To dream of tadpoles indicates unreached targets and unused possibilities. The dream could indicate the desire to have children, especially for female dreamers who are willing to get pregnant.

The turkey if it is dreamed during the Thanksgiving Day is only a symbol of this celebration, because many people eat it during this day. The turkey could also represent the hunger you are suffering from while sleeping. Overall, the turkey is a happy sign which brings happiness and joy for those who dream about it.

To make a sketch or see one, indicates the dreamer’s new look into the same situation. It could also show the beginning of something new that requires lots of effort.

Dreaming of a bartender at work serving drinks indicates that soon the dreamer’s reputation will be damaged. A young woman who dreams of a bartender in action is a symbol of displeasure from the behavior of her lover.

To see the symbol that is unknown, denotes to confusion, fear and misbalance. You are unable to recognize the situation you are in at the moment and cannot find the solution to the certain problem. Consider what kind of the symbol you saw in a dream, as that would give more cleared dreamed information.

Dreaming of being disinherited, but in real life there is no likelihood of receiving inheritance, indicates that the dreamer’s own affairs, business, employment, etc., are bad due to carelessness, reason why there is a risk of suffering losses and other kind of problems. This dream on a young single person implies that one should not think of marriage for convenience, and in a young single female, it suggests that her behavior is not correct, which will make her prestige be tainted, and if she has any potential lover, she will simply lose him.

If you dreamed of seeing yourself talking, then it shows the shortage of communication with other people. On the other way, the dream could simply reflect your daily life and simple talks you have in your waking life.

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

Dreaming of walking barefoot and even worse if it’s at night, is a warning that if the dreamer does not take care of his image, he or she will fall victim to gossip and slander that will damage the dreamer’s honor. This symbol is especially applicable to women.

…When you are practicing yoga or watching others who are practicing yoga in a dream, then it is a clear sign that the dreamer’s decision making capability will need respect and discipline. It is usually a signal that shows – if things are done well, one will be recognized, appreciated, and esteemed….

If you dream of seeing tapestry, then such dream indicates the richness and prosperous lifestyle you are going to have. If the tapestry was ripped off or damaged in any other way, then such dream denotes to losses of your incomes. If you dreamed of seeing the whole room covered in tapestry, then it promises the marriage to wealthy and rich person.

The cereal is considered a priceless good. It means richness and happy resolution of work. Wealth is proportional to the amount of cereal dreamed, just like what happens to the cereal, for good or bad, is what will happen to our wealth.

Usually planes are dreamed by those who are about to have some vacation. The plane could also indicate your desire to escape your life and be free from all of the responsibilities and duties. The plane is also known as the symbol of your smooth work that gets done very quickly. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of plane crash.

Dreaming of a bonfire may be a way of showing the dreamer’s desire to be more assertive in reality through rituals, since the bonfire appears as a symbol in many traditional festivities, but it can also be interpreted as an invitation of your subconscious to burn all those situations, memories etc. This dream could be understood as prevention from taking new paths in life. It could be an invitation to be purified in any levels that you see necessary.

If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.

…If you see dead people around you, then such dream warns that you are surrounded by bad people or not appropriate ones. The dead people could also represent the losses you will suffer from, especially material ones. The dreamer should also consider if there are any people in your life that you recently lost and are unable to deal with it. If there is someone in your life that passed away for a long time and you have dreamed about this person, then it means there are certain features in this person you recognize in yourself. It means that you must recognize these issues and get rid of them as soon as it is possible. If you see your relatives such as your parents or children being dead in a dream, then it means you are afraid of losing these people too soon. Every one of us has many…

The hurricane usually indicates current situation of the dreamer’s life, where he doesn’t feel safe, or major changes are happening at this time of his life. It shows that there are many doubts which he is unable to solve. The hurricane also is interpreted as the suggestion to slow down, otherwise the things will get very messy soon. The dream also shows that if you do not feel comfortable about something, you shouldn’t rush in making the decisions.

The poop which you dreamed about represents some unpleasant features in your personality that you don’t like. In some cultures the poop is interpreted as the omen of good luck. If the poo is not yours, you should be careful of people you are in touch. There is a possibility that you will not be understood very well.

The pelican in dreams is a symbolism of the stuff, relationships and every job you do that is too hard for you to cope with. Perhaps you should be more relaxed and stay away from the stuff you do, otherwise you will reach your limits and explode in negative way. The dream suggests to take a break or at least try to be less demanding to yourself. The dream may also indicate some other person who has these qualities and you should give this person an advice that was given to you if you dreamed about it.

Stars are dreams’ symbols for triumph and fortune.

To dream of the Ellen DeGeneres show means that you are enjoying while being surrounded by your friends. Sometimes the dreamers who are watching the TV show before they are going to bed have these kind of dreams which is absolutely normal, because it indicates the fact that the dreamer is simply watching too Much of the TV.

The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person you’ve been with for some time.

If you dreamed that you are the bookkeeper, then it shows your desire to get your life sorted. On the other hand, the dream may signify the necessity to take some duties or responsibilities in your life.

