…Dreaming of looking upon clear, shining stars, foretells good health and prosperity. If they are dull or red, there is trouble and misfortune ahead. To see a shooting or falling star, denotes sadness and grief. To see stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously, there will be some strange changes and happenings in your near future. If you dream that a star falls on you, there will be a bereavement in your family. To see them rolling around on the earth, is a sign of formidable danger and trying times….
Dream dictionary: dream of a strange dog trying to bite me dream meanings
To dream about a fantasy world, may symbolize that your mind is trying to highlight what is normal and what is abnormal. On the other hand, the dream about fantasy world may be telling you to expand your thinking and use your imagination and creativity. You need to find a way and solution for better future. Dreaming about Fantasy suggests you to explore more options, think about all your options no matter how strange or illogical and absurd it may be.
…now no longer strange to her, and she found herself turning first to the right and then to the left in the most familiar and natural manner possible, until she came to 119th Street, where her anxious eyes immediately travelled to the house she imagined was her own. It was a mass of flames, and at one of the windows she saw the white and agonised faces of her husband and children.With the fury of a tigress she beat and pushed her way through the dense crowd of fugitives, whom she besought but besought in vain to assist her in the rescue of her family. Eventually she arrived opposite her house. Her husband and youngest child were still at the window clawing frantically at the iron bars, through which neither of them could crawl, and as soon as they saw her they yelled and grinned, and thrust out…
…For farmers Dreaming of the devil, denotes blasted crops and death among stock, also family sickness. Sporting people should heed this dream as a warning to be careful of their affairs, as they are likely to venture beyond the laws of their State. For a preacher, this dream is undeniable proof that he is over-zealous, and should forebear worshiping God by tongue-lashing his neighbor. Dreaming of the devil as being a large, imposingly dressed person, wearing many sparkling jewels on his body and hands, trying to persuade you to enter his abode, warns you that unscrupulous persons are seeking your ruin by the most ingenious flattery. Young and innocent women, should seek the stronghold of friends after this dream, and avoid strange attentions, especially from married men. Women of low character, are likely to be robbed of jewels and money by seeming strangers. Beware of associating with the devil,…
…sphere represents the company of a revered man. Seeing the tenth celestial sphere or the all-encompassing sphere in a dream means meeting the greatest ruler. Orbiting a celestial sphere or a galaxy or seeing them in a dream means rising in station and honor, attaining one’s goals, or increase in one’s power. If one sees the all-encompassing sphere in a dream, it means that he will meet the Almighty Lord, the Master of the universes, God Almighty Himself or become the intimate friend of the greatest ruler in the world. If one sees himself in a dream changing the order of stars, galaxies or constellations, it means being unjust or trying to obscure the truth. If a woman sees herself under the first celestial sphere in a dream, it means that she will marry someone from the ruling class. (Also see Constellations, Dog | Moon | Skies | Star)…
Dreaming that you are fishing sardines unsuccessfully, announces failures in different fields. Dreaming of trying to fish sardines with a fishing net and other people trying to do the same thing may mean that there is a very strong competition around you and that your business and affairs are at risk. When it comes to love, it warns you of the presence of dangerous rivals, and in the case of businesses, it means that there are competitors who are ready to fight. Dreaming that you caught plenty of fish with a net announces major profits and success. If the dreamer is married or has a solid relationship and is dreaming of sardines, then it usually indicates that the dreamer feels unjustified jealousy.
…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you dont pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, its possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…
In the dream to see that you are eloping means that you are trying to escape from the circle of problems in your daily life. You are trying to maintain some sort of harmony and balance in aspects of your spiritual, emotional and daily life.
Dreaming that a clown is trying to joke but is secretly trying to rip-off the dreamer, suggests that reaching a high status in society will be difficult to achieve. Dreaming of being dressed as a clown suggests that there are serious mistakes being made in both business and in love relationships.
To dream that you are trying to solve the crossroad puzzle means that you are trying to find the solution to some issue. You are enjoying by looking for the answers. Perhaps you are very energetic person.
To dream of the brick, denotes to your independence and creativity. The proficiency that you had in life has stiffened you. If in a dream you were building the wall that is made of bricks, then it means you are trying to secure yourself from the outside world. Maybe someone has hurt you in the past, therefore you are trying to protect yourself. The dream about bricks could also show the tough personality you have, at least for those around you, even if you are very sensitive on the inside, but do not show it to others.
…Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesnt indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should be careful with the enemies you already know. Dreaming that a watch is broken is a threat that means that youll have several losses in business or any other affairs youre handling. Dreaming that the crystal of a watch falls off your hands suggests enmities, false friends, and that your own carelessness will make you have losses. Dreaming that your watch is stolen suggests that dangerous enemies will attempt to do things against you from the dark, to damage your integrity and disturb the peacefulness of your house. Dreaming that you flatter a clock suggests that youre trying to…
…you. To dream that someone else is driving you, symbolizes the dependency on something. If you know the person, which is driving, then maybe the dream shows your dependence on this person. Think about control of your life. Are you in control of your life or is someone else? Are you following the goals of others instead of your own? If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it represents that you are trying to be in control. Maybe you have lost it for some time, but now it is time to get back it. Are you trying to achieve full control of the route that your life is taking? Perhaps you have started to make your own choices. To dream that you are driving a cab or bus represents boring labor with little chances for advancement. To dream that you are driving a car in…
To see hay in your dream embodies the hard work. Maybe you are working hard right now. Alternatively, hay announces the necessity of hard work. You should know that nothing in life comes easy. Third meaning is about being the desperation. Maybe you are feeling hopeless about a situation. This is why you need to do a lot of work. Your worries will go away after job will become done. On the other hand, hay shows the need to develop your maternal instincts. If you are man, then maybe you need to increase your masculine energy. Also, hay may be the symbol of your sexual impulses. Instead of various interpretations, dreaming about hay might be induced by your subconscious mind, which is trying to send you a message. Your mind may be trying to call your attention to something.
…(Sauna | Steam room | Sweat room | Rest room) Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream brings benefits. If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or searching for a woman to partake in it, then suffering its consequence. If the bathhouse is heated and the water is lukewarm in the dream, it represents his family’s compassion toward him, trying to help him out of his breach. If the bathhouse is cold and if its water is cold in the dream, it means that his family has ostracized or banished him. If one witness the hot water pipes breaking, whereby he could not control the flow of water in the dream, it means that someone will betray him with his wife, though he will keep trying to control the situation, but to no avail. A water leak from the boiler that…
If you see a shovel in a dream, then it shows that you are trying to find who you are and what you are able to do. This time of your life you are in a progress while trying to find things that are appropriate and true to you. On the other hand, the dream could show you that you give too much pressure for yourself.
The costume in dreams represents the image you are trying to create in order to make some impression. Perhaps you do not want to show who you actually are and trying to make the image of someone else. Consider to pay attention in what kind of costume you were wearing.
In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.
To dream that you see yourself being in the temple, means that you are trying to find the spiritual aspects of your personality. You try to find the connection between yourself and other world that is unknown to us. The temple could also indicate the new phases of your life that you are trying to understand and pass.
If you dream of an anesthesia it is a sign that you are not dealing with the problems you have , but instead putting them aside. This dream could also tell you that there is something in your life you are trying to escape and afraid to take responsibility for it. Make sure you take the obligation for something that has to be done without trying to avoid it. You should grow up and understand that problems do not solve if you do not put any effort in it.
The diary in a dream, represents the memories, the past and secrets we are hiding. Perhaps you are trying to look back at your history in order to find some answers or you are trying to get some privacy while making important decisions. Please see also the meaning of journal.
The gloves indicates the protection you are trying to put on yourself. The gloves are used as the protection from coldness, dirt and infections, therefore you are trying to look after yourself by using these gloves. Sometimes the gloves shows that you try to pretend someone you are not, or you wish to do something bad, but by using gloves you think you will hide it perfectly. The condition of the gloves also tells a lot about the dream.
In the dream to do something in a workshop, means the process of developing your skills. To see a workshop in your dream, has the symbolic significance of being developed and skillful. Alternatively, workshop in the dream represents your exploration of yourself. Maybe you are trying to understand what you have and who you are. Are you trying to find out these aspects?
…If you wore the jacket in a dream, then such dream indicates the concept you are trying to create. Perhaps you really care the way you look and what others thing about your image. On the other hand, the dream could show how you are sheltering yourself from the outside world. Maybe you do not want to show some aspects of your personality or trying to create completely different view about who you are. The better explanation of the dream could be interpreted if the color and style of the jacket was known….
To dream that you are writing some kind of words or sentences means that you are trying to express the emotions you were keeping to yourself. Perhaps you need to let out your feelings and tell the things you are thinking of. If you see some words that are written, you are trying to understand something.
…The dream about window denotes to new hopes, expectations and possibilities. If you look through the window in a dream, then it shows how you are trying to absorb the outside world and what possibilities it brings to you. Probably at this time of your life you are trying to make some important solution to particular problem, and the look through the window helps you while thinking about it. The dream in which you look through the window could also indicate the necessity to explore the world and life as it is. If you looked at the window as the mirror, then it foretells how you are seeking the answers of which you are deep down in your soul. Such dream also brings out the spiritual aspects of your personality. The dream, in which you shut down the windows, denotes to the closure you have made towards particular problem…
The lock usually indicates something you are trying to hide. Alternatively the lock could indicate the fact that you are trying to get into something important, but facing the barriers such as finding the lock. If you have a key from this lock, you will go through everything very easily.
