A dream involving a large amount of water always represents emotions, and in the case of the pool it symbolizes a well-defined part of our lives and therefore we must pay attention of who is around us in the dream and our attitude towards them. If the water is clean, it indicates good hopes for our feelings, but if the water is dirty, it predicts tough love.
Dream dictionary: dirty. video dream meanings
(Belt | Cincture | Waist belt) If a depressed person sees a waistband in his dream, it means relief from stress. A dirty waistband in a dream means depression and problems for a usually happy person. (Also see Belt | Cincture)
Dreams related to dresses, tell us about the image that we are looking forward to offer externally as well as how we see ourselves internally. If we are poorly dressed, in relation to the making or color of the dress, it means social maladjustment. Depending on the type of the dress, we can analyze whether it is lack of adaptation referring to work, the environment, age, etc. If the dress is dirty or torn, then it indicates that we feel remorse for an act that does not agree with our intimate moral code.
…To dream about a clean and unwrinkled forehead suggests intelligence, and that you’re judging people well. To dream about a defective, dirty and wrinkled forehead indicates that you’re dealing with unpleasant and unreliable people. To dream that you pat a child’s forehead suggests that you have sincere friendships because you have really shown them your affection. When a young woman dreams that she kisses her lover’s forehead, it suggests upcoming difficulties that can lead to a breakup….
In dreams, any kind of bridge signifies a change into the unknown and unpredictable situations. Usually it can mean that there will be risks and dangers such as slander, intrigue, betrayal, hypocrisy, and fraud. Dreaming of going over a bridge of any type suggests that soon the dreamer will receive bad news. If the bridge is weak and close to collapsing, it could mean that someone is trying to harm the dreamer or his or her family. If its a swinging bridge, it announces that soon a secret will be discovered that can be harmful for the dreamer. When theres calm and clean water under the bridge, it means that there will be a beneficial change in life, announcing prosperity in the immediate future. However, when the water is dirty, muddy, and turbulent, its clear that this is an announcement of disaster for the dreamer.
Future welfare. Take off a dress, disappointed hopes, unfulfilled desire. Broken or dirty dress, failure, loss, lack of resources.
Dreaming of a gleaming and new porcelain means that there will be successful business and prosperity. But if the porcelain is broken, dirty or old, it could mean that everything will go wrong, perhaps with failures and losses.
…Colors in dreams suggest the same as what they are known for in life, therefore, they can be applied to outfits and dresses or clothing in general. The clothes characteristics are what give it meaning in dreams, as they can have various shapes, colors, materials and may appear in several different situations. When a man dreams of himself in a well fit suit, or a woman in a dress, it means a nearby success, if it’s clean. But if it’s ripped or dirty it indicates the presence of enemies who want to harm you. Dreaming of oneself dressed in several colors suggest that soon your luck will change. Dreaming of oneself dressed all in black suggests nearby fights, difficulties and misunderstanding, generally annoying and difficult to resolve situations. Dreaming about elderly people dressed in white suggests that the dreamer or a relative is ill. Dreaming of oneself completely dressed…
…Dreaming of oneself having difficulties getting dressed may mean that a person or unavoidable event is bothering you, preventing you from enjoying the fun or relaxation you seek. The impediment doesn’t need to be due to someone’s bad intentions, it could simply be beyond that person’s control. When you dream that you’re getting dressed and are late for a trip, it may mean that your neglect or carelessness for others is causing various problems and discomfort, which can also mean that you need to take care of yourself and attend to your own affairs. Dreaming of oneself wearing silk means that there are too many ambitions for money, power and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming about silkworms can mean that you’ll find a very advantageous work or business….
…To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises. To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream. If you eat snow, you will fail to realize ideals. To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt. To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy. To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression. To see snow-capped mountains in the distance, warns you that your longings and ambitions will bring no worthy advancement. To see…
When you dream of being in a basement it foretells deep thoughts, hidden secrets and anticipation. The condition of the basement reflects to your thoughts and emotions. Consider at the condition of the basement, how dark or big it is as it would give much more clue about your dream. If you see the basement that is untiddy, dirty it denotes the puzzlement you have to figure out. The state of the basement could also represent unfixed objects or questions.
