If you dreamed of the glass that has stains on it, then such dream indicates the moment of things getting better. On the other hand, the dream shows that you are looking for something in life, where you could be lead by somebody else.

If you dream that you take it out of the bottom of the sea is interpreted as the harbinger of an extraordinary gain but that will have to be achieved with risk and effort on your part. Interestingly, some authors suggest that if you dreamed you are giving coral stones, or you someone give them to you, symbolizes that lies and falsehood will be installed in that relationship.

If you dreamed of being on stage, then such dream shows your relationship with other people, and representation of who you are. The way you behave on the stage, is the way you wish to be recognized in your waking life. Consider, that being on stage also shows the desire of the dreamer to be noticeable and known by those around you. If you looked at the stage, but did not go on it, because you felt better staying beside the stage, then it means that there is self-trust issues you have to deal with. Make sure you get self confidence.

If you dreamed of saving bonds, then such dream indicates the attachment, dedication and commitment you have made with some other person.

If you dreamed of the stag, then such dream shows the uplifting mood you bring to others. The dream might also indicate the kingdom features you are carrying within yourself.

If you dreamed of seeing a staff that is dependent on you, then such dream indicates the power and big influence you carry on other people. On the other hand, the dream of seeing a staff, indicates the trip you are taking and acknowledging or accepting other people around you.

…Some time ago I dreamed I left my body, and, after travelling at a great rate through the still night air, arrived at the sphere I designate phantomania. The spot where I settled down was a lonely railway cutting, and I at once remarked on the loud moaning and sighing of the wind through the telegraph wires, and the curious jar, jar, jar of the iron railroad; and the metals which grew less and less like ordinary metals the longer I looked at them, suddenly became imbued with life, and, rising on end, rushed blindly hither and thither and then lay down again. Presently I heard whistle of an approaching train. Nearer, nearer, and nearer it came, and as it whizzed past me all the passengers put their heads out of the windows simultaneously, and burst into peal upon peal of mad, hilarious laughter. There was then a tremendous…

…I often dream of the same town. Sometimes all the inhabitants appear wearing costumes of one colour, sometimes all appear wearing costumes of another colour, sometimes they all appear clad in black. Having dreamed one of these dreams quite recently, I append the following description:I found myself approaching the town from the direction of a desert. It was a glorious evening, and the walls and windows of the houses shone like burnished gold in the ruddy glow of the slanting sunbeams. But what impressed me on this occasion, over and above all, was the silence; it seemed assumed for a purpose and to be part of a plot, in which everyone and everything participated, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I was to be the victim of some unpleasant hoax. I cast my eyes in all directions — there was not a soul to be seen — the…

…I dreamed one night I left my material body, which I saw lying stretched before me on the bed, and that after patting it affectionately on the head; I mounted the window-sill and dived head first into the blackness of the night. Down, down, down I went, the cold air whistling and humming about my ears till I thought the drums would burst.Down, down, eternally down, till all became hushed and silent as the grave, and I perceived to my amazement that the earth was fast disappearing in the distance, and that I was rapidly approaching one of the other planets. Dropping gently, I alighted on a tiny hillock, and discovered I was on an islet that lay in the midst of a sparkling, amethyst ocean. All around me were flowers; pink and white roses, pansies, forget-me-nots, carnations, and many others known only in Dreamland. A breeze, laden with…

If you dreamed of the squid, then it means that you feel afraid of something. Probably you are unable to see things well and the way they actually are. On the other hand, the dream may indicate your desire to get what you want all the time no matter what other people are getting from it. Consider to get along with others and remember to think about them either instead of thinking only about yourself.

If you dreamed of squeezing something, then such dream may indicate the pressure you feel from others and unable to move easily. On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally. Probably you or somebody else gets this stress. Consider that the dream of squeezing may be a reflection of the relationships you are in, where you or somebody else is being squeezed.

