The parasites such as worms or any other kind of, indicates the fact that you are hurt by some situation or some person in your waking life. The worms are also symbols of tiredness. Perhaps you need to take a break.

…(zool. Starling) A swallow in a dream represents money, a blessed man, a blessed woman, or an intelligent and a learned boy. Catching a swallow in a dream means seizing what is unlawful for one to take. A house filled with swallows in the dream represents lawful earnings. A swallow in a dream is also interpreted to represent a man of good character, and who is pious and amicable. Helping a swallow in a dream means that one may assist a kind person in his life. Catching a swallow in a dream also means being unjust toward one’s wife. Eating a swallow in a dream represents a fight. If one sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream…

…Dreaming of being in any type of disaster is a warning that there is a risk of serious losses, either, health or material values, prestige, credit, etc. A young, unwed woman that dreams about suffering from the consequences of a disaster of any kind, suggests that she is at risk of dying or being abandoned by her lover or even the death of a very close and dear relative. Dreaming of a disaster at sea indicates a serious danger if you have planned to travel on any type of transport, but especially if traveling by boat. This type of dream is particularly indicative for marines or people that somehow live in the sea. Dreaming of being in a sea disaster, but being rescued, indicates that despite all the problems you will eventually triumph. Dreaming of being a spectator of a railway accident, hints that something very unpleasant will happen…

Sometimes when we dream of fire we are foreseeing some kind of danger even though in reality it might manifest itself in a very different way. It is also interpreted as violent passions that take over us and if the fire in the dream is in the form of a bonfire, it could mean that there is an intense desire to end past issues. There are also interpretations that categorize it as a symbol of purification and instincts of destruction.

Symbolically stair is a passage from one level to another, and we must take into account the kind of ladder, the shape of the steps, and if we are rising or falling when interpreting the dream. Sometimes, when a spiral staircase appears in the dream it’s accompanied by some anguish that indicates a waste of time and energy by achieving a goal that seems to have little value. Many authors also attend the spiritual meaning of the rise.

If you are mending some kind of the garment in a dream, then such dream indicates the effort you put in order to sort out some problem. The dream also denotes to luck of things you are willing to reach.

If you heard some kind of the verdict in a dream, then it means you are not ready to confront the true. The dream may also show the apprehension you have of being evaluated by others, because the opinions of others are very important to you.

Generally speaking, dreaming of the tarot is a clear sign that you have many concerns about your own destiny, and you’d like to solve them. In most cases, it’s not about some kind of prediction, and it’s just telling you not to despair, do things right and have patience. Dreaming of a specific tarot card usually provides no indication, unless the dreamer is not profane in these matters. In this case, the meaning of the card that appears in the dreams tends to be the same meaning of that card in any tarot reading.

You should avoid discussions of any kind. Unfounded fears.

…Dreaming that you do not like your bed fellow, foretells that some person who has claims upon you, will censure and make your surroundings unpleasant generally. If you have a strange bed fellow, your discontent will worry all who come near you. If you think you have any kind of animal in bed with you, there will be unbounded ill luck overhanging you….

…Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. To kill a bear, portends extrication from former entanglements. A young woman who dreams of a bear will have a threatening rival or some misfortune….

…Usually the escape is interpreted as the good omen, because you are able to escape any situation, especially the ones that makes problems or are unpleasant. If you escaped the jail, then such dream foretells about some situation that was hard to deal with, maybe even unfair one from your point of view, and now you found the way how to escape it, instead of being reconciled with it. If you escaped form some kind of the animal, who was scaring you or you were in danger of losing your life, then you will be able to avoid some unfair and false people that you are surrounded by. To escape the disaster that is cause by the nature is a very good dream, because it shows the strength and power you have. If you were not able to escape this disaster that was caused by nature you will fail…

If you were driving any kind of the vehicle in a dream, then it foretells about your ability to control your life without anyone’s help. Perhaps you are the person who is able to make things to the fullest on his own.

