…before the sun in a dream means that the chief minister will rise against his master. If the moon disap- pears in the skies in a dream, it means that one’s business has come to a halt, or that something he has asked for will not materialize, whether it be good or evil. If the moon reappears in the dream, it means that one will receive what he is seeking, and again, whether it is good or bad for him. Seeing a bright and a radiant moon in the skies in a dream means justice and prosperity. Seeing the moon inside one’s house in a dream means that a guest or a traveller will soon arrive. Seeing the moon laying on the ground in a dream means the death of one’s mother. Walking on the moon in a dream means endearment and love for one’s mother. The sun and the…

…for people’s sins. If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality. If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest. If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey. A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearing down structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place. A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one’s enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. Rain in a dream also represents a caravan of camels, and a caravan of camels in a dream represents rain. A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells…

prosperity. 55.

Being able to resist temptation. 254.

Getting an excellent wife.

Having friends.

…Wearing a good quality garment in a dream means prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means renouncing the world and calling on people to do the same and to desire the benefits of the hereafter. Wearing a green robe in a dream brings benefits and no harm. If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion. As for a deceased person, it means a good state and acceptance before God Almighty. It is also said that wearing a green garment in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Wearing a white garment also means glad tidings. If a fabric merchant or a tailor sees himself wearing a white garment in a dream, it means lack of work. Wearing a black garment in a dream means a bad omen, but if one…

Having faithful friends. 166.

Inner happiness, contentment. 96.

Buying goods indicates joy and happiness. If they are stolen, financial worries. Seeing them burn, waste of money.

Abundance, wealth.

Becoming happy by an unknown person. 15.

…To dream about many large containers filled with milk suggests an upcoming good run and/or good business, beneficial partnerships, etc. But if the containers have little milk, and worse if they are empty, it indicates the opposite. To dream that you’re loading a container with milk suggests that you work serving others and you aren’t comfortable with it because you aspire something better. To dream that you’re drinking milk is a favorable dream as it announces abundance for your home, leisure, good businesses and positive social relationships. To dream that you negotiate with milk suggests that soon your business will improve. To dream that you throw away milk warns that you’re wasting opportunities. To dream about decomposed milk announces that serious problems are coming. To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that you’re at risk of experiencing a material or friend…

Overcoming adversities, happiness in love and matrimonial state. 119.

Wealth, profit. 8.

Meeting with hindrances of different kinds.

(See Hunchback)

(See Perfume salesman)

…In a dream, a dream interpreter represents happiness for a sad person and sorrow for a happy person. If one who desires to maintain secrecy around his life and goals sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will find an intimate friend or a confidant to complete his intention. If one is expecting news from an associate or if someone in a different land sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will receive the desired news. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents knowledge of sings, deciphering mes- sages, analyzing substances, a tracer, a religious scholar, a lawyer, a good advisor, a compassionate friend, a judge or a physician. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents someone who does not keep a secret or someone who brings people both happy or sad news. In a dream, he is also…

…Dreaming of common envelopes, either letters or telegrams, may mean that you expect to receive news and that they’ll come soon. When the envelope is black, it’s bad news. If it’s a telegram, it’ll be abysmal. Dreams with correspondence envelopes are strongly linked to receiving news. The envelope also implies changes in our existence and a recommendation for us to do some alterations to our projects. The meaning of the dream depends greatly on the shape of the envelope, the address, who sent it, the material, the color and the circumstances within the dream. Associated to nice situations, it’s usually a good omen. The different aspects and elements on the envelope need to be analyzed, as most cases maintain a close link with the dreamer’s specific situations and his/her subconscious. Dreaming that an envelope is being opened, often means bad news. It means treason, we’ll receive confidences that’ll probably…

…it indicates slanders, if the animal is braying, then it announces problems. When the donkey is white, it announces good news; if it’s black, it means bad news and unpleasant situation; if it’s grey, it indicates infidelity and betrayal by friends. When it’s red, it indicates hidden evil. Dreaming of one or more dead donkeys suggests an environment or atmosphere filled with vice and degeneration, in which the dreamer is probably trying to fight against what is practiced there. It is a warning against negative practices. Dreaming of people riding donkeys like biblical prophets, suggests that the dreamer is unfairly creating judgments about others, which will create problems; if the ones riding the donkeys are people from the present, it suggests that a friend of the dreamer is in trouble and is seeking for help. Dreaming that you hear a braying from afar suggests that someone in the family is…

…To dream of ripe cherries foretells that you will hear good news, or that someone will do you a favour. After such a dream you can easily borrow money if you wish to. If the cherries are green or mixed, your news will be a mixture of good and bad. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 54….