…I have always tried to remember the dreams I have had in the delirium of fever and illness, and in many of these dreams there has figured the same woman — clad in black, with long, flowing, black hair, and wild animal eyes — eyes that might have be-longed to a woman of the stone age. Thrice, before the deaths of those I have loved, I have dreamed that this same woman has glided up to my bedside and bitten and pinched me. And on each occasion I have awakened with the sting of her sharp, cruel teeth, and her hard, bony fingers burning into my flesh. Can she, I ask myself, be the banshee? But to revert to my deliriums, the deliriums of my youth, in chicken-pox, and measles, and of my later days, in rheumatic fever, dysentery, and severe colds. Apart from this woman in black, who…

If you dreamed of some kind of tragedy, then it symbolizes the fails and disturbances.

If you dreamed of seeing a spy, then such dream shows the mistrust you have towards the others. It could also mean that you are the person who likes to be interested in other people endeavors and lives. Probably you found out something that has nothing to do with you or something you were not supposed to know. If you saw somebody spying on you, then such dream warns you to be careful with those you are surrounded by. On the other hand, the dream may be an indication of your tendency to do things in a rush without thinking of the circumstances.

If you dreamed of seeing a sprinkling, then such dream symbolizes the new beginning. What has been growing for a while now will give the results you hope for.

…To extract any definite information from an idiot as to his dreams is next to impossible, and after many and sundry vain efforts I have had to desist. From what I have been told, however, by one who had charge of an idiot, the latter used very often to dream he was being chased by something alarming, that he was in danger of being drowned, and that he had all his toys taken from him. The idiot was often ill after the drowning dream, and very fretful and bad-tempered after dreaming he had lost his toys. The grimaces and noises he made in his sleep were generally more shocking than those he made when awake — often, indeed, most terrifying. Once, and that a day or two before he had an accident, he evidently dreamed he was flying, for he sat up in bed and flapped his arms up…

If you dreamed of the spring, then such dream shows the new starts of something important. It is also the dream of birth and renewal as on the spring everything in the nature wakes up. The dream shows that you are able to use all of your productivity.

…To dream the object of one’s affections is clothed in light blue or yellow signifies they are fickle; in dark blue or gold, that they are constant. To present to or receive from the object of one’s affections, or to see him or her wearing a convolvulus, yellow rose, poppy, or daffodil means he or she is inconstant. On the other hand, if in the place of these flowers are buttercups, white roses, or sweet peas, it means he or she is true. To dream one is kissing one’s sweetheart portends inconstancy on the part of the dreamer; to dream one sees one’s sweetheart kissing, or being kissed, by someone else, foretells the inconstancy of the one dreamed about:To dream one is dancing with the object of one’s affection means that the latter is, or will be, guilty of carrying on a flirtation with someone else. To dream of…

If the person you dreamed of is young means that your hands will reach a lot of money. If the person is young and dark-skinned, you’ll have good health for a long time. If you are an adult dreaming of being a teenager indicates that you act in an immature way.

To see the symbol that is unknown, denotes to confusion, fear and misbalance. You are unable to recognize the situation you are in at the moment and cannot find the solution to the certain problem. Consider what kind of the symbol you saw in a dream, as that would give more cleared dreamed information.

More than the piano, in this dream is more important the music that is heard, because it is always a good omen. It is an omen of happiness and consideration and if is dreamed by a person with spiritual aspirations is a sign of piety and elevation.

…To see a sunflower in your dream, symbolizes warmth, abundance, longevity, and prosperity. The sunflower also serves to point you in the right direction and is a source of spiritual guidance. Even through difficult times, you will persevere. Alternatively, the sunflower may denote If you dreamed of the sunflower, then such dream indicates wellness, prosperity, richness and long life. The sunflower also always goes to the right direction where the sun is shining, therefore the dreamer is going to the right direction. Alternatively, the sunflower could be an indicator of arrogance the dreamer has. Beware of rejection from others because of your false presence. You may be deceived by the false appearance of others….

If you dreamed that you are the bookkeeper, then it shows your desire to get your life sorted. On the other hand, the dream may signify the necessity to take some duties or responsibilities in your life.

If you dreamed about South America, then such dream indicates the actual trip you are going to take or the barriers you will have to face while traveling from one point to another one.

