This kind of dream is controversial. If you obtain all of them, then you will succeed whatever you do in your life.

To dream that you receive some kind of present shows how appreciated you feel by those you are surrounded by. If you gave someone present, you feel very thankful towards that person.

…The glass in dreams is the symbol of security and stagnancy. The dream may show that you are trying to put invisible wall between you and others. Maybe there is some kind of situation that you are trying to protect yourself from or relationships you are tired of. The dream in which you see yourself drinking from the glass is a good dream, because it brings luck. If you look through the glass, then such dream points the openness you have while dealing with those around you. On the other hand, the dream could show the invisible wall you put between you and others. If you ate the glass in a dream, then such dream shows your apprehension, powerlessness and helplessness. You do not find the way to express your feelings and emotions. On the other hand, eating the glass in a dream could show the times of your…

The jackal in dreams shows that you feel used by other people. You do not feel appreciated. The people who use you, they do it for their own goodness that is why you think it is not good when they do not respect you. The different meaning could be applied to those who really wants this kind of the dog as their pet, then such dream is only a reflection of your actual dreams.

The dream in which you see someone yawn means that the friend who is close to you will get some kind of sickness. When you are the one who is yawning, then you will have a minor disappointments if you won’t let yourself down, because it is never good to expect more than you can achieve.

…To dream of an empty one is a sign you will soon leave home; a keg of small fish, or oysters, denotes the receipt of money; keg of spirits of any kind, promises poverty; a keg of powder foretells misfortune; a keg of paint predicts compliments to be paid you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

Eating raisins in a dream means profits no matter what kind or color they are.

…Dreaming of drawing corks at a banquet, signifies that you will soon enter a state of prosperity, in which you will revel in happiness of the most select kind. Dreaming of medicine corks, denotes sickness and wasted energies. Dreaming of seeing a fishing cork resting on clear water, denotes success. If water is disturbed you will be annoyed by unprincipled persons. Dreaming that you are corking bottles, denotes a well organized business and system in your living. For a young woman Dreaming of drawing champagne corks, indicates she will have a gay and handsome lover who will lavish much attention and money on her. She should look well to her reputation and listen to the warning of parents after this dream….

To dream of the Ellen DeGeneres show means that you are enjoying while being surrounded by your friends. Sometimes the dreamers who are watching the TV show before they are going to bed have these kind of dreams which is absolutely normal, because it indicates the fact that the dreamer is simply watching too Much of the TV.

If you dream of getting into some kind of accident, then you will have to deal with unexpected problems.

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

Be kind and patient. 167.

Any kind of vehicle indicates your movement through life and different phases such as past, present and the future. If the vehicle is moving perfectly and you are the one who is controlling it, it shows your ability to manage your life perfectly. If the vehicle is damaged or broken, it shows that some parts of your life don’t go as smoothly as you wish them to go. The vehicle could also indicate some journey you will take in short period of time. If the vehicle has been stolen, you will suffer because you will lose the control of your life.

If you are putting together the jigsaw puzzle, it means that you are trying to figure out some problem. The dream shows that before you felt asleep you were thinking about something a lot. These kind of dreams could also show that you are unable to relax fully, your mind keeps working, because you have too many thoughts. You should try to learn to relax. If you are make the jigsaw puzzle and some of the pieces are missing, it shows that you are feeling like something has been missing in your life as well.

…If you dream that you see images, you will have poor success in business or love. To set up an image in your home, portends that you will be weak minded and easily led astray. Women should be careful of their reputation after a dream of this kind. If the images are ugly, you will have trouble in your home….

…The apple symbolizes all the earthly pleasures, knowledge and the need to choose. If we eat a ripe and tasty apple it means that we choose the enjoyment of material life. If we eat a green apple we also choose the material, although full of work and life difficulties. If it’s rotten apple, then it’s a threat of deceptions and disappointments. If we only see apples, then dream means that we choose another kind of purer, more lasting, deeper and more spiritual happiness….

To dream that you see the jockey means that you do not take the life seriously at this time of your life. The jockey is the symbol of you and the horse that is seen together with the jockey the life you are living. You can see the way you are living, how you are solving the problems and what kind of things you would like to do in your life. Think what makes you feel happy?

To dream that you are recording some kind of video, means that you are very creative person. The dream could also indicate the fact that there is something going on in your waking life that you wish to remember, therefore in dream you are using the video recorder. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of video camera or camera.

To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.

To dream that you see the wound on your own body, means that you should be aware at this time of your life more than ever. Make sure you pay attention what kind of accident made that wound on you and try to avoid being in these situations in your waking life.

If you dream that your partner is being unfaithful to you, means that you feel very insecure about yourself, or have the trust issues with this particular person. Sometimes the infidelity dream could represent the lack of time you are spending with your other half and do not feel satisfied in these kind of relationships. You feel jealous that your partner is spending time on his/her own or with other people. If there is someone else who betrayed you in the dream, but not your partner, it suggests to be aware of that dream, because the subconscious mind is giving you a signal do not trust everyone. The infidelity could also represent you, the things you promise yourself to do or not to do, but it doesn’t happen.

