…(Mother of humankind, may God’s peace be with her.) In a dream, Eve represents prosperity, blessings, a good harvest, a good yield, progeny, profits from a business in textile, farming, smithcraft or similar industries. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means being demoted from a station and a place of honor to a lower rank to be raised again after repenting from one’s sin. Seeing Eve in a dream also indicates pitfalls, sins, being subject to jealousy and malicious fraud, or trouble with one’s neighbors. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream also means hardships caused by one’s wife or children, consent for sexual intercourse, repentance or regret for one’s past. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardships for her husband because of her association with someone who is unsuitable for her friendship. It also means that a major adversity…

Dreaming of carnations means love and passion. Almost all authors interpret that if carnations are yellow, the dream is announcing the appearance of jealousy in the relationship. If in the dream you see yourself giving carnations to others we must always consider their color. If they are red, means desires of a sexual relationship and if they are pink, you want to declare your love. White carnations are more related to family feelings.

To dream that someone is giving you a massage suggests lack of sensual or sexual stimulation. On the other hand, it indicates that you need to take care of your body.

Dreaming that you are watching a horse race (horserace), has the symbolic significance of the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You need to believe that you are capable of succeeding in all your ambitions and aspirations. The dream also has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your sexual energy or competitive nature.

Dreaming of the excesses of all kinds accompanying orgies reveals sexual dissatisfaction, and we must ask ourselves what we should do, or revise living conditions that are too puritanical, or conversely, slow down our imagination.

If the dreamer is wearing a garter in a dream, then such dream denotes to temptation and excitation. Perhaps you are looking forward on finding new sexual aspects within your body and mind.

…Dreaming that you’re having an orgasm represents an emotional end of something. Alternatively, it means that you lack sex and you need to fix your sexual tensions….

…a tight mouthed earthenware container in a dream also means tempting a female worker. If one’s wife is pregnant and he sees himself carrying an earthenware jar that falls and breaks, it means that his wife may die from complications during her delivery or after giving birth to the newborn. In a dream, an earthenware jar also can be interpreted as a hard-working woman, or a servant, though a copper jar represents a noble woman. Ajar of wine in a dream represents woman’s menstrual period. If one drinks from ajar of wine, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife during that period, which act is forbidden in Islam. If the jar is filled with eating oil, honey, or milk, it represents a hidden treasure. The same interpretation applies for a small clay jug, a mug, a cooking earthenware, or a tin pot. (Also see Pot)…

If you wearing tights, then the dream indicates the sexual factors of your personality and trust you have about yourself. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the distrust about yourself, therefore you are wearing tights.

…a preventing illness, etcetera. However, observingthe religious rites and substance of the act remains solemn. Tayammum in a dream also may mean a journey, or an illness. If the act is performed with a dry surface such as wood, stone, dry sand, earth, or a substance that does not stick to the skin in a dream, it means that one’s travel plans may be infeasible, or it could mean that he will become cheep, or pursue his evil desires. To perform tayammum while water is accessible in a dream means falsehood and hypocrisy. It also means hoping for forgiveness while adamantly pursuing the avenues of wrongdoing, giving preference to one’s interests in the world over his lasting benefits in the hereafter, preferring masturbation over lawful sexual intercourse, or being a hypocrite, and it could mean recovering from a terminal illness, or release from prison. (Also see Enacting | Ablution)…

…death as a punishment. If it leads to employment, it will be a job serving a tyrant. If it leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices. If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back…

To see a chainsaw in your dream, suggests sadness and bad feeling about something. Chainsaw might be a symbol of some drastic changes is about to happen. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, chain saw can be interpreted as symbolism of your quickness to understand issues in your life. Are you the person, who can get right to the heart of the matter quickly? The chainsaw may be seen as a male symbol, which represents phallus. In this case it refers to your hidden sexual passion and unfilled desires.

