If you dream that you are being unfaithful to your partner means that you are having thoughts of being by yourself or have a crush on the person who you were unfaithful with. The dream shows that you are not happy the relationships you are in, at least this time of your life. If your partner is being unfaithful to you in your dream, it means that you are afraid of being betrayed or you do not trust this person as much as you would like to. Sometime we dream about our partners being unfaithful, because we are jealous while they are communicating with other people or simply doesn’t pay as much attention as we would like to receive. The unfaithfulness is very common dream, so you should consider the relationships you are in and why you have these kind of dreams.

…Dreaming that you are living on a farm, denotes that you will be fortunate in all undertakings. Dreaming that you are buying a farm, denotes abundant crops to the farmer, a profitable deal of some kind to the business man, and a safe voyage to travelers and sailors. If you are visiting a farm, it signifies pleasant associations. See Estate….

Dreaming of an apparition, of any kind, is never a good sign. In fact, it can even mean that a fatality may occur soon.

If you dream about this kind of calculator, then such dream indicates some type of financial growth within your business, but only if you will put enough of the effort to it and will pay attention to the minor details. When you see a child’s toy in your dream, then it indicates fortune in some current business affair.

…case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences. Dreaming of driving a car accompanied by someone and you have an accident, suggests that even though your affairs are going well, there’s a risk of them ending abruptly and finishing with negative results. Dreaming of being saved from being run over by a car indicates that the dreamer must run away from situations or dubious business, light affairs and rivalries of all kinds. In short, it’s a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates huge ambitions that can’t be satisfied with simple work efforts. Dreaming of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any kind, it’s a sign of bad luck in the immediate future (bad business, setbacks, illnesses, etc.)….

…(See Skating and Sliding.) To dream of walking on slippery ice in winter, is a sign that misfortune threatens you: if you slip down, it foreshadows bad luck: if you dream of gliding or skating easily over smooth ice, it shows that you will probably have a difficulty of some kind, but will overcome it and get through handsomely. For lovers to dream of going over ice is a bad omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 28….

…To dream about your own wardrobe indicates risks of failure because you pretend to have riches that you actually don’t. To dream about an empty wardrobe symbolizes that you’re searching for a partner or someone that can help you solve your economic problems or any other kind of problem….

In dreams marriage is usually the symbol of union between opposites. So it may be an aspiration of balance or consolidation. It may also be the desire to marry or on the other hand, give some individual freedom that it implies. This dream could also show some kind of problem or negative consequences due to decisions that have been made recently.

Dreaming about Egypt represents high spirituality and steady mental harmony. To be in Egypt and to see Pyramids in your dream symbolizes the origins of fundamental balance in your psyche. Your own feelings and spirituality are huge treasure. It indicates a period in life where things may have been simpler. To be in sand dune in Egypt’s part of Sahara represents deserted negativity. You forgot everything what makes you anxious. You freed yourself from any worries. Alternatively, it symbolize that in your life is some situation where you feel alone. Maybe your calmness and tranquillity give to you some kind of solitude.

…Dreaming of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. Dreaming that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building….

The any kind of the light in the dark usually indicates the hope the dreamer has. It is also the symbol of understanding the true and finding the answers to your questions.

Dreaming about metamorphosis of any kind, denotes voyage or change of your current location.

…and new opportunities in order to prosper. Dreaming of oneself traveling in unknown and lurid places indicates the presence of enemies and diseases. If you’re traveling on a rocky and difficult path, then it represents a nearby stumbles and disappointments. Dreaming of traveling alone in a vehicle suggest that you’ll soon make a trip that will be cause for concern. If there are any kind of disasters in the trip, it may mean that affairs or businesses, relationships or friendships are going badly due to a lack of sincerity from the dreamer or another person. Dreaming that you’ve made a trip in less time than expected can mean that the dreamer’s projects will soon be satisfactorily achieved. Dreaming of traveling on foot, foretells about the need for greater effort in what is being done to achieve success. Dreaming of traveling on horseback suggests that there are many chances of success…

…A church organ prefigures ceremonies of a kind we will know by the musical piece we hear and the circumstances of this listening. If it’s not a church organ it indicates news and events, that will be positive or not, depending on the music played….

the dream in which you are seeing some kind of pictures means that you are looking for some important information that is being kept as a secret.

