To hear a wail, when you are dreaming, has meaning of sadness and pain in those who are around you. If you are wailing in the dream, then it may signalize that you can freely release sad emotions. Anything that may not be appropriate in your waking life can be eliminated easily.
Dream dictionary: dreaming of a person in a coffin waking up again dream meanings
To dream about tornado means that you are in emotional turbulence. Perhaps you feel very confused about some situation in your waking life. Some people who have unhealthy relationships and fighting a lot dream about twister, because it is the part of their lives.
If you eat the garlic in a dream, then such dream represents your desire for security and safety. Perhaps you do not feel safe at some aspect of your waking life. The dream in which you see the garlic patch shows the incensement of your business or project you are working n at the moment.
If you dream that you are playing some games, then such dream shows the principles and regulations you have while living in your waking life. There is also a possibility that you are looking for some fun.
To dream about being turned in could represent the lack of sex in your waking life. Alternatively, if someone have turned you in, it could mean that you are feeling controlled by others.
To dream of seeing an infant means that you need to look after yourself or have an urge to take care of someone. The dream in which you see yourself being pregnant, shows that you should look after yourself more and take care of your health. Sometimes the infant can represent some person in your waking life that is being taken care of by you a lot. In some dreams the infant could simply indicate your desire to have children. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of pregnant and baby.
The dream, in which you are taking the part of some game show, indicates the variations that need to be done in your waking life. Perhaps you are not sure about the thing the future is holding for you.
The tunnel in dreams is very interesting dream, because it shows our will to know more about unknown things. Sometimes the tunnel indicates the fear of unknowingness, but only if you felt scared during the dream. The tunnel could also be a symbol of the new phase in your waking life.
tranquility. Harmony and relationships. The dream about pheasant indicates these features that the dreamer has. He should put them into his personality or remove, depending on the circumstances of the dream and the feelings the one who is dreaming that has. This interpretation could be applied also for the other person in your waking life.
The gallows in the dreams represent disappointment you are suffering from, because you are not sure what the future holds. If someone has led you to the gallows, then such dream shows unexpected fails you will face in your waking life. The gallows could also indicate the betrayal that will be caused by someone you trust. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be ware with those around you.
…If in your dreams you enter a pawn-shop, you will find disappointments and losses in your waking moments. To pawn articles, you will have unpleasant scenes with your wife or sweetheart, and perhaps disappointments in business. For a woman to go to a pawn-shop, denotes that she is guilty of indiscretions, and she is likely to regret the loss of a friend. To redeem an article, denotes that you will regain lost positions. Dreaming that you see a pawn-shop, denotes you are negligent of your trust and are in danger of sacrificing your honorable name in some salacious affair….
When the dreamer sees himself gaging, then such dream represents the aspects, thoughts and emotions the one is not expressing in the waking life. On the other hand, the dream could also suggest you to keep your thoughts for yourself instead of minding not your own business.
To dream of seeing yourself sitting, indicates the confusion you have in your waking life, where you do not know how to act in a certain situation. Alternatively, the dream could indicate the tranquility you have within yourself, which is a good sign, because it helps you to keep your mind in peace.
The waiting as the symbol in dreams could be interpreted as the negative and positive omens, depending on the circumstances of your waking life. Try to figure out how you were feeling in a dream as it would give much more information about the meaning of the dream. If you felt positively in a dream, then it means that you are dedicated to some work you are doing or to the partner you are in relationships with. If you felt negatively in a dream while waiting, then it symbolizes your fear of unknowingness.
To dream of your sister-in-law, denotes to features she has and those you find within your own personality. It is also very important the relationships you have with her in your waking life, as it could tell much more about a dream. If you have a great friendship with your sister-in-law, then you have good qualities within yourself and the ones you like in her.
The furniture in dreams is showing your view towards yourself and those you are surrounded by. The dream represents the connection you have with other people and what part of your life they are taking in. The dream in which you are moving the furniture from one place to another, shows your effort to cater others. On the other hand, the dream may show your desire to make some changes in your waking life including the relationships you are in or position that you are taking at the moment. The furniture that is vintage or old signifies the conservative views of the dreamer. Perhaps the dreamer finds it hard to change the opinion about something particular or is unable to be more tolerant towards the others. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of the particular piece of furniture.
To dream of the sister, reflects the bond you have with your sister. The dream may indicate how close or apart you are with your siblings. If in your waking life you do not have a sister, then the dream may be an indication of your loneliness, where you have no one to talk to or cry the shoulder on. The dream about sister could also be related to the dream of the nun. In this case the dreamer has serious issues with the spirituality and beliefs has made.
The dream shows that you will face notable deterioration in your waking life.
