To dream that you (or your partner) have a lover, suggests the unconscious desire to end your current relationship. On the other hand you feel neglected in the relationship. To dream that you are the lover indicates a desire to have an affair. Seeing a lover in the dream suggests that you are being cheated.
Dream dictionary: dreaming of your ex lover dream meanings
Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is beautiful but poor, implies that you want to have a rich partner. Dreaming youre in a relationship with a partner that is old but rich, means failure if you were to marry your current lover. Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is dead means doubts as to formalize your relationships.
Dreaming that you have a lover in an affair means that youll suffer from moral damages, your luck will be reversed, or a possible illness.
…Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend / ex-girlfriend or ex-husband / ex-wife or to dream that you and your ex got back together again, symbolizes that you have feelings to something or someone in your current life. Dreaming about ex, shows that now in your life is something or someone, that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. Also, dream about ex may be an alert for you. The dream may be a way of indicating you to the same or similar situation, behavior in a current relationship. If this is a reason, then you must apply this: what you have learned from that previous relationship with ex may need to be applied to the curent relationship, because only then you will not repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers in dreams often give special importance or prominence to the positive experiences you had with…
If you dream about your ex, it shows that you still have the feelings for this particular person. Sometimes the big amount of time has the influence to have these dreams, because it was the big part of your life, therefore it is very normal to dream about your ex and it means nothing, because it simply represents your past.
…Seeing an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in the dream, may have two a lot of meanings in relation to the feeling of dream. If the dream was good and the connection with ex-boyfriend was huge, then dream represents your longing of that feeling. Alternatively, it means that you are reliving the past in order to have better future. You are recharging yourself with old good emotions throughout your dream. When old connection with your ex of childhood was very simple and without big expectations then such dream represents your freedom. It refers to a freer, less overloaded relationship. The dream brings you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn’t restrict the spontaneity of youth and the romance of undiscovered feelings. You need to recollect the enthusiasm, freedom, and energy of youth that may be lacking in your current relationship. To dream that your ex-boyfriend…
Reconciliation with enemies, having wealthy patrons.
Profitable marriage.
If you do not have a romantic relationship, then it indicates that there are favorable prospects for happiness. Otherwise, this dream means there will be disputes and deceptions.
(See Pederasty)
Unsteadiness in love affairs.
…(See Stranger.) Dreams of kissing work curiously: if a girl dreams that she is kissed by a young man m whom she takes no particular interest, it may be a good omen, and it may not; for if he happens to be a silly fellow who imagines that she is in love with him, it is a sign she will be slandered in a way that will make her unhappy; but if he has no such sentiment, then the sign is exactly the reverse that is, someone will speak well of her to those whom she esteems highly perhaps to her lover. If a girl dreams she is kissed by her lover, it predicts that he will say something unpleasant to her at their next meeting; if a lover dreams that his sweetheart kisses him the sign is similar. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1….
…For a lover to find his lady’s garter, foretells that he will lose caste with her. He will find rivals. For a woman Dreaming that she loses her garter, signifies that her lover will be jealous and suspicious of a handsomer person. For a married man Dreaming of a garter, foretells that his wife will hear of his clandestine attachments, and he will have a stormy scene. For a woman Dreaming that she is admiring beautiful jeweled garters on her limbs, denotes that she will be betrayed in her private movements, and her reputation will hang in the balance of public opinion. If she dreams that her lover fastens them on her, she will hold his affections and faith through all adverse criticisms….
…To see the waltz danced, foretells that you will have pleasant relations with a cheerful and adventuresome person. For a young woman to waltz with her lover, denotes that she will be the object of much admiration, but none will seek her for a wife. If she sees her lover waltzing with a rival, she will overcome obstacles to her desires with strategy. If she waltzes with a woman, she will be loved for her virtues and winning ways. If she sees persons whirling in the waltz as if intoxicated, she will be engulfed so deeply in desire and pleasure that it will be a miracle if she resists the impassioned advances of her lover and male acquaintances….
…In the dream to find yourself in quicksand is bad omen and have symbolic significance that you will meet with loss and deceit. If you are unable to overcome quicksand in a dream, it symbolizes that you will be involved in overwhelming misfortunes. For a young woman to be rescued by her lover from quicksand, she will possess a worthy and faithful husband, who will still remain her lover….