If you dream about the judge, then such dream is interpreted as the symbolism of fear and apprehension. Perhaps you feel some kind of guilt about your own actions. On the other hand, the dream about the judge could indicate some situation that will be solved immediately.

The one who is smoking and have this kind of the dream is wanting his dose of the nicotine during the sleep. The cigarette could also indicate the relaxation and addiction depending on the circumstances of the dream.

To dream that you are being hit by the vehicle, means that you are having a huge changes in your waking life that causes lots of stress for you. Sometimes people who experienced the car accident in the past, have these kind of dreams as well.

The costume in dreams represents the image you are trying to create in order to make some impression. Perhaps you do not want to show who you actually are and trying to make the image of someone else. Consider to pay attention in what kind of costume you were wearing.

The dream about the jukebox is interpreted as the symbolism of laziness. Perhaps you do not put enough of the effort in order to make some changes for your own goodness. Please try to pay attention what kind of music this jukebox is playing, because it would give you much more of the clue about this dream.

Economic gain or raise in your salary. If a finger is hurt, avoid discussions of any kind. More than five fingers, means new emotional concerns.

To dream that you receive or give a floral bouquet, stands as a symbol of respect and warm approval. Floral bouquet is also a sign for affection, graciousness and love. It is indicative healing mark of your dream. Bouquet represent some kind of healing energy. Remember the flowers and their colors for additional significant meanings.

If you have a meeting with the counselor, then such dream represents your desire to be listened and understood. Perhaps there are no one in your life that understands you the way you wish to be understood. To get the better dream interpretation, you should consider what you were talking about with the counselor, because you will know what kind of issues you must deal with.

If you are jumping in a dream, then such dream indicates some kind of the risk you must take. You shouldn’t be afraid of the new challenges, because the result of it will be only satisfaction and happiness. If you are afraid to jump in your dream, then it shows your fears of the changes.

…To dream of a hail-storm, is a sign that you will make a good bargain,, or will be lucky in some undertaking, provided the hail is white or in crystals; black hail, denotes sorrow and death, therefore you should never dream of that kind of hail if you can help it or dream of seeing white hail lying on the ground intimates that you’ll soon get plenty of cash in some transaction. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

If you are at the clinic and looking out for some assistance, it shows that you are feeling very bad and need for help. Perhaps there are some happenings in your waking life that makes you feel very bad. You shouldn’t be afraid to seek for help, otherwise you will have these kind of dreams again and again. If you received the help while being in this clinic, it shows that you are doing great and the help will be provided to you as well in reality.

Dreaming of any kind of insects indicates that there are repressed instincts that are either directed towards yourself or to others. Perhaps you are afraid the judgment of others, or maybe there’s fear of unleashing impulses that are in disagreement with your moral judgment.

The rooster or the cock is the animal of arrogance and silliness. Many men have this kind of the dream, especially if they are feeling the lack of sex. Sometimes the rooster can stand for particular person who you see as being someone very cocky, therefore he or she reflects in your dreams.

…If raw and bloody, cancers and tumors of a malignant nature will attack the subject. Be on your guard as to bruises and hurts of any kind. To see, or eat cooked beef, anguish surpassing human aid is before you. Loss of life by horrible means will occur. Beef properly served under pleasing surroundings denotes harmonious states in love and business, if otherwise, evil is foreboded, though it may be of a trifling nature….

Any kind of the parasites bring unpleasant feelings, because it shows the minor problems that causing much of the stress. Consider that your body could send some message about your general health, therefore make sure you check yourself up.

When a shroud of any kind appears in a dream, it’s usually a bad omen. Most of the time, it’s predicting the death of a loved one, such as a family member or a good friend.

