…(See Trap and Mouse.) To dream of rats is a sign that thieves are around: if you see any of these animals, it shows that some friend will be robbed, but if you hear them gnawing, you will suffer a loss from robbery yourself. If a girl, who has a lover, dreams of rats, she had better be careful and not let him be too free with her person, or he may rob her of that which cannot be restored. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54 21…

…To dream you are jealous of your sweetheart, or wife, signifies that they will betray you; for a maiden to dream she is jealous of her sweetheart is a sign some particular friend will “cut her out” for a wife to dream she is jealous of her husband, foretells the loss of his love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 28, 6….

…When a man dreams that someone that he loves is absent, it indicates big issues that need his attention, and if he is older, it indicates that he has too many things accumulated, or too many issues unaddressed. Anyone, who dreams of grieving for the absence of someone, probably has annoying situations with old friends; if you dream that someone’s absence (friend or relative) gives you joy, it announces that you’ll soon be free of those enemies that have been bothering you. If you dream that someone is traveling far away but will return soon, suggests that some issues that were apparently resolved are going to return. If you feel happy because someone is absent, it indicates the desire to get rid of enemies and difficult situations. If someone that is absent dies, it suggests the probability of an upcoming wedding. Any young person, who dreams of absent people,…

To dream yourself or friend is buried foretells a serious fit of illness. But if the grave is filled up, it is a sure sign of death. If, not the parties will recover, and lead a happy life.

…Dreaming that you are eating ice cream, foretells you will have happy success in affairs already undertaken. To see children eating it, denotes prosperity and happiness will attend you most favorably. For a young woman to upset her ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend, denotes she will be flirted with because of her unkindness to others. To see sour ice cream, denotes some unexpected trouble will interfere with your pleasures. If it is melted, your anticipated pleasure will reach stagnation before it is realized….

…Dreaming of coral, is momentous of enduring friend ship which will know no weariness in alleviating your trouble. Colored coral is meant in this dream. White coral, foretells unfaithfulness and warning of love….

…To see a fan in your dreams, denotes pleasant news and surprises are awaiting you in the near future. For a young woman Dreaming of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances | if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women….

…to desperation by the coldness and lack of sympathy of a friend. Dreaming of seeing a marriage, denotes high enjoyment, if the wedding guests attend in pleasing colors and are happy | if they are dressed in black or other somber hues, there will be mourning and sorrow in store for the dreamer. If you dream of contracting a marriage, you will have unpleasant news from the absent. If you are an attendant at a wedding, you will experience much pleasure from the thoughtfulness of loved ones, and business affairs will be unusually promising. Dreaming of any unfortunate occurrence in connection with a marriage, foretells distress, sickness, or death in your family. For a young woman Dreaming that she is a bride, and unhappy or indifferent, foretells disappointments in love, and probably her own sickness. She should be careful of her conduct, as enemies are near her. See Bride….

See one means treason on the part of a friend.

…business matters. When you dreamed of leaving your spouse, then such dream shows that you will be surprised by some message you might receive. it is not necessarily the personal issue, it could be something from your professional life. If what is left is the religion that professes himself, then it indicates disloyalty for which there will be suffering and remorse for having insulted the faith of others who may be in a position to exert revenge. When you dreamed of leaving children, then it indicates that there will be setbacks and losses due to lack of tranquility. Perhaps the dream shows that you tend to make rash decisions instead of thinking about them calmly. When you dreamed of abandoning your businesses, then such dream shows some important issues that will need to be dealt, otherwise you will face problems with important institutions. When you are dreaming that a family…

Dreaming you are in love or of cupid, indicates a new and true friend.

Exchange, denotes profitable dealings in all classes of business. For a young woman Dreaming that she is exchanging sweethearts with her friend, indicates that she will do well to heed this as advice, as she would be happier with another.

…A bed, clean and white, denotes peaceful surcease of worries. For a woman Dreaming of making a bed, signifies a new lover and pleasant occupation. Dreaming of being in bed, if in a strange room, unexpected friends will visit you. If a sick person dreams of being in bed, new complications will arise, and, perhaps, death. Dreaming that you are sleeping on a bed in the open air, foretells that you will have delightful experiences, and opportunity for improving your fortune. For you to see negroes passing by your bed, denotes exasperating circumstances arising, which will interfere with your plans. To see a friend looking very pale, lying in bed, signifies strange and woeful complications will oppress your friends, bringing discontent to yourself. For a mother Dreaming that her child wets a bed, foretells she will have unusual anxiety, and persons sick, will not reach recovery as early as…

Fickleness, unsteadiness, vexation in love affairs, danger, and loss of a lover, or of a friend.

Represents a sincere friend that we must keep, trying to never hurt him or her.

…Dreaming of repeating the Lord’s Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties. To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend….

…If you dream that your right hand is injured, or anything is the matter with it, it shows that you will soon be called upon to assist a friend in distress; if it is your left hand, assistance will be solicited from you for an unfortunate stranger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22, 78….

…(See Eye.) To dream of being blind shows that you are deceived in a supposed friend; this dream also threatens the dreamer with want of money to a lover, it predicts that his sweetheart is untrue to him; this dream also foretells death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 66….

Some authors interpret it as a warning that a sincere friend needs our attention. But it is also considered that the dream tells us about the need to put more energy into our daily affairs, if we want to grow properly.

Modesty, good quality of a beloved friend. To a chamber, surety.