…Dreaming of keys, denotes unexpected changes. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys, brings domestic peace and brisk turns to business. Broken keys, portends separation either through death or jealousy. For a young woman Dreaming of losing the key to any personal ornament, denotes she will have quarrels with her lover, and will suffer much disquiet therefrom. If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him. If she locks a door with a key, she will be successful in selecting a husband. If she gives the key away, she will fail to use judgment in conversation and darken her own reputation….
…light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. Dreaming of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. Dreaming of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self. If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend. For a young woman Dreaming that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage….
…Dreaming of age, no matter who it is, suggests that problems will arise soon. Dreaming about your own age indicates that the slanders of wicked people will create problems even with family. When a woman dreams that she is older than she actually is, it indicates how she has negative and false friendships that will end up harming her. When a woman dreams of herself being older than she actually is, it insinuates that soon she will suffer from an illness, or if the woman is young, she will have difficulties with her boyfriend, lover or husband. If a woman who dreams about her lover being older than he actually is, then it indicates that she is at risk of losing him. Dreaming of treating elderly people with kindness shows that the dreamer has a good character, which will pay off in sincere affection from others. Dreaming of lying…
…Dreaming that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause…
…will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer from the one of her choice. Dreaming of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that you are about to lose your lover by slowness to show your reciprocity, or your property from neglect of business. To see young calves in your dream, you will become a great favorite in society and win the heart of a loyal person. For business, this dream indicates profit from sales. For a lover, the entering into bonds that will be respected. If the calves are poor, look for about the same, except that the object sought will be much harder to obtain. Long-horned and dark, vicious cattle, denote enemies. See Calves….
…Dreaming of war, foretells unfortunate conditions in business, and much disorder and strife in domestic affairs. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover goes to war, denotes that she will hear of something detrimental to her lover’s character. Dreaming that your country is defeated in war, is a sign that it will suffer revolution of a business and political nature. Personal interest will sustain a blow either way. If of victory you dream, there will be brisk activity along business lines, and domesticity will be harmonious….
…To dream of pleasant and delicate perfumes, foreshadows sluttish habits in a woman: if a lover dreams of perfumes in connection with, the beloved object, it shows that when he marries, he will find her to be a slut. A girl who dreams this, will be apt to have a shiftless lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 11, 1….
…If an unmarried woman dreams that she sees her lover reflected in a mirror, it suggests that she’ll receive a love promise that may not be sincere. If married woman dreams that she sees her husband reflected in a mirror, it announces that she’ll experience moments of anguish because she doubts about her husband’s fidelity. When a young woman dreams that she’s looking at her own reflection in a mirror, it suggests that she desires to have an advantageous marriage but she won’t be able to, and if the woman is already married, her marriage will experience very serious problems and disagreements. When a man dreams that he’s looking at his reflection in a mirror, it indicates that he is mistreating his health; it may also indicate the same for his businesses and social relations, due to the mismanagement of his behavior. To dream that you’re breaking a mirror…
…If a young woman dreams she has got a new parasol, it predicts for her a new lover: if she imagines she has broken her parasol, her lover (if she has one) will leave her if not, then some male friend, in whom she placed confidence or derived advantage, will fail her: to a married woman, dreaming of a broken parasol is a very bad omen, as it predicts ruin to her husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34….
…hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance. For a woman Dreaming that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude. Dreaming that a lock of your hair turns gray and falls out, is a sign of trouble and disappointment in your affairs. Sickness will cast gloom over bright expectations. To see one’s hair turn perfectly white in one night, and the face seemingly young, foretells sudden calamity and deep grief. For a young woman to have this dream, signifies that she will lose her lover by a sudden sickness or accident. She will likely come to grief from some indiscretion on her part. She should be careful of her associates….
…To commit suicide in a dream, foretells that misfortune will hang heavily over you. To see or hear others committing this deed, foretells that the failure of others will affect your interests. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover commits suicide, her disappointment by the faithlessness of her lover is accentuated….
