If you dream about the hail, then such dream foretells about the times you will try to do things repeatedly. If you see yourself in the hail storm, you will succeed. The hails that are falling in stones promises great happiness through hard work.

When you dream of asparagus it symbolizes successful times. Make sure you induce yourself enough as this is the best time for investing all of your energy into hard work.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

…in a dream means interceding on behalf of the deceased. If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers in a dream means employment for a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately performingone’s regular obligatory prayers, or beingoft-forgetful, and distracted during one’s prayers. Leading the funeral prayers in a dream and interceding with exaggerated invocations on behalf of the deceased in a dream means receiving a political appointment by a ruler who is a hypocrite to manage a sector of his business. Invoking blessings upon the deceased in a dream means that God Almighty has forgiven him. Sitting in a gathering where people are praying for those who passed away in a dream means attending a funeral. Performing the funeral prayers in a dream also means interceding on behalf of a sinner. (Also see Death | Five times prayers | Funeral)…

…To dream of leaving your mother’s house is a bad omen whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. If returning to your mother’s house or return to your native country, if you have been away, then it means reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with mother means peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her happy times. See her dead, peril in person or in goods….

…Drink it warm, means danger to be apprehended from an incensed enemy, as harsh as the water is warm in a dream. Drink cold water, signifies tranquility of the soul, devoted friends. Water in general, abundance and multiplication. Holy Water, symbolizes purity, health. Warm water, danger of illness through sickness. Leap into water means persecutions. See water over your head, walk on it, symbolizes triumph, success. Water coming from a spot where it cannot be found, portends cares, torments, afflictions. Collect up some water, trouble proportionate to the quantity of water that has been collected. See it dry up means good times. Water carried in a broken pitcher, linen, or other thing which could not contain it, signifies losses, damages through abuse of confidence, or thefts in the house. When the water is not spilled or lost, absolute greatness of property. Concealment of this same water or what has…

Dreaming of a gold watch is lucky omen at all times.

Longing for past times

If you see the dandelion in a dream, then it means you will have wonderful experiences with your significant other. The great times are ahead of you. If you are eating dandelions, then it means you should reconsider your own health and make big changes in order to avoid the bad consequences.

The gate in the dream may represent the new chapter of your life. There is a possibility that you will face new chances and times in your waking life. Alternatively, the gate could show the end of something or inability to control your life, especially if the dreamer sees the gate being closed. If the dreamer is unable to open the gate, then he should reconsider the situations and activities in his waking life that he is not happy about. The dream could also indicate that you are not ready to take some important action in your waking life.

If you dream you’re driving the car, it means insecurity and lack of self-confidence. Save money for hard times.

…Dreaming of this is just about the same as Dreaming of the devil | it indicates stormy times and much bad fortune. Disenchantment with humanity will follow. To kill one is good….

A rainbow is a traditional sign of peace, love, and blessings coming from heaven, therefore it is good sign of health and prosperity for adults and the elderly. One of the many old legends relating to the rainbows says that the place in which the rainbow ends is found a lot of joy, the fountain of youth and great treasures with plenty of gold. All of this is usually symbolic in dreams. For many people, since the ancient times, the rainbow has been a symbol of peace and alliance of heaven and earth. Dreaming of a rainbow with all its colors is a sign of happiness that usually comes from success from the affairs that you’re managing. This dream between lovers announces marriage.

…Dreaming of being in a music room or listening to a classical music concert predicts that there will be pleasant vacations in the near future, as well as success and recognition in the dreamer’s field. If the dreamer is a young person, then this dream refers to the delights of love. Dreaming of being at a vulgar place listening to vulgar music, it indicates that friendships and the environment in which the dreamer lives are not recommendable, and that the dreamer’s business partners are not trustworthy. Dreaming of listening to beautiful music suggests that soon there will be unexpected success. Dreaming of pleasant and loud music means that bad times are coming in many ways, such as family disputes, illnesses, sentimental disappointments, etc. Dreaming of musical instruments suggests that soon the dreamer will receive pleasant surprises (entertainment, parties, trips, etc.). Dreaming of broken, old or unusable instruments, announces various…

