If you dreamed of being in a space, then such dream indicates how open minded you are and able to be on your own without others help. On the other hand, the dream could warn you about the fact that you are not grounded enough and being out of space.

If the one has dreamed about the spa or having some procedures over there, then it means you are feeling wrecked and tired, therefore the organism of yours asking for some rest and relaxation. Make sure you get rid of all the tension and open the new page in your life without worries and problems.

The ring in dreams is usually a sign of something very special in your life. The circle the ring has is interpreted as the eternity for love, life or anything you like. If you receive the ring from someone you are feeling loved. If you gave the ring to someone, it means that you are the one who loves this person very deeply or have the respect for him. Very often the ring is dreamed by those who are having a wish to get married or before the wedding, because it is the symbol of commitment either.

…Lions in dreams portend marriages; success of all kinds, viz.: in love, work, and sport; and unexpected journeys.Prior to a voyage to the West Indies, planned on the spur of the moment, a lady once told me she dreamed she was crossing the road opposite the house when, on glancing up, she perceived, to her terror, the face of a lion glaring down at her from the nursery window. In an agony of fear for her children’s safety, she turned to seek the aid of a man with a gun, when, with a tremendous roar, the Hon leaped down and dashed after her — a proceeding which awoke her.I recollect, too, dreaming I was eaten by a lion, shortly before I made up my mind to go to Oregon, in the summer of 1894….

…Flowers are the symbol of the fleeting and transitory. If we see flowers that expresses our need to find another soul that fill our emotional needs. If we take flowers, it indicates that a relationship will be intense and reciprocated. If we receive flowers from another person, it’s a guarantee of love from whom they are delivered. If we only notice the smell, it reveals to us that we missed a good opportunity. If we see them withering, it indicates that a relationship comes to an end or reflects disillusion and disenchantment. The orange and yellow flowers reflect life and creative energy. The red flowers mean burning passion and feelings. The blue flowers show dreamy unreality….

If you dreamed of being teased by someone, then such dream indicates your manners where you are acting unsuitably. On the other hand, you may feel used and discriminated by those you are surrounded by. If you were the one who was teasing somebody else, then such dream foretells about your behavior which is not appropriate towards other people. On the other hand, you see some aspects in another people that are also with thin you and you wished to get rid of them. Consider to pay a goo attention to those qualities as you would know what to do next.

If you dreamed of something very small that is unusually minor, then such dream represents the situation in which you feel helpless and unable to perform properly. On the other hand, the dream could mean that you are trying to avoid something. If you are the one who is abnormally small, then it shows very low self-trust and belief of what you can achieve. Make sure you find the solution of how to accept yourself for who you are.

Dreaming of a janitor or doorman who neglects his work suggests that issues that the dreamer has are being neglected, which is the reason why subordinates ignore the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking a janitor or doorman because he is not at his post insinuates that there are small doubts or worries regarding the dreamer’s own issues. But if in the dream the janitor is found, then there is no need to worry, because everything will be fine.

Usually this dream reflects our concern about the health. If we see our skin with wrinkles it reflects fear of menopause and old age. The imperfections in our skin revels sentimental doubts, unless they were rashes or spots that are very obvious, in which case it is a warning about our health. If we see the imperfections on someone we know, then this is a person of whom we attribute the meaning of the dream. If we don´t know this person, then it reflects our own fears. Dreaming about animal skin indicates that your material goods will be increased, depending on what kind of animal’s skin you’ve dreamed of.

…When you dream of a baby, it represents purity, chastity and sincerity. Babies usually represents the warmth and good intentions you might have. Dreaming of a baby could also represent the side of you which is weak, fragile and vulnerable. If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person. You don not want others to know that you are not a strong person, because this is not something you are proud of. If you see yourself on the way of having a baby it means that you wish someone would take care of you as long as it is possible, you like to be dependant on someone. You do not want to take responsibility of anyone neither yourself, neither the others. If in reality you are already expecting the baby, then this dream indicates your…

If you dreamed of having the bad teeth, then such dream warns you about upcoming disasters, problems, pain and suffering you will get. Probably you said something insulting to other people, therefore everything you did badly comes back to you. Consider the saying what goes around comes around, at this time of your life the saying is very suitable. The rotten teeth could also indicate the emotional state you are at the moment. Perhaps there are some thoughts which are unpleasant either.