…Dreaming that you see a registered letter, foretells that some money matters will disrupt long-established relations. For a young woman Dreaming that she receives such a letter, intimates that she will be offered a competency, but it will not be on strictly legal, or moral grounds | others may play towards her a dishonorable part. To the lover, this bears heavy presentments of disagreeable mating. His sweetheart will covet other gifts than his own. Dreaming of an anonymous letter, denotes that you will receive injury from an unsuspected source. To write one, foretells that you will be jealous of a rival, whom you admit to be your superior. Dreaming of getting letters bearing unpleasant news, denotes difficulties or illness. If the news is of a joyous character, you will have many things to be thankful for. If the letter is affectionate, but is written on green, or colored, paper,…
…leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and surrounded with clouds suggests difficulties, particularly sentimental ones, at home or with others. Dreaming about an eclipsed moon announces diseases, perhaps epidemic ones. When a woman dreams with two moons, it suggests that soon she’ll break up with her lover because she’ll find out that there is another woman in his life. When a woman dreams about a red moon, a bloody moon, it suggests that she’ll lose her lover at war, a fight or an accident….
…(See Ice.) To dream of sliding on smooth ice, foretells good luck: if a girl dreams that a young man assists her in sliding, and that she enjoys it, she will soon get an agreeable lover; ragged or wet ice, or holes in the ice, foreshadow difficulties. If a girl dreams of falling down on the ice, and that her lover falls with her, and overtops her, they may as well go to the parson at once, and have the knot tied, as it is a sure thing to happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 28….
…Dreaming of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom, denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled. For a lover to place this rose in your hair, foretells that you will be deceived. If a woman receives a bouquet of damask roses in springtime, she will have a faithful lover | but if she received them in winter, she will cherish blasted hopes….
…relatives. For her Dreaming her lover weds another, foretells that she will be distressed with needless fears, as her lover will faithfully carry out his promises. For a person Dreaming of being wedded, is a sad augury, as death will only be eluded by a miracle. If the wedding is a gay one and there are no ashen, pale-faced or black-robed ministers enjoining solemn vows, the reverses may be expected. For a young woman Dreaming that she sees some one at her wedding dressed in mourning, denotes she will only have unhappiness in her married life. If at another’s wedding, she will be grieved over the unfavorable fortune of some relative or friend. She may experience displeasure or illness where she expected happiness and health. The pleasure trips of others or her own, after this dream, may be greatly disturbed by unpleasant intrusions or surprises. See Marriage and Bride….
…(See Water and Resuscitate) To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned, portends good to the dreamer; to the lover, good-tempered sweethearts and marriage; but to a girl it is a sign she should keep an eye on her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54, 18,1….
…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….
…If a young woman dreams that her lover places a locket around her neck, she will be the recipient of many beautiful offerings, and will soon be wedded, and lovely children will crown her life. If she should lose a locket, death will throw sadness into her life. If a lover dreams that his sweetheart returns his locket, he will confront disappointing issues. The woman he loves will worry him and conduct herself in a displeasing way toward him. If a woman dreams that she breaks a locket, she will have a changeable and unstable husband, who will dislike constancy in any form, be it business or affection,…
…To dream you see a person wearing a mask, is a sign of hypocrisy to the lover, it shows that his sweetheart loves someone better than himself; to a girl, it signifies that her lover is engaged to another. To married people, it portends infidelity to the wedding ring. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 8….
Dreaming of being angry suggests that the dreamer is temperamental and should be careful because it could hurt any affairs that are being managed regardless of what type they are. Dreaming that other people are angry insinuates that precautions should be taken in the matters that are being handled by the dreamer in order to avoid failures and setbacks. A woman that dreams that her lover is angry, suggests that there are problems with her friendships or with her lover.
…To dream of being chased by one of these animals, foretells that you will be cheated in a trade or bargain, if a girl dreaming of being frightened by a wolf, it shows that her lover (if she has one) is a bad man, and she had better discard him; if she has no lover, some black-hearted fellow will try to make her acquaintance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….
…Dreaming of sailors, portends long and exciting journeys. For a young woman Dreaming of sailors, is ominous of a separation from her lover through a frivolous flirtation. If she dreams that she is a sailor, she will indulge in some unmaidenly escapade, and be in danger of losing a faithful lover….
…Dreaming of coins without determining their value, usually indicates economic needs. Dreaming about gold coins, and if the value is distinguished, implies that the dreamer leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. Dreaming of silver coins without distinguishing a value, implies dubious business, uncomfortable compromises, and family problems. It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny. If a young woman dreams of her lover gifting her gold coins, it means that their marriage will be financially stable. If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, it warns that she must remain alert or soon hell cheat on her. Dreaming about several copper coins indicates arduous work that is not paid well. Dreaming of nickel coins or other similar metal implies intense activity, hard work, constant business, but of very low standards…
…Dreaming of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully. For a young woman Dreaming that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence | but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover….