…As in everyday life, the sidewalk is an area of relative safety, although in a dream this security is always provisional and depends on what we see ourselves doing. If we dream that we get on the sidewalk it means that we have gained some certainty in life or a career step that we must consolidate as soon as possible if we do not want to lose it. If we walked down the sidewalk it means that we feel very confident in our current position, regardless of what could happen if everything came crashing down in a moment of carelessness. But if we go down the sidewalk, then it indicates that even though everything looks the same as always, we are about to lose that position that gave us confidence and we must strive to think that it’s still in us, or about what we have done or not…

The cougar in dreams shows the power you are carrying with yourself. You feel the person who is capable of doing the things he likes and not feeling guilty that enjoying the life to the fullest. The cougar could be applied not only to the dreamer, but to the person that is very close to him and have these features such as being a strong person and believer in himself.

…To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that will also affect you. To dream that any person is suffering any kind of disease, or if you’re the patient, announces complicated problems for you, so you should review all your matters before taking action, without neglecting your health. To dream that a nurse is staying at your house, suggests upcoming diseases and other problems, for example: the visit of unpleasant people. To dream that a nurse leaves your house suggests that everything is doing well, including your health. If a young woman dreams that she is a nurse, it suggests that her friends appreciate her….

…Dreaming of a committee, foretells that you will be surprised into doing some distasteful work. For one to wait on you, foretells some unfruitful labor will be assigned you….

Dreaming with sighs, either other people sighing or we doing it ourselves, means that something that we’ve been waiting for is going to take its time. Sighing usually means disappointment, discontent and great sufferings that approach or that are already being experienced.

Dreaming of a piano indicates that soon the dreamer will attend a party. If there’s upbeat music at this party, it signifies that there’s upcoming success. If the notes are discordant, it suggests that the dreamer’s affairs are not doing well. Sad music announces sadness and frustration in the immediate future. Dreaming of a broken or unusable piano suggests that the dreamer is using outdated methods to handle business, which is why he or she is losing opportunities and profits.

…Headache in a dream represents one’s sins. Suffering from a migraine headache in a dream means that one should repent of his sins, curtail his plans, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or have a change of heart toward doing good deeds. Headache in a dream also means suffering from unhappiness and misery in one’s life. Headache in a dream also could represent one’s employer or supervisor….

If you are doing the cross stich during the dream, then such dream indicates your tendency to pay more attention to minor details. Perhaps you are very energetic person.

The fungus in dreams is the symbol of negative aspects in your waking life. Perhaps the dream is trying to show that there are certain thing you are doing in the wrong way. Make sure you find the solution for the problems you have, otherwise the negative emotions will get unmanageable.

Symbolizes the end of a trial, an obedience, a job or any other thing we are currently doing.

…The marketplace represents the theater of our external existence and material things. The people we see there, are those that are ordinarily in our real life. The corridors and marked trails in the market represent the paths of our life. The market and its stalls tell us that in this life we must pay a price because we acquire and possess. Seeing a market from afar, with no details, and doing nothing to approach it, often reflects a period of material hardship. To enter the market without actually buying reflects the search, the need to find the means or the most appropriate way for the realization of our projects and ambitions. Also entering without buying can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears in our life when we lack human warmth or communication. Not to find in market what we look for or feel overwhelmed by the…

…Dreaming of fishing, and at least getting one fish, signifies success in affairs and business, perhaps reflected in the form of money or securities, all in the immediate future. It’s an announcement of good luck. Dreaming of having the fish already, but that it escapes and falls back into the water, is a warning that any business that the dreamer already has could fail. Dreaming of fishing with a net, and with other people doing the same thing, could mean that there is a strong competition and risk in business and affairs. In the case of love, it’s a warning about dangerous rivals, and in the case of business, it warns that there are competitors ready to fight. Dreaming of catching plenty of fish with a net announces that there will be major success and profits. Dreaming of eating delicious fish could mean that everything is going well for…

It is very important to address the feeling produced by the dream when we are performing the act of emptying something. If we feel shame or fear, it can be interpreted as intuition of loss or future failures in our projects. But if we dream of emptying trash out and we are doing it with sadness, the dream could be telling us about our unconscious desire of purification and simplification.

Dreaming of a banquet is a good symbol, especially when it’s developed in a healthy and joyful time, this dream implies that important people will encourage you, and help you selflessly without having bad intentions. Dreaming of eating expensive delicacies and drinking fine wine in a banquet, is a sign of success in the near future, therefore, it is an appropriate time to start doing business. This dream indicates that long-cherished wish will finally come true. If that wish is about of pleasure or entertainment, it will be ephemeral and won’t leave pleasant traces pleasant. Dreaming of being in a messy feast, with several empty seats and guests with gruesome faces, indicates that it’s not the right time to start new complicated business or any other activities, since there is a risk of failure for lack of support.

It is a warning that we are doing something wrong.

When you dream that you are dreaming, then such dream shows the emotional state of your mind. Perhaps you understand the situation very well, but unable to start doing something about it. The dream shows that conscious and unconscious mind of yours cooperating perfectly.