To dream that you are trying to find something in your locker means that you are trying to fill the gap in your waking life, because there is something missing in it. If you are unable to find the thing you are looking for in this locker, it means that you have some troubles that are hard to be solved, however you will find solution to it shortly. If you are getting rid of the stuff that is in this locker, it means that you are changing your life completely. If you are unable to unlock your locker because the lock is broken, or you cant find the key, then it means that you lost control of your own life.
…Dreaming of mending or darning something that is old and dirty, suggests that you are trying to correct mistakes that are too late to be corrected. However if you are mending something that is new and clean, then it suggests that the mistakes will be corrected promptly, which will give you the success you want. Dreaming of wearing clothes that have been mended suggests that the dreamer is careless with him or others. Dreaming of others wearing mended clothes announces poverty, sadness or upcoming bad times for the dreamer. A young woman who dreams of mending a new dress is a warning that means difficulties precisely when shes waiting for an era of prosperity. If youre trying to hide clothing patches in your dream, then it may mean that your bad mood is going to harm you in some way. If you see someone sewing clothes, socks, etc. in…
If you dream of the yard sale, it means that you are trying to get rid of things in your life or emotions that cause you negative feelings. The yard sale that is made by other people shows that you are trying to get the advice from others.
The head in dream is a very important symbol, which represents the qualities of the dreamer such as intelligence, wisdom, mind rational thinking. The dream could also signify the view dreamer has about his own image. If someone is trying to rip your head off, then such dream symbolizes some situation in your waking life which you are not able to acknowledge. There is possibility that you are trying to avoid in seeing the reality. The dream suggests you to start looking at things the way they are, instead of fantasizing that everything is fine and there is no need to do something.
When you dream of seeing yourself hiding from something, then such dream indicates something you are actually trying to hide. Perhaps you are afraid to face some situation, therefore you think it is better to hide instead of dealing with it. The dream could also show that you are already trying to face the truth, because you dream about this matter. If you see someone hiding in a dream, then such dream might represent the necessity for care that you are looking for. If you are hiding from some of the authorities, then you probably are feeling guilty and ashamed about some matter.
…To feel your pulse, when you are dreaming, has meaning of worry, nervousness, unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. In addition, pulse is the symbol for some sort of anxiety in your waking life. Dreaming that you are feeling someone else’s pulse, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are trying to make the connection with that person. Perhaps this person has some aspects, which you are trying to incorporate into yourself….
If you dream of M.D. it shows that you are looking for help and trying to make things better of your health or your life. The dream could also be understood as the suggestion to look after your health and check your doctor. If you are feeling physically sick in your dream, it means that you are trying to understand your body and mind. In some cases the dream about M.D. could show that you are going on the right track while dealing with your spirituality.
…Dreaming of an enormous depth, abyss or precipice is always a warning of upcoming dangers. The best thing you can do after one of these dreams is to stay prepared, watchful. But always serene, waiting for whatever the dream was trying to announce. Usually these dreams reveal themselves in no more than two weeks. Dreaming of being at the edge of a cliff or abyss is usually a warning that some enemies are trying to hurt the dreamer. Dreaming of depths or abyss also suggests that the dreamer has an altered mental state and, if left untreated, he or she could suffer from psychological shocks or panic for almost any reason. The following interpretations are for the case that the dreamer, male or female, enjoys of reasonable good health and that is not being affected by serious concerns: Dreaming of falling off a cliff is an announcement that something…
To veil someone in a dream means that you are trying to hide some important matter. To veil could also represent the things you are trying to find out.
You are trying to shut you down on yourself or trying to hide a situation or idea that can embarrass you if it´s made public. This dream reflects fear and need for external protection.
…To dream that you’re in a hypnotic state and therefore under the power of someone suggests that someone actually is trying to drive you to make mistakes in order to achieve his/her personal benefits. This dream is considered a warning. When a young girl dreams that she’s in a hypnotic state and therefore subject to be under someone elses power, it suggests that she should examine her friends to discover who is trying to cause her problems. To dream that you’re a spectator at a hypnotism or healing session suggests that your affairs and health require immediate attention….
If the veil is of someone we known, then it announces the marriage of this person. If it is made for a child, then it announces his baptism. If we do not know the person who is wearing the veil, then such dream represents some hidden secrets we are trying to figure out. If you see yourself wearing the veil, then you have a desire to make a bond with someone or alternatively, the dream could show that you are trying to hide something.
…The dream about the clothes usually represents how we see ourselves in society and the way we wish to present ourselves. The clothes could also indicate the moods we have depending on what kind of color or style clothing we are wearing. The one who buys clothes in his dream denotes to the choices he has made and the way he wish to present himself. We can buy any kind of the clothes, depending of the way we wish to present ourselves. If you are changing clothes in a dream, then such dream indicates the changing moods and behavior of the dreamer. The items you have chosen to change represent the changing spirits of the dreamer. If the clothes are dirty and you are trying to get rid of the stains, then such dream indicates the features in your personality you wish to change or remove. Perhaps the dream…