…Red snake in a dream can be induced by external stimulus. For anyone, recently encountered intensive red color in waking life can be a reason of dreaming about red snake. It can be a blood, a sunset, a red apple, a red painting and anything else with red color. For a woman, a start of a period can be a cause of dreaming about snake in red. For a man, a spontaneous blood flow into reproductive organ is a trigger for the dreams about the red snakes. It can occur up to few times per night. Also, if closed eyes being touched by rising sun rays in a morning, it can invoke a red color snake dream….

Moving times and changes in our life. Fate is testing us.

You will have support and good advice during difficult times.

…To dream that you feel restless suggests that in your real life you’re going through difficult times and perhaps it’s due to the environment in which you’re living, for example, you may have difficulties at home, with your family, friends or business, or even ideological encounters. Obviously, this restlessness feeling is a consequence of your daily life problems….

…Red snake attack in a dream can be triggered by external stimulus. For anyone, recently in waking life encountered an intensive movement of a thing in a red color can be a source of dreaming about attack by red snake. A movement of a red car, or a bike, a burning cigarette, or a seeing of a red colored sunset can be an inspiration for your dream. For a woman, a sudden start of a monthly period can be an external stimulus of dreaming about an attack of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp feeling of spontaneous erection induced by blood flow into a body part is a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless reptiles attacks. And these feelings can be felt up to few times per sleep. Also, if closed eyes suddenly being touched by red colored light rays of rising sun early…

…Dreaming of drinking vinegar, denotes that you will be exasperated and worried into assenting to some engagement which will fill you with evil foreboding. To use vinegar on vegetables, foretells a deepening of already distressing affairs. Dreaming of vinegar at all times, denotes inharmonious and unfavorable aspects….

Dreaming of yourself talking to a deaf-mute individual announces new and surprising situations that will lead to an improvement in your social and business relationships. Dreaming of being a deaf-mute announces bad times, misfortune and possible hostility because of intrigues and slander.

All kind of blades or knives represent great times, but only if they are shiny and new, because the old blades signifies false friends and relationships.

This dream is usually a warning that our petitions won’t be attended and, most probably, won’t even be taken into account. If you dream of yourself being deaf, then it indicates that you wish not to hear, deafness is usually a call to open up and listen to what others have to say without any kind of prejudice. Dreaming of yourself talking to a deaf individual announces new and surprising situations that will lead to an improvement in your social and business relationships. Dreaming of being a deaf announces bad times, misfortune and possible hostility because of intrigues and slander.

Bad times. 96.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

Most of the times, dreaming of hotels is a reflection of concern and insecurity in situations that are taking us out of our comfort zone.

…Generally interpreted as the happy omen. To take and mount horse represents assured success. Castrate the horse, false accusation. Black horse indicates rich but wicked life, loss and damage, could also indicate the sorrow. White horse, a beautiful and honest life, wealth to accumulate. A limping horse, embarrassment and opposition to the dreamer’s proposed enterprises, contrarieties. To see a shoe put on a horse, indicates trouble, shackles. See a horse race foretells about good times, and shows that wishes are about to become true. To mount a horse boldly and master him, means rapid advancement. Ride a horse in company with men, means great gain and profit. Riding horse in a company of females, treason and misfortune. A horse replete with armor and courage, or one that is harnessed, denotes about rich establishment. If the horse belongs to another rider, joy and revelry for this person, who rode the…

…(Forearm | Limb | Member | Wing) One’s two arms in a dream represent his two brothers, his two close friends, two sons or partners. If one sees a person with short arms in a dream, it means that he is courageous, generous and wondrous. One’s arm in a dream represent his brother and supporter or a spiritual example he follows. If one’s arm is broken in a dream, it means the death of one’s brother or closest friend, or it could mean an accident or a calamity. One’s arm in a dream also signifies protection from sin or it cold represent his wife, his mother, his teacher, wealth, craft, source of income, a supporting son or a close brother one can depend on at times of difficulties. If one sees that his arm is missing something in a dream, it could mean that he has little brain, though…

Seeing troublesome but good times.

Dream about thunders means that personal matters are not going well and will get worse if they are not given immediate and wise attention. Problems will get worse if one receives water from the storm with nothing to cover. Dreams with thunder presage troubles and events which will disrupt our plans, making us doubt about the resolutions we have to make, especially in business. It is possible to have hard times regarding family relations. The good news is that, as in real life, thunders are fast and all these problems will be overcome in a short time. There’s no reason to lose hope.

…In a dream, a plate represents one’s beloved, or it could mean going through hard times, or it could represent locusts or money. A plate in a woman’s dream represents the best man in her circles. If a man sees a plate in his dream, it represents the most respected woman in his circles. If one sees a covered plate being taken out of the room of a sick person, the contents represent the cause of his illness….

Dreaming of being entangled in the meshes of a net, denotes that your rivals will succeed in getting the best of you during the times of promising hope and prosperity.

Dream of the arrival of an absent person means longing for past times, joy for the arrival of an unexpected person or the birth of a child.