…dream means caring for the daughter of a relative. Finding a pearl in a dream also means finding a wife. Borrowing a pearl from someone in a dream means begetting a son and giving him for adoption, or that the boy will die shortly after his birth. Pearls in a dream also mean becoming wealthy from an inheritance. As for a scholar, a pearl in a dream represents knowledge, and for a governor, it means expansion of his power. As for a merchant, it means a growing business, and for a craftsman in a dream, it means advancement in his craft. Pearls in a dream also represent the final step in adorning something and the proper way to display beauty, or they could represent fantasies and attractions. Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation. Swallowing a pearl in a…

…If you see a tiger, then such dream signifies the extraordinary power and influence the dreamer has. Perhaps you are the person who likes to be in charge of everything and manage those around you. On the other hand the tiger could reflect the sexual aspects of the dreamer, especially for women, because the tiger in some cultures is known as the symbol of birth, fertility, grown and strength. If the tiger has attacked you, then such dream indicates the fear you have towards particular people or circumstances….

If the bed is gloomy, dark, in a bad condition, or located in a dingy, dark room, it warns that whoever is lying on it may have a disease. If it is empty, danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is very small, lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed, it indicates that we are good with our partner. Dirty and untidy, dissent and disagreement. Broken, divorce or widowhood. A much decorated bed symbolizes refinement in love. If it is different from the bed you have, then it shows new loves. Seeing people we do not know in our bed symbolizes danger.

…(Cave | Den | Harbor | lodge | Refuge | Retreat | Sanctuary) Visiting a khanqan in a dream means travels, asceticism, piety, fear of wrongdoing, reading the Qur’an, ceasing to seek worldly gains, observing sexual abstinence, or it could mean suffering from asphyxia….

If you are going down in a dream, then it shows the choices you have made in your waking life are not good. You choose the wrong way to fulfill your dreams, therefore you are not going up, and instead you are going down. The going down could also represent the sexual needs when one is making oral action.

Seeing your nephew in a dream represents a sexual aspect of yourself or a new romantic adventure.

If you were sowing the seeds, then such dream represents the new tasks you have started doing. The foundation has been already built, now you must learn how to keep this project growing. Consider that the dream could also express the sexual thoughts you have such as actual love making act.

If you dreaming about being a bandit it symbolizes your sexual hunger. It seems that you wish you were more intimate to someone more than you are at this period of your life.

If during the dream it awakens a sweet feeling, it’s a symbol of love and intimacy. This can also be showing our need for protection. But if the dream is full of melancholy it can indicate nostalgia for our childhood. Of course, if in the dream there are erotic connotations, we are projecting our sexual needs.

…through prayers. Finding a key in a dream means finding a treasure, or profits from a farmland. If a wealthy person finds a key in his dream, it means that he owes alms tax and he should immediately distribute what he owes, pay charities and repent for his sins. Holding to the key of the holy Ka’aba in a dream means working for a ruler or an Imam. If a woman receives keys in a dream, it means her betrothal. Having difficulty to open a door, even with a key in a dream means hindrances in one’s business, or failure to attain one’s goal. A key in a dream also represents new knowledge for a scholar or a learned person. Putting a key inside a door in a dream means placing a deceased person inside his coffin or grave, or it could mean having sexual intercourse with one’s wife….

…If they are of our same gender and age, then the stranger dream is a reflection of ourselves. Not as we are, but as we wish we could be. If the stranger is our same age and gender but they are violent that indicates obstacles and fights. If they are of the opposite gender and we are attracted to them that reflects unsatisfied sexual desires. If we don’t feel attraction it indicates that we will meet a person who will give us help and friendship. When the stranger is of an older age, whichever gender, it symbolizes help, along with protection and success in our companies….

The lion is the king of the jungle, therefore the one who is dreaming about it will have a great fortune. The lion could also signify that there will be many barriers that you will have to overcome. If you are in fight with a lion, then such dream signifies the fact that you will overcome your evils, but only if you win that fight. If you lost the fight with the lion, then it means you will have to work even harder than usual. To get more detailed dream interpretation you should look deeper into the minor details you saw in the dream, as it would tell much more about your dream. The lions are also known as the symbolism of your sexuality. Perhaps you have too much tension and with for the sexual activities.