…To dream that you are poisoned is a sign you will get into bad or unworthy company: if you imagine that any friend or acquaintance is poisoned, it is a similar omen as regards them: if, in your dream, you think anyone has given you poison to murder you, it foretells that some base proposal will be made to you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 9….

…Dreaming that you are afflicted with palsy, denotes that you are making unstable contracts. To see your friend so afflicted, there will be uncertainty as to his faithfulness and sickness, too, may enter your home. For lovers Dreaming that their sweethearts have palsy, signifies that dissatisfaction over some question will mar their happiness….

…Dreaming of a locomotive running with great speed, denotes a rapid rise in fortune, and foreign travel. If it is disabled, then many vexations will interfere with business affairs, and anticipated journeys will be laid aside through the want of means. To see one completely demolished, signifies great distress and loss of property. To hear one coming, denotes news of a foreign nature. Business will assume changes that will mean success to all classes. To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you….

Dreaming that you have lockjaw, signifies there is trouble ahead for you, as some person is going to betray your confidence. For a woman to see others with lockjaw, foretells her friends will unconsciously detract from her happiness by assigning her unpleasant tasks. If stock have it, you will lose a friend.

…(Mediation) Interceding on behalf of someone in a dream represents honor, a seat of authority, or influence. Intercession in a dream also means cheating, or earning a wage for one’s work without humiliation. If one sees the Day of Reckoning in a dream and people searching for an intercessor among the prophets, upon all of them be peace, it means social unrest and privation of the poor and needy from one’s assistance. If one’s neighbor intercedes for him on such a day in a dream, it means that one will benefit from his neighbor, or receive his help, or find a helper in a friend in times of difficulty. If one sees his own son interceding on his behalf in a dream, it means that he will benefit from him or through his business connections, and the same is true if one intercedes on behalf of someone else in…

Dreaming of a van indicates some friend.

It indicates that we have or will have a sincere friend that we should not neglect.

…To see or think yourself a rogue, foretells you are about to commit some indiscretion which will give your friends uneasiness of mind. You are likely to suffer from a passing malady. For a woman to think her husband or lover is a rogue, foretells she will be painfully distressed over neglect shown her by a friend….

…To dream of firing a gun, or hearing the report of a gun, denotes strife: if you imagine some friend fires it, it shows that there will be a difficulty with him. If you dream of killing a bird, squirrel, or other animal, by shooting it, it foretells that you will act rashly in some quarrel. For a lover to dream of firing a gun, is a sign he will have trouble with his sweetheart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 57, 16….

Dreaming of your father-in-law, especially if he looks happy, may mean that family and friend ties are in great shape and they’ll continue that way. On the contrary, if he’s angry in the dream, it means the opposite. Dreaming that your mother-in-law is happy indicates that everything’s going great at home, there’s harmony. But if she’s angry, then it may mean that the dreamer is doing something improper. When a woman dreams of herself arguing with her mother-in-law, who’s angry, this indicates that there are family problems or friendships that must be avoided.

…Dreaming of hemp, denotes you will be successful in all undertakings, especially large engagements. For a young woman Dreaming that some accident befalls her through cultivating hemp, foretells the fatal quarrel and separation from her friend….

…Dreaming of eloping is unfavorable. To the married, it denotes that you hold places which you are unworthy to fill, and if your ways are not rectified your reputation will be at stake. To the unmarried, it foretells disappointments in love and the unfaithfulness of men. Dreaming that your lover has eloped with some one else, denotes his or her unfaithfulness. Dreaming of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage….

…To dream that you see a person that is going to be beheaded, or if you see one beheaded, it is an excellent sign; in love you will be successful; An prison you will be released; and any trouble you have will soon vanish; it is also a sign you will soon meet a long absent friend who will be glad to see you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 19, 10….

Death of a friend or acquaintance.

Convalescence of a sick friend.

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

…If you dream of being in hell, you will fall into temptations, which will almost wreck you financially and morally. To see your friends in hell, denotes distress and burdensome cares. You will hear of the misfortune of some friend. Dreaming of crying in hell, denotes the powerlessness of friends to extricate you from the snares of enemies….

…In a dream, feet represent man’s uprightness, for with them one stands erect. If anything happens to one’s feet in a dream, it will reflect on his financial standing, work, toiling, his boss or his delegations. If one sees his feet pointing toward the heavens in a dream, it could denote the death of his child. If one’s feet turn green, it means that he will suffer business losses. If one sees himself committing loathsome sexual acts with his feet in a dream, it means that he will pursue an unlawful sexual intercourse. Walking bear footed in a dream means toiling in life, difficulties and fatigue. If one sees himself eating the foot of another human being in a dream, it means that he will become a close friend with him, acquire his intercession, reap success from his connection, fulfill his needs, receive benefits in his travels, or if…

When you dream about your enemy, then it represents some of your friends. If you were fighting with your enemy and losing this fight, then you will experience the disappointments. There is also a possibility that someone close to you for example your friend will betray you. If you win while fighting with the enemy, there is no need to worry, because you will overcome all of the obstacles perfectly.

with a sword, it is the sign of the condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When you see several angels discussing in your dream, and worse, fighting, it suggests that the affairs that you’re managing are not going well. If the law is involved, it means that you’re might be going to lose it. Dreams in which angels appear and have some variations, for example: if you dream of them too often and in diverse and poorly defined activities, it usually means that there are some mental disorders that can be caused by you, or a third person. When you dream of angels frequently and you enjoy it (the dream is received with joy and you want to have it again), it indicates that the dreamer has mystic tendencies. Instead, when the dream produces an unpleasant feeling, tends to point at the poor health of a friend or relative….