To dream of the hedges is the symbol of barriers you are facing in your waking life. Perhaps there are some obstacles which dont let you move forward. If you are trimming the hedge in a dream, then such dream signifies your ability to manage the barriers that come into your life.
Dream dictionary: dont show up again dream meanings
Dreaming of adopting children, young people or adults, suggests that the dreamer seeks to empathize at some level with society, in order to succeed and maybe become rich, of course at the expense of gullible, naive or foreign people. Dreaming of adopting a child indicates that the dreamer wishes to sympathize with others because he feels lonely. Adopting a child represents a change in life, and therefore there may be a change of house or city, or perhaps employment or business, or for anything in which you have found major setbacks. It could also indicate that you dont want some of your neighbors to move out, because you fear that new and unfriendly or undesirable neighbors get into the neighborhood. Dreaming that youre adopted indicates insecurity and that you need external aid.
The zombie that scares you, indicates the things you dont know and things that threatens you. The zombie is also a symbol of something that is no longer alive. If you see the zombie that is chasing you, you are dealing with your negative past. The other explanation says that you are still not feeling safe from the horrible things that happened in the past.
Hugging someone from the opposite sex within dreams is a sign of happiness and joy in love; to hug a kid indicates that you dont want to let go of something or someone that brings you a huge amount of happiness. Hugging a stranger means that youll make a small trip.
When you dream about seeing your own husband, then such dream indicates your feelings towards him. The relationships you have with your husband in your dream is the reflection of relationships you have in your waking life. If you dream that you have a husband, but in reality you dont have one, then it shows your desire to be committed to someone. Maybe there is someone in your life you wish to be married to? The dream about the husband could also symbolize the relationships you have with your father and qualities you wish to see in your husband.
If someone has kidnapped you in a dream, then such dream indicates the stagnation of your feelings. Perhaps there is something in your life that doesnt let you to perform fully. The limitations and restrictions that are given to you dont let to be who you wish to be. If you see someone else being kidnapped, then it means you are finding difficult to accept the characteristics of that certain person. If you were the one who was a kidnapper in a dream, then it means you are struggling to leaving your past behind. Perhaps there are some sentiments which you are unable to let go.
If you dream about the cactus, then such dream signifies the lack of independency. You feel too much pressure and you need your own space. The dream may also be interpreted as the suggestion to be less ignorant and adapt to the circumstances you are surrounded by, because life is hard and sometimes we need to stay in different environment, even if we dont like it.
If you dream that you are in a hurry, then such dream shows how unready you are in waking life. Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that you are not prepared to deal with. The dream could also indicate that you feel confused and dont know how to deal with some tasks. The dream in which you are in a hurry could also be the reflection of your waking life. Perhaps you are in a rush during the day, therefore you dream about it either. This dream could be interpreted as the suggestion to slow things down.
Velvet is a symbol of opulence and keeps a very close relationship with financial wealth. When a beautiful, lively colored velvet fabric presents itself in your dreams, it predicts a considerable improve in your social situation, which will probably come with great financial success. On the contrary, if the fabric is damaged or has holes in it, its a warning for you which indicates that you should protect yourself against evil arts, so you dont get seriously harmed. Velvet in dreams also predicts that well see ourselves surrounded by certain commodities that will take us by surprise.
When you dream that you sign some kind of the contract, then it means that you will be appreciated and might even get a rise in your work that you are doing. If you didnt sign this contract, because it didnt applied to you and your views, then you will be asked for something totally new to you. If you signed the contract, but without your will, then it shows that you will be forced to do something you dont like or there is someone close to you who will betray you.
To dream that you see an ogre, means that you are afraid of something in your waking life. The dream could only be a nightmare which means nothing, only shows that you have a stressful time in the last few days. Ogre that is being friendly and nice to you means that you are accepting the things you are afraid of and accepting your enemies. The dream shows that you have become a person who agrees with himself no matter which features you like and which you dont like. If you dream that you are an ogre, then it means that you are understanding yourself better and agreeing with yourself either.