…(Canopy | Pavilion) In a dream, a tent means travels, a grave, a wife or a house. A camp of tents in a dream represents clouds. If a tent is raised over someone, and if he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow. If he is a soldier, it means that he will rise in rank. If he is unwed, it means that he will get married. If one sees a white tent raised beside his tent in a dream, it represents a righteous person who commands what is good and forbids what is evil. It also means that he will repent for a hideous sin. If one sees the moon inside his tent in a dream, it means that he will illicit sexual intercourse with a boy or with a young girl from a noble family. Seeing unknown white or green tents in a valley…

To dream that you kill one, shows that you will overcome difficulties and enemies, and be successful in love, trade, and farming. The snake is also a symbol of passion and sexual desires.

To have interaction with intruder in the dream, means that you have anxiety for to be offended. Alternatively, you should think about what unfamiliar feelings or ideas, thoughts and conceptions may be breaking into your peace of mind. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, an intruder has stands as an omen for self-indulgent behavior or unwanted sexual desires or attention. To be an intruder, when you are dreaming, is the symbolic significance for your feelings of guilt.

…In a dream a red snake demonstrates a progress of sexual urges. According to Freud, a red snake is the one of the best dream images representing male organ. Thus dreaming of a red snake refers to a development of sexuality in a dreamer’s life….

…In a dream, a honeycomb represents an inheritance of a lawfully earned money, or money from a business partnership, or profits in general as long as the fire does not touch it. If a honeycomb is placed before someone in a dream, it means that he has knowledge which he wants people to hear about or to learn. If the honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a…

…yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you. To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those…

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with a bagel, when you are dreaming, means emptiness. Bagel can be interpreted as symbolism that something is missing from your life. Maybe same situation or relationship is not completely whole. On the other hand, there can be intimate explanation, bagel can have symbolic meaning of primal passion and sexual desires.

If you saw or seen the chili in a dream, then it means you are trying to put some spiciness in your life. The dream could also denote to the sexual aspects such as intimacy and passion.

…(Pearls) In a dream, cold tears mean happiness while warm tears mean sadness. Running tears over one’s cheeks without crying in a dream mean slander that carries weight. Guarded tears in someone’s eyes that do not flow over his cheeks in a dream mean storing illegal money, or disguising the unlawful source of one’s income which one’s adversaries will eventually unveil or expose. If such tears are finally shed in the dream, they mean that one will willingly spend such money, or get rid of it to conceal his act. If one sees tears running from his right eye and entering his left eye in the dream, it means that his son and daughter may engage in sexual intercourse, and he must immediately separate between their rooms, and teach them about the lawful and the unlawful. Tears which come during yawning in a dream signify payment of an unjust…

The struggles we have in dreams against gorillas are a reflection of the necessary struggle to master primitive instincts, especially sexual ones.

To dream that you are flying represents sensation of freedom. It can also have a sexual connotation. You should leave yourself to your sensations.

…Dreaming that you’re eating oysters indicates the impulses and sexual satisfaction. On the other hand, it means that you’re losing strength and your senses by pursuing pleasures and indulgences for yourself. Seeing a plate of oysters in a dream symbolizes beauty, humility, wealth and wisdom. Seeing oyster shells in a dream means that you’re frustrated on your temptation to secure your fortune and on how to spend money….

The champagne in dreams is associated with the celebrations and achievements the one has obtained. If you saw the champagne that was opened, then according to Freud it relates to the sexual intercourse.

…If plums are mature, it indicate joyful and shared sexual desires. If they’re green, it portend disappointments. If it is a prune, we should meditate on these issues for a while….

…or attainment of one’s goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan. An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community. Eating an apple in a dream also means earning somethingpeople cannot see. Plucking an apple in a dream means money earned through a respectable person. Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Smelling an apple inside a mosque in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees herself smelling an apple during a reception in a dream, it means misconduct and the permeation of sin. If she sees herself eating an apple in a known place in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a handsome son. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s sexual desires or being sexually obsessed. (Also see Magician)…

…(Homosexuality | Lover of boys | Sodomize | Sodomy) Molesting a child, or forcing a boy to sodomy in a dream means committing an evil act, loss of one’s capital to one’s enemy, engaging in loathsome actions, losing dignity, or confronting an enemy. (Also see Anus | Inkwell | Satan | Scorpion | Sexual inter- course | Sodomy)…