…The eggs are the symbol of richness, potency, abundance. To see eggs in your dream is very fortunate omen. To eat eggs in dream represents your fertility, potential for any kind of birth and your creativeness. Dreaming about eggs may suggest that something new is about to happen. To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream, signifies huge financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more important the gain. To see cracked or broken eggs in dream denotes that you will suffer from many displeasures and misfortunes. It is revealing a fragile state of your life and feelings of vulnerability. Alternatively, you may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with true yourself. To see bright colored eggs in your dream means festivity of a happy event. To dream of rotten eggs, signifies damage and loss. You may have allowed some condition…

To dream of yourself writing a letter, a note, a message, etc., indicates prosperity and great economic achievements. On the other hand, it means your some kind of communication with someone.

…To dream of a hard-boiled plum pudding, or a hard roll of pudding of any kind, is a sign you will be invited to a dinner party; but if you imagine the pudding looks soft and mossy, it fore- tells that you will go to some entertainment where there will be a row. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 70….

Of any kind, signifies the protection and favour of persons of distinction.

If, during the dream, it’s the dreamer himself/herself who’s shaking, and the trembling is caused by fear of something or a decease, this is usually a warning that you need to take care of yourself if you wish to avoid any inconvenience or condition that you may suffer. This dream is provided that the trembling is not real and the person is already suffering some kind of illness that’s making him/her shake.

If you see yourself being in gale or any other kind of storm, then it shows then things you are unable to escape. You feel trapped in some situation and have no idea how to look after those you love and even give the safety to yourself. Make sure you find the way to escape this gale in reality.

Dreaming of a lighted house chimney hints that all matters at hand are going well and that there is prosperity. Dreaming of throwing wood to a burning fireplace indicates that any affairs that the dreamer might have will improve due to the attention that is being paid to them. If the dreamer throws any kind of fuel when the fireplace is off it indicates losses and failures. Dreaming that there is smoke coming out of a factory chimney, indicates that any affairs or matters that the dreamer may have are on track. Dreaming of factory chimney’s without smoke means that the dreamer’s affairs are declining and that bad times are approaching that will bring problems, diseases, etc. Dreaming of a chimney collapsing means that any activities that the dreamer might have will collapse as well.

Dreaming of anything somehow related to making an announcement indicates that you’re being careless with your personal affairs, because you’re paying more attention to unimportant things, which will obviously cause damages and losses. Dreaming of announcing something in the dream means that there is a deep concern that something is wrong, and you don’t know how to correct it to avoid probable losses and diseases for you or your relatives. Dreaming of placing ads of any kind implies that, deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied with what you have, and you want to make a change, taking the risk of making everything worse. Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news. Dreaming of taking ads from some places anticipates that you suspect of someone cheating on you, or backstabbing you in business.

…The mule is a symbol of slavery in any kind of dream. Therefore, the dreamer subconsciously is considering himself or herself to be a slave due to undergoing situations, tasks or humiliating treatment. If a young woman dreams or riding a white mule, it indicates that marriage is near, but just for benefits and not for actual love. If the woman is already married, it indicates that the husband is achieving a comfortable economic position. When a young woman dreams of a herd of white mules running past her, and worse if they are frightened, it indicates that she will continue to have admirers and propositions of love affairs, but none of serious marriage. When a woman who is engaged to be married dreams of a dead mule, and worse if the mule is black, indicates that the engagement will end and there will be failure in other relationships…

To see the symbol that is unknown, denotes to confusion, fear and misbalance. You are unable to recognize the situation you are in at the moment and cannot find the solution to the certain problem. Consider what kind of the symbol you saw in a dream, as that would give more cleared dreamed information.

…To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that will also affect you. To dream that any person is suffering any kind of disease, or if you’re the patient, announces complicated problems for you, so you should review all your matters before taking action, without neglecting your health. To dream that a nurse is staying at your house, suggests upcoming diseases and other problems, for example: the visit of unpleasant people. To dream that a nurse leaves your house suggests that everything is doing well, including your health. If a young woman dreams that she is a nurse, it suggests that her friends appreciate her….