep sleep, therefore you keep dreaming of waking up. If you dream that you wake up at the night, it shows that you can’t relax properly during your sleep, therefore you should look after yourself better.

…Foxes figure so largely in folk-lore that one need not be surprised that fox-dreams, in the case of many people, are particularly significant. Silver foxes in dreams would appear to portend excessive good fortune; black foxes, excessive misfortune; ordinary foxes, good luck in a moderate degree.Among the fox-dreams that have been related to me was one dreamed by a Negro. ”I dreamed,” he said, ” I was starving to death in the streets of a big city, and had come to the decision that, sooner than go on in misery, I would terminate my existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke….

(See Deep frying)

Deep and discreet feelings.

…Dreaming that you’re receiving a slap indicates negligence. Dreaming that you’re giving a slap suggest that you’re suppressing some deep anger and repressed rage….

To dream that you or others are being exorcised, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your initiative to regain control in your business or personal relationship. You are taking steps to refresh the direction of your objectives. Alternatively, in the dream to see an attempt to drive out an evil spirit from a person or place can mean, that you may not be taking responsibility for your actions. Are you looking for a scapegoat?

Cases are dreams’ symbols for secret things that are hidden deep inside.

Fleshy lips mean deep and sincere love. Thin lips mean easily breakable fragile union.

Fleshy lips indicate deep and sincere love. Thin lips mean fragile and easily breakable union. If you talk, it indicates desires of relationships. If you are not talking, then it indicates profound rejection of the other person.

Dreaming of being in a situation of prosperity and going towards great success in life is a positive dream that suggests deep satisfaction for achievements made, as a consequence, this will lead to real success in real life. The meaning is that currently the dreamer has no reason to worry. Dreaming of other people living in prosperity means that there will be benefits for the dreamer thanks to the support of friends.