If someone makes you a favor then it means false flattery. Asking for a favor means your way of acting will be reproached. If you receive a favor from a person of the opposite sex, then it means happy marriage.

It symbolizes intimately desired things. If we want to get some dollars it symbolizes the desire for another person of the opposite sex. To find dollars and be afraid of being seen taking them refers to illicit relations. To buy something and be given more dollars or find dollars means that what we bought had a value higher than we imagined, in the moral, material, or sentimental sense. If our lover steals from us it means we exaggerate our love sacrificing things that are also important. To lose money indicates we fear losing something very dear.

The rooster or the cock is the animal of arrogance and silliness. Many men have this kind of the dream, especially if they are feeling the lack of sex. Sometimes the rooster can stand for particular person who you see as being someone very cocky, therefore he or she reflects in your dreams.

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.

To dream that you or something is dirty, has the symbolic significance and suggests your anxieties and feelings toward sex. The dream stems from low self-esteem and feelings of being unworthy. Dirty is a sign of purification, that is necessity in your life. You need to purify your mind, heart and body.

…It symbolizes our being and personality. The front of the house symbolizes the outside of the dreamer and the interior of the house, intimate life. Dining room and kitchen represent food and digestion. Bedroom indicates rest and sex. Bathroom – physical and moral cleanliness. Upper floors represent head and mind. Warehouse indicates the subconscious. Doors represent access to our soul. An old, dilapidated house symbolizes an antiquated condition of life and thought. A floor or ceiling that sinks symbolizes collapse of the ideals and principles….

…To have interaction or to encounter or to see a hamster, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests underdeveloped emotions. You are distancing yourself from others so that you won’t end up getting hurt. It may also indicate that issues of sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity are trivial to you. You are able to separate sex and love….

Dream of being hungry indicates that you lack money, sex, or fame. This dream may also indicate that you want to get something important for a long time. Moreover, dream of being hungry may indicate that you’re really hungry.

…Opening a door using a key announces that we will enter a new situation, good or bad according to the context of the dream. To own a large bunch of keys symbols the purchase of goods or knowledge proportional to the number of keys in the bunch. Having problems turning the key in the lock promises that we will find difficulties and obstacles in obtaining what we want. A broken or lost key is an omen of trouble and problems that stop us from realizing our desires. To open a door and walk into a room where there’s a person of the opposite sex announces marriage….

It is considered to be a sex symbol and it’s often related to some kind of fear or feelings of jealousy. In relation to sadism or even the fear of being dominated by a possessive passion.

Hugging someone from the opposite sex within dreams is a sign of happiness and joy in love; to hug a kid indicates that you don’t want to let go of something or someone that brings you a huge amount of happiness. Hugging a stranger means that you’ll make a small trip.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a boa constrictor, when you are dreaming, is a sign of problems in relationship. Boa constrictor can be interpreted as symbolism that you have feeling of suffocation in daily life. Maybe you are restricted in some situation or personal relationship. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it has the symbolic significance of secret desires. This means repressed sexual fantasies and urges or hidden enjoyment of sex.

Dreaming we are tied means a dependence that weighs too much. If we manage to untie ourselves, we will find liberation. If we tie someone, it means that someone will commit an injustice, unless it is of the opposite sex, in that case, it means attraction.

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, very often people compare baseball to sex, as someone is setting a goal to achieve the target.

If you are celibate in a dream, then it means you are frightened of getting intimated. Perhaps you are trying to put some walls and barriers in your sexual life. Alternatively, the dream could indicate the lack of sex in your life, therefore you feel like you are on celibate, even if you don’t want to.

Toward the fair sex, satisfaction and good health. If the dreamer is a woman, good luck will be noted while trading different things. If she is an unmarried girl, inconstancy will be to her admirer.

Banana is sex symbol of male.

It symbolizes life and feeling. A sick or sore heart indicates a disease is approaching. A hurt heart means that the disease lies on the dearest person of the opposite sex.

To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.

When a woman dreams that she has changed her sex, it symbolizes conception of a male child who will do honor to his family. When the dreamer is a man, it indicates dishonor and infamy.