Dreaming of crystal, no matter the form, is usually a bad omen. Dreaming of crystal objects placed in order insinuates that the dreamer’s affairs are inactive which makes them fragile and they are waiting for something unpleasant to happen. If objects appear in disarray and some are broken, it’s an announcement that bad times are approaching and the dreamer’s business affairs will soon suffer disruption and even losses. A woman who dreams that furniture and flatware, are made of glass, hints a warning that she should not trust some of her friends because they might be envious and false.

with the same. If the verse reads about mercy or glad tidings or other admonitions in the dream, the interpretation of one’s dream should be the same. If the Qur’anic verses recited in the dream connote an advice, one should act upon it in order for him to reap its benefits. If one hears a Qur’anic verse containing a warning, promising punishment for the disbelievers, or announcing a swift retribution for their sins, then one should immediately repent for his sins, even if the verses relate to previous nations or times. If one sees himself reciting the Qur’an and under- standing what it says in a dream, it denotes his vigilance, intelligence, faith and spiritual awareness. If a Qur’anic verse is recited to someone, and if he does not agree with the divine judgement in the dream, it means that he will suffer harm from someone in authority, or that…

In some ancient traditions, offering salt was the symbol of indestructible friendship because of the symbolism of incorruptibility that the saline element has, so in dreams offering or receiving salt is interpreted as a good omen, since it predicts that we have effective support for our projects and businesses or with strong friendships that will comfort us at all times.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

When you dream of seeing an asp (aspis is any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region) of in your dream, it signifies failures, troubles and severities. This dream foretells that you might lose the trust of those you love. This dream indicates hard times ahead of you, but do not worry, as this is only for a temporarily period of time.

Dreaming about sardines means hard times for you or a disagreement with a family member.

To dream about the clutch that is not working properly, indicates the hard times you will have to deal with. The clutch that is in great condition, shows that your life is in perfect condition.

(arb. See Immolation | Feast of Immolation | Five times prayers)

…To dream of the shoes represent the dreamer’s view to life generally. The dream indicates how much grounded the one is feeling. To change the shoes for a different ones means that the one is changing some part of his life. To forget the shoes means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is…

Since ancient times the egg is a symbol of fertility, so if the egg is a big part of the dream, it should be taken as a good omen of creativity and fertility. But it is also necessary to observe its appearance because if it appears to be broken, then it all means the opposite, in other words, it’s a bad omen that warns the dreamer of hopes that may not be fulfilled.

(arb. Celebration | Festival. See Five times prayers)

…will be delayed. To dream that you’re haltingly walking on top of a railway announces upcoming hard times. If you dream that way, but instead you’re walking in a cheerful way it announces success thanks to your own ability and skills. To dream about a flooded railroad track and that the water is clear and clean announces that your affairs are doing well, albeit with some delay. However, if the water is muddy, it indicates that you’ll suffer serious disorders and you are at risk of experiencing a loss. To dream that you’re aboard a parked train from which sad or weepy people had gotten off suggests that you’re at risk of suffering a disease or engaging in a dishonest and dangerous business. When partners or married couples dream this way, it symbolizes an upcoming break-up. To dream that you arrived late and lost your train insinuates that you’ll lose…

In many treaties this animal is interpreted as a symbol of the enemy. If we identify him in the dream, it means we feel well prepared to confront those who threaten us. If the vulture remains alien to us, the dream also tells us times of struggle and adversity will come, but only as a warning to be prepared for implacable enemies.

…If they are dead, but in a dream are frustrated and angry, it signifies fights. If they’re happy, the event will be joyful and beneficial. If they are still alive, it is said that this dream lengthens life. It is also sign of longing better times from of the past….

…To see a sunflower in your dream, symbolizes warmth, abundance, longevity, and prosperity. The sunflower also serves to point you in the right direction and is a source of spiritual guidance. Even through difficult times, you will persevere. Alternatively, the sunflower may denote If you dreamed of the sunflower, then such dream indicates wellness, prosperity, richness and long life. The sunflower also always goes to the right direction where the sun is shining, therefore the dreamer is going to the right direction. Alternatively, the sunflower could be an indicator of arrogance the dreamer has. Beware of rejection from others because of your false presence. You may be deceived by the false appearance of others….

…(Mediation) Interceding on behalf of someone in a dream represents honor, a seat of authority, or influence. Intercession in a dream also means cheating, or earning a wage for one’s work without humiliation. If one sees the Day of Reckoning in a dream and people searching for an intercessor among the prophets, upon all of them be peace, it means social unrest and privation of the poor and needy from one’s assistance. If one’s neighbor intercedes for him on such a day in a dream, it means that one will benefit from his neighbor, or receive his help, or find a helper in a friend in times of difficulty. If one sees his own son interceding on his behalf in a dream, it means that he will benefit from him or through his business connections, and the same is true if one intercedes on behalf of someone else in…

…To dream that you are on the docks (quay or wharf) in the harbor, symbolizes the finalization of your journey throughout worried and troubled period of your life. To be on the docks in the dream also is a symbol of successfully finished work. Are you finally reached your destination? Have you lost all of the reasons to have bad emotions? Alternatively, dream announces that very soon you will be behind some tough times and feelings. To see person from your life on the docks, means that this person finally is in good shape and condition. To dream about a ship or wreckage on the docks is unfortunate sign. This is a symbol of huge disadvantage in your proceedings. Alternatively, it shows possible financial damages. There is a good thing in this dream – it gives you a warning. It suggests for you to act quickly, if you want…

Seeing hard times.

Bad times, trouble in life.

Hope for better times.

…When a worker appears in our dreams, then such dream reveals that something exists in our lives that has e very important message which must be read carefully. Perhaps it has something to do with our jobs in waking lives. The most unfavorable explanation is for sailors and fishermen because they work at sea level. The dream shows that these men will have to face the harsh times, because of being away from their loved ones and family. The most favorable explanation of the dream goes to the farmers, gardeners and other workers in the fields and valleys. For pastoralists and farmers working on the slopes of the mountain the explanation of the dream is the same one. Consider that different qualifications of the workers have different meanings. If you are a shop assistant in your waking life and dream about being one, then such dream is simply a…

If you saw yourself shrinking, then it means that there is a shortage of self-trust. You could also feel dull and not interesting person. Maybe someone humiliates you for a long time, therefore you started thinking about yourself on the worst way. The bad opinion about yourself brings depression and hard feelings which might lead one to suicide, therefore make sure you find the help from the others. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the old times when you were small as a child.

Dreaming of a lighted house chimney hints that all matters at hand are going well and that there is prosperity. Dreaming of throwing wood to a burning fireplace indicates that any affairs that the dreamer might have will improve due to the attention that is being paid to them. If the dreamer throws any kind of fuel when the fireplace is off it indicates losses and failures. Dreaming that there is smoke coming out of a factory chimney, indicates that any affairs or matters that the dreamer may have are on track. Dreaming of factory chimney’s without smoke means that the dreamer’s affairs are declining and that bad times are approaching that will bring problems, diseases, etc. Dreaming of a chimney collapsing means that any activities that the dreamer might have will collapse as well.

In a dream, a purse represents the chief minister, an assistant manager or a vice-chairman. He is the one who remains with his superior at all times, discusses with him confidentiality, and transmits his messages. A purse in a dream also represents a war thirsty person or an influential person. Seeing a purse in a dream also means a job for an unemployed person, temptation, or lamenting the dead. (Also see Bag | Pouch | Sack | Wallet)

To dream that you are on the swing relates to nostalgia, freedom, childhood and longevity. The swings are also related to sexuality, where the dreamer is willing to experience some differences. On the other note, the childhood is being remembered, especially those times when you had lots of fun. The swings could also indicate the inability to make up your mind.

(arb. | See Five times prayers | Night prayers | Smashing)