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

If you dreamed of the sun, then it symbolizes the joy, tranquility, peace, healthiness and overall happiness. The sun is the symbol of vitality and life, especially if it was shinning in a dream.

Ever since the case of dreaming with a hat as a male sex symbol, to dream with its power or the preventive means of pregnancy. Excepting this case, the hat generally refers to a sign of distinction of social character linked with ideas or behaviors of whom we dreamed of. If we wear a ridiculous hat, then it reveals that inside us exists a ridiculous attitude that everyone knows except ourselves. To see ourselves with a military hat reveals an authoritarian sense out of place. A cup hat is a sign of an inordinate conceit and pretensions.

If you dreamed of being a superhero, then it means that you have some super abilities and did not show them yet, because of the lack of self-confidence or shame. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.

The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person you’ve been with for some time.

The swans are seen as the good symbol of youth, love and grace. The one who dreamed of swans will have honorable future fulfilled with love and other positive feelings.

In the language of dreams, the heart means the deepest feelings. But many authors consider that if we dreamed of a diseased heart it may be the intuition telling us of an incubating disease that, either in ourselves or in the dearest person for us. Dreaming that we give our heart indicates that we are fully ready to offer our life for love.

…To dream of the loss of property, is a sign of good luck, and you may calculate to acquire as much, as you dreamed was lost, for such dreams always work contrariwise. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45, 1, 14….

Most authors agree that when we dreamed that something is tearing down or collapsing portends a disappearance or loss in our lives, whether in economics or in relation to our health. The details of what was demolished can indicate us the type of loss.

…Dreaming of trees in new foliage, foretells a happy consummation of hopes and desires. Dead trees signal sorrow and loss. To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest….

…To see a rosebush in foliage but no blossoms, denotes prosperous circumstances are enclosing you. To see a dead rosebush, foretells misfortune and sickness for you or relatives….

…Dreaming of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat….

…To dream of this East India animal, denotes success to the man of business, but disappointment in love matters; but to dream they injure you, is unfavourable to the dreamer. If you dream you see one dead, you’ll soon leave a relative. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47….

…to need the person seeing the dream who will save him from a foreseeable danger, or help him to recover from an illness. Slaughtering a ram in a dream means recovering from an illness. Carrying a ram over one’s head in a dream means caring or managing the business or accounts of a noble and a rich person. Riding a ram and driving it at will in a dream means conquering a great person. If one sees a ram riding him in a dream, then it means that such a great and powerful person will rise above him and control his life. Breaking the horns of a ram in a dream means weakening a powerful person. Fighting with a ram in a dream also means fighting with a powerful person. Whoever wins the fight in the dream, will eventually win it in wakefulness. Seeing a dead ram in a dream…

…in his legs in a dream, it means longevity. If one’s foot is wounded in the dream, it means that his authority and control will become firmer. If one receives a cut and no blood runs out of his wound in a dream, it means that the assailant will say something true about his victim, representing the answer the person in the dream needs to realize. A bleeding wound in a dream also means being subject to backbiting, though what will be said is true. If one sees an angel piercing his stomach with a sword, whereby he thinks that he is dead in the dream, it means that he may suffer from an ulcer which will ultimately heal. If the sword inflicts a wound in his neck in a dream, it means prosperity which will mostly benefit his progeny. (Also see Horizontal wound | Surgery | Vertical wound)…

…a kind person in his life. Catching a swallow in a dream also means being unjust toward one’s wife. Eating a swallow in a dream represents a fight. If one sees swallows flying away from his house in a dream, it means that his wife or a relative will abandon him, or separate from him and travel away from that town. In general, swallows and starlings in a dream represent people who are financially comfortable, or they could represent death, grief, or good deeds, movement, chanting, benevolence, or weddings. Seeing a swallow in a dream also may mean marriage to a trustworthy woman, or it could represent a good household manager. If one is transformed into a swallow in a dream, it means that thieves will rob his house. Seeing a dead swallow in a dream is a warning to revert one’s actions and to engage in doing good….