…Dreaming of light fabrics for women’s clothing insinuates that the matters you’re handling will soon improve. Dreaming of people wearing high quality fabrics insinuates that you’ll receive economic benefits in the near future; for example, dividends, lotteries, inheritances, etc. This meaning is applicable to a greater extent if the dreamer sees himself/herself wearing fine fabrics. But if they look stained, dirty or damaged, then the meaning is the opposite. Generally, when fabrics are seen in a good condition and a beautiful color, we can expect good times with great success in the future. If, on the contrary, they seem dirty, damaged and are linked to unpleasant feelings, they’re an omen for a disappointing future in which our projects will fail. When you buy or sell fabrics in a dream, it predicts that your financial situation will improve quickly and unexpectedly. It’s a sign of happiness in life and great…

A faithful servant and a great assistance or internal peace. See one being very fat, means good times, felicity near at hand. Very lean ox, means scarcity of grain/famine in the land. To see white oxen at pasture, indicates honor, profit, dignity. To see a red one running wild means imminent danger. A black one signifies madness, peril of life. See oxen at labor, inestimable advantages. See them without horns means disarmed enemies. Oxen that are fighting, commencement of intestine quarrels. See oxen going to water is interpreted as a very bad omen.

Dreaming of renting a house announces that soon new opportunities for improvement will be presented in several ways. Dreaming that you can’t rent a house implies that you’re recognizing your inability to do certain things or perform certain tasks, good or bad. Dreaming of paying rent indicates that your economic capacity is satisfactory, allowing the realization of your projects. Dreaming that you can’t pay rent means that bad times are approaching.

Dreaming that authorities have arrested you means you’re feeling repressed and that in several times you had been forced to forgo things you craved and needed. If you dream someone else is arrested is a sign of divorce and breakup.

…Dreaming of mending or darning something that is old and dirty, suggests that you are trying to correct mistakes that are too late to be corrected. However if you are mending something that is new and clean, then it suggests that the mistakes will be corrected promptly, which will give you the success you want. Dreaming of wearing clothes that have been mended suggests that the dreamer is careless with him or others. Dreaming of others wearing mended clothes announces poverty, sadness or upcoming bad times for the dreamer. A young woman who dreams of mending a new dress is a warning that means difficulties precisely when she’s waiting for an era of prosperity. If you’re trying to hide clothing patches in your dream, then it may mean that your bad mood is going to harm you in some way. If you see someone sewing clothes, socks, etc. in…

…struggled, but with no avail; and all the while I watched the ghastly, hideous terror in my friend’s upturned eyes and the increasing pallor in his cheeks. I saw him clutch and unclutched his fingers as he threw them wildly above his head and clawed the air; and then I beheld him sink — sink with one final, blood curdling scream for help that rang and re-rang through my brain as I awoke. The following day, I received a letter from this friend to say that he was in the greatest trouble owing to the illness of his youngest child; the doctors gave no hope of her complete recovery; they had unhesitatingly pronounced her a cripple for life. Often have I been drowning in dreams. The Thames has claimed my immaterial body times without number, and my frantic death-struggles have aroused the sympathy of scores of limb-tied spectators on Waterloo…

(arb. Lunar eclipse. See Five times prayers)

(arb. See Five times prayers)

You will go through difficult times, but help and protection will be provided.

Support in difficult and fearful times.

(See Imam | Five times prayers | Pharaoh | Prayers)

(arb. See Five times prayers)

At sea ship indicates happy omen for those in expectation. Richly laden ship foretells about the return of good times. Tossed by the waves, hazard.

(arb. See Five times prayers)

The diaper is the symbol of childishness and innocence. If you have been wearing the diapers in a dream, then it shows how much dependent you are on others. If you have changed the diapers for somebody else, then it means that this particular person relies on you. The dirty diapers are interpreted as the necessity to clear up your mind and environment you are surrounded by. Perhaps you need to change your views and look at things from different angle. The diapers could also show how you are longing for the times you were irresponsible and didn’t have some many responsibilities. If you have babies and dream of the diapers, then such dream simply reflects your daily life.

…It seems that this dream means test or inspection. And if you’re the one who puts customs and controls, it indicates that you want to impose your opinions on others. This dream is typical in times of major changes such as marriage, job change, moving, etc. Depending on the feelings that accompany the dream we can deduce the hopes or fears we harbor about it….

(arb. See Five times prayers)

…Seeing a doggy in a dream symbolizes joy and carefree nature. It also represents a blooming friendship or that your friendships will grow stronger. Dreaming that you’re looking after dogs, indicates that you’re a trustworthy and loyal friend, especially in difficult times. Dreaming of a dog and petting it indicates profits and lasting friends. Hearing dogs barking anticipates bad news or difficulties. Seeing an angry dog in a dream denotes that you will defeat your rivals. Dreaming that you kill an angry dog means that you will overcome the bad opinions and you will rise up to prosperity….

…The glass in dreams is the symbol of security and stagnancy. The dream may show that you are trying to put invisible wall between you and others. Maybe there is some kind of situation that you are trying to protect yourself from or relationships you are tired of. The dream in which you see yourself drinking from the glass is a good dream, because it brings luck. If you look through the glass, then such dream points the openness you have while dealing with those around you. On the other hand, the dream could show the invisible wall you put between you and others. If you ate the glass in a dream, then such dream shows your apprehension, powerlessness and helplessness. You do not find the way to express your feelings and emotions. On the other hand, eating the glass in a dream could show the times of your…

(arb. See Five times prayers)

…fear and worries of going to labour. If you dream of a baby which is crying, it shows that you are seeking for attention and understanding and support from the others. There is something missing in your life and you do not feel completed as a person. If you see the baby that is hungry it shows that you are lacking of taking responsibility for yourself. If you dream of very unusually small baby, it represents your apprehension and misgiving of others knowing what you really are. If you dream of a baby that is dead, it shows that part of you will never be the same as it used to be before. If you dream of putting the baby in and out of the water it shows the reversion you will get in. It means that you are missing of times when you had no worries, been easy going…