If the bed is gloomy, dark, in a bad condition, or located in a dingy, dark room, it warns that whoever is lying on it may have a disease. If it is empty, danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is very small, lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed, it indicates that we are good with our partner. Dirty and untidy, dissent and disagreement. Broken, divorce or widowhood. A much decorated bed symbolizes refinement in love. If it is different from the bed you have, then it shows new loves. Seeing people we do not know in our bed symbolizes danger.
…If the bed is gloomy, dark, and shabby or located in a dingy, dark room it’s a warning of a possible disease for whom is laying on it. If empty bed, then it means danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is too small, means lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed it indicates that we are right with our partner. Dirty and messy, means disagreement and dissatisfaction. A broken bed means divorce or widowhood. A very ornate bed means refinement in love. If it is different from ours, new loves. To see people, who we do not know, in our bed, means danger of squabbles….
…(Adornment | Attire | Costume | Garb | Veil) In a dream, one’s apparel vary in meaning depending on their contents, colors or type, etcetera. Wearing one’s garb in the winter in a dream is better than wearing it in the summer. Wrapping oneself with a cloth in a dream means becoming poor. An attire in a dream represents a man and a leader. An attire for a scholar, or a merchant, or a leader in a dream represents his trade through which one earns his livelihood and which protects him from adversities. If one’s apparel is dirty in the dream, then it reflects his life and appearance. If one wears a beautiful garb in the summertime in a dream, it means that he is ostentatious, arrogant and vainglorious. It also could mean that he is under great pressure and suffering from a painful distress, for the heat of…
…To dream of dirty dirt or mud, signifies that someone will speak ill of you. If it is clean sand or soil, and you do not get be fouled with it, it is a sign of thrift and good fortune. If someone throws dirt on you, it foretells that you will be abused. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22, 41….
To dream that you are in the lavatory means that you are cleaning yourself while being in various circumstances. The negativity such as bad thoughts and unpleasant relationships are being washed away. If you see the lavatory being dirty and untidy, it means that you should reconsider the people you are surrounded by. Perhaps you chose the wrong company to be with. The lavatory could also represent the fact that you are very judgmental towards the others. If you have an interaction with someone while being in lavatory, it shows the adventurous side of you and your desire for intimacy.
The knife in dreams is used as the tool to hurt the others. That is why it is almost never a good omen. You feel you need to protect yourself or you wish to do the harm to others. The penknife indicates the legal troubles the dreamer will face, but only it is opened, it is closed, he will do well. The rusty knife signifies marriage problems and the sharp one very personal ones. The knife that is not sharp and is dirty, indicates the hard work the dreamer will have.
Some authors agree that if the beach is busy and we are walking through it, it will reflect our need to show ourselves off and of having new relationships, and if the beach is empty, it shows our desire for peace and serenity. If the beach is dirty and we are struggling to walk through, it represents the need to manage our mind and our feelings in order to enjoy the peace that we desire.
To dream your hat is torn and dirty, signifies damage and dishonour; but to dream that you have a hat on that pleases you, denotes joy, profit, and success in business.
…If you are dreaming about dishes, then such dream indicates the creativity, new ideas and plans. If you see the dishes that are unwashed and dirty, then such dream foretells about the situation in your waking life that doesnt make you happy. Maybe there are certain things you didnt notice and the consequences are not going to make you happy. If you are washing the dishes, then it means you are moving on in some direction of your life. You made some perfect plans for your future. If the dishes in your dream are perfectly cleaned and look shiny, then it shows the effort you have put in order to succeed. The dream also shows that you wish to be approved by others. If the dishes in a dream are broken, then it shows the frustration and hardships one will suffer. Perhaps you do not feel appreciated by others….
…If they’re loose and clean that indicates fruitful activities. Narrow and dirty sleeves mean professional difficulties….
The bride in a dream is very common for those women who are getting married soon in their waking lives. The other explanation brings joy and happiness, but only if the bride is happy while preparing for the wedding. If you are kissing the bride, then this woman who was kissed will become your wife in reality. If the bride has kissed you, but you felt uncomfortable about that, then this woman is not your sweetheart and you will suffer unhappiness if you stay with her forever. The bride who is sad, dirty or unhappy is an omen of sad times in your life with friends. If the bride who is getting married is feeling very bad, then she shouldnt marry the man she is going to.