It indicates that we must reconcile with whom we have dreamed.

Dreaming of being wrapped in a mystery suggests that strangers will come to the dreamer to ask for help or for advice, which will involve new unwanted obligations or businesses that could be dangerous. Dreaming of studying something enigmatic and mysterious, no matter what it is about, implies a desire for self-improvement in the dreamer’s knowledge.

If you dreamed of being a telekinetic, then such dream indicates the super powers you have to get the special connection with the spiritual aspects of yourself and others. On the other hand you have many thought that are not explored and utilized. Probably you need to start doing things if you wish you reach the targets you have set or yourself.

…Cows in dreams appear to be lucky omens in general, and especially portend unexpected visits from friends. One lady, I know, has always dreamed of cows, prior to receiving an unexpected visit from any old friend, whom she has not seen for years….

If you dreamed of the slugs, then it means that you are taking things easy with no rush and working on particular subject carefully and slowly. Consider, that sometimes the slowness that you carry on might annoy those you are surrounded by. If the slugs are coming out of your body, then it means that you find it hard to show your emotions for others.

Dreaming of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat….

Dreaming of being alone on a dock with boats, insinuates the desire to have a long trip, with probabilities of self-fulfillment. If in the dream the sun comes out bright, the trip that’s desired will be productive and enjoyable. But if mist and darkness appear, then this indicates that trouble is coming, and if there’s a storm threat then the problems are going to be more serious and difficult to resolve. Dreaming of being on a dock simply observing the sea or the boats means that the dreamer will have to work very hard to achieve success. Dreaming of trying to get to a dock, but without success to reach it, suggests that the dreamer’s aspirations are difficult to achieve. Also, it has the meaning that the dreamer is too ambitious.

…The water in a dream symbolizes the subliminal mind of yours. The big part of the brain are made from water, therefore it is one of the most important things we have to use for living. The water in dreams is associated with the psychical aspects of our being. The dream in which you see the water is known as the symbol of spiritual growth, energy, vitality and wisdom. There are many different explanations about the water and its importance to us, depending on the circumstances of the dream. If the water was boiling, then it shows the aggression and anger that lies in the dreamer. On the other hand, the boiling water could represent the emotions that are about to explode. If the water does not make any motion, then such dream foretells about the tranquility and peace of dreamer’s mind. If the water in a dream is…

If you are vomiting in the dream, then it shows the emotions you want to get rid of. There are certain situations you are no longer able to handle. Sometimes vomiting is dreamed by those who ate too much before their sleep. To get more detailed dream interpretation please see the meaning of being sick.

If you dreamed of the television, then such dream indicates the time you spend watching television, especially while relaxing. The dream could also show that the media has a huge influence to you and your thoughts. The news, entertainment and other different programs would give much more of a clue about the meaning of your dream, therefore pay attention of what you were watching.

Dreaming of sleeping in a comfortable and clean bed indicates internal peace in the dreamer and love in those around you. Dreaming of sleeping uncomfortably indicates probable illness or difficult situations of various kinds, for example at work, in business, in love relationships, etc. Dreaming of others sleeping peacefully announces that the dreamer’s own affairs or businesses will march unhindered. Dreaming of sleeping next to an unpleasant person, or any annoying object or animal is a warning of possible dangerous rivals, either in love, in business or social affairs.

Dreaming of coins without determining their value, usually indicates economic needs. Dreaming about gold coins, and if the value is distinguished, implies that the dreamer leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. Dreaming of silver coins without distinguishing a value, implies dubious business, uncomfortable compromises, and family problems. It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny. If a young woman dreams of her lover gifting her gold coins’, it means that their marriage will be financially stable. If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, it warns that she must remain alert or soon he’ll cheat on her. Dreaming about several copper coins indicates arduous work that is not paid well. Dreaming of nickel coins or other similar metal implies intense activity, hard work, constant business, but of very low standards…

…The wake in dreams is interpreted as the celebration the dreamer is having. The wake that is seen in the dream could indicate something in the dreamer’s life that has come to an end. To get more detailed dream interpretation please also see the meaning of burial, it will give you more information about your dream and its meanings….

If you dreamed of smiling, then such dream denotes to the happiness you have reached. It could also be an indication of you being pleased with your life you live at the moment. Consider that you will be appreciated for good you have done to others. Alternatively, the dream may be an indication of your searches for the happiness.

