…Dreaming of seeing convicts, denotes disasters and sad news. Dreaming that you are a convict, indicates that you will worry over some affair | but you will clear up all mistakes. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing her lover in the garb of a convict, indicates she will have cause to question the character of his love….

Dreaming of pencils, denotes favorable occupations. For a young woman to write with one, foretells she will be fortunate in marriage, if she does not rub out words | in that case, she will be disappointed in her lover.

…(Beloved | Enamored | Honey | Hostage | Lover | Platonic love) Love in a dream means trials and temptations. If one does something he loves in a dream, it means that he will engage in an act that has no limitations. If a man says to woman – “I love you,” in a dream, it means that he truly hates her. If one sees himself indulging and satisfying every desire he has and without feeling any restrictions in the dream, it means that he will stray from God’s path and lives a corrupt life. Love in a dream also means distress, worries and sorrow. Love in a dream also represents one’s ability to express something. Otherwise, it could mean that he keeps to himself. Love in a dream also means trials and fame that incurs people’s compassion for the person in love. Love in a dream also means…

…For a young woman to see a cooling board in her dreams, foretells sickness and quarrels with her lover. Dreaming of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, denotes she will be indirectly connected with that person in some trouble, but will find out that things will work out satisfactorily. To see her brother, who has long since been dead, rising from a cooling board, warns her of complications which may be averted if she puts forth the proper will and energy in struggling against them….

Dream of being married, or at a wedding, is interpreted as your desire to be attached to your lover. The wedding is also a sign of the actual marriage you are going to have soon.

If you dream of having difficulties while dealing with your ordinary life, then it could reflect the actual situation in your waking life. Perhaps there are many obstacles you have to deal with, therefore you even dream of it. If the difficulties you have has something to do with your significant other, then such dream indicates the need to be more open with your lover, otherwise the conflicts will lead you. Make sure you talk about things that don’t make you happy, but make sure you do not make any ultimatums.

Dreaming of imitations, means that persons are working to deceive you. For a young woman Dreaming some one is imitating her lover or herself, foretells she will be imposed upon, and will suffer for the faults of others.

To dream of playing with dice is a sign of disgrace, or that you will do some act that, if it is not bad in itself, will cause people to censure you for. To a young girl engaged to be married, dreaming, of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account.

To dream of the gallows, is a fortunate dream. It denotes happiness. If the lover: dreams of being hanged, he or she will be married on the seventh week after the dream. If a servant is out of place, or any trade or calling, out of work, the dream denotes speedy employment.

…Dreaming of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. Dreaming that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his unworthiness and deceitfulness. If she is captured by pirates, she will be induced to leave her home under false pretenses….

…Dreaming of pearls, is a forerunner of good business and trade and affairs of social nature. If a young woman dreams that her lover sends her gifts of pearls, she will indeed be most fortunate, as there will be occasions of festivity and pleasure for her, besides a loving and faithful affianced devoid of the jealous inclinations so ruinous to the peace of lovers. If she loses or breaks her pearls, she will suffer indescribable sadness and sorrow through bereavement or misunderstandings. To find herself admiring them, she will covet and strive for love or possessions with a pureness of purpose….

To dream of losing money denotes losses in business. To find money, if gold, or large bank bills, is a good omen, and signifies success in all your undertakings; but to dream you find small silver or copper coin foretells a discovery made too late to be of any benefit to you. To dream you are melting or see money melted or bank bills burned, presages disappointment in some cherished design. To dream you throw money away foretells chagrin and want. To dream you change money foretells inconstancy in a lover or sweetheart. To dream you have money given or paid to you, implies success in love affairs, and much domestic happiness. To dream of counterfeit money is a bad omen, and foretells quarrels, sickness, and secret enemies; it also presages domestic unhappiness. To dream of money in bags or boxes, also denotes misfortune of some kind.

…For a business man Dreaming that his proposition has been accepted, foretells that he will succeed in making a trade, which heretofore looked as if it would prove a failure. For a lover Dreaming that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others’ admiration. If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected. The elementary influences often play pranks upon weak and credulous minds by lying, and deceptive utterances. Therefore the dreamer should live a pure life, fortified by a strong will, thus controlling his destiny by expelling from it involuntary intrusions….

Dreaming of being in front of a scale indicates that you will be judged for your behavior, which will determine the success or failure of your projects. A young woman that dreams of her lover weighing himself on a scale insinuates that she’s calculating how loyal and serious her suitor is.

…This omen is unfavourable, and is a sign of tears; it also denotes that you will be worsted by your business engagements; if a lover dreams he sees his sweetheart laugh, it is a sign she will jilt him for a stranger; to the married it signifies domestic trouble. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 40….

…Dreaming of a plague raging, denotes disappointing returns in business, and your wife or lover will lead you a wretched existence. If you are afflicted with the plague, you will keep your business out of embarrassment with the greatest maneuvering. If you are trying to escape it, some trouble, which looks impenetrable, is pursuing you….

…Dreaming that you are industrious, denotes that you will be unusually active in planning and working out ideas to further your interests, and that you will be successful in your undertakings. For a lover Dreaming of being industriously at work, shows he will succeed in business, and that his companion will advance his position. To see others busy, is favorable to the dreamer….

To dream you see the new moon foretells happiness and prosperity in your life. If the lover dream of new moon, he/she will meet with great success and marry the one desired.

