When you dream of your ancestors it means that you are very much related to your roots. This dream is also a sign that you are more focused on the past then the future. Do not hold on that as you have to move forward and look for the best in the future.

…For a boy to dream of chewing tobacco, is a sign of poverty, as rum and tobacco-chewing go together: to dream of smoking foretells waste, but is not exactly an omen of poverty, though waste always precedes that state. The best way is not to dream of using tobacco at all. If you dream of seeing large piles of tobacco, it is a sign of bad luck and loss in some speculation. To dream you take snuff is a bad omen in love affairs, but if you dream you sneeze when you take it, it is a sign of long life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7, 55….

…Dreaming of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests. If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experienced. If you see grasshoppers between you and the sun, it denotes that you will have a vexatious problem in your immediate business life to settle, but using caution it will adjust itself in your favor. To call peoples’ attention to the grasshoppers, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business….

Dreaming of oneself resting on a couch is usually a sign of false hopes that won’t come true, no matter how hard you try. If you have kids, the dream warns that the education they’ve been given is not the best and predicts shame because of their bad behavior.

If you dream of making a bet it shows the gambler side of yours. There is a possibility that the subconscious mind of yours is giving you a warning, not to take the risks to something you are not sure of. Make sure you use the knowledge at particular situation, think twice before making a deal at professional level or even at the decisions of personal life. It is hard to stay critical to yourself, but consider that only you can criticize your actions better than anyone else and/or give the best advice.

If you live on the farm in a dream, then such dream represents the necessity to put more effort in order to present your potential. The dream shows that you are ready to become wiser and better at things you are the best.

When someone is being cremated, then such dream shows your need for the best quality and refinement.

If you dream that you are one of the bridesmaid, it shows that you are very supportive person when it comes to other people’s accomplishments. The dream also shows that you wish the best for the people who are getting married and in your waking life you will be one of the bridesmaids.

When you dream of seeing a beehive it symbolizes the possibilities you will have on your way, but you should stay concentrated and focused and do not let them out of your sight. When the universe sends you the signals and opportunities you should use them the best way you can. Meanwhile the dream could also show the priority of tough efforts combined with cooperation. Sometimes there are things that you are not able to do on your own and as a result of that you’ve got to work with those around you to achieve the results you are for. We are used to see a beehive that is full of bees, but if the dreamer sees an empty beehive, he should be cautious in his relationships or while dealing with his profits. The broken beehive represents wastage and/or misery which should not be permanent.

When you dream of seeing an almanac it represents unstable future. Keep in mind, that there might be important and essential changes in your life. Do not worry, as this turnover will happen only for the best.

…For a woman Dreaming of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same. If she dreams that she fails to drink clear water, though she uses her best efforts to do so, she will fail to enjoy some pleasure that is insinuatingly offered her. See Water….

The dream about unicorn represents the new expectations, hopes and desire to obtain the best. On the other hand, the unicorn can be interpreted as very limited views the dreamer has.

…If you see a serpent in a dream, then such dream shows great ability of the dreamer to perform, teach others and get the best of yourself. If the serpent was winged, then it shows the special intellectual features of the dreamer….

Dream of being in contact with one, honor, profit and entrance into the best of good society.

…(Knowledge | Town | Village) Entering a city in a dream means appeasement of one’s fears. Imam Ibn Seer’in use to prefer entering the city in a dream rather than leaving it. A city in a dream also represents a learned person, a wise man and a scholar. If one enters a city and finds it in ruins in his dream, it means that the learned people of that city no longer live there. It is said that seeing a city in a dream means the death of its ruler or an unjust governor from that place. Seeing a city being built in a dream signifies the growing number of its learned people and represents children who will continue the path of their fathers. Seeing a city with no governor in a dream means rising prices. An unknown city in a dream represents the hereafter, while a known city…

If the dreamer dreamed about seeing a bison then it symbolizes about wild, primary and powerful aspects of you. The best explanation of this dream is raleted to dream meaning of Buffalo. Please look into it and try to find out more about your dream.

Symbolically it has a sacred character because it’s considered a precursor of a new day, so in dreams it’s considered one of the best omens of luck and fertility.

It has a sacred character. It is considered as a heavenly blessing. It is one of the best omens of luck and fertility.

…Dreaming that you maintain a harem, denotes that you are wasting your best energies on low pleasures. Life holds fair promises, if your desires are rightly directed. If a woman dreams that she is an inmate of a harem, she will seek pleasure where pleasure is unlawful, as her desires will be toward married men as a rule. If she dreams that she is a favorite of a harem, she will be preferred before others in material pleasures, but the distinction will be fleeting….

Dreaming of the Virgin or other celestial beings is one of the best dreams that you can have. The dream portends the end of all of the problems that currently plague the dreamer. In a spiritual way the dream reflects our commitment to the highest. If the Virgin is sad, threatening or angry the changes are bad and spiritually reflects our fears and insecurities.

If you dream that you see the ocean then such dream might have several different meanings. The first explanation foretells that the state of your mind is the reflection of the state of the ocean. The ocean that is calm with crystal clear water shows that your mind is in peace. If there is some kind of the storm in the ocean, your mental health is confused and not in the best shape. You should look after yourself. The ocean could also indicate the secrets and mystical issues, because of its size. Consider that the size of the waves in the ocean also foretells about your life: the bigger the waves, the bigger the chaos in your waking life.

Indicates that we will try to use the best in us to achieve our goals.

…When you are dreaming about towel, then it is a clear warning that you should not rely on some relatives or friends around you. Please do not trust the people you thought you could ask help from either. At this point, the best thing to do is avoid dealing with them, so you won’t have to meet them in an awkward situation and go through potential embarrassments….

Dreaming of talcum powder implies, in some cases, that our own health is not at its best and that we could suffer an upcoming fall, if we’re not experiencing it yet. The talcum powder usually means that some harsh words will be said to people within our circle. Words that we could regret later if we don’t think clearly before stating our mind.

…It could also mean marriage, prosperity or peace and tranquility after suffering and hard- ships. If one sees a deceased person burying him alive in a dream, it means that one’s due debts are not payed, or that one will be imprisoned to satisfy his debts, or that his collateral was not accepted. To bury a dead person twice means that one is covering his faults. If one sees a deceased person burying another deceased person in a dream, it means unity, clearing of the hearts, love and friendship between relatives, or perhaps it could mean imprisonment, marriage, a sickness, a trust, or guaranteeing a loan. Seeing oneself being buried after death in a dream means that one needs to repent before death. Should he still walk alive from his burial in the dream, it means that he may repent again. God knows best. (Also see Cemetery | Grave)…

The figs and the fig tree symbolize abundance and fertility, unless the fig tree is dry, then it becomes a symbol of poverty and sterility. To dream of ripe figs and to eat them, means we will enjoy good health, good profits and abundant pleasures without having to make any effort. If the figs are not mature it is that we are not yet ready to enjoy all these benefits. If fig fruits have worms or are rotten this pleasure will be achieved when we can no longer enjoy it. If we have this dream in the season when the figs are best the benefits will be maximum. If we have it during another season we can suffer scandal, breakups, diseases and problems.

…It symbolizes the life force of humans and of all beings. The dreams in which a spring appears, such dreams highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the spring is dry it means that all our hopes are in vain. If we are prevented from drinking from it, that means we still have to wait some time before those hopes become reality. If we can drink from the spring and the water is clear and fresh it is an omen that all our needs will be fulfilled. If the water flows murky it’s a threat of moral or material ruin. If the spring is born in our garden it is the best symbol of prosperity in every way….

…To sharpen an object when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as the need of the flexibility of the dreamer’s mind. Sharpening of something in the dream is like sharpening of the mind in the life. It means that you need to be better in what you’re doing or thinking. Alternatively, the dream about sharpening represents the lack of the dreamer’s quality to adapt to the requests of others. Maybe you are a little bit to egoistic. You should consider of the overall picture of your dream. Think what will be best interest for you and for others, than just thinking about your needs….