…When a man dreams of a flag that’s moving in the wind, it means that he’ll overcome all the difficulties that appear in his life and that he will soon receive good news. Dreaming that you wear a flag as a distinctive part of your clothes indicates that you’ll soon receive some of honor. Dreaming of a fallen and wrinkled flag indicates loss of honor and prestige, and in some cases, it also means material losses. Dreaming of a gray or black flag indicates that sad days are approaching due to not achieving the things you want. Dreaming that you proudly salute the national flag indicates pride because you are confident in your ability to succeed in life, which promises future welfare. Dreaming of a broken and dirty flag indicates failures and losses. Dreaming of only one flagpole indicates that you don’t know for sure what you want. For…

…dreamer. Dreaming of the dentist extracting the dreamer’s teeth symbolizes bad news and losses, for example, that the dreamer’s enemies await the opportunity to hurt him or her somehow. Dreaming that the dentist fixes the dreamer’s cavities suggests that soon the dreamer will recover affections or missing valuables. Dreaming of the dentist cleaning your own teeth and yet they remained dirty, and with cavities, etc., indicates that even if you think that your affairs are going well, they are actually not, and this misinterpretation represents a serious danger. Dreaming of dentures suggests that very soon, serious and difficult problems that cannot be ignored nor neglected will arrive. Dreaming of dog teeth is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and good friendships, including love. Dreaming of lion or tiger teeth insinuates that the dreamer has full physical, mental and psychological self-control, allowing the dreamer to quickly achieve any goals in life….

…If a righteous person sees his face blush in a dream, it means that he feels ashamed of something he did. If one’s face is soaking with sweat in a dream, it represents his modesty and reserve. If one is frowning, and if the color of his face turns red in the dream, it means that he may suffer from distress or losses. Frowning in someone’s face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. If a woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband. A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead. The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child…

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued good

…of friends. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that lie shall receive some damage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 5. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 50. Quicksilver. To dream of this metal is a sign your friend will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19,41. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you or some neat relative, will shortly marry: if you dream of buying these antiques, it is a sign of poverty: to dream of…

…In a dream, apples represent beautiful children. An apple in a dream also denotes one’s determination and good will. To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom. To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer they represent his crop. E ating apples in a dream means determination. Eating a sweet apple in a dream means lawful earnings, while eating a sour tasting apple means acquiring unlawful earnings. Sour apples in a dream mean divisiveness and hurt, while its tree represents torpor. If a king throws an apple at one of his subjects in a dream, it means good news or attainment of one’s goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan. An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community. Eating an apple in a dream also…

…not hold such a position, then it means the opposite of one’s wishes. Finding a lost ring in a dream means earning money from a foreign land, or having a new born son, or it could mean a marriage to a righteous woman. If the stone of one’s ring seems unstable in the dream, it means that one will be fired form his job. Removing one’s ring in a dream means that one maybe removed from his job. If a woman sees herself removing her wedding ring in a dream, it means the death of either her husband or of a close relative. A ring in a dream also connotes a band, an encumbrance, or a shackle. If one’s ring disappears and only the stone remains in the dream, it means that once the responsibilities are gone, good memories of the person will remain. A man wearing a golden ring…

…Dreaming of small children or babies is always a good symbol and it suggests good things for the dreamer in the immediate future. Dreaming of playing with children symbolizes good things because it could mean that the dreamer’s matters are unfolding in a satisfactory manner. Dreaming of seeing children happily playing or studying on the floor, it signifies that there will be success of many types in the immediate future. Dreaming of children crying after suffering from a punishment can mean that the dreamer will soon receive disappointments from friends who the dreamer thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that she’s worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because…

…divine chastisement for people’s sins. If one sees the earth moving under his feet in a dream, then it represents one’s striving and pursuit of his business needs or livelihood. An earthquake in a dream also represents exposing secrets, hearing bad news, a general scare, public disturbances, the surfacing of new diseases. If one sees the walls crumbling and caving in a dream, it means his death. Seeing an earthquake in an arable land in a dream means fertility or a good harvest. An earthquake in a dream also may mean travels, dancing, abstraction of business or having an argument with one’s family. If the destruc- tion hits the buildings in urban areas in the dream, it means business growth for construction workers, contractors or related industries. Seeing an earthquake hitting a fruit farm in a dream means a good harvest. If the quake takes place during the month of…

…in the dream, it means that he will lose his battle. If one sees a storm uprooting the trees in his dream, it means that the government of that land will mass murder its own people. A southern wind in a dream means illness, diseases, or death. A southern wind is sometimes interpreted as rain and prosperity. If one witnesses a slow moving wind in his dream, it means that he will consent to the actions of a group of evildoing people. If the wind blows from a known direction in the dream, it means mercy and blessings, or that one may receive good news from that direction. Winds in a dream also mean asking for one’s needs, or fulfilling them. A gentle breeze in a dream, represents travel and joy. If one sees the wind colored red in the dream, it represents a recalcitrant child. (Also see Fan)…