Sometimes the dream responds to a real need that may be caused by fever, etc. But if this is not the case, the dream symbolizes a burning need of personal evolution, often spiritual or mystical. Some authors are very aware of the kind of water that we need to quench our thirst in the dream, because if its a dirty liquid, then they consider it as symbol of disappointments or betrayals in the path that we choose.
…To dream about a cat symbolizes bad luck if you don’t kill it, but in case you do, or if the cat flees, then it suggests that you’ll be successful in your affairs and will control your enemies. To dream that a cat attacks you suggests that your enemies will soon damage both your reputation and your economic values. To dream that a dirty and famished cat stands in the middle of your way suggests an upcoming grief and illness in your family. To dream that you see or hear a cat scratching the door indicates that your enemies are trying to harm you. If the cat rubs against your legs, it suggests that you’re surrounded by hypocrisy. When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues. If you dream that a spotted or…
Many authors indicate that the size of the bed speaks of the importance we give to our own sexuality. If the bed is dark and gloomy it may be a harbinger of disease, if the bed is broken means problems with our partner, if the bed is very clean and decorated, it shows our desire for refinement the relationship, and if it is dirty and messy means disagreement and dissatisfaction with the march of our intimate relationships.
…To dream of jewels suggests that you are enjoying or want to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life, although the chances of living it, in case you’re not doing so by the moment, are minimal. If such jewels are broken or dirty, it suggests a bad business. To dream that you’re wearing jewelry indicates that you’re too ambitious and that you’ll suffer painful setbacks and frustrations. To dream that others are wearing jewelry indicates that you have met or want to meet distinguished people. To dream about a woman’s dress that is full of jewelry suggests that you want to obtain a fortune by winning the lottery, for example, or by performing stock market speculations. To dream that you’re receiving jewelry announces good news. To dream that you’re delivering or giving away jewelry warns you of an imminent risk of serious losses. When a young woman dreams that she’s…
…Gold jewelry warns us against pride. Silver is an omen of benefits. Fake jewels warn us against false vanity and presumption. Broken jewels foretell frustration. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. To lose them, means problems with our personal property. To find them, means dangerous temptations. To buy them, means loss of money. If we are given jewels as a gift it’s a warning not to lend or borrow. To wear them, means backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths. Jewelries are symbols of a higher knowledge. Dreams in which the jewels are discovered in caves, symbolize a wisdom that lies hidden and ignored in our subconscious….
…When you see yourself diving into clear water, then such water indicates the end of unfavorable situation. The dream shows that you will be able to escape the humiliation and other uncomfortable issues. The dream could also show that you may suffer setbacks for short period of time. Consider that the dream may show your desire to understand some situation from the beginning, therefore you are going down in order to find out everything by yourself. If you saw yourself diving into the water that is dirty, then such dream represents the unpleasant situation you have got yourself into. Perhaps the dream suggests you to go up, in order to escape from unfavorable consequences. The dream, in which you see other people diving into the water, indicates your ability to achieve harmony within your emotions and feelings. If you see some kind of animals diving into the water, then…
…To dream you are arrayed in clean linen denotes that you will shortly receive some glad tidings; and that your sweetheart is faithful; if it is dirty, then it denotes poverty and disappointment; in love. “White linen, if dressed in it, presages death; coloured linen, removal; shifts, a gay sweetheart; gowns, a gift. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24,71….
…To dream about a clean horseshoes suggests that all your affairs will do well, including your emotional matters. To dream about a broken, rusted, old or dirty horseshoe suggests that unfortunate situations, as failures and illnesses, are up coming for both the dreamer and his/her family. To dream about a horseshoe thats hanging on a fence suggests that soon youll experience a great life improvement, perhaps higher than what you’ve desired. To dream that you’re in a desert and find a horseshoe suggests that you’ll soon receive an unexpected benefit….
The dream in which you see the river is a good dream, especially if it is clean and calm. The state of the water is the main important and significant thing about this dream, because if the water is muddy, dirty, or the river is very stormy, it shows your unstable mind and emotions. The river could also be interpreted as your tendency to go with the flow.
