…To come under the influence of absinthe in dreams, denotes that you will lead a merry and foolish pace with innocent companions, and waste your inheritance in prodigal lavishness on the siren, selfish fancy. For a young woman Dreaming that she drinks absinthe with her lover warns her to resist his persuasions to illicit consummation of their love. If she dreams she is drunk, she will yield up her favors without strong persuasion. (This dream typifies that you are likely to waste your energies in pleasure.)…

If you dream that you drink alcohol and celebrate something, it has a positive meaning, which shows that you enjoy and celebrate life. You are the happy person. Alternatively, if you drink alcohol and feel very drunk or unhappy, then it signifies your emotional state of mind where you feel melancholic and even depressed.

…Dreaming of intoxication, denotes that you are cultivating your desires for illicit pleasures. See Drunk….

…to confess and apologize for his wrongdoing, though he does not like being caught. It could also mean paying damages, health problems, or it could mean a financial misfortune. Vomiting blood in one’s dream means repentance from sin, restraining oneself from indulging in what is forbidden, or it could mean satisfying one’s debts, or fulfillment of a vow. If one drinks wine, then vomits the same in his dream, it means that he has received some tainted or unlawful money that he will remit to its rightful owner and repent for his sin. If one gets drunk then throws up in his dream, it means that he is a stingy person who does not take good care of his own family. If one swallows a pearl then throws up honey in his dream, it means that he will render a correct interpretation of some Qur’anic verses. Drinking milk then vomiting…

If you are intoxicated in a dream, then such dream shows how much you’ve got yourself out of control. You are unable to manage your emotions and feelings. The dream could also symbolize your awareness towards some situation. To get more interpretation of your dream, please see the meaning of Drunk.

…To dream you are drunk, is loss in business; but success in love; to a woman, it denotes she will be beloved by a stranger; and to a man that he will be married to a rich young widow. To the married it denotes domestic bliss. To see a drunken man, shows that you will be guilty of some foolish action. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 20….

To dream that you are drinking beer, means that you wish to relax and forget all of your problems. Perhaps you have too much pressure on your shoulders and too many responsibilities, therefore you need to relax while drinking alcohol. If you felt very happy while drinking the beer, then such dream foretells that you are surrounded by very nice company and enjoying the time of your life. To get more detailed interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of drunk, which will give you more information.

Dreaming about drinking beer inside a tavern is bad omen, since it suggests troubles and difficulties are coming. Dreaming of drunk patrons in a tavern, drinking beer or any other liquor is always a warning that something is brewing against the dreamer, who is likely to be the victim of gossip and slander.

To dream of being in the nightclub indicates your happy appearance. You will have much joy and celebrations, however you should be careful, because the celebration is happening during the night. The nightclub is also a place of the sins where people get drunk or have one night stands.

To be drunk in a dream indicates moral hopelessness and loneliness.

(See DRUNK).

…To dream that you’re at a party is usually a good sign, especially if people are dancing happily and dressed in a decent or elegant way, as this suggests prosperity. To dream that you’re at a party and feel sad indicates that soon you’ll receive bad news, probably including the death of a loved one. To dream that you’re at a party where there are service personnel implies infidelity in your marriage, losses in your business, lawsuits or jealousy between lovers. To dream that you’re at a party and are drunk and behaving in a scandalous way indicates that the hypocrisy of some friendships will cause you losses and other damages. To dream of yourself as a party host and such party is in disorder because of the amount of wine that has been drank indicates that you’ll soon be victim of ingratitude and calumny. To dream that you’re…

…means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people. If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time. If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. If one sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable. If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or…

If you dream that you are having some kind of alcohol such as gin, it means that you wish to relax or escape the problems you have. The gin could also show that you are very shy person and you need to use some of the alcohol in order to communicate with others easily. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of drunk and alcohol.