…To dream about curses, blasphemies and bad words, either if you say or hear them, suggests that you know or believe that alleged hypocrite friends are trying to harm you. To dream that you’re cursing yourself suggests that in the immediate future you’ll be adverted in many ways, probably because of your own fault. To dream that you’re being insulted or cursed by someone indicates that you’re surrounded by jealousies due to your success. Obviously, this kind of dream is very annoying and it is the consequence of something in your subconscious. To dream that you’re judging someone negatively insinuates that you usually prejudge people, and that’s the reason why you often have problems….

To escape from a danger means luck. The kind of danger we escape from will indicate that which we will run away from in reality.

…To dream about stockings or socks of any kind seems to be related to sex and in some cases may involve inhibition, repression or sexual impotence, although with some variations: When a woman dreams with poor-quality black stockings, it suggests soon coming hardships. But if they are white, it suggests some sentimental dislikes, bickering and misunderstandings. If a woman dreams about her stockings without seeing many details, it indicates that she is looking for undesirable fun with disreputable friends, or that due to her careless or weakness she may fall into a compromising situation. If the socks are fine and luxurious it implies that the dreamer is a vain person and seeks to attract the attention of men. To dream of yourself weaving or trying to knit your own stockings or socks suggests that soon your activities will result negative, perhaps you’ll experience misunderstandings usually with people from the…

To dream of seeing the judge could have several meanings. The first one is that you’ve done something bad and are afraid of the payback time. The other explanation says that you are too judgmental on people, especially if the judge you see in the dream is you. The judge shows the people we are afraid of as well, therefore you should think of what kind of people you surround yourself with.

The dream in which you receive some letter or any other kind of mail, means that you will receive some news. The dream could also mean that you wish to know something you don’t know yet, therefore you wish someone to tell you about it.

To dream that you are typing some kind of text, means that you have some emotions and feelings that haven’t been expressed. Through the typing you are telling how you feel and what you think about certain things. If you are typing at your work, the dream may be a suggestion to take some break, because you got tired.

Dreaming about tracking the wild games signifies the growth of your financials or luck in some issues. If you missed some kind of animal, you will not succeed. The female who is hunting in a dream will find the partner of her life. This might be the man who will become her husband in the very near future.

If you wore the moccasins in the dream, then such dream symbolizes your ecological ideas and love for nature. Perhaps you are able to get the pleasure in minor things. The dream could also denote to your kind personality, which helps you move along easily.

…To dream of hatching fowls of any kind is a sign of thrift; if you imagine, in your dream, that a hen comes off with very large brood of chickens, it shadows forth so much cash to be made by you in some bargain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 68….

…To dream of looking into a deep well, is a sign you will find a treasure: if you dream of falling into a deep well, it foretells your death: if you imagine you draw clear water from a well, and drink it, you will surely have good fortune of some kind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7, 14, 77….

Dreaming of grime or dirt of any kind, and worse if it’s surrounded by green and flowering plants in a garden, indicates that the environment in which the dreamer lives is bad and inappropriate, which is why the dreamer is distressed. The advice that this dream gives is that the dreamer should make the changes. Dreaming of having dirty, stained, and filthy clothes is a warning to stay away from bad influences, contagious patients or people that due to the illegal activities that they participate in might involve the dreamer in dangerous situations. Dreaming that someone throws something dirty at you, for example, mud or manure, it suggests that hypocrites or adversaries are trying to harm you.

This kind of dream indicates the Ireland or Irish people. It is also a symbol of good luck.

Apparition of any kind is a very bad sign.

…The cliff represents danger. If we fall into the cliff, it warns us of a disastrous ending of any kind. If we fall into the cliff, but we cannot get out of it, means that there is a possibility to break apart with many difficulties of the disaster. The same occurs if we pass over the cliff by a fragile bridge. If we see the precipice but we don´t fall from it, we are on time to avoid the disaster….

To run away from danger indicates luck. The kind of danger we run away from will tell us what we free ourselves from.

Dreaming about any kind of shredder is an omen for particular distressing circumstances, in which your interests and relationships could be threatened.

The fish in dreams is always a good omen that brings luck, because you are able to catch it, except if you dream about the particular fish such as carp, because it is a symbol of misfortune or the fact that you do not take any criticism. The fish that you see in clear sea, river or any kind of water represents good health. The dirty and muddy water in which you see the fish signifies the opposite. When you eat the fish, or simply cooking it, you will succeed in everything you do.

The flowers are known as the symbol of appreciation, goodness, purity, beauty, love and affection. The flowers could also represent spiritual aspects of the dreamer, depending on the kind of the flower. Consider that flowers may indicate different stages of the life, just like different seasons of the year. The white flowers represent purity or sadness one is suffering from. The flowers that are rotten or withered shows the frustration and disappointment someone or something in your waking life. The dream may also show that you are not using your talents, therefore everything is dead around you. If someone has given you a bouquet of flowers, then it shows how much appreciated and loved you are especially by those who gave you the flowers. If you see flowers that are blooming, then you should prepare yourself for a fresh start of some project or even new relationships.

To dream that you are drinking some kind of the cocktail, means that you are trying to relax and have the good time. If the cocktail is enjoyable to drink, you will succeed in your life. If it is too strong, you should be careful while having too much fun. The dream could also indicate the fact that you try to forget the bad things in your life and concentrate on good ones.