When you are dreaming about the puppets, then such dream indicates the fact that you are very unstable person. You are not sure what you feel and dont know how to take some of the decisions. If you are seeing a theater of puppets or see a single puppet that is being manipulated, then such dream is interpreted as the warning to be aware when accepting some of the proposals you will be offered, otherwise you will suffer disappointments.
If you used the decoy in a dream, then such dream shows the tendency of yours to make misunderstanding situations to others. Perhaps you do things not properly and people dont get it. Perhaps the dream is trying to change you and the way you were acting before. If you are in the decoy in a dream, then such dream shows the lack of self-acceptance you are suffering from. Probably you are saying not what you are thinking.
The donkeys in dreams represent funny side of ours, also silliness and humility. The donkeys play the childish side of ours where it shows what is so playfully about us. The monkey could also foretell about some person who is understood to be under lots of pressure. Anyway, the donkey shows us that we can be controlled by something we dont fully understand.
Dreaming of opaque colors indicates a tendency to depression and decay, since black somehow symbolizes emptiness and darkness. Be alert so that these negative aspects dont flood you with melancholy.
To dream that you’re happy, cheerful, and you dont know why youre in such mood, symbolizes self-satisfaction due to your achievements. To dream that you’re in a garden where tranquility reigns suggests that youre in peace with yourself and fortune is smiling back to you….
If you are making out with your significant other, then it shows the strong bond between you two. Perhaps you are in a very strong relationship. Alternatively, the dream could show the lack of love and affection from your partner, therefore you are compensating it over the dream. If you are making out with someone you do not like, then such dream indicates the characteristic of this person you dont like, that are in you either. Try to get rid of them. If you are making out with a friend, then such dream shows your actual liking for that person.
Dreaming of roses is interpreted as the achievement of a sentimental desire, but if during the dream we hurt ourselves with its thorns, then its an omen of betrayal or deception. Dreaming that we are facing the roses but we dont dare touching them, could be a reflection of fear towards sex.
To dream that something withers suggests that you may feel physically and/or emotionally drained. You must be under pressure. On the other hand, this type of dream may indicate that you dont do everything thats within your reach, so you can somehow lose your talents.
If you dream that you are living in the nunnery, then such dream shows the deep connection you have with particular religion. If you are living in the nunnery, but dont like living there, it means that you are experiencing the restrictions and limitations because of living there and the rules the nunnery has. The nunnery could also indicate the simple and loyal lifestyle.
If the bag is full, then it symbolizes that we keep secrets. If empty, indicates that the owner is unable to keep a secret. Losing a bag means someone knows our secrets. If it is stolen from us, someone will find out something using the force, while we dont want them to know these facts.
Dreaming of talcum powder implies, in some cases, that our own health is not at its best and that we could suffer an upcoming fall, if were not experiencing it yet. The talcum powder usually means that some harsh words will be said to people within our circle. Words that we could regret later if we dont think clearly before stating our mind.
Dreaming that youve mortgaged the only property you own indicates that youre experiencing economic problems that are not serious but they still concern you a lot, and it also suggest that if you dont put enough attention over these problems they may worsen.
If you are wearing the contact lens in a dream, then it could denote to the things you wish to understand and see better. Perhaps there are many unknown aspects that dont let you make the final decisions. If you have lost one of the contact lens or are unable to put them in, then such dream foretells about the necessity to become more attentive. The contact lens could also represent your waking life and the routine you have while putting them in….
If you feel jealous of another person, then such dream could be a reflection of your waking life. Perhaps you feel jealous for that certain person, because of the features he has got and you dont. On the other hand, the jealousy in dreams could be interpreted as the shyness and the lack of confidence. Perhaps you do not feel worthy anything good and positive in this life. Do not be so hard on yourself.
To dream that you steal something such as money or any other valuable items, means that you wish to have things you dont have. You think that material things will make you happy, therefore you wish to have it no matter what. If somebody stole something from you that belonged to you, then such dream signifies your frustration. You feel unappreciated and unevaluated. Sometimes when the dreamer takes something from someone in the dream that doesnt belong to him, feels that this certain person or life overall owes something to him.
Dreaming that youre late denotes your fear of change and ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. You may feel unworthy in current circumstances. It can also mean that you feel tired of a conflict or of a few decisions about your future. This may mean that time is running out so you dont have time to accomplish things you want.
