…Dreaming of living in a hotel, denotes ease and profit. To visit women in a hotel, your life will be rather on a dissolute order. Dreaming of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel. If you dream that you are the proprietor of a hotel, you will earn all the fortune you will ever possess. To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have. Dreaming of hunting a hotel, you will be baffled in your search for wealth and happiness….

Dreaming of a conjuror, denotes unpleasant experience will beset you in your search for wealth and happiness.

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

To dream of the canteen denotes to the search of satisfaction and happiness of the emotional necessity. Perhaps you are trying to find some easy way of joy.

To dream about the equator, indicates the search for spiritual expansion and your new Ego. Alternatively, it means that you are exploring hidden aspect of yourself in order to become more whole. Are you seeking for complete completeness?

If this letter appears clearly is a message of expansion and search, as the tensioning bow before launching the arrow.

…Dreaming of spice, foretells you will probably damage your own reputation in search of pleasure. For a young woman Dreaming of eating spice, is an omen of deceitful appearances winning her confidence….

(Dig up a grave | Unearth) Exhuming the body of a deceased person and finding him alive in his grave in a dream means pursuing his tradition, knowledge, wisdom, trade or practices. It also means acquiring lawful money. If one finds him dead in his grave, then there is no benefit in his striving. A grave robber or a body snatcher in a dream represents a deliberate and a premeditated scheme to unravel a mystery, or forming an expedition to search for a hidden treasure. Digging the grave of a renowned scholar in a dream means studying his school of thought and the restoration of his studies, life, traditions and prominence. (Also see Grave digger | Grave)

…It means protection and transcendence. A big castle symbolizes the search for a more spiritual life. If the castle is white, then it shows the desire of a quiet life in meditation and spirituality. If it’s dark, it symbolizes a struggle to emerge from a spiritual confusion. If it’s black, it reflects fear of fate, not reaching salvation. If we talk in a less transcendent sense and everyday life, then it shows that when we see a castle, wealth will be obtained depending on your status. If it is dilapidated but still beautiful, we will have problems while achieving wealth but in the end, we will get it. If we live in the castle, then wealth is assured….

…To dream that you have an infection, shows the way of negative thinking. Infection in the dream is also the symbol of negative ideas, thoughts and conceptions that you have in your mind. The part of the body is very important. Consider where in the body is this infection for more significant and meaningful explanations, interpretations. Search for that particular part of the body and see what it means….

Read a gospel passage means desire and search for spiritual peace.

Dreaming of eating oysters suggests that the dreamer is losing the sense of morality due to engaging in activities that might be illegal. Dreaming of trading with oysters indicates that the dreamer’s unscrupulousness makes the dreamer search for illicit love affairs. Dreaming of only the oyster shells hints future failures and significant losses when trying to deprive others from things that belong to them.

The search for protection before the dangers around you.

…means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is a lack of self –esteem. To lose the shoes means that you are in search of who you are. The shoes of the kids or babies, symbolizes purity and innocence. If you already have kids it shows the very strong between you and your children….

If someone was clapping in a dream, then it may represent your search for the approval. You wish to be accepted by others. To get more detailed interpretations of this dream please see the meaning of Applause.

…A house symbolizes the physical body of a person| therefore, depending on the condition the house is in, that’s the way the dreamer will feel physically. When the dreamer sees his or her own home in present time and it looks beautiful, it indicates joy for the success in the affairs and business that the dreamer is managing. If there are new foster homes in the dream, especially of children, it indicates tranquility and a pleasant home and work life. When there are small, old, and neglected houses in the dream it indicates that the health of the dreamer is deteriorating and that business, work, etc., will go from bad to worse if they are not given immediate and effective attention. If the dreamer leaves his or her own house it means that there is an internal concern about venturing into new activities in the search of fortune. Dreaming…

Predict success and prosperity through hard work and teamwork. If bees make honey in our house, or our property, success and fortune are ensured. Being stung by a bee represents the existence of a danger to our reputation because of slander. Seeing angry bees attacking us signifies conflicts with partners, or that you are abandoning work because of the search for pleasures, which can bring misfortune and ruins. Killing bees is the worst dream, it indicates that the ruin is inevitable, and is near. Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.

(Broker | Stockbroker | Wood warm) In a dream, termites represent jealousy, envy, perfidy, competition in knowledge, or search for arguments. If one sees termites in his carry -on bag, or eating from his staff in a dream, they mean his death. Termites in a dream also represent a slanderer who tricks wealthy people to make his commission by advising them to place their money into bad investments. If a sick person sees termites inside his house or clinging to his skin in a dream, it also means his death. If one sees termites eating his wooden door, table or bed in a dream, they mean an illness. Termites in a dream also means having a large family with little income.