Dreaming of carrying something especially if it’s very heavy, suggests the desire for a radical change in the dreamer’s life due to being burdened with obligations and commitments and problems or simply wanting to leave the environment in which the dreamer works or lives in, perhaps by having many enemies who are constantly harassing, or might be due to the dreamer not liking his or her job. Dreaming of falling to the ground as a result of carrying something, suggests that the dreamer will need intense and constant effort to solve problems satisfactorily.

Dreaming about being the target of slander hints that the dreamer’s affairs are being managed or operated by inept people and people who are acting in bad faith. When a woman dreams about being slandered she needs to monitor her behavior in order to not lead to misinterpretations. In reality, it’s a warning that people have already started talking bad about her, and her subconscious knows it. Dreaming about one person slandering another implies that someone will soon ask or even demand favors, perhaps in the form of blackmail. Dreaming about being slandered implies that one’s behavior has not been appropriate, which is the reason why losing friendships or romantic partners will bring trouble and disappointment.

Dreaming of being in a mine or somewhere else and working with gold could mean that there is an ambition for something that doesn’t belong to the dreamer, which will cause serious problems. Dreaming of handling gold, even if it’s not yours, suggests that the dreamer is on the right path to achieve success in certain activities. Dreaming of losing gold, especially in the form of coins could mean that, by the dreamer’s own fault, he or she is at risk of significant losses. Dreaming of finding gold of any kind suggests big chances of success in whatever is desired. When a woman dreams of receiving gifts of gold, it suggests that in reality she desires to get married to a rich man, regardless of background or reputation.

…The dream about dying very often indicates changes, rebirth, new views and values. The dying could also stand for the apprehensions you have towards the future and your own life. Usually these kind of dreams make positive changes in dreamers life, because the one understand the true meaning of life and make changes that bring positive results. If you dream of seeing yourself dying, then it means you should reconsider the true values of the life. Perhaps you should understand what you want out of life and start getting it. The dying shows that there is not much time left for the things to do and tasks to reach, because every minute of the life is very important and we are not going to life forever and ever. The dying could also be interpreted as the end of something in your life. Maybe you are trying to get rid…

Cases are dreams’ symbols for secret things that are hidden deep inside.

…If you dreamed of being the smuggler, it shows your desire to take things back which belong to you. Probably you feel ignored by others, therefore you try to accomplish everything what you can all on your own. Make sure you pay attention of what you were smuggling, as it will give much more of the clue about the dream….

Dreaming of a battle always indicates difficulties, serious problems, fights, etc. Therefore dreaming that you’re in a battle implies that all plans and desires that you have will face many setbacks, which means you will be unable to have a chance to success. When in the dream, the side which wins the battle is the dreamer’s side, means an announcement of more or less close successes. Dreaming of women in battle indicates abundance of gossip, rumors, defamation, etc.

Dreaming about gambling money in a casino indicates that there are friendships being formed which are not recommendable and that the dreamer is getting involved in an environment which has a very low morale, and this would entail unpleasant results. Dreaming of playing in a casino and earning money that others are losing insinuates that the dreamer wants to enjoy life at the expense of others, but if the dreamer is the one who loses and the other people win, then this indicates that the dreamer’s failures are consequences of his or her bad behavior.

If you dreamed of taking test, then such dream indicates important verifications and reviews you are going to take.

To dream that you are in some kind of the accident, means that you are afraid of acting in some phases of your life. You are the person who thinks more pessimistically then optimistically. Sometimes the accident could indicate the dreamer’s fear of being unlucky. You have to stop thinking in the bad way, because good things will become true only if you believe in it.

If you are not married, but getting ready for your wedding then the dream about the wedding is normal and it shows the fact that you are looking forward for this celebration. If you are married and dream about your wedding that happened in the past, it shows that you missed the old good times you had with your partner. The wedding could also represent the new ideas the dreamer has, or commitments he made. Some people who are not married, but dream about the wedding have these dreams very often, because of the desires. If you attend into someone’s wedding during your dream and enjoy the time there, then it means that you support the relationships of these people. Sometimes the wedding could indicate the dreamer’s desire to be in the center of the attention.

If you dreamed of a weevil this symbolizes losses and misfortune in career or false and untrue love.