If you see yourself in a convict, then such dream indicates aspects in your waking life that brings limitations. Perhaps you do not feel free in order to achieve the success. Maybe there are some boundaries that dont let you move on. On the other hand, the dream about convict could show the suffering you have about the things you have done. Perhaps you feel ashamed of yourself. The dream suggests you to stop being so harsh on yourself and move on, because the life keeps going on.
If you are decorating something in a dream, then such dream shows your wish to cover something up. Perhaps there are things you dont want to show or reveal. Alternatively, the dream about decorating could indicate the aspects of beauty, domestic happiness and comfort.
The dog in dreams is the symbol of love and friendship. If you were called a dog in a dream, then it shows the disrespected you are suffering from. If someone treats you like a dog, then such dream represents the fact that you are abused by someone. There is also a saying that dogs have some kind of connection with the other world that we dont know and they are our angels who protects us no matter what, or even sends some kind of important message. The dogs could also foretell about the animalistic parts of our personalities, where we no longer act like human.
Deceptions, feigned love, secret. Dont pretend to cover the sun with a finger.
Dreaming of a chiropractor or that you are going to go see one, means that you are trying to seek someone who will give good advice and who will help you. Do not be embarrassed of asking for help if you need it, asking for help is something that smart people do and people who are unwise or weak dont do it.
The dream, in which you see yourself standing on the edge of the cliff, indicates the final realization of particular issue in your life. Perhaps you finally reached the point of the life, where you understand how the things supposed to be done. The dream could also indicate the frustration you are suffering from, therefore you are standing on the edge of the cliff. Maybe you dont see the solution to a certain problem, therefore you came to an edge of the cliff. If you see yourself falling from the cliff, then such dream foretells about the unpleasant and unexpected situation you will have to face.
Dreaming about costumes foreshadows difficulties while accepting reality. You dont like things as they are and you want to change them. But facing it cringe you.
To dream that you are a hostage means that you feel as a victim in a certain situation. To dream that you are held hostage also means that you dont know how to express opinions and desires.
Dreaming of yourself with good luck usually foretells about the things you want so bad that you even dream about it. Nevertheless, if these ideas are used correctly, they may produce good results if you dont rely on luck, but on hard work. Considering yourself a lucky person in dreams could be an omen for future suffering, disappointments, multiple concerns, and fake friends that will work against your own interests, in most cases due to jealousy.
The closet in dreams represents the things you keep tucked away in that closet and dont want to show it to anyone. The dream could also represent your desire to be more independent and have the place of your own, where you can hide from everyone just like you were a child.
To dream that you step into the mud, means that you will face unexpected barriers. However, it will be easy ones to solve. If you got the mud all over your clothes, then such dream signifies your reputation that might be in danger. Make sure you dont care what other people say about you. The mud on the clothes could also represent the bad opinion you have about yourself. If you got the mud on you, but laughing about it, then such dream shows the relaxed side of your personality.
If you wore the coat in a dream, then such dream symbolizes protection and shelter you have made. Perhaps there are certain things you wish to keep for yourself or dont want to be recognized by others. Try to pay attention to the style, material and color for a better explanation of the dream. If the coat is vintage or very old and used, then it shows the tiredness you are suffering from. If the coat is expensive, sparkling and furry, then it shows the luxurious life you are going to have. There is also a possibility that you are trying to be noticed by others.
Dreaming of an eagle represents heritage or upcoming goods; this refers to everything that means money, for example, business, debts or payments, but all that in the contrary to the spiritual things. Dreaming of an eagle on top of a mountain indicates that desired fame and fortune are still distant in time, but they will eventually come. Dreaming that an eagle attacks you, and you fight it, means that several dangers are coming and you must be prepared to face them; if you end up triumphant in the fight and the eagle leaves, it means youll succeed in your affairs. If you kill the eagle after the fight, it also suggests success, but with immediate losses. Dreaming of an eagle flying suggests that you will succeed in whatever you do, but you may be risking yourself too much because your ambitions are exaggerated. Dreaming of an eagle flying…