If you eat berries in your dream it symbolizes of an upcoming new adventures in personal life like relationships and communications. All of the new relationships are exciting and promising something new and unexpected. The best part of this dream shows that if you put enough of the effort, you will see that you can build up very strong base for something new and different. The berries could also represent some negative changes in you made by the others, but only if, the berries were spoiled and/or rotten.

Dreaming about a cherub is one of the best dreams. In these dreams, it can be expected that all problems that currently bother you will end. Dreaming of a sad cherub means a bad change.

When you see yourself morphing into another person, then it shows the aspects of that person you wish to imply in yourself. Perhaps you wish to get some changes. Probably the dream may suggest you to take the best features of those people and put it in yourself.

When you dream of asparagus it symbolizes successful times. Make sure you induce yourself enough as this is the best time for investing all of your energy into hard work.

…difficulties, if it’s the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if it’s the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles or habits, or maybe we live trapped by the environment, family or friends who are limiting our best possibilities. What we abandon in this dream will clarify which of these causes holds us prisoners, and therefore what we should free ourselves from or at least significantly modify. The dreams of abandonment can also be a warning that some aspects of our health are not well, so the first thing to be done with such dreams is a medical examination that will clarify if there is a health problem or if it is our attitude towards life….

…If a lady dreams of going to a quilting party, it foretells for her and her family thrift and good luck: gentlemen, who dream of being much entertained at such a party, will have the very best success in love matters. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 54….

Dream of a bull indicates some great personage from whom the dreamer will receive good or evil according to the bull, and the way he is acting in the dream. Seeing a mad bull, a struggle in which the dreamer will come out not on his best. Finding the liver and lungs of a bull, succession to an inheritance.

To dream you see ghosts, denotes to a certainty that people you fancy are your enemies and perhaps your best friends. Males or females should guard against such phantom notions, never to condemn without a substantial cause. To dream of spectres denotes love or happiness according to the person the ghost represents.

…use strategy to keep up honorable appearances. Dreaming that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane. If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers. If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others. If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity. To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to throw off the bondage of selfish pleasure, and seek to give others their best deserts. See Devil….

…to make a business deal, though their friendship will end in wasting time and money. To pluck a fruit from a tree other than its own in a dream represents a good brother in-law, an honest partner, or a profitable partnership. Wild berries in the mountains or prairies in a dream represent innate arts, abilities and knowledge given directly from God Almighty and no other teacher has a claim in it. Figs in a dream represent the best of fruits in a dream. Fresh fruits in a dream signify money that does not last, while dried fruits represent savings. Fruits for a poor person in a dream signify prosperity and for a rich person they signify increase in his wealth. If one is showered with fruits in a dream, it means that he will become known for his good deeds. (Also see Apricot | Dried fruit | Fruit salesman)…

Dreaming of a watering hole is a sign of peace and rest, and if we also see horses or other animals quenching their thirst, it’s an indication that we will receive good news, a small inheritance or donation. If the trough we dream of is empty and dry, it predicts minor losses. But a trough is not the best place to quench our thirst, even though water may be clean, we must not forget that water-holes were created for animals, not for men. So if you have a dream drinking from it, be careful you are mistaking the path of happiness: meditate on this and look for other sources to quench the thirst of your spirit or the need for love.

…(Also known as John in Western traditions. God’s prophet Ishaq, son of the prophet Jacob, upon both of them be peace.) In a dream, seeing him indicates adversities and hardships. If one has a son who ran away in disobedience to his father, and if he sees God’s prophet Ishaq in a dream, it means that he will return to his home and be obedient again. This dream also indicates a surge of glad tidings, peace and tranquility. Seeing Ishaq (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from persecution by the senators of one’s town, or from some of his relatives, and finally God Almighty will come to his help, and grant him back his integrity and honor. If one sees him in his best form and radiant beauty, it becomes a sign of glad tidings, whereby one’s progeny will engender leaders, governors and righteous people. Seeing him in…