If you dream about any kind of the vehicle, then such dream indicates your urge to travel. You wish to explore the world and to know different people. If you are traveling on your own, you wish to escape the life you live at the moment and become free as the bird.

…To dream that you pass across an orchard that’s in bloom accompanied by your loved one (girlfriend, spouse, mother, children) indicates that your dreams will come true, as long as it’s something reasonable and feasible to achieve. To dream that in this garden abounds ripe fruit, suggests gratification due to the faith put in what you’ve done, a near future reward that will bring peace and happiness into your home. To dream that you’re in an orchard and some animals arrive and start eating the fruit that has fallen to the ground suggests that you’ll lose in disputes and conflicts that are about to happen, because what you are claiming doesn’t belong to you. To dream that you pick up a ripe fruit of any kind is a sign of prosperity and many successes. To dream about an orchard that’s infested with worms indicates problems and tribulations of all…

Usually in western culture the comparison between the person and the pig is not very good sign, because it means that you are being dirty or naughty. However, if you are animal lover, then such dream indicates your love to these kind of animals. The pig in some cultures is the symbolism of domestic happiness.

The character that appears with a helmet tries to hide intentions or personality to others or ourselves. If the helmet has anatomical lines and is undecorated, then it reveals that practical thoughts are hidden. A beautifully decorated helmet interprets what kind of thoughts are hidden such as greatness and adventurous.

To dream about war, in any kind of way, suggests an upcoming bad economic situation and various penalties within your actual affairs. If a young woman dreams that her loved one goes to war, it suggests that one of them or both will face serious problems that are caused by others. To dream that your country is at war is a sign of hopelessness.

When you dream of throwing your garbage away, then such dream represents unnecessary things in your life. Perhaps you are willing to finish some kind of relationships or change your life completely. The pile of garbage could also indicate the bad habits you have and wish to get rid of them. Maybe you wish to quit smoking or start exercising in your waking life? If you see the garbage of the other person, then such dream shows you wish to help for other person in solving out some problems.

The guns are the symbols of danger and anger. Maybe you feel the aggression towards some particular person. Or there is some kind of unfair situation? If you have loaded the gun, it means you are ready to protect yourself, or even worse – you want to do some damage to others. Don’t!

Dreaming of being disinherited, but in real life there is no likelihood of receiving inheritance, indicates that the dreamer’s own affairs, business, employment, etc., are bad due to carelessness, reason why there is a risk of suffering losses and other kind of problems. This dream on a young single person implies that one should not think of marriage for convenience, and in a young single female, it suggests that her behavior is not correct, which will make her prestige be tainted, and if she has any potential lover, she will simply lose him.

…that she will beget a son. Holding a pen in a dream also means making an oath. If one’s pen is broken or scratched in a dream, it will reflect on his business, trade and livelihood. Moistening a pen from an inkwell in a dream means committing a sin. A pen in a dream also represents virtues by which one is known, or it could mean complying with a court judgement, or signing a court order, or it could represent a scholar, a judge, one’s tongue, a sword, one’s penis, a railway, generosity, abundance, human- kind, one’s confidant, or winning victory over one’s enemy. If one’s pen looks in good condition in the dream, it means that one’s oath or covenant is true. Otherwise, a defective pen in a dream represents a false oath, or a biased agreement. Apen in adream also means longevity and prosperity. (Also see Tongue)…

To dream that there is an epidemic of any kind symbolizes difficulties and various problems, for which is convenient to be prepared.