…Shaking hands with someone in a dream means signing an agree- ment, receiving benefits, a pledge of allegiance, honoring one’s promise, making a commitment, good intention, signing a contract, or cherishing a friendship. Shaking hands with someone then embracing him in a dream means glad tidings, good news, good words to which one’s reply will be the same, or it could represent a knowledge he teaches to others. (Also see Greetings)…

…Dreaming you see a comedy, farce, or some other recreation, indicates good success in business. To dream you see a tragedy acted, implies labour, loss of estate, with grief and affliction. To dream one plays, or sees another play upon a flute, violin, or other musical instrument, betokens good news, concord, and a good correspondence between man and wife, master and servant, prince and subject. To dream one plays tunes on small bells denotes discord and disunion be- tween subjects and servants. To dream you play, or hear playing on wind instruments, as flutes, flageolets or small bag- pipes, or other such instruments, shows trouble, contention, and being overthrown at law. If anyone dreams he plays at any of those plays which company use to divert themselves as, at questions and commands, cross-purposes, blind-man’s buff, hot cockles, barley-break, and such like — it implies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and…

…Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to the novice in dream lore when he attempts to interpret them. A man who thinks intensely fills his aura with thought or subjective images active with the passions that gave them birth | by thinking and acting on other lines, he may supplant these images with others possessed of a different form and nature. In his dreams he may see these images dying, dead or their burial, and mistake them for friends or enemies. In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die, when in…

…in a dream, it means glad tidings. A bird in a dream also means work. An unknown bird in a dream means a warning, an advice or an admonition. If one’s bird looks beautiful in a dream, it denotes the quality of his work. If one sees himself in a dream carrying an ugly looking bird, it also denotes the quality of his actions or that a messenger may bring him good news. An unknown bird means profits. To see black colored birds in a dream denote bad deeds, while white colored birds represent good deeds. Colored birds in a dream represent mixed actions. Seeing a bird in a dream also could mean honor, power, authority ornament or profits. A bird in a dream also represents a fun and a most entertaining companion. A bird in a dream also represents a boy. If one slaughters a bird in his dream,…

…his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appear- ance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. Ibn Abi Jumrah once said – “Seeing Him (uwbp) in a beautiful appearance denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can recognize his own state. This interpretation is also given by Ibn Hajar Al-Hutaymi, God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of ‘gharh al-S_hama-il’ of Imam Al-…

…of blessings. If the lower lip is missing in the dream, then it represents a dying wife. If the upper lip is split in one’s dream, it denotes double the effects concerning the person who is understood to be meant in the dream. If the lower lip is split or chapped in the dream, it means conducting a secret relationship with two women. If it is the upper lip, it means having two friends. If his chapped lips heal in the dream, then it means reconciliation between two friends, or winning their consent regarding one’s opinion or decision. If one’s upper lip is cut off in a dream, it means severing relationship with a close friend. Lips in a dream also denote relatives or kinship. Lips in a dream also mean recovering from an illness, or forcing a jealous friend to follow one’s directives, or hearing good news that will…

…In a dream, listening to the Qur’an, or to the teachings of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to words of wisdom, or to an admonition, or a discourse of knowledge in a dream means receiving guidance, and it means turning repentantly to God Almighty. Otherwise, if one sees himself listening to backbiting, slandering, defamation, or eavesdropping in a dream, then it means that some harm will befall him. Listening to good advice and following its best guidance in a dream means receiving good news. Eavesdropping in a dream means that one intends to defame the other person. Listening, though pretending not to hear what is being said in a dream means that one makes it a habit to lie. The sound of a crowd in a dream means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neighing of horses…

…also signifies hard work, or an illness. Table salt in a dream also means asceticism, renunciation and detachment from the material world. It also means blessings, honesty and comfort. Eating bread with salt in a dream means contentment with little from this world. A salt shaker in a dream represents a good and a dutiful woman. Discovering salt in a dream means adversities and a severe illness. Salt in a dream also represents balance, usability of things and acceptability of everything. This includes knowledge, religion, wife, money, child and lawful earnings. Salt in a dream also means appeasement of one’s fear, peacefulness, developingpatience and forbearance. Salt in a dream also represents a medicine, a remedy, drugs, love, tenderness, unity, compassion, earning suspicious money, or a conspiracy. Receiving a fish preserved in salt in a dream means good news. Olives treated with salt in a dream means recanting one’s promise….