Many authors believe that dreaming of flying lark, means the arrival of good times for our relationships. Also it is considered very bad for our emotional hopes to see the lark going down sharply. And if we see the lark on land, we must be prudent in our actions.

To dream of the bird swallow means that you should try harder in your life instead of flying around. Otherwise, the dream shows that you wish to be free just like a bird.

Seeing larks flying in a dream symbolizes high aspirations. If they fall during flight, then it indicates desperation will appear among your pleasure and joy. Hearing larks singing in a dream indicates success in business. You will find happiness in a change of environment. Seeing a wound or dead lark in a dream denotes sadness and gloom. Dreaming we kill a lark means loss of innocence.

To see lark, passerine bird, is flying, denotes rapid elevation in society.

…Dreaming of seeing white swans floating upon placid waters, foretells prosperous outlooks and delightful experiences. To see a black swan, denotes illicit pleasure, if near clear water. A dead swan, foretells satiety and discontentment To see them flying, pleasant anticipations will be realized soon….

Dreaming of an eagle at our side is a sign of prosperity. If in the dream an eagle attacks you, it means you will receive news about illness or death. If you see the eagle flying above your head, it means you’ll get wealth and security.

The wings are interpreted very similar to the dream meaning of flying, depending on the circumstances of the dream. It usually foretells about the need for freedom, your own space and independence. Perhaps you wish to fly away from everything and escape the current situation. You’ve got problems in your life. The flapping of the wings that is very quit, shows easy and stable flight, but the loud sound of the flapping signifies unhappiness.

…(See Steeple) To dream of going upon a high tower, and looking off on a beautiful landscape, foretells that you will acquire land either by purchase or inheritance: if you look off upon the water, it is a sign of a journey by sea, during which you will acquire riches: if birds are flying around the tower, they foretell so many troubles. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 58….

When we see them flying, then it reveals that our spirit is light, weightless and understandable for all of the spiritual things. If they are white, then it announces greatness and happiness. If they are black, then it symbolizes afflictions and delays in business.

To dream of flying a kite implies a some of the great luck that is stored for you.

If you see a turkey in a dream, then such dream shows that you have been silly. Perhaps you are unable to see things vividly. The flying turkey in a dream denotes to misbalance. If the turkey is dead, then it shows that you will lose the respect. If you were hunting the turkey, then it foretells about the achievement you will get through unfair behavior. Consider that turkey is also a symbol of the celebration such as Thanksgiving, where everyone gets to meet each other.

To see the angel is the warning to live a better life, be good to others and believe in God. To see an angel that is flying over you or your house, happiness, joy, and overall success in all aspects of your life.

…To dream of seeing one of these birds of night in a roosting position, is a sign that you ^all discover an important secret that relates to yourself: to see an owl flying foretells that some secret of your own will get out. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3….

…To see larks flying, denotes high aims and purposes through the attainment of which you will throw off selfishness and cultivate kindly graces of mind. To hear them singing as they fly, you will be very happy in a new change of abode, and business will flourish. To see them fall to the earth and singing as they fall, despairing gloom will overtake you in pleasure’s bewildering delights. A wounded or dead lark, portends sadness or death. To kill a lark, portends injury to innocence through wantonness. If they fly around and light on you, Fortune will turn her promising countenance towards you. To catch them in traps, you will win honor and love easily. To see them eating, denotes a plentiful harvest….

To dream you see pigeons is a good sign, to dream that you see pigeons flying, denotes hearty news.

If you saw larks that were flying in a dream, then such dream indicates huge expectations. Perhaps you have a vision of what you wish to achieve. When you see the larks that are falling down, then such dream indicates the desperation which will come unexpected. If you heard the larks in a dream, then such dream promises great professional endeavors. Perhaps you will get the success without much of the effort. If the larks are dead in a dream, then it symbolizes the sorrow and grief. When you kill the lark, then it shows the mistakes you will do.

The fly is interpreted the same as it is interpreted the flying meaning, so please see that.

…Misfortune and disgrace, notable for the husband, to whom this dream foretells his wife’s temptations, while to the wife it announces that her husband closes his eyes upon her improprieties that she shall not watch him. When flying, danger of death to the person toward whom their flight is directed. Hear them cawing, sign of sadness….

…Dreaming of turkeys suggests that soon there will be good business made. Dreaming of turkeys ready to be sold is announcement of important earnings, but if they look sick, thin, or dead then it indicates the complete opposite. Dreaming of eating turkey in some kind of stew announces an upcoming joyful party. Dreaming of turkeys flying insinuates that the dreamer is on his or her way to ascend to a better economic and social positon. But if the dreamer is shooting the turkeys or trying to kill them, then it indicates unscrupulousness and desire of wealth that may not be easily achieved. Dreaming of a peacock precisely discovers the attitude and behavior of the dreamer, meaning that the dreamer is dominated by vanity and that he or she doesn’t think much about work or self-improvement, the dreamer only thinks about luxury, fun, etc., which may be acceptable during his…