To dream that you are writing the journal means that you need to stop and ask yourself what you want out of life. Are you happy? Give yourself these kind of the questions.

The weeds symbolizes malpractice. If you are weeding some kind of the garden or any other field, you are wasting your ideas, emotions to anywhere.

When you are hunting in a dream, then such dream shows the search for satisfaction in some aspects of your life. Perhaps you are trying to satisfy the inner needs. The dream about hunting is also related to the sexual aspects of the dreamer, where he is trying to receive the attention from potential sexual partner. When you are hunting and kill any kind of the animal, then such dream suggests you to suppress your instincts. If someone was hunting you in a dream, then it shows the frustration and tiredness you are suffering from while dealing with all of the issues. You are too tired to run away from all of the hunting. When you see other people hunting in a dream, then it shows your wish to keep away some parts of your personality.

…If a person who holds an office, or a trust of any kind dreams of resigning, it is a sign of advancement: to anyone who cannot be advanced, it shows that he will rise above his present position in society. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 17….

To dream that you are having a dessert may indicate the fact that you are actually lurking from hunger. Perhaps you didn’t eat enough before you went to bed, therefore you have this kind of dream. The dessert could also indicate the sweet things in your life that you are enjoying, therefore in dreams they are seen as being the dessert.

If you dream that you are being infected with some kind of virus, means that you feel that your space has been invaded. You are lacking of privacy and comfort in your waking life. The virus could also represent unhealthy relationships you got yourself into.

If you presence some escape, the dream is about things you do not like but keep them in secret. It may also represent some kind of debt. If you are the one escaping you may be running from problems that you do not feel able to face.

…it’s rare for those who have a correct behavior and have nothing to reproach about themselves to dream of God. Also, dreaming of God is common in people of markedly religious ideas, which does not happen to people with developed intellectual. Dreaming of God seems to be more than anything, a way of blaming one-self for not acting properly. However, there are other interpretations: When a man dreams of looking at God it insinuates vanity, pride and unfounded incomprehension on himself, that is, he feels overly important when facing any kind of problem. A man married to a very religious woman who dreams of God, indicates that he is trying to break free from the constraints of the woman (this is some sort of escape). Dreaming of God speaking to you is a warning that everything will go wrong, including health issues, because the dreamer behavior is not correct….

Usually this dream reflects our concern about the health. If we see our skin with wrinkles it reflects fear of menopause and old age. The imperfections in our skin revels sentimental doubts, unless they were rashes or spots that are very obvious, in which case it is a warning about our health. If we see the imperfections on someone we know, then this is a person of whom we attribute the meaning of the dream. If we don´t know this person, then it reflects our own fears. Dreaming about animal skin indicates that your material goods will be increased, depending on what kind of animal’s skin you’ve dreamed of.

If you put the big sign of x on some kind of map, it means that you already have a target and know exactly what to do if you wish to succeed. The small x that is almost impossible to see shows that you have a target, but have no power or will to go and get it. Perhaps at this time of your life you are not prepared all of your steps, that is why the x is written in such a small letter.

The dream in which you see various letters of the alphabet signifies the desire to find the solution for some problem. The letters are also symbolism of unknowingness that is lurking for you. If the alphabet that is seen is in your dream is written in unknown language, then you will face some kind of misery.

Dreaming of razors of any kind suggests ups and downs in sentimental, social and business relationships. Dreaming of being cut by a razor warns that the dreamer should be careful with matters that are being handled in order to avoid serious damage and substantial losses.

The vivid dreams are not very common ones, but usually if the dreamer is dreaming about it, then it means that you should pay the immediate attention to that dream. You should pay attention of what did you see in the dream and what you suppose to do? Try to understand what kind of message it is sending to you?

You don’t want to accept the events as they are and you try to turn around your life. The dream symbolizes some kind of rebellion.

When you dream of seeing or eating some kind of the desert, then it means you will be honored and appreciated for the great things that were done by you.