The dream, in which you see the cross-dressing, indicates the necessity to understand the important aspects of the opposite sex features within you.

The dream in which you receive some kind of vaccination, indicates the opposite sex who will affect you and your behaviour a lot. To dream of witnessing other people receiving vaccination, represents despair in love and relationships. To dream of any kind of vaccination is interpreted as the will to make insidiousness.

If you are enclosing a person, it indicates that you try to hide your human side, and if it’s a child, you’re trying to hide your innocent looks. If it is animals or people of the opposite sex, you are preventing that your most hidden desires are known.

To dream about being turned in could represent the lack of sex in your waking life. Alternatively, if someone have turned you in, it could mean that you are feeling controlled by others.

Being favoured by the fair sex. 19.

To dream you are in bed, and it changes to a green field, and you see two doves cooing, implies that he or she will be married at the end of the month. If there is only one dove, it depends upon sex, perhaps a lover lost for ever.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a exhibitionist, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of frustrations in your sex life. You are denying your strong desires or impulses, that are relating to the instincts.

If you kiss someone of the opposite sex means you´ll have an unexpected encounter that will make you very happy. If you’re kissing your parents means problems that worries you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger means you should not abuse of the confidence of others.

…Chains, pearls, or precious stones, etc., and all adorning upon the heads and necks of women, are good dreams for the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; and to those that are married, riches. If a man dreams of possessing jewels, it is a sure sign he will lose something of great value. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 75….

…Bonnet, denotes much gossiping and slanderous insinuations, from which a woman should carefully defend herself. For a man to see a woman tying her bonnet, denotes unforeseen good luck near by. His friends will be faithful and true. A young woman is likely to engage in pleasant and harmless flirtations if her bonnet is new and of any color except black. Black bonnets, denote false friends of the opposite sex….

Dreaming of exaggerated cleanness is evidence of a desire to free ourselves from something that can be unpleasant or objectionable. If we wash our hands or body that reveals the desire to get rid of any actual or alleged guilt. If we wash the bedding that reveals concern to keep facts about our sex life hidden.

…Dreaming that your corns hurt your feet, denotes that some enemies are undermining you, and you will have much distress | but if you succeed in clearing your feet of corns, you will inherit a large estate from some unknown source. For a young woman Dreaming of having corns on her feet, indicates she will have to bear many crosses and be coldly treated by her sex….

Symbolizes the mother and the desire or the need for tenderness and protection. It can also symbolize insatiable for greed, sex and possessiveness.

…To dream of dropping or breaking a lighted lamp, denotes disappointment. If, in your dream, you see the bright light of a lamp at a distance from you in the dark, and you approach it, it shows that you will either have good luck, or will be invited to visit somewhere and meet an agreeable person of the opposite sex. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…Dreaming that you’re having an orgasm represents an emotional end of something. Alternatively, it means that you lack sex and you need to fix your sexual tensions….

Seeing Eve in the dream signifies slow thinking or slow doings. Maybe you are not confident enough. Alternatively, seeing of Eve represents your refusal in accepting this biblical story as authentic and you will encounter disagreement in your social and business circles. To dream that you impersonate Eve, warns you to be careful when it comes to the influences and effects of the opposites sex.

To dream ourselves gagged means a dependency that weighs on us too much. If we manage to take off the gag we will find liberation. If we gag someone that means we will commit an injustice, unless the person is of the opposite sex it means attraction.

If you dream of having an intercourse, it could be interpreted as your desire for actual sexual activity in your waking life. It is very common dream, especially for single people or those who wish to have more sex.

…Dreaming that a ram pursues you, foretells that some misfortune threatens you. To see one quietly grazing denotes that you will have powerful friends, who will use their best efforts for your good. See Sheep and Lamb….

…If we dream burying someone it’s an omen of victory over our enemies. If we are buried alive, it reveals that someone is doing their best to hurt us. If we are buried dead, it’s a sign of a long and happy life, and also an increase in our assets. If we are buried in a tomb and not in a niche, it indicates that we will become owners of a house or a farm….