…Dreaming of forming a partnership with a man, denotes uncertain and fluctuating money affairs. If your partner be a woman, you will engage in some enterprise which you will endeavor to keep hidden from friends. To dissolve an unpleasant partnership, denotes that things will arrange themselves agreeable to your desires | but if the partnership was pleasant, there will be disquieting news and disagreeable turns in your affairs….

(bot. Perennial plant | Flower) Seeing an Iris flower in a dream signifies recurring festivities, continuing success, happy news, a rainbow of colors, or a foreigner.

Dreaming of yourself finding a treasure announces good news. Dreaming of yourself losing a treasure announces a bad streak regarding money, friendships, emotions, etc. It shows that our efforts will only be enough to benefit our enemies. It’s a sign of financial loss and family difficulties. Dreaming of treasures, wills, properties, money, inheritances, etc., is frequent among people with economic issues, and it’s quite possible these dreams are only a reflection of their own needs.

Seeing it in a parade joyfully indicates that we will receive happy news.

The fire signifies anger, danger. See a fire burning in the fireplace without smoke or scintillations, denotes perfect health in body and mind also festival, greatness, joy among friends and relatives. This dream, upon seeing the contrary of the foregoing fire, announces anger, disputes, spending of money, family quarrels, and, in certain cases, bad news. An extinct fire, indigence, necessity, and desire of money. A fire that is lighted with difficulty, which goes out, shame and disgrace to a married couple, one of whom is the dreamer, in most cases the cause because of differences. To touch fire without injury, means success, despite the intervention of the envious people. To be burned by a fire, is a warning of violent fever. See someone else burn, means that someone in this dream is in danger to either of the dreamer or the person who is burned.

Listening to the radio in your dream symbolizes your knowledge and need to learn new things. On the other hand, it may mean that soon you will receive news. It’s important to know what you hear on the radio. To dream that the radio turns off means you lose some opportunities because of yourself.

…If you think you are eloquent of speech in your dreams, there will be pleasant news for you concerning one in whose interest you are working. To fail in impressing others with your eloquence, there will be much disorder in your affairs….

If during the dream we are sad because of troubles, calamities and diseases, we should not be sad because probably we will receive good news on the following days or maybe even the very next day.

You will get susceptible news to change your position.

…If you dream of a widow it foretells good news, or widower — you’ll wed the best wife you can choose….

…Dreaming of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode….

Envelopes seen in a dream, omens news of a sorrowful cast.

Moving house, it means changes in your life. News of a wedding close by, or the birth of a baby.

…(Dyestuff | Orange) Safflower in a dream represents a pleasant party that will be interrupted or followed by bad news. Safflower in a dream also represents one’s working tools, a war proclamation, the defeat of those who call for a war, and women’s role in provoking a fight. If safflower is planted around the thorny tragacanth plant (bot. Astragalus) in a dream, it means receiving overwhelming benefits one did not anticipate….

…Dreaming of playing on lute, is an indication of joyful news from absent friends. Pleasant occupations follow the dreaming of hearing the music of a lute….

To be on one, voyage. If it is small, infirmity. To see one sailing, good news. (See Ship, Boat.)

Signifies trouble and danger. To dream you go to war, foretells good news.

…Dreaming of smelling perfume announces upcoming success. Dreaming of putting on perfume suggests that the dreamer likes flattery. Asphyxiating due to excess of perfume is a warning that excess fun and pleasure will be detrimental. Dreaming of spraying perfume announces disrepute. Dreaming of breaking a bottle of perfume announces failures. But if the bottle breaks and it perfumes the dreamer’s clothes, it hints distant success. Dreaming of working with perfumes and with other people could signify that the dreamer works with a good company or society that will make him or her gain juicy profits. Dreaming of perfumes usually refers to the pleasures of a licentious life. Dreaming of having a lot of perfume on could mean that soon the dreamer will receive false compliments, but in reality the dreamer will receive unpleasant news. Dreaming of buying perfumes suggests that the dreamer is looking to get away from the…

…Dreaming of seeing fat, strong-looking hogs, foretells brisk changes in business and safe dealings. Lean hogs predict vexatious affairs and trouble with servants and children. To see a sow and litter of pigs, denotes abundant crops to the farmer, and advance in the affairs of others. To hear hogs squealing, denotes unpleasant news from absent friends, and foretells disappointment by death, or failure to realize the amounts you expected in deals of importance. Dreaming of feeding your own hogs, denotes an increase in your personal belongings. Dreaming that you are dealing in hogs, you will accumulate considerable property, but you will have much rough work to perform….

If you run within dreams, it means your efforts will be rewarded. Unexpected news from far away. If other people are, it means contradictions and adverse feelings.

…Perhaps you are trying to close yourself from all of the negativity you are surrounded by. Maybe you find it difficult to be open to other people. If you lost the keys in a dream, then such dream indicates about some position in your waking life which you’ve lost. Perhaps you are unable to manage it anymore. The dream, in which you’ve lost the keys could also symbolize some unwanted changes in your waking life. If you gave your keys away to someone else, then such dream shows the lack of responsibilities. You do not want to be in charge of some things. If you found the keys in a dream, then it shows some pleasant unexpected news. The dream could also indicate the solution you’ve found for some problem to be solved. If the keys which you see in the dream are broken, then it denotes to broken…

Dreaming about angels or saints means that you’ll have a period of peace and wellness. You are likely to get good news.