To dream that you experience some kind of the crash, means that you are dealing with the difficulties in your waking life. If you have no injuries after the crash, you will avoid harsh consequences. The crash could also mean that you are unable to manage some situation, therefore you feel helpless.
The tripod is the indicator of harmony and balance in your waking life. The tripod that is broken or damaged in any other way, foretells about unpleasant issues you have to deal with.
To dream that you see iguana, means that you are able to adapt in various circumstances. You have an ability to control the situation staying calm and relaxed. Sometimes iguana indicates the other person in your waking life who has these qualities. You admire this person very much and wish to have some of the features that he or she has.
To dream that you are watching Tyra Banks Show means that you have some admiration for her personality and wish to obtain them into yourself. Sometimes we dream about things that we think or watch a lot in our waking life, in this case the dream is simply a reflection of our dream. The Tyra Banks show could also indicate your desire to become famous.
If you have won some place in the competition, you will succeed in whatever you do in your waking life. You will be the winner.
The garnet in dreams is the symbol of growth, dedication and loyalty. If the dreamer sees the garnet, then such dream promises growth in all aspects of your waking life.
When you see the gecko in a dream, then such dream represents confirmation and deal of some situation in your waking life.
The bear, especially polar one shows that you feel afraid or even scared about some matter in your waking life. Some things seems that are very far away from you and sounds scary.
The dream about the show that is called David Letterman show, means that you are the person who like to socialize with others a lot. Some people who watch a lot of television dream about the previous shows they saw before they went to bed. In this case the dream means nothing, it simply shows the reflection of your waking life.
If the accelerator works the way it should work-perfectly, then you will cope with your waking life issues perfectly. The one that doesnt work indicates minor problems.
…means there are certain features in this person you recognize in yourself. It means that you must recognize these issues and get rid of them as soon as it is possible. If you see your relatives such as your parents or children being dead in a dream, then it means you are afraid of losing these people too soon. Every one of us has many things to say to our relatives before they are passing away, therefore the dream suggests to tell it now and do not wait for the last moment. If you dream of seeing people that are dead in the waking life, but you see them being alive in a dream, then it means you are longing for these people, therefore you are fantasying and seeing them alive. To get the better dream interpretation about dead meaning, please also see the symbolism of Dying or Die….
If you dream of the warden, then such dream symbolizes the protector that is looking after you. Consider that the warden could also represent the way you are acting, which means that you are protecting others in your waking life or somebody is looking after you.
When we pray in dreams it is because we feel guilty of something that we do not want to reveal in a waking life. It can also mean that we are in a compromising situation and we do not know how to get out of it. Maybe we expect some miraculous intervention to take us out of trouble.
If you dream that you unlock something, it shows the secrets that are being revealed. If you unlock something that you shouldnt unlock, because it doesnt belong to you, you will take some risks in your waking life that might be even dangerous. Think twice before you put yourself into unknown situation.
The sofa in dreams is the symbol of relaxation and rest. If you lay on the sofa and feeling good about your resting time, it shows that perhaps you wish to have a break because you feel very tired. Sometimes the sofa could indicate the lack of privacy in your waking life, perhaps you wish to be on your own more.
The dates are the symbols of happiness within your waking life. The fruit such as dates also show your desire to be in harmony. If you were eating dates in a dream, then it shows suffer you will have. Perhaps the dream shows your wish to have much more than you could afford. Make sure you appreciate other things such as honesty and friendship and do not concentrate only on material ones.
If you have got the tattoo in a dream, then such dream could reflect your real desire to get a tattoo. On the other hand, the dream could indicate your desire to be noticeable and seen by others. Many people look very similar and to get the tattoo is one of the ways to be individual. Those who have the tattoos in their waking life, know more about their meanings and importance as the symbols which represent them as the individuals.
To dream about playing the music means that you found some inner peace and tranquility with your waking life.
When you see the mud in dream, then such dream indicates the position that is very much in chaos. If you were walking in a mud, then such dream shows your tiredness of some situation or relationships. Perhaps you are no longer capable to confront those troubles. If you got yourself dirty with the mud, then it means you will lose the respect from certain people in your waking life.
If you are planting some garden in your dream, it means that you are making new plans in your waking life. Pay attention how much of the effort you put while planting the plants.
To dream of Jay Leno talk show and attending in means that you like hanging out with your friends. The Jay Leno could also indicate some person in your waking life who reminds you of this celebrity. The dream could also mean that you watch too many TV, therefore you keep dreaming of it. If you watched the show before you went to bed, this dream doesnt have any meaning.
To taste something bad, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of inability to strengthen or support yourself physically or mentally. Bad taste is sign that you need to put more energy in any efforts that you are going to make. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, the dream may be telling you to consider of what is causing this bad taste in your waking life.