…To dream of digging in clean and healthy ground, is a sign of thrift, and good luck generally: if the ground be dirty or wet, it shows trouble: if you are digging for gold, and find large and rich lumps, it shows you’ll have some good luck, but if the product is meagre, or if you don’t find any, it foretells disappointment li you lose any of your tools it is a sign of a quarrel. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 71….
…(See Sleigh-Ride and Thaw ) To dream that the ground is covered with clean, white snow, is a sign of joy and pleasure: if you walk in it, it foretells that you will go on a pleasant journey; to eat it, denotes health: if the snow is dirty, or melted in patches, you will have troubles, but they will not amount to much. To dream of a regular storm, is a sign you will be very successful in all your love and business affairs. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 67, 46….
…earn fame. If one is challenged by someone holding a lance against him in a dream, it means that someone will hurt him with his words, or slander his family. Owning an extra lance in a dream means having a brother or a friend who will stand for one’s defence when needed. A long spear means injustice, or it could mean good health. If one bleeds from a wound caused by a lance in a dream, it means that he will be compensated for pain and suffering, or that he will return home from a longjourney. Multiple wounds from a lance in a dream mean financial compensation, though the source of money is loathsome. Fighting one’s enemies with a lance means earning dirty money. A person holding a lance in a dream also represents a teacher, an educator, or someone who helps his brothers and friends. (Also see Javelin)…
The meaning behind this dream usually depends on the condition of the upholstery in the dream. If its in a good condition, or if the dreamer is in a shop dedicated to this crafting, this is a sign of constant satisfaction from your business and the obtained results. On the contrary, if the upholstery is dirty or in a bad condition, the meaning tends to be the opposite.
…The dream about the clothes usually represents how we see ourselves in society and the way we wish to present ourselves. The clothes could also indicate the moods we have depending on what kind of color or style clothing we are wearing. The one who buys clothes in his dream denotes to the choices he has made and the way he wish to present himself. We can buy any kind of the clothes, depending of the way we wish to present ourselves. If you are changing clothes in a dream, then such dream indicates the changing moods and behavior of the dreamer. The items you have chosen to change represent the changing spirits of the dreamer. If the clothes are dirty and you are trying to get rid of the stains, then such dream indicates the features in your personality you wish to change or remove. Perhaps the dream…
In dreams the air appears as a breeze or wind, then it means youre becoming visible and with some coloration. So if the air is dirty, almost reddish, as it is announcing a storm, that means possible disagreement. And if its a strong wind it may try to tell us that the time to make decisions on matters that we have neglected has come. However, when the breeze is smooth and gentle it is interpreted as omen of a prosperous period of time, a happy journey or the recovery of something lost. Some experts take into account the temperature in the dream, and if you are feeling a cold wind, thats interpreted as a possible loss of affection or friends.
…Mirror dream may reflect the way we are, that as we would be, or give us a distorted picture of reality. If the mere sight of the mirror makes us uneasy it reveals our fear of seeing ourselves as we fear we are. If the reflected image is better than the reality it reveals in us self-indulgence and narcissism. If the image is unpleasant it is the same dream that reveals our fear. If the mirror appears broken or breaks it foretells some misfortune. The same thing happens if instead of us it reflects someone else. If we see the mirror without fear or unpleasant feeling: If fogged up or dirty it’s a sign of a minor misfortune. If clean and bright that means that the evil that we feared in real life will not occur….
…If you saw the sea in your dream, then such dream symbolizes the two worlds you live in – unconscious and conscious mind of yours. Consider that the dream could also be the reflection of your emotions as maybe you are floating at some situation and do not put the effort to make it better. The state of the water would say much more about the dream, because for example clear water represents tranquility and clarity of your emotions and muddy or dirty water represents opacity of your feelings….
To dream of the brook is the symbolism of your life how it is going through and how you are coping with it. If the brook is clean, it shows that you are able to control your life. If the brook is muddy, dirty or is going too fast, you should slow down and live the life not so fast. If the brook is overflowing, beware of the fact that you are too tired and feel that you have too much to cope with.