…Dreaming that you have aches, denotes that you are halting too much in your business, and that some other person is profiting by your ideas. For a young woman Dreaming that she has the heartache, foretells that she will be in sore distress over the laggardly way her lover prosecutes his suit. If it is the backache, she will encounter illness through careless exposure. If she has the headache, there will be much disquietude of mind for the risk she has taken to rid herself of rivalry. This dream is usually due to physical causes and is of little significance….

…that the dreamer should analyze his or her behavior. Dreaming that dogs are chasing a fox or are hunting another animal announces good luck and happiness in the immediate future. When a woman dreams of being the owner of a cute dog, it could signify that she’s selfish and possessive. If this same woman has a lover or at least a suitor, it could signify that the man is a fool, liar, and very vain. Dreaming of being in front of a fierce-looking dog and being really scared of, it could mean that there are internal doubts concerning business due to receiving high offers that the dreamer didn’t have before. If a woman, who is of age and planning to get married, dreams of what has been said previously, then this could signify that she pretends to get married to a very distinguished man with a high level in society…

Denotes luck in matrimonial life, many children, long and happy life; for a lover, true and faithful return of love. 26.

…To the married, denotes loss of their mates and children; to the lover, trouble through his or her sweetheart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7….

…To dream of rowing a boat in clear water, is a sign of good luck generally: if the water is muddy, it shows trouble and difficulties which may be overcome; if a lover dreams of rowing a boat with his lady-love in it, he will doubtless make a happy match. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20….

…Dreaming that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful. Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover. Dreaming of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble. To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise. Dreaming of fishing, denotes energy and economy | but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile. Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments….

…Dreaming of pins, augurs differences and quarrels ill families. To a young woman, they warn her of unladylike conduct towards her lover. Dreaming of swallowing a pin, denotes that accidents will force you into perilous conditions. To lose one, implies a petty loss or disagreement. To see a bent or rusty pin, signifies that you will lose esteem because of your careless ways. To stick one into your flesh, denotes that some person will irritate you….

…For a lover to dream that he has a rival who annoys him, is a sign that he is in high favour with his sweetheart; such a dream to a young lady has a similar omen, and she has only to name the happy day to settle the matter to her mind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 70….

Dreaming of one or more pirates dressed up and armed like in the old days announces problems due to intervention by people who are acting in bad faith. Dreaming of being a pirate is a warning that soon the dreamer will fall into social disrepute, which will cause material losses. A woman that dreams of her partner or lover as a pirate suggests that she doesn’t trust him because she feels like he’s cheating.

…Dreaming that you abhor a person, denotes that you will entertain strange dislike for some person, and your suspicion of his honesty will prove correct. To think yourself held in abhorrence by others, predicts that your good intentions to others will subside into selfishness. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover abhors her, foretells that she will love a man who is in no sense congenial….

…To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

…Dreaming of a sculptor, foretells you will change from your present position to one less lucrative, but more distinguished. For a woman Dreaming that her husband or lover is a sculptor, foretells she will enjoy favors from men of high position….

…on the eyes of a corpse in your dreams, denotes that you will see unscrupulous enemies robbing you while you are powerless to resent injury. If you only put it on one eye you will be able to recover lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman this dream denotes distress and loss by unfortunately giving her confidence to designing persons. For a young woman Dreaming that the proprietor of the store in which she works is a corpse, and she sees while sitting up with him that his face is clean shaven, foretells that she will fall below the standard of perfection in which she was held by her lover. If she sees the head of the corpse falling from the body, she is warned of secret enemies who, in harming her, will also detract from the interest of her employer. Seeing the corpse in the…

…For a young woman Dreaming that her bosom is wounded, foretells that some affliction is threatening her. To see it soiled or shrunken, she will have a great disappointment in love and many rivals will vex her. If it is white and full she is soon to be possessed of fortune. If her lover is slyly observing it through her sheer corsage, she is about to come under the soft persuasive influence of a too ardent wooer….

…Dreaming of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship. Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite. For a young woman Dreaming that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows. See Ocean….

…I became thoroughly demoralised. I quarrelled with the young man to whom I was engaged, and got engaged to someone else, and within six months terminated that engagement and took on with a third. I had no pity for the men I jilted, but laughed in their faces when they upbraided me, and took a fiendish delight in parading about with my latest lover in the face of the one I had just discarded. I spent money recklessly, and when I got in debt —I stole! The end of it all was I was sent to prison, and when I came out I drifted — anywhere. And I am sure I owe it all, all my folly and subsequent blinding damning misery, to the dream of that bear — that cursed, fascinating, and hellish bear”I think these two illustrations will suffice to show the significance of bear-dreams in general….

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

Dreaming of flies announces diseases that can be contagious. It also indicates that the dreamer is surrounded by undesirable and annoying people, as well as being in an unpleasant environment that makes the dreamer want to leave. For a woman of any age who dreams of flies, it indicates what was said above, and in addition it means that there is infidelity around her, for example from her lover or friends. But if the dreamer kills the flies, then it indicates that he or she will come out victorious from any problems.

Losing the respect of your lover.

…To see in your dreams a bracelet encircling your arm, the gift of lover or friend, is assurance of an early marriage and a happy union. If a young woman lose her bracelet she will meet with sundry losses and vexations. To find one, good property will come into her possession….

…To a lover, this dream is a sign he will be successful with his sweetheart; if the clams are large, it signifies he will get through the world easy, but if they are small he may get into difficulties, and be caught in a tight place. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 24….

…To dream of flying a kite is a sign that you will soon write a letter to some friend or acquaintance. For a girl to dream of seeing a kite in the air, predicts that she will receive a letter from a young man — whether a lover or not, is uncertain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 53, 62….