…To dream of the shoes represent the dreamer’s view to life generally. The dream indicates how much grounded the one is feeling. To change the shoes for a different ones means that the one is changing some part of his life. To forget the shoes means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is…

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

If you dreamed of the sun, then it symbolizes the joy, tranquility, peace, healthiness and overall happiness. The sun is the symbol of vitality and life, especially if it was shinning in a dream.

Dreaming of wearing another’s coat, signifies that you will ask some friend to go security for you. To see your coat torn, denotes the loss of a close friend and dreary business. To see a new coat, portends for you some literary honor. To lose your coat, you will have to rebuild your fortune lost through being over-confident in speculations. See Apparel and Clothes….

Ever since the case of dreaming with a hat as a male sex symbol, to dream with its power or the preventive means of pregnancy. Excepting this case, the hat generally refers to a sign of distinction of social character linked with ideas or behaviors of whom we dreamed of. If we wear a ridiculous hat, then it reveals that inside us exists a ridiculous attitude that everyone knows except ourselves. To see ourselves with a military hat reveals an authoritarian sense out of place. A cup hat is a sign of an inordinate conceit and pretensions.

…To see a sunflower in your dream, symbolizes warmth, abundance, longevity, and prosperity. The sunflower also serves to point you in the right direction and is a source of spiritual guidance. Even through difficult times, you will persevere. Alternatively, the sunflower may denote If you dreamed of the sunflower, then such dream indicates wellness, prosperity, richness and long life. The sunflower also always goes to the right direction where the sun is shining, therefore the dreamer is going to the right direction. Alternatively, the sunflower could be an indicator of arrogance the dreamer has. Beware of rejection from others because of your false presence. You may be deceived by the false appearance of others….

To beat the husband for the wife means anger of fear of losing him. To beat the dreamer’s mistress, lover means danger of an immediate discovery or minor trouble through an unforeseen incident. To be beaten yourself means impenetrable mystery, trouble.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

Sensual dreaminess.

If you dreamed of being a superhero, then it means that you have some super abilities and did not show them yet, because of the lack of self-confidence or shame. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.

The papa is the figure that you follow in your life. The papa is your protector and spiritual guide for some dreamers as well.

Dreaming of smelling perfume announces upcoming success. Dreaming of putting on perfume suggests that the dreamer likes flattery. Asphyxiating due to excess of perfume is a warning that excess fun and pleasure will be detrimental. Dreaming of spraying perfume announces disrepute. Dreaming of breaking a bottle of perfume announces failures. But if the bottle breaks and it perfumes the dreamer’s clothes, it hints distant success. Dreaming of working with perfumes and with other people could signify that the dreamer works with a good company or society that will make him or her gain juicy profits. Dreaming of perfumes usually refers to the pleasures of a licentious life. Dreaming of having a lot of perfume on could mean that soon the dreamer will receive false compliments, but in reality the dreamer will receive unpleasant news. Dreaming of buying perfumes suggests that the dreamer is looking to get away from the…

The swans are seen as the good symbol of youth, love and grace. The one who dreamed of swans will have honorable future fulfilled with love and other positive feelings.

Dreaming of a piano indicates that soon the dreamer will attend a party. If there’s upbeat music at this party, it signifies that there’s upcoming success. If the notes are discordant, it suggests that the dreamer’s affairs are not doing well. Sad music announces sadness and frustration in the immediate future. Dreaming of a broken or unusable piano suggests that the dreamer is using outdated methods to handle business, which is why he or she is losing opportunities and profits.

Dreaming of yourself as a mountaineering or alpinist that’s climbing difficult slopes, and that reaches the mountain top in the end, means that you’re fully capable of getting through any obstacle and that you’ll achieve success soon; nevertheless, if the top is not reached in the dream, the meaning could be the contrary. Dreaming of yourself climbing a stepladder until you get to the top indicates success in the businesses you’re handling. But if for any reason you don’t manage to get to the top, or if the ladder breaks, this indicates the opposite and risks will be higher. When you are dreaming that you fall as you’re climbing, the setbacks and failures in your life will be as big as the fall. Seeing yourself climbing during a dream is a sign of your own will to find the right solutions to the tasks that must be completed. The…

In the language of dreams, the heart means the deepest feelings. But many authors consider that if we dreamed of a diseased heart it may be the intuition telling us of an incubating disease that, either in ourselves or in the dearest person for us. Dreaming that we give our heart indicates that we are fully ready to offer our life for love.

Dreaming about having heart discomfort could be a real symptom, in which case it is convenient to consult a doctor. If it’s not real pain, but only a dream, then it symbolizes problems in matters being handled. Dreaming of staring at your own heart hints that you are missing vital energy and that something needs to be done in order to recuperate it. Dreaming about an animal’s heart hints that you will rule your enemies, achieving their respect. Dreaming of eating the heart of a chicken or any bird suggests the desire to achieve rare, unrealistic and difficult objectives that will cause problems, disrupting the normal development of the dreamer’s activities.